As soon as these words came out, Xiao Chenguang also reacted and smiled bitterly.

The ratio of medical staff to nursing staff in 1999 was still too low.

If it were in the future, Xiao Chenguang would not need to worry about such an operation.

More than a dozen doctors of medicine under his command had already rushed to make a pinky promise.

But now, when encountering a difficult case, the problem of insufficient staff is exposed.

"It seems that if you want to do the operation well, you still have to form a medical team of your own."

Xiao Chenguang thought about it and immediately stopped removing the tumor.

After all, what he had to do was not only to save the patient's life, but also to ensure her quality of life in the future.

Otherwise, even if her life was saved, she would not be able to speak or eat orally.

Living every day with a thin gastric tube was not what Xiao Chenguang wanted to see.

"You, come and help."

Xiao Chenguang immediately saw the circulating nurse sitting on a small stool, picking her fingers out of boredom.

"Ah? Doctor Xiao, you're looking for me?"

The nurse was stunned for a moment, but still walked over cooperatively.

"You were the one who helped sign in the operating room last time."

"What's your name?"

Xiao Chenguang saw that she looked familiar, and then he remembered that this person was the nurse who asked him to sign.

It is said that he is also the recognized "Lich King" in the operating room.

However, in the confrontation with Xiao Chenguang, he was defeated with just this one move.

"Li Wenxia..."

After seeing Xiao Chenguang's strength, Li Wenxia answered the question honestly.

She dared not be presumptuous to the man in front of her.

She was afraid that if she said something wrong, she would be taken to the depths of the universe and could not be pulled out.

"Okay, go wash your hands, put on surgical clothes, and ask the second assistant to help me pull the hook."

Just when Li Wenxia was feeling uneasy, Xiao Chenguang's words made her dumbfounded.

"Let me go on stage? Is this... okay?"

"No problem. It's an emergency, so special things should be handled specially."

As the surgeon on stage, Xiao Chenguang was like an ancient emperor, and he would not tolerate any doubts from others.

Of course, in an emergency, nurses can assist in the work of hook pulling.

"Then wait for me."

Although Li Wenxia was a little nervous, she was more excited.

After all, being able to go on the operating table has always been her dream.

Soon, Li Wenxia changed into surgical gowns. The tight clothes wrapped around her petite body gave her a different feeling.

"Doctor Xiao, do you think this is okay?"

"Okay, put on gloves and stand next to me."

With Li Wenxia joining in, the operation began again.

"Very good, use more force on the hook with your right hand."

"Pay attention to my movements and try to pull down as much as possible."

"Put the negative pressure suction aside and get it ready. When I stop, pass it to me."

At first, Li Wenxia's cooperation was still very awkward, but under Xiao Chenguang's patient teaching, she quickly caught up with the rhythm.

At this moment, Lin Gaoyang, who was on the opposite side, was almost stunned.

It is really a dream for some people to be taught by Xiao Chenguang in person.

The easy-to-understand explanation is very beneficial.

Even if Lin Gaoyang only listened to a few sentences, he could feel the change in his technique and the improvement it brought to himself.

You should know that his hook-pulling level was only achieved through repeated self-adjustments.

But now a newcomer who has just pulled the hook.

Under Xiao Chenguang's teaching, he has made rapid progress and his level is even not inferior to his own.

This teaching ability is really shocking.

Liu Tie, who was standing at the head of the bed at the moment, saw the seamless operation of several people on the stage, and he regretted why he had learned anesthesia in the first place.

If he had learned clinical medicine, wouldn't he be able to cooperate better with Xiao Chenguang?

At this time, on the stage, with the field of vision in the operation area guaranteed.

Xiao Chenguang also successfully blocked the thyroid vein with clamps.

Then came the most difficult part of this operation.

Separation of the recurrent laryngeal nerve and the tracheal wall.

As soon as the sharp knife tip touched the thin layer of tissue of the recurrent laryngeal nerve, the tumor covering it seemed to be stimulated and began to bleed continuously.

Soon the entire field of vision in the operation area was covered with bright red.

Everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but feel nervous.

"The nerves and trachea are all stuck together by cancerous tissue. They bleed if touched. How can we separate them?"

"Yes, this is too difficult. The safest way now is to remove the adhesions together, but if so, the patient's life will be over."

At this time, the patient's nerve wall was completely wrapped by the tumor, and ordinary scalpels were useless.

"Doctor Xiao, what should we do now?"

Li Wenxia, ​​who was also on the operating table, naturally watched moreMore clearly, facing such a difficult matter, suddenly became at a loss.

After all, radical thyroid cancer surgery is a major operation.

During the resection process, it is easy to injure the trachea. If you accidentally cut it off, the person will die.

At that time, even if the operation is lucky enough, the patient will most likely become a mute who can't speak.

"Doctor Xiao, do you want to ask the director again? After all, it is a level 4 operation, and our surgical authority is probably not enough."

After seeing the shape of the tumor, Lin Gaoyang's face gradually turned pale.

For them, the current operation is no less than level 4 surgery.

With their current surgical authority, they will definitely not be able to perform such complex and difficult-to-remove tumors.

And the operation involving tracheal tissue belongs to the category of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery.

It seems that this operation requires the joint efforts of the two directors of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery and general surgery to complete it together.

However, Lin Gaoyang's concerns made Liu Tie on the side a little confused.

"No, I remember that I happened to meet Director Wang when I was at work today, and we chatted for a while."

"He said that Xiao Xiao's current surgical authority is level 4, is that true?"

Seeing Lin Gaoyang take the initiative to mention the surgical authority, Liu Tie remembered Wang Jingang's words.

However, Xiao Chenguang, who could only perform level 1 and level 2 surgery yesterday, was upgraded to the highest level 4 surgical authority after just one day of not seeing him.

This speed is too fast.

Faced with the inquiry, Xiao Chenguang did not hide it and directly admitted it.

After all, it was not a big deal.

At this time, Liu Tie suddenly thought of something else, and this time even his face changed.

"I heard that there was an on-site cesarean section today, and the patient's heartbeat was gone, but in the end, the mother and child were safe. Didn't you do the operation?"

"Oh, you know all about this?" Xiao Chenguang was a little surprised. He didn't expect the news to spread so quickly. In less than half a day, even Liu Tie knew about it.

But it's not surprising to think about it. After all, they all work in the operating room. If there is any major event on the stage, the anesthesiology department will definitely be the first to know.


"Xiao Xiao, you are awesome!"

Even the veteran Liu Tie couldn't help but swear.

When he first heard the news, he was still wondering.

When did Shengli Hospital produce such a powerful person who had the courage to perform an on-site operation at a critical moment.

Now it seems that it must be Xiao Chenguang.

This, this, this...

The conversation between the two fell into the ears of Lin Gaoyang, who was shocked and couldn't even speak.

Possessing level 4 surgery authority.

On-site cesarean section surgery for cardiac arrest, mother and child are safe.

Such a scene, Lin Gaoyang dare not even think about it.

Such a person is simply hard to come by.

But now, he is standing in front of Lin Gaoyang, presiding over the operation.

In this case, with him here, why should Lin Gaoyang worry about anything? Just focus on hooking and watch the rest.

As expected.

Xiao Chenguang calmly said to everyone about this thorny problem: "Go, someone, push the laparoscopic equipment from the equipment room over."

As soon as this was said, everyone present was stunned.


Can laparoscopic surgery also be performed for neck surgery? !


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