"Doctor Lin, the patient won't get into trouble in the emergency room, will he?"

The nurse looked at the young woman on the rescue bed, feeling anxious.

The woman came alone for medical treatment. As it was late at night and there were no patients in the emergency room, the doctor went back to the duty room to rest.

The nurse in front of her was in charge of the consultation.

When she saw the woman, the nurse was immediately attracted by the thick scarf she wore around her neck.

After all, the nights in May and June were humid and hot.

Even if the woman was afraid of cold, she wouldn't wear a scarf on a hot day.

But what happened next made the nurse unforgettable.

The woman explained her purpose and took off her scarf. Her red and swollen neck, with high bulges around the skin, was like a layer of swimming ring tightly strangling her throat.

At first, the nurse thought she had endemic goiter, which is diffuse enlargement of the thyroid gland due to iodine deficiency, commonly known as "big neck disease".

But the woman's condition was obviously much more serious than "big neck disease".

Before she could ask the cause of the disease, the woman suddenly grabbed her neck, her eyes bulged, and she seemed to be suffocating and unable to breathe.

This scene frightened the nurse out of her wits, but her professional instinct made her knock on the door of the doctor's duty room immediately.

And pushed the patient into the emergency room and gave him oxygen urgently.

But the obstruction of the upper respiratory tract cannot be solved by oxygen inhalation at all.

Seeing the woman gasping for breath, just when the nurse was at a loss, Lin Gaoyang came.

The tall figure gave people a strong sense of security, even the nurses on the scene were no exception.

Although the situation in front of him also scared Lin Gaoyang.

After all, it was the first time he encountered an emergency like the woman.

But Lin Gaoyang quickly calmed down and asked the nurse to call the anesthesia department and general surgery department for emergency consultation.

But because the situation was urgent, the consequences of suffocation left Lin Gaoyang with no other choice.

He could only bite the bullet and take out rescue equipment such as laryngoscope from the rescue box to perform emergency intubation on the patient.

The establishment of tracheal intubation is to put a hollow tube of more than 30 centimeters long and one or two centimeters wide through the patient's mouth, through the glottis and into the patient's main trachea to help her breathe and relieve the symptoms of suffocation and hypoxia.

Fortunately, after several attempts, Lin Gaoyang finally inserted the tracheal tube into the patient's trachea.

Just as he breathed a sigh of relief, he found that the balloon squeezed in his hand had a huge pressure and gradually could not help the patient breathe.

Seeing this scene, Lin Gaoyang's face turned pale. He knew very well that the patient's neck swelling had gradually developed to the point of severe compression of the airway.

So that even tracheal intubation could not be ventilated smoothly.

Looking at the patient whose condition was getting worse and worse, Lin Gaoyang suddenly felt helpless.

For now, only tracheotomy can save the patient's life.

But the patient's unexplained neck swelling has covered her original anatomical tissue structure.

If he chose to cut open rashly, once the blood vessels were touched and blood flowed back into the lung cavity, it would be equivalent to ending the patient's life with his own hands.

Lin Gaoyang did not dare to take this risk, nor could he take it, because he did not have the ability to do so.

And the ENT department of their hospital was not worthy of emergency treatment at night due to its average business ability.

There was no use in calling.

Even if he contacted 120 now and sent the patient to the central hospital 20 kilometers away, it would probably be too late.

After all, the hypoxia caused by suffocation only takes a few minutes to make the patient brain dead.

And it takes at least half an hour to get from here to the central hospital.

"What can I do!"

A deep sense of powerlessness rose in Lin Gaoyang's heart.

"The patient came alone, and I don't know if he has any family members."

"If something happens, I guess I can't explain it."

The nurse looked at the patient whose life was fading, feeling anxious and uneasy, but helpless.

In the entire emergency room, only the sharp alarm sound was echoing, and even the silent night was filled with a breath of despair.

At this moment, a shadow suddenly rushed into the emergency room.

After he saw the patient's condition clearly, he immediately shouted: "I am the general surgery consultant, Xiao Chenguang."

