Back to 1990

Chapter 944: Frame

Lu Feng briefly learned about the Ruixin R&D Center, and turned around and ordered the engineer dispatched to the country: "You must learn more and watch more. Only by studying well with others can you have a big harvest!"

Everyone nodded.

"Because everyone is busy, I also made a special trip to see you all, knowing that everyone is a good soldier dispatched from Nokia Group, Jiafeng Group is also honored to be able to join you in research and development." Lu Feng said to everyone: " The current scientific and technological world is at a critical point of breakthrough. I believe that those who can stand here are the world's top technical experts..."

What Lu Feng said was nothing more than some scenes, which stimulated emotions, boasted how great this group of people were, and how small he said himself.

Liu Cheng stood aside and took the lead in applauding. Several assistants stood nearby. One of them rang and answered the phone and walked outside.

"Okay, I'll let Mr. Liu answer the phone right away." After he finished speaking, he walked hurriedly and whispered in Liu Cheng's ear: "Mr. Wei's call, it says something is urgent."

Liu Cheng answered the phone and said, "Mr. Wei, this is Liu Cheng, what's the matter?"

"Is President Lu by your side?" Wei Yandan asked.

"Yes, I'm talking to the engineers, what's the matter?"

"There is something wrong with the African market. South Africa investigated us five hours ago. Many companies claimed that we had infringed on their patent rights and requested South Africa to seize and seize us and prohibit sales in the local area. The situation is still not good. I understand, tell President Lu about this first, and wait until you have more details!" Wei Yandan said solemnly.

Liu Cheng's face became stiff when he heard the news, and he hung up the phone after agreeing again and again. Looking back, he saw that Lu Feng was chatting with a few Nokia engineers very happily. The words also talked about domestic and Chinese culture.

Liucheng walked over and whispered in Lu Feng's ear: "There is something wrong with the South African market. Several companies said that we have infringed on their patent rights and the goods have been seized and seized. The specific situation is still unclear."

Lu Feng was taken aback for a moment, and instantly recovered. He nodded to indicate that Liu Cheng could stand aside, and shook hands with a white chief engineer in front of him with a smile on his face and said, "Thank you very much for your love of Chinese culture. , I plan to set up a R&D center in China, and you can also be invited to exchange visits at that time. If you are interested, you can try to stay in China for a year."

"That's great, I will definitely go if I have such an opportunity."

A few foreigners who like to go to the country looked excited, while others also showed interest. Seeing this, Lu Feng already had a plan in his heart. It was the right way to attract these people to the country.

It’s already noon for a good chat. I was supposed to have dinner with everyone. Lu Feng just said that there was something temporary. I hope I can meet in China next time, and I hope everyone will make a major breakthrough in research and development.

After leaving the Ruixin R&D Center, Lu Feng's smile disappeared, and he asked Liucheng, "What's the situation? Isn't the African market always stable?"

"It's still unclear. Please contact the headquarters when you go back. It happened suddenly." Liucheng strode towards the car.

At the headquarters of the group, Wei Yandan and the others are in contact with South African personnel. The three matching companies also have a certain influence in the local area and are quickly learning about the situation through some channels.

Faced with this unexpected situation, everyone seemed a little flustered. At the same time, Motorola, Panasonic, and Sony issued announcements, claiming that Jiafeng Electronics has infringed patent rights in a number of core technologies, and requested a thorough investigation worldwide. The non-protection of patent rights is the protection of plagiarism.

As soon as these remarks came out, the country was the first to cause an uproar in the country. People who scolded Jiafeng Electronics had a wave of waves. There were even some media editors and editors who wrote articles personally and cursed Jiafeng Electronics for ‘stealing’ everywhere.

Public opinion is fierce. In comparison, Lu Feng seems to care more about the situation abroad. Throughout the 1990s, or even two thousand years later, domestic products will be labeled as copycats and plagiarism.

This hat does not know how many companies suppressed can not stand up.

In the hotel, Lu Feng leaned on the chair and sank like water, and turned towards Liucheng; "The logic behind this incident may not be that simple. On the surface, it is the second wave of attacks launched by companies headed by Motorola against us. I think behind the scenes There is a shadow of Wall Street."

"Wall Street?" Liu Cheng couldn't believe it, and said, "Just because you played them a bit, this group of people will bite you? I don't think it's possible. Those people are busy making money."

"If they are just to make money, of course they don't care about me. There is a big background here, and that is the technological hegemony between the United States and Fuso. In the world, which country has the most semiconductor companies? The United States! Who is the leader in technology now? Fuso, it's Motorola, Sony, Toshiba, and of course, France, Italy!"

