Xiao Chenguang cleaned the abdominal cavity and used a suction device to push the obstructing intestine to the left, revealing an operable space.

"The next step is the key. The camera follows my instrument."


Generally speaking, the laparoscope opens the way in front, and the main surgeon's instrument follows behind.

This time it was the other way around.

Xu Guoqiang was concentrating on the operation on the stage and did not notice any clues, but Shen Yiwei, who had performed some laparoscopic surgeries below, looked at Xiao Chenguang deeply.

He felt a little strange.

I remember that the last time they did laparoscopy, Xiao Chenguang was the mirror supporter and never made such a request.

Is he intentionally coordinating the operation with Xu Guoqiang's rhythm?

How is this possible?

Shen Yiwei shook his head. As an assistant, it is natural to cooperate with the main surgeon in the operation.

But if the main surgeon actively cooperates with the assistant, how bad must the assistant be to need the main surgeon's care.

Others might have this possibility, but it was Xu Guoqiang who was holding the mirror on the stage. Although the two of them did not get along, it had to be said that Xu Guoqiang's surgery was indeed good, so much so that Shen Yiwei could only think of ways to avoid being stepped on by him.

As he focused his attention on the TV screen again, Xiao Chenguang had already inserted the long scissors into the abdominal cavity.

The movement was very gentle, but also fast. After avoiding the solid organs, Xiao Chenguang began to simulate the entire abdominal structure in his mind based on the positioning when reading the film before, and the long scissors finally stopped at the middle and lower part of the retroperitoneum.

At the same time, the camera controlled by Xu Guoqiang also found the right direction.

On the screen, the peritoneum was pushed open by a sudden hematoma cavity, and even a pseudoaneurysm that was constantly oozing blood could be seen.

At this position, it can be clearly felt that the patient's huge aneurysm is compressing the patient's living space bit by bit.

The peritoneum is as thin as a cicada's wing, and it will break if it moves. In this case, the operation is basically abandoned. Xu Guoqiang estimated that he could not do it.

There is some relief in his heart.

It was a wise choice to ask Xiao Xiao to save the stage. He was indeed an expert he invited from Yingcheng. With Xiao Chenguang on the operating table, the efficiency of the operation was more than doubled than usual.

Of course, this must also be due to his holding the mirror. Xiao Xiao operated so quickly, and he could cooperate with him immediately if he needed anything. There was no need for too much communication, as if the two of them had reached a close level.

"Teacher Xu, the abdominal aortic aneurysm is here. I will cut the posterior peritoneum in a while. Move your camera back and pay attention to keep the distance and field of view. There will be blood spraying out."

Xiao Chenguang reminded in time.


Xu Guoqiang responded immediately. He knew that the operation had reached the most critical step.

Cut and drain, suture to stop bleeding.

At this time, in the entire operating room, except for the two people on the stage talking in a low voice, everyone else was very nervous.

The room was quiet, no one dared to speak, and the aneurysm that covered the sky and the sun on the screen was like a huge rock, pressing them to breath.

Although Xu Guoqiang agreed quickly on the stage, it can be seen that his fingers used to stabilize the camera are a little white.

This is due to nervousness and excessive force on the knuckles.

Seeing this, Xiao Chenguang's right hand, which had been motionless, moved slightly, and seemed to be a little closer to Xu Guoqiang's hand holding the camera.

"Prepare negative pressure, cut and drain."

As soon as the voice fell, everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath and then hold their breath.

Xiao Chenguang's knife fell, cutting the posterior peritoneum, and a stream of bright red gushed out. He aimed the suction device that had been prepared long ago at the bleeding site and quickly drained it.

The liquid level of the negative pressure suction bottle continued to rise, and the amount of bleeding was increasing. Xiao Chenguang's words rang in the operating room.

"Teacher Xu, the camera moves back, and then back, look at the screen, don't worry..."

