"Xiao Xiao, do you want a laparoscopy, or an emergency laparoscopic surgery?"

"Yes, Director."

"Too risky."

Wang Jingang shook his head, still in fear.

Originally, the current laparoscopic technology is not mature. Even if it is carried out in the provincial capital hospital, only carefully selected patients are dared to go on stage.

But now.

The patient has low blood pressure and fast heart rate. Normal surgery may not be possible, let alone laparoscopic surgery?

Seeing the director's worried face, Xiao Chenguang knew that he had not yet walked out of the shadow of the past.

But now the situation is urgent. If the operation is not performed and it continues to be delayed, the patient will have only one way to die.

As the director of general surgery, Wang Jingang naturally understands the reason.

He was somewhat helpless: "Hey, huge incisional hernias are not like this in one or two days. Since the patient has symptoms, why didn't he come to the hospital earlier?"

Like other hernias, incisional hernias should be treated in time for surgery in the hospital once there are symptoms of protrusion.

But some people fantasize that hernias can heal themselves every day, but this is impossible. After all, the physiological structure is there, and it is not like a skin wound that has the ability to heal.

"Director, I just talked to the family. The patient had an open abdominal surgery for intestinal obstruction two years ago. At that time, due to poor physical condition, the healing was not good, and the incisional hernia appeared later."

"At first it was only the size of a quail egg, it didn't hurt and didn't affect life. They thought it was just a small problem, so they didn't pay much attention to it. After all, their family lives in the countryside, and it's too much trouble to go to the hospital back and forth."

"Later, the incisional hernia gradually became larger. The old man was afraid of troubling the children, so he didn't talk about it again. It wasn't until his family found out that they went to the hospital to see a doctor, but when it developed to this extent, the hospital no longer dared to perform a major operation to repair it."

Xiao Chenguang felt a little uncomfortable when he talked about this.

He had seen too many such things before.

For minor illnesses and disasters, the old man was afraid of troubling the children and chose not to tell them.

For major illnesses and disasters, the old man was afraid of worrying the children, so he chose not to tell them.

Until the end, the old man's body could not bear it anymore, and the children suddenly realized that their parents, who had always been healthy, had become fragile.

"Can we wait until the patient's condition is a little more stable before going on stage for surgery?" Wang Jingang seemed to be assessing the risk of the patient going on stage.

"I guess not." Xiao Chenguang shook his head bluntly.

If the patient only had a simple incisional hernia, maybe he could wait a little longer.

But the patient had secondary intestinal obstruction at this moment, and the situation was different.

After all, the intestines of normal people can pass through the contents and belong to the hollow organs.

But patients with intestinal obstruction can be imagined as knotted ropes. The contents in the intestines cannot be transported normally, resulting in symptoms such as paroxysmal pain, vomiting, and inability to defecate and exhaust.

Once a long time, the intestinal tract expands and necrotizes, and the patient has symptoms of a weak and rapid pulse and a drop in blood pressure.

The most severe symptom is that once intestinal perforation occurs, a large amount of intestinal contents will flow out and contaminate the abdominal cavity. The infection caused will directly cause the patient's sepsis and even death.

So at the beginning, Xiao Chenguang asked about the patient's infection index, because he was afraid of secondary infection caused by intestinal obstruction rupture.

Fortunately, the blood index of the patient who was urgently sent to the laboratory was not as high as expected.

This shows that the patient can still be saved.


"Do it!"

After a brief consideration, Wang Jingang finally agreed to let the patient go on stage for surgery.

"Xiao Xiao, you look after the patient and make preoperative preparations, I will go to talk to the family members."

"Director, I'll go to talk, after all, I'm on duty tonight."

Xiao Chenguang knew that Director Wang's purpose of talking to the family members was to fear that the operation would not be successful and the family members would cause trouble for him.

After all, for the family members, the surgeon may not see them a few times from hospitalization to discharge.

But most of the doctors responsible for preoperative conversations are the patients' attending doctors, and if there is a problem, they will definitely be the first to bear the brunt.


