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Chapter 939: Astray

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Fortunately, the hotel’s bed was relatively large and air-conditioned. Lu Feng checked that it was around eight o’clock in the evening, picked up the phone and called the hotel where Mr. Ni was.

"Hello, please transfer me to Room 1655." Lu Feng said to the phone.

The call was transferred, and Mr. Ni answered the phone and said, "Who?"

"Mr. Ni, it's me! Lu Feng." Lu Feng said to the phone: "I'm in the hotel now. I just came back from a chat with Mr. Liu. Because it was late, I didn't go to your side."

"What does he mean?" President Ni didn't seem to have any hope for the result.


Lu Feng sighed, feeling his helplessness through the phone.

"How do you say? Knowing people, knowing your face, and not knowing your heart. Don't tell people these things. I said them. He told me a lot, but I won't let me repeat them. I will not tell you about the relationship between the two of us. You, then I am no longer a human, am I?" Lu Feng said very sincerely on the phone.

When Mr. Ni heard these heart-wrenching words, he sighed that people like Lu Feng could believe it in this deceitful business world.

"What did he say?" Mr. Ni asked with great courage.

"I've said your terms again. I didn't expect that they would curse people directly. I won't repeat those words. Mr. Liu told me that the company is a company of others, and whether you leave or stay is just a piece of rhetoric from others. No matter what, you are not qualified to talk to others about this, you are a subordinate employee."

"Fuck shit!!!" Mr. Ni scolded directly, and his blood pressure was a little high for a moment.

"Don't get excited, I just repeat it. What people mean is that you can arrange a position with a bigger name, such as a joint director, or a senior president. Give you a salary and let you stay. Don't worry about other things." Lu Feng sighed helplessly, and said, "To be honest, in this case, if I were you, I would definitely not wait!"

"I won't wait anymore. He walked on a road where he could see his head. Without core technology, he would always be an empty shell. I disdain to be with such a person!" Mr. Ni said in a deep voice.

"We're not angry, I really can't commit a crime. Anyway, we are leaving. We must not take less money. I will help you fight for it, so that it is not appropriate for you to meet with him. Right?" Lu Feng coaxed.

Mr. Ni felt that he had a headache, and he leaned on the sofa and gasped for a breath. "Alright, now that I have reached this point, I don't want to see him anymore."

"Don't worry about it. If you are in a bad mood, go out and relax. Or else, you can book a ticket tomorrow and follow me back to Shenzhen to take a stroll to the industrial park over there. How about visiting our company? We will do the guidance." Lu Feng asked.

"Your company is developing well, I can't provide guidance, and the research directions are different." Mr. Ni declined.

"Look, you are not modest anymore. You are an academician. The title is here. I also know that you are in a bad mood. Go for a rest. Don't worry. I will pack round-trip air tickets and accommodation." Lu Feng packed Ticket road.

"Mr. Lu, I still have something to do here, and I really don't want to move recently."

"Mr. Ni, you...I know that you are in a bad mood. I'm not doing this for your own good. Your repeated refusal makes my face a little bit awkward. Little brother, I'm busy running around, you say Isn’t it? Just go for one day and come back the next day, don’t you think it’s okay?"

Ni always really didn't want to go, but Lu Feng had already talked about it. If he didn't go, it seemed too shameful, and he could only agree to it.

"Don't worry, I'll book you a plane ticket, and I'll call him now and tell him that we won't do it anymore."

Lu Feng put down the phone, with uncontrollable joy on his face. He also changed his history. He happily called President Liu's hotel. After the phone was connected, Lu Feng adjusted his mood.


"Ms. Liu, it's me, Lu Feng! Hey, hey, I have nothing to say about this. I conveyed your meaning, guess what?" Lu Feng asked.

"What's the matter? Scold me?"

"Isn’t it, I’ve said that it’s not rare to take care of it. Just those conditions will be implemented as soon as possible, and they will be happy and swearing. I’ll say a lot of good things for you, but they won’t listen at all. Hearing that, I am asking for money. Fortunately, I am smart. I didn't explain the actual situation at the beginning. I said that the equity was half, and then I said that he would give him all the equity, and then I agreed."

Mr. Liu coldly snorted: "Things with short-sightedness, but it's good. You don’t see what you see. It saves you all the time to mess around in the company and spend money to eliminate disasters. Mr. Lu, you have to do this. To learn from experience, one's own business still has to be firmly controlled by one's own hands."

"I know, this time I opened my eyes. I have made all those conditions clear. From now on, you will be a passerby." Lu Feng said to the phone; "You should rest early."

"Well, well, Mr. Lu has worked so hard. Don't hesitate to talk if you have anything in the future."

