Everyone present looked at Xiao Chenguang.

Perhaps now, he was the only one who had the ability to save people.

Three minutes had passed since the rescue began. Xiao Chenguang looked at the pregnant woman with broken amniotic fluid and immediately made a judgment.

"Put the pregnant woman in a head-down and foot-high position. As long as the amniotic fluid in the uterine cavity is not completely broken, the child can be saved."

Xiao Chenguang's words were like a magic needle that stabilized the sea, allowing everyone to find the backbone.

"Quick, follow Dr. Xiao's words, lower the head of the bed, raise the foot of the bed, and let the pregnant woman's body tilt."

The head nurse rushed to the end of the bed, pulled out the crank, and turned it quickly.

The T-shaped crank was spinning like an electric motor at this moment, almost becoming a residual image.

The end of the bed was lifted up instantly, and the pregnant woman immediately became head-down and foot-high position, and the amniotic fluid that had been flowing stopped gradually at this moment.

"Doctor Xiao, are we going to the operating room now?"

Seeing that the amniotic fluid was no longer flowing out, the head nurse immediately asked Xiao Chenguang about the next measures.

"It's too late." Xiao Chenguang shook his head.

If the amniotic fluid had not broken, he had every confidence that the pregnant woman could hold on until the operation.

But now, every minute and every second seemed precious.

From the general surgery ward to the anesthesia operating room, even if the distance was short, it would take several minutes.

The pregnant woman could not wait, and the baby in her belly could not wait even more.

At this moment, his brain was running at high speed, and various emergency response plans and rescue measures appeared in front of him like a movie.

His eyes swayed left and right, as if looking for a feasible solution.

Suddenly, his eyes became firm.

"Notify the neonatal department, don't send the premature baby incubator to the operating room, and push it directly to the general surgery department."

"Tell the blood transfusion department to activate the emergency plan for massive blood transfusion, and prepare eight units of leukocyte-reduced red blood cells and one thousand milliliters of virus-inactivated plasma."

"Head nurse, open the package of our department's instruments and bring them here."

"Okay, okay!" The head nurse nodded repeatedly, remembering Xiao Chenguang's medical instructions one by one.

But the next second, the head nurse's face changed completely.

"Doctor Xiao, are you going to operate here?"

As soon as this was said, the faces of the medical staff present also changed drastically.

They were shocked and looked unbelievable.

What did Xiao Chenguang want to do?

Was he going to perform an emergency operation here?

Everyone looked at the messy ward in front of them. If they were to operate here, all conditions would not meet the requirements.

Life support equipment, ventilators, operating tables, a full set of instrument kits...


Even the most basic and most critical sterile environment was not up to standard.

If they really wanted to operate, the severe infection alone would be terrifying.

Not to mention, the difficulty of cesarean section would increase exponentially under the rescue state.

Most importantly, they were all doctors and nurses in general surgery, and their experience in obstetrics was almost zero.

As long as there was any accident during the operation, there was no chance of remedy.

Seeing that everyone began to hesitate, Xiao Chenguang saw this and swept his eyes to everyone present.

"There's no time. Do you have any better ideas?"

No one dared to look at Xiao Chenguang wherever he looked.

At a critical moment, if you don't try to find a way to make adjustments, you will only have endless regrets.

"I'll get it!"

"I believe Dr. Xiao will succeed."

The one who spoke was the nurse who gave Xiao Chenguang the pen before the morning meeting.

Last night, when she was on duty, she was worried that Xiao Chenguang's clinical experience was insufficient and he was not qualified for the night shift.

As a result, Xiao Chenguang's ease in dealing with emergency patients in the difficult pericardiocentesis and complex laparoscopic surgery had already conquered her.

Now that Xiao Chenguang said he could perform surgery on the spot, he would definitely succeed.

After that, the nurse immediately ran to the instrument room and brought the incision package that Xiao Chenguang needed.

As someone took the lead, everyone remembered that Xiao Chenguang was a resident chief who was promoted out of turn, but even the director praised him endlessly.

What qualifications do I have to question Xiao Chenguang's decision at this moment.

"Family, you know the situation now. If you agree to the operation, you go outside and wait!"

"We will do our best to save your wife and children."

As the package was cut open and brought, Xiao Chenguang looked at the man slumped on the bed. Although he was discussing, his unquestionable tone was more like an order to the man.

At this time, the man was already at a loss and didn't know what to do.

His wife and children were unknown, and he could do nothing but regret and remorse.

This feeling of despair has been tormenting him.

Now that he heard that Xiao Chenguang still had a way to save people, the man seemed to see a glimmer of hope in the darkness.

He nodded quickly and begged, "I agree to the operation, please, doctor,We must save them!"

The trembling voice was full of anxiety, but now, the life and death of his wife and children were all in Xiao Chenguang's hands.

"I will."

As the man was helped out of the ward by the nurse, Xiao Chenguang picked up the scissors and cut a hole in the pregnant woman's clothes. Then he used both hands to tear the clothes in half.

Seeing this, the medical staff immediately brought screens and partitions to cover the area around the bed.

The man looked at the pregnant woman blocked by the screen, staggered, squatted on the ground, covered his face with his hands, and cried.

Inside the house.

All preparations were ready.

Xiao Chenguang twisted open the whole bottle of iodine and poured it all on the pregnant woman's towering belly.

The dark brown disinfectant instantly covered the entire abdomen, and the excess disinfectant dripped down the sides of the abdomen. It fell, instantly dyeing the originally white bed sheet dark gray.

The gauze filled with iodine in the treatment bowl fell on the pregnant woman's abdomen again and began to disinfect again.

Although the surrounding environment could not meet the sterile conditions, the disinfection steps before the operation were still necessary.

As long as the infection rate can be minimized, Xiao Chenguang will perform it unconditionally.

After the disinfection was completed, the sterile gloves were replaced again. As the incision package was opened, a circular blade was stuck on the handle by Xiao Chenguang.

The sharp tip of the knife exuded a cold breath, and the moment it was held in Xiao Chenguang's palm, it actually had an indomitable momentum.

"Brother, you wear gloves and be responsible for the retractor."

"Head nurse, prepare the sterile cotton pads and prepare for delivery. "

Xiao Chenguang randomly selected a senior brother present to act as an assistant.

After hearing this, the latter was a little nervous, but he still followed Xiao Chenguang's instructions, put on sterile gloves after quickly disinfecting his hands, and came to Xiao Chenguang's side.

Before he could speak, Xiao Chenguang, holding a scalpel, had already followed the position of the pubic symphysis in the abdomen, exerted force with the tip of the knife, controlled the force, and made horizontal circumcisions on the left and right.

In an instant, the intact abdominal skin of the pregnant woman was divided into two, forming an incision about 15 centimeters long that separated the upper and lower parts.

The nurses on the scene suddenly exclaimed.

They had never seen such a scene before. Everyone looked nervous and dared not speak. Even their breathing became cautious, for fear of affecting Xiao Chenguang's operation.

At this time, Xiao Chenguang was fully focused, without any pause, he held the handle of the knife, and the tip of the knife was facing the incision to separate again.

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