The suction device immediately drew the accumulated blood out, and the camera in Xu Guoqiang's hand also moved out at the same time, but the amount of bleeding was so alarming that it was like a tide, and it was about to contaminate the camera.

The screen began to shake. Xu Guoqiang was afraid that he would dirty the lens again, so his hands began to become unsteady, and he even retracted the lens a few points faster.

The operation screen was getting farther and farther away. If he retreated further, it would be covered by the intestinal cavity and lose his vision. Xiao Chenguang's right hand escaped and grabbed the hand holding the lens to stabilize the screen.

The blood that spurted out did not contaminate the lens, and the picture on the screen was still clear. Xiao Chenguang then fixed it in a wide-angle position to take in the overall situation.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.


Director Sui couldn't help but sigh. Seeing such a dangerous scene, even he would be panicked.

If Xu Guoqiang's operation was done by anyone else, he would either contaminate the lens or be covered by the internal organs, and he would definitely lose his vision.

At first, the picture was indeed a little panic, but later it was stabilized. His psychological quality is really strong. No wonder he dared to do laparoscopic surgery. He has a good vision, and achieved the ultimate.

Director Sui stared at the screen on the TV, not noticing what was happening on the stage, but just sighing.

It seemed that when he was studying in the capital before, the laparoscopes there could not achieve such a clear field of view, especially when facing such a large amount of bleeding, he could not guarantee absolute calmness.

Director Xu, you are still strong!

Unlike Director Sui of the Department of Anesthesiology, Xu Guoqiang was standing on the stage at this moment, and his heart was still in shock.

"Xiao Xiao, I'm sorry, I almost lost my balance..." Xu Guoqiang said guiltily.

Just now, if Xiao Chenguang hadn't helped to hold the mirror, he would have failed the operation.

Although pulling out the lens will not damage the internal organs, losing the picture at a critical moment will affect the progress of the entire operation.

The patient is now on the stage, and one more minute is a huge risk. If the blood and fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity have to be cleaned again because of his mistake just now, the operation is estimated to take more than two hours.

Even if the patient can leave the stage, whether he can survive the anesthesia during the operation is another matter.

"It's normal. Few people can stay calm in this situation." Xiao Chenguang said lightly.

"Uh..." Xu Guoqiang was speechless.

He looked at Xiao Chenguang's calm expression, and the electrocoagulation in his hand had already started.

While stopping the bleeding, the blue smoke emitted by the electrocoagulation was sucked away by the suction device at the first time.

The operation was fast and steady. Even in the face of this huge aneurysm, he was not in a hurry.

It seems that Xiao Chenguang is the minority he mentioned. This operation is too calm.

Xu Guoqiang held the mirror and dared not move, for fear of making another mistake.

At this moment, he was a little depressed. Obviously, he did a good job in laparoscopic surgery, but why did he fail to hold the mirror for Xiao Chenguang for the first time? This was too embarrassing.

The people on the stage were still reflecting, but the people below were stunned.

This laparoscopic hemostasis surgery for ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm seems to be completed.

Director Sui of the Department of Anesthesiology looked at the clear picture on the screen. Even at this point, the mirror was still not blurred.

In the picture, Xiao Chenguang was doing the final electrocoagulation. There was no special skill in the operation, but he was able to do this hemostasis.

No wonder he was asked to save the hospital. It is really a small place that produces talents. He is steady and calm. Just based on this operation, he is more than qualified to be a deputy director in the provincial capital hospital.

"Director, the patient's systolic blood pressure has risen to 100mmHg, and the blood oxygen saturation has reached 95%."

The anesthesia assistant who has been in charge of the monitor reported the patient's vital signs on the spot.

This is the patient's never had a vital sign so far.

And the situation is still getting better.

"It seems that the bleeding has stopped."

The significant changes made everyone in the operating room secretly relieved. Just when they were a little relaxed, Xiao Chenguang's voice suddenly rang out.

"Prepare 4-0 mousse thread and size 7 circular needles."

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