At this point, Sun Chengwu simply told everything that happened last night.

"What? You have already performed laparoscopic surgery last night?"

Xia Tao was completely shocked at this moment.

He looked at Wang Jingang in disbelief, as if he wanted to get his confirmation.

"Yes, otherwise, how could the dean suddenly agree to our general surgery department to carry out laparoscopic technology." Wang Jingang said as a matter of course.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier, you guy?" Xia Tao was a little anxious.

"You didn't ask." Wang Jingang shook his head and said.

"Then you have to tell me!"

"You didn't ask."

Xia Tao: "..."

Xia Tao suddenly felt that his heart was hurt.

No wonder when he raised questions at the door of the ICU just now, both Wang Jingang and the technical director Xiao Chenguang seemed a little indifferent.

It feels like they have successfully carried out laparoscopic technology a long time ago, and just now I heard from Sun Chengwu that they were doing abdominal surgery under emergency conditions.

What does this mean?

This shows that they are confident in laparoscopic technology and are not panicking at all.

Xia Tao gradually fell into deep thought. At this moment, the general surgery department is likely to usher in a huge change in the surgical system of Shengli Hospital.

"Director Wang, you did a great job in the operation last night. If it were someone else, I'm afraid they would have been helpless."

"But you not only saved the patient, but also helped him solve all future patients. I was at the scene at the time and my eyes were almost straight."

"Director Wang, when you are free, can you tell me the details of this laparoscopic operation?"

Sun Chengwu's attitude at this moment is humble, just like a junior asking questions to his elders.

Although Sun Chengwu is the director of gastrointestinal surgery, he is still far behind Wang Jingang in terms of age and qualifications.

Therefore, in his opinion, asking Wang Jingang questions is also a very normal thing.

In fact, he went back last night and tossed and turned all night, and he didn't figure out how the two "guns" of the laparoscope performed surgery in the patient's body.

This feeling of not knowing the answer is too torturous.

Wang Jingang felt a little sorry for him when he saw him puzzled.

After all, if you don't experience it yourself, it's hard to pass on any experience to others.

And he had experienced this feeling before.

But after meeting Xiao Chenguang, this feeling disappeared.

At this time, Xiao Chenguang, holding a pile of medical records, walked into the meeting room.

"Huh? Director Sun is here too."

At this moment, Sun Chengwu was still holding Wang Jingang's hand and shaking it, which made Xiao Chenguang's eyes flash with a hint of surprise.

It seems that in this era, everyone's orientation should be quite normal.

"Director, what are you doing?"

"Uh, nothing, just asking questions." Sun Chengwu blushed, and then he pulled his hand down.

"Oh, so that's it." Xiao Chenguang breathed a sigh of relief. He took the medical records and went straight to Wang Jingang.

"Director, this is the rescue record of the pregnant woman in bed 5. Take a look and sign if there is no problem."

Xiao Chenguang said, and handed the operation record to Xia Tao and Shi Cong who was hiding in the corner and dared not speak.

"What is this?"

Seeing the thick stack of rescue records, it was Sun Chengwu's turn to be curious.

"We just rescued a patient. This is the supplementary medical record. The content is a bit too much. The directors discussed it and took it to the conference room to complete it." Xiao Chenguang explained briefly.

"What kind of patient can make so many directors sign together?"

Sun Chengwu finally understood why Xia Tao and others came to the general surgery department.

But this aroused his curiosity even more.

He stretched his neck, squinted his eyes, and tried to look at the rescue record.

It would have been better if he hadn't looked at it. He almost scared his soul after looking at it.

Late pregnancy, severe eclampsia, cardiac arrest, on-site cesarean section, manual hemostasis, joint rescue, continuous suture...

One diagnosis after another, one measure after another, in black and white, quietly presented in the rescue record book.

Have they poked the disease's nest?

How come so many fatal symptoms appear in one patient at the same time?

With this luck, I'm afraid I'll fall into the manhole cover when walking on the street.

Facing such a risky patient, Sun Chengwu seemed to have foreseen her end.

So he glanced at it and jumped directly to the end of the rescue record.

The description above made him dumbfounded.

"I didn't expect that the mother and child would be safe in the end. This is the most dangerous cardiac arrest."

Sun Chengwu didn't know how to describe his mood at this moment.

He thought that the laparoscopic technology developed by the general surgery department had already made people shine, but at this moment thisWhat about the laparotomy performed on the spot?

I just took a look at the signature of the surgeon, and it turned out to be Xiao Chenguang.

Wasn't he specially invited by Director Wang to perform laparoscopic surgery?

How can he be so good at surgery?

The most important thing is, how old is he? With such a person in the general surgery department, I am afraid that the development of general surgery will be unstoppable in the next period of time.

Sun Chengwu was full of emotion, and even he was very fortunate for his decision. If he hadn't come to the general surgery department in person today, how could he know that the general surgery department has grown to this point.

It seems that in the future, we must build a good relationship with them.

At this moment, Sun Chengwu still looked dumbfounded, but this expression seemed natural in the eyes of everyone.

After all, they had the same expression just now.

Just when the atmosphere was a little dull, the door of the conference room was opened again.

I saw a young man carrying a lot of bags, staggering in.

"Head nurse, it's okay. I'll come in and sit down first. I'll go find Dr. Xiao after he's done with his work."

Gong Liang was holding a bunch of things in his arms, thinking that his sincerity was enough.

He took nearly two months' salary and bought a bunch of gifts just to apologize to Xiao Chenguang.

As the saying goes, don't hit a smiling person.

He was carrying so many things, he couldn't be turned away by Xiao Chenguang.

Just as Gong Liang was about to find a place to sit down, he felt an inexplicable chill in the air.

He looked up and saw several pairs of eyes shooting at him.

He trembled all over and almost broke the things in his hands.

Director Xia Tao of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Deputy Director Shi Cong of Obstetrics, Director Wang Jingang of General Surgery, and even Director Sun Chengwu of his own Gastrointestinal Surgery were all there.

What's going on? !

When he came just now, there was no one in the conference room. How come after he went out to buy something, the conference room was full of directors? !

You know, it’s hard to see these directors at ordinary times. How come they are now free and gathered in the general surgery department?

“Doctor Xiao, you are here too. Didn’t I see you on the stage just now?”

Gong Liang finally found a person of the same age as himself in the crowd. At first glance, it was Xiao Chenguang.

However, just now at the elevator door, he saw Xiao Chenguang kneeling in front of the patient’s bed, stopping the bleeding with his bare hands and being pushed to the operating room by a group of people.

How come he got off the stage in such a short time?

Could it be that the operation was over?

It can’t be so fast.

Or the patient was already dying, so he had no choice but to get off the stage.

Just when he looked puzzled, Xiao Chenguang’s voice came over.

“Well, the operation is over. It was quite successful. The patient has been transferred to the ICU for further observation.”


The operation was completed so quickly? !

With a clang, the bag in Gong Liang's hand loosened and the fruit rolled all over the floor...

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