"However, the main global competitiveness comes from these two countries. We are advancing by leaps and bounds in R&D and working towards chips. How could they give up? When we go international and face the world, we should consider any issues. Don’t simply go. Considering the market, we must give priority to the game of big powers, understand?"

Liu Cheng was dumbfounded by this analysis. He was still thinking of staying in the country, simply considering the market, or competitors, everyone played until the end, isn't it just to make money.

However, Lu Feng’s point of view is not simply making money. Even if he kills Jiafeng Electronics without making money, but also loses money, these people still want to kill themselves.

From his acceptance of Schroder’s investment to the decision to move towards research and development of core technologies, this day was doomed.

The phone kept ringing, and Lu Feng picked up the phone and listened to the report over there. It was obvious that the senior executives of the group did not have any means and experience to deal with international emergencies.

"Mr. Lu, I have notified Kevin that he has relevant experience to deal with this matter." Wei Yandan said.

"He is now in the Singapore market. What is the use of you telling him? He is mainly exploring the international market. In a situation like this, no one can help but go to the local area to find out the situation. Regarding the domestic public opinion, it is necessary to clarify the first time. Let me leave the affairs of South Africa. At the same time, you organize a team and go with me. This time you are also training everyone's ability to respond to international emergencies." Lu Feng ordered: "Also, let Thailand's wealthy security company Keep me safe."


Putting down the phone, Lu Feng looked at Liucheng and said, “Don’t go with you. Put all your thoughts on research and development. I will bear the external pressure. It will take up to two years. If you can’t take it in 1996, If you give a copy of the results, you and I are all empty, you know?"

Lu Feng sighed and patted Liu Cheng on the shoulder.

Liucheng didn't know why Lu Feng was so sure in 1996, but he could feel that Lu Feng was really about to lose it.

"I'll help you book tickets!" Liu Cheng stood up and said.

In the hotel, there is only Lu Feng left. At the beginning, I decided to take this road, but I didn’t expect it to be so difficult. If we continue to develop core technologies, the international pressure will be great. Wall Street will never stop suppressing him. As for the Schroder Group, don’t look at it now. As long as Jiafeng Electronics has a breakthrough in its core technology, Lu Feng knows with his toes that he will definitely be the first to get out of the board of directors.

"There are wolves before and tigers behind!"

Lu Feng sighed, took a deep breath and stood up to make him feel better. Looking at the beautiful scenery outside, the first thing he thought of was failure. If he failed in Jiafeng Electronics, he would not have much chance after two thousand years. Up.

Intel is very powerful in the chip field, and even companies like AMD can't get much meat from its mouth.

If you can’t change history, let’s be a rich man safely and securely. By then, it should be worse. There should also be one billion eight billion in hand. Buy some Moutai stocks and be a tens of billions of rich man safely and securely. Of course, say. Maybe by 2020, he will be the richest man again.

"Being a rich man with no promise, as if he had never come back, and his conscience would not be so uncomfortable!"

Involving Jiafeng Electronics, the company, Huaxia’s external department began to be unable to sit still, and stood up and said that these companies did not have any evidence that Jiafeng Electronics had infringed on patent rights, but was in the first place. Time has been seized and seized. This practice of checking you as long as I suspect you have it is a typical hegemonism.

What's the point of the spokesperson's scolding?

In the 1990s, our words were very sharp and were of no use at all. Years later, when we say that you pay the price, we will let you pay the price.

Jiafeng Electronics has once again become the focus of international finance. Everyone thinks that Jiafeng Electronics stole it, because people say you stole it. They are so rich and have such good technology. How could they frame you?

The public opinion field of the whole world, except Europe, is basically the same. Due to competition reasons, Europe's reports on Jiafeng Electronics are completely different.

After reading all the reports, Lu Feng did not thank Europe, not because they liked themselves, but because it was more beneficial to them.

The first direct flight to South Africa was two days later. Lu Feng stepped on the plane under the pressure of global public opinion. Before he got on the plane, he understood that the words'patent infringement and thief' could no longer be wiped from Jiafeng Electronics. go with.

Because people say you stole it and want to compete with the world's top countries as a company, it is completely dreaming. What Lu Feng can do is to reduce losses as much as possible and preserve the African market.

If you can't knock this opponent hard, you can only stubbornly stubbornly survive.

As the plane was about to land, on the way, Lu Feng saw the African savannah and the vast and fertile land. Maybe he was more depressed. Lu Feng joked to the fat black buddies next to him: "Hey, brother, there are tigers in Africa, you know. Well?"


The little black fat brother is full of question marks.

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