Xiao Chenguang held the lens with his hand, leaned over, put his eyes on it, and looked into the patient's abdominal cavity through the cavity tube.

At this time, the screen was still gray, and the entire operating room was quiet. Everyone's eyes were focused on Xiao Chenguang.

No one dared to speak, for fear of affecting him.

Time passed by minute by minute, and Xiao Chenguang gradually adjusted the direction of the lens.

Due to the lack of image processing, some blind spots and dead angles can be easily overlooked by naked eye observation.

Once the lens is dirty and the field of view is not clear, it must be taken out and wiped again.

In this way, the previous efforts will be in vain.

At this time, everyone's heart has been raised to their throats, and they feel that their entire chest is pounding.


Xiao Chenguang stopped moving and fixed the laparoscope again.

As soon as this was said, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Teacher Xu, I'll help you get the forceps, you look at the camera."


Faced with Xiao Chenguang's request, Xu Guoqiang instinctively handed over the "gun" near him.

The latter reached out and held it steadily.

The whole process was quick, but it made people feel very relieved.

If this scene was seen by someone familiar with Xu Guoqiang, they would probably be shocked.

You know, in laparoscopic surgery, the two "guns" in the hands of doctors are no less than their own lives.

But now, Xu Guoqiang handed one of the "guns" to Xiao Chenguang.

This kind of trust that is willing to let him take risks can be called a life-long friendship.

At this time, Xu Guoqiang leaned over, grabbed the camera fixed by Xiao Chenguang, and began to operate in an extremely weird posture.

"Prepare to cut the gallbladder duct, turn the forceps 10 degrees to the right."


Xiao Chenguang controlled the forceps and began to turn it slightly.

"Okay, stop, hold steady."

Xu Guoqiang pinched the handle and lightly pulled the trigger, and the sharp scissors cut the slender gallbladder duct into two.

The whole process was very fast.

"Continue to cut the gallbladder artery and vein, pay attention to the strength, and prepare the bag."

"Ready, you can start cutting."

There were two people on the stage, one observing and checking, and the other operating the cutting.

The two cooperated tacitly, and at this moment it was unclear who was the main surgeon and who was the assistant.

Everyone present was nervously waiting for the result.


"The gallbladder was removed, there was no excess blood and fluid around the abdominal cavity, and the total bleeding was expected to be less than 5ml."

As a gradually shriveled gallbladder was taken out of the observation hole, a three-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy was successfully completed.

There was a burst of cheers at the scene.

"That's great, it was really scary just now."

On the operating table, instrument nurse Li Wenxia caught the cut gallbladder in a sterile bowl.

At this time, the surface of the gallbladder has begun to turn white due to the loss of blood supply.

The cut gallbladder duct and artery and vein were tightly sutured with a black needle and thread, without any tear.

The operation was done perfectly, and even the local bleeding was less than 5ml.

If the screen was not grayed out in the middle and there was no video recording, the operation in front of me could probably be used as a teaching material for people to learn and communicate.

Of course.

Because of this sudden change, even Xu Guoqiang, who has performed hundreds of cholecystectomies, began to get excited.

"Xiao Xiao, you are really good. If it weren't for you, this operation would definitely have to be converted to an open abdomen in the end."

Xu Guoqiang has been a doctor for so many years, and he has rarely experienced such thrilling operations.

Adrenaline soared, and the heart rate was still above 100 until now.

"Teacher Xu, are we still going to put in a drainage tube?"

"Is the patient waiting in the operating room for anesthesia to be removed, or will he be transferred back to the ward?"

Faced with Xu Guoqiang's endless praise, Xiao Chenguang just smiled.

In fact, if there were no small episodes in the middle of this operation, it would not be considered a major operation at all.

Even if the screen broke in the middle, it would be a little troublesome for Xiao Chenguang to operate it directly with the naked eye.