"She is suffocating due to the swelling of the surrounding lymph nodes caused by thyroid cancer, which compresses the airway."

"Tracheal intubation can't solve the problem, and the balloon can't be useful."

"Prepare for tracheotomy, disinfect items, and notify the anesthesia department to push down the transport ventilator!"

With many years of clinical experience, Xiao Chenguang immediately analyzed the cause of the patient's illness.

With his order, everyone present was stunned.

"It's him!"

After Lin Gaoyang saw the appearance of the person coming, he realized that he was the young man with a backpack who helped his patient diagnose at the door of the emergency room today.

"HeIt's from the general surgery department!"

Lin Gaoyang was extremely shocked.

But he reacted quickly and immediately said to the nurse next to him: "Quick! Do as he says!"

After saying this, the nurse did not dare to stay and immediately trotted to the treatment room and brought the incision kit that was rarely used on weekdays.

As the nurse brought the incision kit, Xiao Chenguang did not slow down and immediately disinfected his surgical hands and prepared for tracheotomy.

"Give me a clean white coat or isolation gown. "

Xiao Chenguang didn't have time to go back and change clothes. Because it was too hot, he was only wearing a white hurdle vest and black shorts.

This appearance was not suitable for incision surgery.

Fortunately, there were spare isolation suits in the emergency room. Lin Gaoyang immediately took one and put it on Xiao Chenguang himself.

At this time, Xiao Chenguang had already put on sterile gloves and asked the nurse to open the outer layer of the incision bag. He took out the blade and handle from it and installed them.

Lin Gaoyang on the side was not idle either. He had unscrewed the iodine tincture. bottle cap, poured iodine into the treatment bowl, and began to disinfect the patient's neck skin over and over again.

Seeing his quick movements, Xiao Chenguang nodded.

Even if the situation is urgent, disinfection should be carried out as much as possible.

After all, surgical operations are all traumatic operations. If you are not careful, the whole operation will fail due to severe infection.

Now with Lin Gaoyang's auxiliary disinfection, Xiao Chenguang can also perform tracheotomy on patients faster.

At this time, the patient's face has begun to turn blue, and the blood oxygen level on the monitor is The saturation continued to drop.

The entire operating room was so quiet that you could hear the needle drop.

Everyone held their breath and

looked at Xiao Chenguang nervously, fearing that they would affect him.

Under the illumination of the incandescent lamp, the scalpel exuded a metallic luster.

Under the operation of Xiao Chenguang, the sharp tip of the knife directly pierced into the patient's swollen neck.

This scene made Lin Gaoyang's eyelids jump.

This kind of open and close operation is too rough for a tracheotomy.

After all, the patient's neck is diffusely swollen, and the slightest If you are not careful, it will be troublesome to cut the blood vessels and cause heavy bleeding.

However, at this time, the sharp tip of the knife has already cut the skin along the lower edge of the patient's thyroid cartilage and the suprasternal fossa along the anterior midline of the neck.

As the skin was cut, Xiao Chenguang applied a little force with his fingertips and directly cut the patient's anterior neck muscles. Suddenly, a stream of dark red mucus flowed out along the incision.

As the pressure decreased, the originally swollen skin sank and shrank rapidly like a ball that had lost its air in an instant.

"Look, the patient's breathing has returned, and the blood oxygen saturation is also recovering rapidly. "

The nurse who had been guarding the patient was surprised to find that the patient, who was originally breathing weakly, began to rise and fall regularly.

With her reminder, Lin Gaoyang also found that the values ​​on the patient's ECG monitor tended to stabilize, and immediately showed an incredible expression.

This... This is too amazing.

The patient who was just in danger, with Xiao Chenguang's knife, was instantly out of danger.

At this moment, Xiao Chenguang in the rescue room, his body was straight, his eyes were bright, giving people a sense of confidence and calmness.

At this moment, not only Lin Gaoyang, but even the nurses in the rescue room were shocked by Xiao Chenguang's sharp operation.

In a trance, they seemed to feel the momentum that only the provincial capital experts had when they came down to guide the work.

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