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Chapter 546: Pies from the sky

   Chapter 546 Pies fall from the sky

  Maybe Oguchi Hisao and Sega didn’t plan to raise prices on the ground, but obviously they didn’t plan to sell Sega hastily. Obviously, they were going to shop around.

  Sega has already released the news, and it is ready to wait for a few more buyers to come to the door, and then choose a suitable gold owner.

   Satomi Haru also guessed what Oguchi Hisao and Sega were thinking, but he didn't come here today to listen to some flickering reason.

   "President Koguchi Hisao, I know that Sega must still be waiting for the conditions of other acquirers, but I have to say that Sammy's conditions are already the best!"

   Satomiji directly said to Hisao Oguchi and others, "I hope that Sega can accept the acquisition conditions proposed by Sammy and let Sammy merge with Sega!"

   Hearing Satomiji clarifying his words, Koguchi Hisao frowned. He didn't want to sell himself to Sega so quickly, but Satomiji obviously wouldn't let it go.

   "Saami is willing to exchange equity with Sega, 35% of Sammy's equity in exchange for 60% of Sega's equity, and Sammy can compensate Sega's board of directors for a billion dollars in cash!"

   Satomiji directly offered the conditions, which he negotiated with Song Yang, and bought Sega directly from Sega's major shareholders, Hayao Nakayama and GSK Group.

   After the acquisition of Sega, Sammy will get most of the equity, which is also equivalent to Xue Leshan directly becoming the gold owner of Sega.

35% of Sammy's equity, plus a billion dollars in cash, honestly, it's not too low. This price was put in front of Sega five years ago. It is estimated that Sega thought it was an insult to it, but it is different now. , I don't dare to say that it is broken and settled. Sega, which has started to sell the host business, has a really difficult life.

The conditions proposed by Xue Leshan and Sammy are really good, at least compared to other companies that may acquire Sega's Nintendo, Sony, Capcom, Konami, Nangong Dream, etc. The conditions proposed by Sammy, I can't say it's the best, but at least it's good.

   "If the merger is completed, the Sega brand will be preserved, and a new game console will be developed. This is Mr. Bruno Song's promise to Sega!"

   Satomiji said that Sega sold itself to two rivals, Sony and Nintendo. Basically, there is a high probability that the brand will not be able to be preserved. Since then, there will be no more legends of Sega in the console industry.

  Oguchi Hisao was obviously moved when he heard that the Sega brand could be kept, and after a few whispered conversations with the left and right, "I need to report to Director Hayao Zhongshan. I hope that the cash payment can reach more than 1.1 billion US dollars..."

   Satomi clenched his teeth, "Saami can raise the purchase price, but I need to get a reply from Sega by this time tomorrow, I hope it's good news!"

  Oguchi Hisao and Satomi Oji looked at each other, then nodded, "I hope so too!"

After leaving Sega, Satomi immediately called Song Yang. Now, for Sammy, it is just waiting. The acquisition of Sega, for Sammy, not only means having game consoles, arcades, and matching console games Wait, there are more than 500 arcade stores under Sega.

This night is a fateful moment for Sega. It is also the same for many Japanese game companies. Game makers such as Capcom, Nangong Meng, and Konami have some ideas about Sega. , but the conditions they put forward are a bit worse than Sammy.

   What is the current situation of Japanese benzene? The games, animation, electronic room and other industries are not very prosperous. How can these companies come up with 110 million US dollars in cash in one breath?

Not to mention them, even Nintendo and Sony feel a little bit overwhelmed. These two companies can take it out, but Nintendo is arrogant, and Yamauchi doesn't even call Sega. If it is under Nintendo, Sega's small You can imagine what the **** will happen in the days.

Not to mention the relationship between    and Sony. Sega is in this field today, and it is inseparable from Sony's several "assistances". When it comes to Sony's hands, Sega is estimated to be hidden to the end of the world.

   In addition to those in the game and console industries, the Ballroom Company, headed by Han Changyou and his gang, has also begun to make offers to Sega, and wants to keep Sega and prevent Sammy from acquiring Sega.

However, these billiard companies have money, but that is their advantage. When they were bought by Han Changyou, Sega could not get any other help, neither could they provide game supply, nor could Sega return to North America. game market.

   After thinking about it, Sega found that the best conditions were still on Sami's side, at least the best for Sega.

  Seattle, Bill Gates had a surprised look on his face after taking a document from his assistant, "Is this from ICQ?"

The assistant    said quickly, "It was a call from ICQ President Doherty Erin personally. Xue Leshan Games, a subsidiary of ICQ, invited Microsoft to cooperate in the game console business!"

