"Prepare adrenaline, atropine, and dopamine."

"Re-disinfect and perform intrathoracic cardiac compression."

Xiao Chenguang's words stunned everyone at the scene.

They thought of thousands of possibilities, but they didn't expect Xiao Chenguang to press the heart with his bare hands.

This rescue method was unheard of by them.

After all, intrathoracic cardiac compression, as the name suggests, requires opening the chest.

Not only that, it also requires the fourth rib to be bitten off with instrument clamps, so that the operator can reach into the chest cavity and then press the heart with his bare hands.

This can be said to be the ultimate means of rescuing patients with cardiac arrest.

If even opening the chest and pressing doesn't work, I'm afraid no matter how many measures are taken, it's just that few doctors dare to actually perform hand-to-hand compression of the heart due to the large trauma and high difficulty.

At least, there is no precedent in the treatment of patients in the entire Shengli Hospital.

"Doctor Xiao, we have neither equipment nor instruments here, how can we open the chest?"

The nurse looked worried, obviously thinking that this method was a bit unrealistic.

Although she trusted Xiao Chenguang very much, pressing the heart with bare hands was beyond her cognition.

"Why must the chest be opened for intrathoracic cardiac compression?"

The nurse was stunned when she heard this.

Isn't it?

If intrathoracic cardiac compression is not performed in the chest cavity, can it be performed in the abdominal cavity?

But then, Xiao Chenguang's actions completely shocked everyone.

He put the sterile latex gloves he had put on directly into the treatment bowl filled with iodine.

Instantly, the milky white gloves turned dark brown, and even some places with high concentrations began to turn black.

After the disinfection was completed, Xiao Chenguang's brain was already running at high speed, and a series of anatomical distribution diagrams of organs in the abdominal cavity appeared in front of him.

Then, in full view of the public, Xiao Chenguang put his hands back into the patient's abdominal cavity.

"Doctor Xiao, that's not right. There's a diaphragm between the abdominal cavity and the chest cavity. Even if you enter from the abdominal cavity, you can't touch the heart."

The senior brothers spoke up one after another. They all learned the most basic anatomical theory.

They naturally knew that there was a thick layer of muscle fiber structure between the chest cavity and the abdominal cavity, which separated the two, which is the so-called diaphragm.

And the so-called "hiccups" are caused by the spasm and contraction of the diaphragm when eating spicy food or drinking cold drinks.

At this time, they had almost 100% confidence in Xiao Chenguang's operation.

But the incredible approach in front of them was beyond their imagination.

Faced with doubts, Xiao Chenguang had no time to pay attention to them.

The clinical experience in his previous life played a crucial role at this moment.

He served as a judge at the National Emergency Physician Conference, and during that time he encountered a case sharing of intrathoracic cardiac compression through the abdominal cavity.

At that time, he showed great interest in this case, and later exchanged his experience with the sharer.

Unexpectedly, the unintentional action at that time actually encountered this era.

At this time, Xiao Chenguang's hand had already explored upwards along the abdominal incision.

The abdominal cavity was full of slippery and muddy soft tissues. Although it was invisible, it did not affect Xiao Chenguang's operation.

Relying on the abdominal anatomical structure in his memory, he had followed the vines, bypassed the liver, pancreas, and duodenum, and gradually touched the stomach body.

At this time, the distance between the finger and the heart was only 7 cm.

This is also the distance between the stomach and the heart.

"Prepare to separate the diaphragm, stop chest compression."

As soon as these words came out, everyone suddenly realized that Xiao Chenguang wanted to go straight to the heart through the diaphragm incision.

But the diaphragm is thick and solid, and it is extremely difficult to separate it even with sufficient vision.

At this moment, Xiao Chenguang had no vision at all. It might not be so simple to separate it quickly by touch alone.

At this time, Xiao Chenguang had already positioned himself and directly asked the doctor in charge of the compression to stop.

After the words fell, the doctor who was kneeling beside the bed and bending over to press stopped immediately.

But he was extremely nervous at this moment. After all, without external pressure, the pregnant woman's heart would be useless at this time.

It only takes a dozen seconds for a heart that does not beat to completely lose its function due to ischemia and necrosis.

By then, it may be too late to perform chest compressions again.

If you don't succeed, you will die. This is probably what everyone present thought.

The scene was silent, and they could even hear the thumping of their own hearts.

Everyone looked at Xiao Chenguang intently.

However, compared to everyone's tense nerves, Xiao Chenguang seemed confident at this moment.

He held the scalpel in his palm and made a five-centimeter incision from left to right at the closest point between the heart and the abdominal cavity.

Then, with the help of the power of his fingers,He began to separate suddenly, peeling off the fascia and connective tissue one by one, and finally stretched out a bowl-shaped mouth and put his whole hand in.

The whole process was so fast that there was no time for people to react.

Really? !


Everyone who came back to their senses was dumbfounded.

Xiao Chenguang actually reached his hand from the abdominal cavity to the heart.

Not only was the action fast, but it also seemed to be at ease.

It seemed that such an operation was not worth mentioning to Xiao Chenguang.

In the stunned gaze of the crowd, Xiao Chenguang had already started to press the heart.

It took no more than five seconds.

The extremely impactful visual effect once again refreshed everyone's understanding of Xiao Chenguang's operation.

What is the most difficult pericardiocentesis, what is the emergency laparoscopic giant hernia repair.

All of this was blasted into slag under this bare-handed heart compression.

Of course, what is scumbag to Xiao Chenguang is also the level of operation that they can't reach.

Oh my God!

Is this a technical gap or a gap between people?

Just when everyone was impressed by Xiao Chenguang's superb operation again, the latter was already pressing strongly on the pregnant woman's heart.

Plop, plop!

Xiao Chenguang opened his five fingers and held the surface of the heart with his palm.

The slender fingers covered the two chambers of the heart. As the whole palm flexed and relaxed, it simulated the heart function and beat regularly.

Facts have proved that the effect of intrathoracic compression is far greater than that of external chest compression.

After all, one is directly acting on the heart itself, and the force is accurate to each chamber, and each part can receive the compression from the operator.

However, external chest compression cannot accurately transmit force because it is separated by the sternum, which greatly reduces the compression effect.

At this moment, Xiao Chenguang controlled the frequency of pressing to sixty or seventy times. The originally weak and lifeless heart began to improve under Xiao Chenguang's precise stimulation.

He could even feel the ejection pressure of the heart's aorta with his bare hands, thereby controlling and regulating the function of the entire heart.

It can be said that at this moment, Xiao Chenguang's palm was like a sophisticated instrument, effectively repairing the pregnant woman's heart.

But in the eyes of the crowd, the picture of Xiao Chenguang directly and roughly squeezing the heart with his bare hands was deeply engraved in their minds and could not be erased.

"Look at the face of the pregnant woman!"

Someone in the crowd shouted, and as they looked over, they were shocked again.

As Xiao Chenguang pressed the heart with his bare hands, the pregnant woman's originally pale face began to have blood color.

Even the purple and black skin gradually became rosy. If it were in the past, everyone would not dare to think about it.

But at this moment, Xiao Chenguang did it.

An unimaginable case of bare-handed cardiac compression gave the pregnant woman hope of survival.

"Bring the positive inotropic drug that was just prepared and prepare to administer it under open-heart vision."

Seeing that the time was right, Xiao Chenguang prepared to give the pregnant woman another strong dose of medicine to completely restore her heart function.

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