Wang Jingang waved his hand and said, "No, I am the director of the department. I made the decision to perform the operation, and I should take the responsibility."

"You only need to be responsible for the patient's condition and prepare to go on stage. I will take care of other things, and you don't have to worry about it."

Since Wang Jingang has made up his mind, he will no longer hesitate.

It is his duty as the director to ensure that the patient can get off the stage safely and recover and be discharged from the hospital.

But if he can't get off the stage, he will not hide himself and push his subordinates to take the blame.

"Director, what about the laparoscopic equipment used for the operation?"

Since the director has decided to perform the operation, Xiao Chenguang must consider it comprehensively.

First of all, the surgical equipment.

Since the last operation failed, the laparoscope was taken back by the hospital leaders to the equipment department for safekeeping.

After all, a large equipment worth hundreds of thousands of yuan was notIt is a valuable instrument. If it is left outside and bumped, no one will be held responsible.

But the problem now is that the laparoscope is locked in the hospital equipment department. If you want to use it, you must apply in advance according to the hospital regulations.

But it is late at night, and the leader in charge of equipment management has already gone home after work. If you need equipment at this time, you must pull people from home.

"It's okay, I will handle it. You first put a gastric tube in the patient to perform gastrointestinal decompression, and then ask the nurse to do a penicillin skin test and complete the preoperative examination. Wait for my news."

After Wang Jingang explained the precautions and talked to the family members, he went into the office. I guess he called various departments to prepare for the patient's surgery.


"Big brother, it's not good. The master has been captured by the monster."

At this moment, Liu Cheng, who was at home with his wife and children, was watching the 1986 version of Journey to the West in front of the TV, drinking wine and eating peanuts. He was very comfortable.

Life should be like this.

Just as Liu Cheng was sitting cross-legged and enjoying himself, a sudden urgent ring came from the landline next to the TV cabinet, which frightened him so much that he staggered and almost squatted on the ground.

"Who is it? Why are you calling so late at night?"

Liu Cheng cursed, patted the peanut crumbs that fell on his body, got up and walked straight to the landline, picked up the phone and said unhappily.

"Hello, who is it?"

A low voice came from the other side of the receiver.

"Oh, Director Wang, what's the matter with calling so late at night?"

Liu Cheng looked at the screen on the TV and asked casually.

When Wang Jingang explained the situation, Liu Cheng gradually frowned.

Late at night, this Wang Jingang actually asked him for equipment.

Let's not talk about whether it's troublesome or not. What he asked him to get was the laparoscopic equipment that the hospital leaders had specifically instructed.

What is this old guy thinking about all day long? He is obviously almost old, but he doesn't wait for retirement honestly, but he is still making such a fuss.

Now he wants to do emergency laparoscopic surgery late at night.

Doesn't he know why he retired early?

Doesn't he know why the hospital leaders asked him to lock up the laparoscopic equipment?

No idea.

"Director Wang, I know the patient's condition is urgent, but the equipment, especially the expensive equipment, requires the approval of the dean in charge in addition to me. Now it's late at night and you need it so urgently. I need time to arrange it. Or you can wait a little longer?"

As the head of the equipment department, Liu Cheng has long been proficient in administration.

If you want equipment, fine.

But you need to write a report and apply for it. Let's do it according to the rules.

I know you are in a hurry, but please don't be in a hurry. It's not that I won't lend you the equipment, but you just need to wait.

Just as Liu Cheng was speaking in an official tone and clichés, he heard a sudden clang on the other end of the phone and a beeping sound came to his ears.


Liu Cheng was stunned for a moment, then furious.

Since he was promoted to section chief, he has never encountered such a thing again.

But now, this old man hung up on me without saying a word.

Okay, wait, this matter is not over yet.

Liu Cheng's eyes were blazing, and his breathing was rapid. He took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, then bent down, smiled and dialed a number.

"Dean Li, I am Xiao Liu from the Equipment Department. I am sorry to bother you so late. I need to report something to you."


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