Looking at the document in his hand, Bill Gates has a weird feeling, saying that the pie is falling from the sky, knowing that it is impossible, saying it is not, but this scratches his itch again, Microsoft is not interested in the game console industry, but I don't know how many years I have coveted.

   Since attending the hearing on Capitol Hill, Bill Gates has acted low-key, relying on the cake cake incident and his performance on Capitol Hill, Bill Gates has gained a lot of impressions in the outside world.

Bill Gates, like Microsoft, is keeping a low profile. The anti-monopoly lawsuit with Netscape is still ongoing. Although the market is not good for Microsoft, the lawsuit is dragged on. As long as it is dragged on, Microsoft will win. Because Netscape is about to be dragged down by Microsoft.

   "Let Ballmer and the others come over!"

  Bill Gates pondered for a while, and said to his assistant, asking Microsoft executives to come to him.

Ballmer and several other executives in charge of the business came to Bill Gates' office, including recently at Microsoft, Terry Myerson, who is now in charge of the development of Microsoft's WP system, the The system used to challenge the Saipan system.

Entering Bill Gates' office, Myerson consciously sat in the outermost place, a room of executives, in addition to Ballmer, as well as Microsoft Chief Financial Officer Greg Murphy and others, these people, May Ersen can only be regarded as a person who has just climbed to the power level of Microsoft. Compared with these characters, it is still too far behind.

   When thinking about this, Myerson heard Bill Gates' words in his ears, "What do you think of the ICQ proposal?"

From a distance, Melson couldn't see what Bill Gates was holding at all, but then he knew what was going on, and his reaction was not much better than when Bill Gates first heard the news. ICQ and Xue Leshan invited Microsoft to develop game consoles. No matter how you think about it, it feels like a weasel is greeting the chicken for the New Year.

   "Bruno Song would be so kind?!"

   After seeing the document, Ballmer couldn't help but complain, which immediately caused a burst of laughter in the conference room.

   Microsoft has not cooperated with Song Yang, and even has cooperation now, such as Hotmail, ICNC TV, American Telecom, etc., Microsoft has cooperated with Song Yang.

But these projects, let’s say they lost, they didn’t lose much. They even made some profits, but they didn’t take much advantage. Just like Hotmail, Song Yang sold Hotmail’s equity in America to Microsoft. True, but the equity in overseas markets other than America is still held by Song Yang.

   Even in America's Hotmail mailbox, the advertising rights are still held by Song Yang, that is, the advertising fees earned by Hotmail mailbox in America are still taken away by Song Yang!

   As for the lawsuit with Netscape, Microsoft can understand it now. Song Yang is behind it a lot, playing a little bit of fanfare and so on.

   Not to mention, Microsoft is now developing its own mobile phone operating system WP, which is obviously going to work against the Saipan system.

   At this time, I suddenly received an invitation to cooperate with Microsoft on a game console. The first reaction from Microsoft was that there must be fraud!

   "But if it's true, it's really an opportunity for Microsoft."

   Greg Murphy, the treasurer of Microsoft and a confidant of Bill Gates, knows that Bill Gates has always wanted Microsoft to enter the hardware field.

   "I feel that with Bruno Song's character, he wants to enter the game console industry, either by developing some new technologies, or..., by acquiring a certain game console brand!"

As soon as the words came out, Bill Gates nodded lightly. From Song Yang's routine of entering the mobile phone industry, he could see that he would not easily enter a certain industry unless he made a big move. , is sure to turn the industry upside down.

   "Now in the game console industry, the one most likely to be acquired by Bruno Song and Xue Leshan is..."


  Bill Gates and Ballmer said in unison, Microsoft is very concerned about the host industry, and naturally knows how the market is in this industry.

   "Go and find out what's going on over there!" Bill Gates said immediately.

  If Snow Leshan really acquired Sega, it seems that it is not impossible for Microsoft to cooperate with Snow Leshan. If the conditions are right, it may be an opportunity for Microsoft to enter the hardware industry.

  I knew it might be a pit, but Microsoft had to jump in at this time. Jumping in might be a pit, but if I didn’t jump, there was no chance to enter the hardware industry at all!

   "If the cooperation is successful, the host system should be equipped with Microsoft's WP system!"

   Terry Myerson, who was sitting in the back row, said suddenly at this time, attracting the attention of many people.

  The atmosphere in the office was stagnant, and it was Bill Gates who laughed first, "It should be equipped with the WP system!

   Let’s first inquire about the news from the Japanese side. If Snow Leshan really acquired Sega, Microsoft will cooperate with Snow Leshan. The new game console must be equipped with Microsoft’s WP system! "

   (end of this chapter)

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