"Why did the hospital disband the general surgery department?"

"It is to make way for the new department so that the hospital can pass the review for the creation of a top-level hospital in half a year."

"Why? We worked so hard and finally established ourselves in the general surgery department. Now we are transferred to other departments to help. How will we get promoted? How will we get paid for our performance? Can we still make ends meet?"

"Stop complaining. At least we have reached the intermediate level. Even if we are not welcomed in other departments, we can still make ends meet."

"But what about Xiao Xiao in our department? He has just been here for two months and has not performed many surgeries. He can't even do the most basic surgery. If he goes to other departments, he will be bullied to death by them."


In 1999, a decadent atmosphere filled the meeting room of the general surgery department of Shengli Hospital. A dark yellow electric fan hung on the crumbling ceiling, which was creaking and turning weakly at this moment.

The doctors sitting on the wooden benches waiting for the handover were complaining at this moment, and their eyes revealed confusion about the future prospects.

Today, their topic mainly focused on the department facing dissolution and Xiao Chenguang who would take over soon.

At this time, a young man in his twenties pushed the door open. He had fair skin, regular features, and fluttering bangs on his forehead, as if he had endless energy and desire in his body.

Seeing him, the noise in the conference room was obviously much lower, and everyone looked at him with a little regret on their faces.

"Xiao Xiao, you came to take over so early, you are really a hardworking and motivated comrade."

Perhaps to ease the embarrassment, everyone joked with him.

"Young people, you always have to learn more from your senior brothers to make better progress."

Xiao Chenguang laughed with everyone, not caring about the topic they just discussed, as if he didn't take it to heart at all.

What a big heart.

Everyone shook their heads secretly, with a hint of helplessness at the corners of their mouths.

Perhaps Xiao Chenguang was too young and didn't care about the tricks in the hospital. Surgeons like them need a master to guide them.

If you are transferred to another department, they all have their own apprentices. Why should they teach you, an outsider? After all, it is always right to master the technology in your own hands.

Seeing their regretful expressions, Xiao Chenguang just smiled and did not speak.

In fact, for him, he was not panicked at all, and even wanted to laugh.

As a member of the time-traveling party, he has been here for almost two months.

This is probably the luckiest thing in his life.

Traveling to the young man with the same name, who is also a surgeon, with surgical technology and clinical experience that is more than 20 years ahead of this life, Xiao Chenguang has never felt as relaxed as he is now.

He seemed to see his life, as if he had opened a cheat, and his future was bright.

Just as everyone was preparing to hand over the shift, with a clang, the door of the conference room was suddenly knocked open.

The family members rushed in in a hurry.

"Doctor, doctor, go see my father quickly, he can't breathe now, his face is purple."

Hearing the description of the family members, everyone's face changed, and they didn't care about continuing to hand over the shift, and went directly to the ward.

On the bed, an old man in his sixties was sitting upright, panting heavily.

His lips and nail beds were cyanotic and purple, which was extremely conspicuous, as if they were painted with a thick layer of paint.

"How could he be so hypoxic? Wasn't he admitted to the hospital for liver cirrhosis and ascites?"

The doctor in charge was shocked when he saw the old man's symptoms.

"Why don't we ask a doctor from the respiratory department to come for a consultation?"

The people on the side were making suggestions.

After all, as a general surgeon, he is relatively unprofessional in dealing with internal medicine diseases.

But before he finished speaking, the old man on the bed felt a strong sense of suffocation.

His lungs seemed to be filled with mercury, as if someone was holding his head in water, and he couldn't breathe no matter how hard he struggled.

Cough cough cough!

Mouthfuls of pink foamy lung fluid spurted out of the old man's mouth.

The white sheets were instantly dyed bright red.

"Uncle, wake up quickly, don't fall asleep!"

Seeing the patient's body soften and his consciousness begin to blur, the ward was in chaos in an instant.

"The patient has an emergency, push the rescue cart quickly, infuse fluids and increase blood pressure, go to the office and call the director over!"

"What did you say?! The director is performing an emergency operation on the stage now, can't come?"

The unexplained emergency made the doctors in the ward run around like headless flies.

"Dad, don't scare me, wake up quickly."

The family members knelt in front of the bed and saw their father's teeth clenched, his face was as white as paper, and they burst into tears instantly.

The heart-wrenching voice echoed in the ward, and the people who heard it were heartbroken and couldn't sleep all night.

"What should we do now?"

The cause of the disease could not be found, and effective rescue measures could not be implementedShi, looking at the increasingly weak patient, everyone's face was extremely ugly.

The department was already facing dissolution, and now the accident was tantamount to adding insult to injury. I'm afraid no one knew where they should go.

A sense of desolation of the death of the rabbit and the grief of the fox came over everyone.

"It's pericardial tamponade."

A crisp voice rang out in the crowd.

While everyone was panicking to rescue, Xiao Chenguang had already completed the patient's assessment.

Low blood pressure, weak heart sounds, and distended neck veins.

Xiao Chenguang's brain was running at high speed. With advanced clinical experience, a textbook-like diagnosis emerged in an instant.

Pericardial tamponade is a symptom of acute heart failure caused by the accumulation of fluid in the heart, which leads to weakened function.

The patient had a history of coronary heart disease, so it is possible to have such symptoms.

And it is often said in medicine that the heart and lungs are inseparable. If the heart is not good, the lungs will naturally not be good either.