"No problem, we are on the same line, we are hung up!"

Lu Feng hung up the phone and called Mr. Ni again. It was natural to scold Mr. Liu on the phone, saying how difficult it is for him to get the equity and salary.

On the phone, Mr. Ni naturally yelled at him. He deserved all these things. He didn't even want to give these things to himself. He was simply not a human being.

Lu Feng had a good consolation on the phone, accompanied him to scold him, and finally let President Ni rest early. After all, he will go to Shenzhen tomorrow to relax.

Zhang Fengxia has been sitting next to him and watching him call. Two phones and two faces. She wants to laugh when she sits and looks at her. Sometimes she really feels that if such a person is not a close person and has money, she will How many people like it?

Zhang Fengxia has seen the world and knows what a gentleman is. Lu Feng is definitely not a gentleman. If he works in a company, he is definitely the most disgusting person in the department. Cheating.

But it was such a person, she didn't know why she was so attracted to herself.

Maybe when the pattern of the villain is enlarged, after he has made a big business, he will not be a villain, but a hero, the so-called hook thief and the country thief, maybe this is the truth.

"What are you planning to do again?" Zhang Fengxia said, "I thought you were here to accompany me to meet my relatives. I didn't expect to have other arrangements."

"I didn't know about the incident when I came. No matter what age, the most lack of talents will always be talents. R&D talents are really difficult to get." Lu Feng lit a cigarette and said, a little worried: "I I can’t wait to rob someone."

"Well, let's rest early. I have to go back tomorrow." Zhang Fengxia walked towards the bathroom, ready to wash.

Lu Feng called the airport ticket office and booked a ticket. He turned around and was about to lie down. As soon as he lay down, he straightened his eyes. One side of the bathroom was made of glass. Lying on the bed was really unobstructed.

"The design of this hotel is really..." Lu Feng was a little speechless, and there is such a bold design in this era, which is also eye-opening.

Slowly turned her head over, but twisted it unconsciously. I have to say that Zhang Fengxia's figure is still okay. The height of 1.71 meters is estimated to be no more than 110 kilograms. There is everything that should be there, and also Very well-proportioned.

Zhang Fengxia was almost washed, wrapped in a bath towel and walked out, looking at Lu Feng and said, "What are you looking at?"

"It's nothing, it's a very interesting design." Lu Feng sat up and said.

Zhang Fengxia glanced in the direction of the bathroom, and was silly on the spot. The glass in the bathroom was obstructed from the inside, but the outside view was unobstructed?


"Don't call it!" Lu Feng was anxious, but her parents lived next door. It would be really embarrassing if this was heard by the next door.

"What kind of **** design? You just..."

"I started from the perspective of art, don't you believe it?" Lu Feng looked at her sincerely.

The matter has reached this point, Zhang Fengxia can't believe it, she can only nod her head and said: "Okay, art!"

"Then I will take a shower."

"You block it."

After finally washing up, lying on the bed and turning off the light, Zhang Fengxia felt a little When she remembered that she had squeezed a few times while taking a bath, she was panicked.

However, under this kind of shame, there is still a bit of expectation secretly flowing, will he feel itchy?

The room was extremely dim, and compared to last night's helplessness, there seemed to be no excuses tonight.


Lu Feng turned his head and glanced at her, and said, "Get some rest early."

"Well, go to sleep, I can't tell Sister Xiaoyan this when I go back."

"My mind is fine, why do you say this?" Lu Feng replied.

"Actually, I sometimes make jokes with her. She doesn't seem to be that resistant. She is really a good woman, but she has some common problems with women, and her heart is different." Zhang Fengxia whispered.

Yeah, are the two sleeping in the same bed making trouble now?

In the past, Jiang Xiaoyan pushed her to the bed by herself. Although those years were rather absurd, she opened it for the first time. In addition to the absurdity of the rich world, both of them were already a little numb.

Jiang Xiaoyan told Zhang Fengxia that she now feels that a man who is very rich, if he only raises a few wives outside, and occasionally goes out to play, he still has this family in his heart, and he feels that he is a good man.

Similarly, those women who went to the sea to become rich in business, there are not many men behind them, and few ridiculous things, and no one believes them.

"Stop talking, go to sleep!" Lu Feng whispered.


Zhang Fengxia agreed, and her body moved slightly, and Lu Feng could feel someone else's body temperature on her skin, and for a moment she felt a little confused.

Ye, already groggy, everyone will make mistakes, even if they make mistakes again and again, there are many people who go astray and can't look back.

But Lu Feng didn't know if this road was going astray, after all, Jiang Xiaoyan guided him on this road back then.

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