Now that the operation has been successfully completed, the next thing to consider is the issue of postoperative recovery.

Faced with Xiao Chenguang's first question, Xu Guoqiang was stunned.

Can a drainage tube not be placed in a cholecystectomy?

In his impression, even laparoscopic surgery with very little bleeding requires routine placement of drainage tubes after surgery.

But why does Xiao Chenguang look so confident, as if it would be okay without a drainage tube.

"Or, let's put in a gallbladder drainage tube."

At this time, even Xu Guoqiang himself did not realize that when he answered Xiao Chenguang's question, he actually had a kind of... timidity?


Xiao Chenguang more or less understood Xu Guoqiang's answer.

After all, compared with later generations, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, which has been done to prevent vomiting, is still a new technology.

Just in case,Even if the amount of bleeding is less than 5ml, a drainage tube must be placed for observation for two days.

Soon, the drainage tube was placed, the mirror was put away, the pneumoperitoneum machine was turned off, and the incision was sutured.

Xiao Chenguang, who was busy on the stage, could not help but make Xu Guoqiang beside him feel emotional.

This young man is really young and formidable.

"Anesthesia, prepare to stop the medication, and wait for the patient to wake up and return to the ward."

For the second question raised by Xiao Chenguang, Xu Guoqiang was much more confident.

"Okay, it is estimated that the patient will wake up in three minutes."


Xu Guoqiang was stunned again and looked at the anesthesiologist in astonishment.

When did even the anesthesia at the prefecture-level become so powerful?

Liu Tie smiled and felt secretly happy when he saw Xu Guoqiang's expression.

This is also thanks to the fact that he has been doing surgery with Xiao Chenguang recently. He is not only familiar with his operating procedures, but also can reduce the medication in advance.

The most important thing is that a lot of knowledge about anesthesia and respiratory mechanics still depends on Xiao Chenguang's generous teaching.

This allowed Liu Tie to gradually achieve the highest state of waking up the patient as soon as the operation was stopped.

At this time, the patient had gradually woken up, and there was a painful expression on his face. Liu Tie had already given him the painkiller.

As the medicine entered the blood vessels, the patient instantly became calm and peaceful.

"Old Wang, are you sure you haven't done abdominal surgery?"

Looking at the tacit medical staff on the stage, Xu Guoqiang asked a soul-searching question again.

At this time, Wang Jingang was also confused.

When did the level of the operating room of Shengli Hospital advance so rapidly?

Wang Jingang has been doing surgery in Shengli Hospital for a lifetime. He knows better than anyone what the operating room is like and what level the people are.

Even if the current surgical team is what he thinks is the best.

But it is really beyond Wang Jingang's expectation that it is so good that Xu Guoqiang from the provincial capital looks at it differently.

"Good luck, good luck..."

In order to save Xu Guoqiang's face, Wang Jingang laughed and laughed, but he looked up and outstretched his chest, and it was estimated that he was already very happy.

Soon, the patient was completely awake.

Liu Tie stopped the ventilator and removed the tracheal tube from the patient's mouth. He answered fluently and spoke clearly, and everything went very smoothly.

"The patient can be transferred back to the ward."

After the awakening, Liu Tie said to everyone in the operating room.

"Okay, let's go." Wang Jingang nodded with satisfaction.

As for why Xiao Chenguang proposed to remove the tube in the operating room, it was mainly for psychological comfort to the patient and his family.

After all, surgery is very nervous for both patients and their families.

The awake patient was pushed into the operating room, and when the operation was over, he came out of the operating room awake again.

For the family members, it was two completely different feelings to come out unconscious with the tube.

After all, any normal person with an IQ knows that patients who come out of the room awake have more successful operations and less trauma.

After a while, the patient returned to the general surgery ward safely, with the family members thanking him profusely.

When the medical staff saw the patient talking and laughing with his family members in the ward, they felt relieved.

They knew that after this operation, the spring of general surgery would come.

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