huff... huff...

At the moment when the blood transfusion box was handed over to the circulating nurse.

The staff of the blood transfusion department suddenly bent down, put his hands on his knees, and gasped.

Obviously, in order to allow the patient to receive blood transfusion as soon as possible, he ran all the way from the blood transfusion department directly to the operating room.

"I'm sorry."

He was panting, his chest was still rising and falling violently, but he still said intermittently: "There are still a few bags of blood that have not been thawed, but I dare not wait any longer, so I took them all."

At this time, the circulating nurse opened the blood transfusion box and found that the bottom few bags of blood were still hard.

A layer of white frost appeared on the surface of the blood bag, and mist rose, and the biting cold could be clearly felt.

"First pressurize and infuse the thawed frozen plasma!"

"First transfuse as many red blood cells as possible, and the remaining frozen ones..."

Xiao Chenguang on the stage had not finished speaking when he heard the voice of Dean Li in front of the operating room door.

"We'll figure out the rest."

Originally, Li Guoyong was sitting outside the door, feeling restless.

Seeing the staff rushing to the operating room with a large blood transfusion box, he could no longer sit still.

He asked Xunyou for a bag of cold red blood cells, held it in his arms, and used the most primitive method to transfuse blood.

With the example of the dean, other middle-level leaders dared not disobey.

They took the blood bags one after another, and although they were grimacing with cold, they did not dare to say anything more.

"Stop all other fluids and transfuse blood at full speed."

With artificial heating, Xiao Chenguang had no worries at this moment.

He directly asked Xunyou to replace all the patient's infusion lines with special blood transfusion devices.

After the blood bags were checked by two people.

A large amount of frozen inactivated plasma and suspended red blood cells were transfused into the patient's body at full speed.

The effect was obvious.

The originally pale and bloodless spleen and kidneys began to become rosy.

Even the slowest-reacting intestines, with the help of blood transfusion, have significantly improved blood circulation in some of the dark purple, necrotic intestinal cavities.

"Look, the patient's blood pressure and heart rate!"

As the first wave of life-saving blood transfusion was completed, the circulating nurse pointed to the patient's monitor with excitement.

The heart rate, which had been exhausted, gradually returned to normal values.

Even the blood pressure, which had been unmeasured, changed under the effect of a large amount of blood transfusion.


From the patient's visit to the rescue, and then to the operation, the patient finally measured the first decent blood pressure.

Although the blood pressure is still not high, it is much better than not being able to measure it all the time.

Everything is going in a good direction.

"Give the patient two 10% calcium gluconate intravenous injections, and push them slowly."

"Check the arterial blood gas later to see the patient's lactate and blood potassium."

The two points Xiao Chenguang said are all about the situations that need to be paid attention to after the patient has received a large amount of stored blood.

Although in 1999, many precautions had not yet formed diagnostic and treatment standards.

For example, the massive blood transfusion in front of us may cause a series of complications such as citrate poisoning, hyperkalemia, hypocalcemic convulsions, etc.

But since Xiao Chenguang is here, we should try to avoid the troubles that can be avoided.

After all, the patient can no longer bear even the slightest tossing.

"Tell the blood transfusion department to get another set of blood."

Fifteen minutes have passed.

The original bleeding site has gradually closed under the action of gel gauze and pressure to stop bleeding.

This provides the necessary conditions for the subsequent suturing operation.

"4-0 needle and thread, needle holder, round needle."

With the first experience of heart suturing, the instrument nurse on the stage has also taken a step up in operation.

She quickly selected the needle and thread, tied a knot to fix it, bit the round needle with the needle holder, and slapped it on the palm of Xiao Chenguang's hand.

"Director Yu, you can loosen the bleeding point."

The first thing Xiao Chenguang sutured was the spleen, which had the largest amount of bleeding.

You should know that the spleen is the blood storage and hematopoietic organ of the human body, and it is also the largest lymphatic organ.

It is soft and brittle.

There is a thin film covering the surface, which is easily hit by external forces and swells and bleeds.

Xiao Chenguang once saw a patient.

He was young and strong, but he accidentally fell while riding a bicycle.

Because he disliked the hospital's examination being too expensive and refused treatment, he went home on his own that night and his spleen bled heavily.

When 120 arrived, the person had already died of excessive blood loss.

This shows how fragile the spleen is.

Sometimes, it is even more fragile than the two walnuts that the female friend was playing with.

"Doctor Xiao, do you want to sew the spleen now?"

Director Yu was a little worried.

It's not that he is timid, but the patient's current vital signs are just...It has improved.

If you rashly suture the spleen, if you are not careful, it may cause bleeding again.

After all, Director Yu just saw the location of the rupture, which is at the spleen hilum.

There is a rich blood supply here, and the blood vessels and nerves attached to it are crisscrossed.

Sometimes, after one stitch, the rupture not only does not shrink, but may even become larger.

"Director Yu, have you forgotten that the heart suture just now was completed by Xiao Xiao?"

Xia Tao, the director of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, reminded him.

Yu Wei was stunned when he said this.


Xiao Chenguang is a person who dares to suture even the heart, so a mere spleen is probably not a problem.

"Okay, Director Yu, move your hands away. As long as Xiao Xiao is here for this operation, don't worry."

Xia Tao has completely become Xiao Chenguang's most loyal assistant at this moment.

Whether it is the continuous lock-edge mattress suture method demonstrated before when rescuing pregnant women.

Even now, Xia Tao is impressed by the simple interrupted suture heart surgery.

He even began to look forward to it vaguely.

What kind of suture technique will Xiao Chenguang use to suture the spleen this time, shocking the audience.

"Don't worry, Director Yu, it's okay."

Xiao Chenguang smiled faintly.

Xiao Chenguang can understand Yu Wei's worries.

After all, it is never too careful when it comes to the safety of the patient.

"Okay, I understand."

At this time, with the strong recommendation of Xia Tao, the big shot, and Xiao Chenguang's confident smile, Yu Wei also knew that he was worrying too much.

So he gradually reduced the pressure of his fingers, and at the moment when he moved the spleen crack, Xiao Chenguang had already started to act.

Under the action of Xiao Chenguang's needle holder, the round needle was inserted 2cm away from one side of the spleen wound, and then the needle was removed 0.5cm on the same side of the wound.

The needle was threaded, and the needle was inserted and removed again on the opposite side of the wound in the same way.

As the needle and thread were gently tightened.

The ruptured wound closed quickly.

Xiao Chenguang turned his wrist and pressed the thread in the opposite direction.

Then he wrapped the suture thread around the needle holder twice, tied a knot and fixed it.

The sterile scissors in the palm of his hand opened and closed with the slight movement of his fingers, cutting off the excess suture thread like a magic trick.

Xiao Chenguang's suture was pleasing to the eye.

For him, it was just a formal suture, but in the eyes of the directors, it was extremely fast.

At the same time, there was an uproar in his heart.

"It turned out to be Robert's suture technique. Xiao Xiao is really confident in his suture skills!"

Not only Xia Tao, but even Yu Wei on the side, looked at Xiao Chenguang on the stage with a shocked expression.

The suture method he chose at this moment was unexpected by everyone present.

It can be clearly seen here that Xiao Chenguang's suture is very different from the past.

The previous sutures were basically buried under the skin.

And this method, like a bridge, is built on the wound.

Its function is to increase the stability of wound suture.

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