If the puncture is not performed urgently, the old man will be suffocated to death by pulmonary edema in three to five minutes at most.

"Prepare a 50 ml syringe and disinfect with iodine cotton balls."

After Xiao Chenguang finished speaking, he took off the old man's shirt without slowing down.

Put on surgical gloves, disinfect the skin in the precordial area, and stroke the iodine cotton balls in sequence.

The needle, which is as long as the little finger, emits a faint light and is cold and sharp.

Xiao Chenguang's left index finger is positioned under the xiphoid process, close to the lower edge of the left costal arch, and the needle in his right hand has been stabbed into the patient's chest.


With a slight sound, the steel needle is almost completely immersed in the chest, leaving only the needle handle swinging back and forth outside with the beating of the heart.

A stream of black blood bubbles out of the needle hole like a fountain.

If ordinary people see this horrible scene, they might think Xiao Chenguang is crazy.

But the brothers in the ward must have seen that what Xiao Chenguang was doing was the most difficult pericardiocentesis in surgical intervention.

If he was not careful, the heart would be punctured, causing coronary artery bleeding and killing the patient.

But Xiao Chenguang not only had accurate positioning and skillful techniques, but most importantly, he succeeded.

"Ouch, I was suffocating just now."

Just when everyone was shocked by Xiao Chenguang's operation and couldn't speak, the old man who was originally limp on the bed suddenly let out a long sigh.

"The patient woke up?"

Everyone was shocked again.

The patient who was unconscious just now could actually speak at this moment.

Even his pale complexion gradually turned rosy, and even his purple and black lips had recovered as before.

"Xiao Xiao... you you you you you..."

The brothers saw Xiao Chenguang's performance at the moment, and they were already stuttering and didn't know what to say.

Just now they were still worried that Xiao Chenguang couldn't perform the operation, but what was going on in front of them?

How could a young doctor who had just come to the hospital and had not even been on the operating table a few times do interventional puncture so well?

Most importantly, this was an emergency, known as the most difficult cardiac puncture.

In the past, they would not even dare to think about it, but today they actually encountered it.

Too... incredible!

As the patient recovered, he added the rescue measures and explained the precautions. With the gratitude of the family members, Xiao Chenguang and the brothers left the ward.

"Hey, Xiao Xiao, I didn't expect you to do such a good puncture, even better than all of us here."

"It's just that the department is about to be disbanded, and talents like you may be buried..."

The brothers hesitated to speak, not only reluctant to let Xiao Chenguang go, but also worried about his future.

"Don't worry, brother, I'm fine."

Xiao Chenguang was inexplicably moved when he saw the brothers' concerned eyes.

He couldn't help but think of the time when he first came here, when his senior brothers enthusiastically took turns to his home to eat and drink.

Even here, he felt the warmth of home.

After handing over the class, the senior brothers stood up one after another. When they passed by Xiao Chenguang, they patted his shoulders with concern, fearing that he would get stuck in a dead end.

But for Xiao Chenguang, the dissolution of the department and the panic of the people were common things in the era before he traveled through time.

As a doctoral supervisor from the highest institution of learning, a former double academician, holding many national natural science funds, and followed by more than a dozen medical doctors, he naturally didn't have to worry about the dissolution.

But in the process of his efforts, he had seen too many medical students who entered the society at the same time, who were originally full of hope and wanted to make a name for themselves.

The result was endless part-time jobs, internships, regular training, and being PUA by the director. He even endured it until his liver almost broke and his urine was forked.

But even so, the promotion space is still not as good as those classmates who can flatter, drink a lot, and have connections.

Even medical students from ordinary families, looking backThose classmates who were not as good as him in junior and senior high school have now lived a stable life and enjoyed their lives.

When he was sick, he had to pay the three thousand yuan hospitalization fee with a credit card, which made him desperate.

"Working? I worked so hard in my last life just to refuse to work. In this life, I can't be a working dog!"

Xiao Chenguang saw the big-character poster "Welcome to the New Century" on the white wall and knew that the tide of the times was coming towards him.

Surgery, scientific research, new technology, minimally invasive intervention, etc., every trump card he has can make the doctors of this era boil collectively.


When he thought that the stock market in 1999 would rise again and again because of the filing of the Securities Law in two days, Xiao Chenguang was fully confident that he could achieve financial freedom as soon as possible with the advantage of his time travel.

"By the way, senior brothers, I will pay you back the money I borrowed next month."

Xiao Chenguang shouted to the senior brothers who were about to leave.

"No, no, this little money is nothing, you can use it first, don't rush to pay it back."

"That's right, don't rush, you are the only one in the department who has not found a job yet. Have you eaten tonight? Otherwise, I will ask your sister-in-law to make your favorite tomato scrambled eggs and bring it to the department later?"

The senior brothers waved their hands again and again. When they thought that everyone was about to be assigned to different departments, they felt reluctant in their hearts and didn't care about Xiao Chenguang paying back the money.

The human touch in 1999 was really strong.

When Xiao Chenguang heard that the money didn't need to be paid back first, he was moved to tears.

With the first pot of gold provided by the senior brothers, at least he would not worry about his livelihood in the future.

When he became successful, he must invite the senior brothers, and the sisters-in-law to come to his house to make dumplings.

Just as Xiao Chenguang's thoughts were jumping around in his head, the nurse knocked on the door of the conference room.

"Doctor Xiao, the operating room is calling. Our director has admitted a patient for laparotomy and needs you to help on stage."

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