"President Li, thank you, thank you, thank you for your hard work. You came here so late. My father can have surgery in Shengli Hospital. It is a blessing for us."

The family was very excited.

She didn't expect that even the hospital director came in person for her father's surgery.

She was just an ordinary person. The highest official she could contact on weekdays was nothing more than the director of the street office.

Now a hospital director who manages nearly a thousand people came here for her own business. This kindness and care made her unforgettable.

"It's okay, it's okay. Doctors are kind-hearted. This is what we doctors should do."

Li Guoyong was stunned by the sudden thanks from the family.

Hey, strange.

He rushed to the hospital's operating room in the middle of the night, panting, as if he came to ask for punishment for laparoscopic surgery.

But now.

The gratitude of the family members, the new life of the patients, the smooth progress of the laparoscopic surgery, and the interview from the city TV reporter.

This rare opportunity actually fell on Li Guoyong all at once.

Especially since he was promoted to the level of hospital leadership, he has not been in contact with patients and their families for a long time.

At this time, feeling the tightly clasped hands of the family members and the grateful eyes of the patients, this long-lost feeling came to his heart, making him feel the sense of accomplishment of curing diseases and saving lives again.

Although it was only a moment, it was enough to satisfy Li Guoyong's heart.

"Yes, that's right. The smooth progress of laparoscopic surgery is inseparable from the efforts and persistence of everyone present."

"The original intention of my agreeing to do this operation was to allow patients to receive better treatment."

"Now the general surgery operation is very successful. We must give them full support and affirmation. The patient must be tired after such a difficult operation. Go back to the ward and have a good rest. I will go to the general surgery department to see you tomorrow."

Li Guoyong was very happy at this time. This overwhelming wealth was right in front of him. If he didn't take the opportunity to seize it, it would be a question of his leadership ability.

He just sorted out the interests of the whole matter in an instant and directly took the credit for the laparoscopy on himself.

After all, he was responsible for the management of medical care and equipment in the hospital. No matter what achievements the doctors below made, it was related to his leadership arrangement.

So in this matter, whether it was reputation or credit, Li Guoyong accepted it with peace of mind and no mental burden at all.

"..." The hospital staff who had just been scolded by Dean Li were silent at this time.

"..." Sun Chengwu and Gong Liang in the crowd also fell silent.


Among them, Liu Cheng, the head of the equipment department who came with Dean Li, was the most shocked.

He looked at Li Guoyong, who was about to be interviewed on TV, in disbelief, and was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

Just now, they said that they would never tolerate those who were disregarding the rules.

How come they changed their minds in the blink of an eye?

This trait of changing one's face faster than turning a book is really a compulsory course for hospital leaders.

But what about your principles as a person?

What about the bottom line you stick to?

Liu Cheng complained in his heart, but due to his rank, he dared not speak out and kept it in his heart silently.

However, he could keep it in his heart, but some people could not.

Xiao Chenguang looked at the dean's gradually changing attitude and knew that the dissolution of the department had taken a turn for the better.

So he deliberately turned his head to look at Wang Jingang beside him and blinked.

The latter saw this, but he did not react like a piece of wood.

Xiao Chenguang smiled and winked at him deliberately.


Wang Jingang was speechless for a while.

With such an obvious move, Wang Jingang naturally knew what Xiao Chenguang wanted him to do.


He was disgusted by the work of licking the leader and was unwilling to do it himself, but he asked an old man like him to do it.

Don't you think I have no face?

Wang Jingang shook his head helplessly. He really didn't expect that Xiao Chenguang was not only as steady as an old dog in surgery, but also very shrewd in this kind of human relations.

Forget it, for the sake of the department, Wang Jingang hesitated for a moment and chose to be shameless.

He forced a smile and deliberately said in front of the camera: "Thank you for the affirmation and support of Dean Li. The development of general surgery in the future still needs the support of the hospital leaders. Continue to insist on technological innovation and contribute your own strength to benefit patients."

As the director of the department, he naturally came up with these clichés.

But Wang Jingang has always disdained to use this method. In his opinion, the most important thing for surgeons is to study technology.

After all, human life is at stake.

As for the rest, he has no time or energy to care about it.

"Okay, okay, Director Wang is right."

When Li Guoyong heard this, his eyes were as big as a mung bean.'s eyes lit up instantly.

After all, sometimes, some words spoken by others are more convincing than self-praise.

Especially now in front of the camera, the effect is even better.

When did Wang Jingang, this old guy, change his nature?

Li Guoyong was so happy at this time.

If these words were said by Liu Cheng next to him, he would at most think that it was just that.

But Wang Jingang is different.

He has a strong personality and is as his name suggests. He never flatters. This is recognized in the hospital.

Moreover, as the director of general surgery, he has been working for so many years. Even if he had accidents before, his majesty in the hospital's surgical system cannot be underestimated.

In addition, the smooth implementation of laparoscopic surgery tonight will definitely set off a wave in the hospital.

When the TV interview is broadcast, being complimented by such a straight-forward old director, his reputation and status in the hospital will surely be at its peak.

Although he didn't know why Wang Jingang suddenly lowered his attitude, since he had already expressed his position, Li Guoyong had to give him enough face.

In front of the camera, he said seriously: "What you said just now is absolutely correct, but the iron must be strong before it can be forged. If you encounter any difficulties in technology or equipment in the future, remember to come to me as soon as possible. The hospital will definitely support you strongly."

After saying that, he still felt that his words were not enough, so he turned his eyes to Liu Cheng on the side.

"Section Chief Liu, did you hear me clearly? In the future, if they have any problems with the equipment, you must make sure to solve them as soon as possible and never drag their feet. Do you understand?"

"Oh oh oh..."

At this time, Liu Cheng was still in a state of wandering in the sky. Facing Li Guoyong's sudden request, he quickly nodded and agreed.

But the next second, he came back to his senses, with a look of astonishment in his eyes.

What? !

When Liu Cheng thought of the behavior of the general surgery department when they took his phone away before, he was furious.

Now they actually asked me to cooperate with their work, why? !

Just when Liu Cheng was angry, Li Guoyong, who was speaking, became unhappy.

What do you mean by "oh oh oh", the work arranged by the leader himself was just perfunctory.

Do you still want to do it?

Li Guoyong knew exactly how Liu Cheng climbed to the position of head of the equipment department.

In terms of flattery, he is good.

But in terms of actual work ability, that's bullshit.

Now in front of the camera, if Liu Cheng dares to be unhappy, Li Guoyong will stop his position when he goes back and let him work after thinking it over.

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