In fact, Xiao Chenguang had a good impression of Secretary Hao.

At least he didn't take advantage of his power to break the rules in the operating room and give orders at will.

So Xiao Chenguang also stood up slightly and shook hands with him.

At the same time, he looked at him silently.

The secretary was different from most officials.

He was in his fifties, with a well-proportioned figure and a strong physique, without the common big belly.

He formed a natural contrast with Dean Li next to him.

Especially on his weather-beaten face, his deep eyes were bright and capable.

"It's so late, you are still guarding the patient's bed. How is his condition now? Do you have time to tell us?"

The secretary's attitude was very humble. Although Xiao Chenguang was young, his expression did not change from beginning to end.

In response to the request, Xiao Chenguang raised his head and glanced at the time hanging on the patient's bedside.

He calculated the changes in the patient's physical signs during this period, and then said to the secretary.

"I'll give you three minutes."

After these words came out, the secretary was stunned for a moment, and looked at Xiao Chenguang in surprise.

The expression that had never changed for a long time fluctuated for the first time.

After hearing this, Dean Li's face changed drastically, and he trembled all over, and his courage was about to break.

The secretary was just being polite, but you pretended to be polite.

If it weren't for your meritorious rescue, who would talk to you in such a high position in a nice tone?

Is it possible.

Xiao Chenguang didn't know who this person was in front of him?

The more Dean Li thought about it, the more likely it was. After all, it was extremely critical at the time. Xiao Chenguang was rescuing and operating, so he definitely couldn't take care of these.

"Xiao Xiao, this is..."

But just as Dean Li was about to open his mouth to remind him, the secretary beside him waved his hand.

The voice stopped abruptly.

Time seemed to have pressed the pause button.

The words that Dean Li had about to say were swallowed back.

"Understand, understand, the patient is the most important, then let's go out and talk?"

The secretary had a smile on his face, still giving people a feeling of spring breeze and warmth.


After adjusting the speed of liquid infusion, Xiao Chenguang called the nurse who was hiding in the corner and dared not say a word to help watch the patient.

After explaining the relevant precautions, he followed them to the office of the small ICU.

At this time, the office was full of people, all sitting upright with solemn expressions.

When the secretary came in, everyone stood up in a flash.

Dean Li, who was following him, bent his waist lower and his attitude became more humble after seeing the crowd standing up.

On the other hand, Xiao Chenguang still looked normal, neither humble nor arrogant.

"Doctor Xiao, please sit down. Everyone present is very concerned about the patient's condition. Please tell us about the situation."

The secretary was still very polite. Although he did not introduce the people present, it was not difficult to see from the reaction of Dean Li next to him.

Everyone in the room was in charge of various departments of Yingcheng.

"Okay, then I'll briefly talk about the patient's condition."

Facing the burning eyes of the crowd, Xiao Chenguang remained calm, and even the tone of his voice did not change.

He did not care about the identities of these people, he was very pure, and only had the patient in his heart.

Xiao Chenguang started the narration from the emergency first aid, from the state of the patient when he was first admitted, he was stabbed several times, unconscious, and bleeding.

Then why he pulled out the knife in the emergency room and relieved the crisis of cardiac arrest.

And the subsequent rush, emergency surgery, open abdomen and stop bleeding by hand, and suture of small intestine.

The whole process was extremely dangerous, and hearing everyone's fear, it was as if they were there.

Until everyone donated blood in the end, the operation was successfully completed, the patient was out of danger, and he stepped down smoothly, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Doctor Xiao, you have worked hard."

Hearing this, even Secretary Hao couldn't help but sigh.

If it weren't for the doctor in front of him, it would probably be a dead end like this.

"Nothing, saving people, that's it."

Xiao Chenguang just repeated the whole process again.

No exaggeration, just seeking truth from facts, simple and clear.

"Although the patient is seriously injured, the rescue is timely. I estimate that he will wake up early tomorrow morning."

Xiao Chenguang said with certainty.

When this was said, everyone present was very surprised.

With such a serious injury, the doctor in front of him actually said that the patient would wake up tomorrow.

How confident he was in his own surgery!

Dean Li, who was hunched over next to him, looked at a loss for words after hearing what Xiao Chenguang said.

This Xiao Xiao is too confident.

But this time, he had an inexplicable feeling.

It was as if as long as it came from Xiao Chenguang's mouth, it would give people an instinctive trust.

"That's good, that's good..."

Xiao Chenguang's promise made even Secretary Hao excited."Okay, I'll go back. The patient is still in danger, and I need to continue to pay attention to his condition."

Xiao Chenguang briefly explained why he had to stay in the ICU.

Then he stood up and walked out of the office. His elegant back made everyone stunned.

At this time, Secretary Hao seemed to have thought of something and looked at the time on the wall.

The surprise in his eyes flashed.

Three minutes.

It took only three minutes for Xiao Chenguang and his team to leave the ICU.


What kind of monster can control time so accurately.

Not only that.

In three minutes, Xiao Chenguang told the whole story in words that everyone could understand.

No doubt, it was clear.

This was the most terrifying thing for Secretary Hao.

The air in the office froze in an instant.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to say to Xiao Chenguang who turned around and left without hesitation.

Dean Li was in tears when he saw this.

A group of senior officials at the scene waited for you, a small doctor, to report the condition in the middle of the night.

But you, just a few words, sent everyone away.

This is too disrespectful to everyone...

"Ahem... Doctor Xiao, you are too young and have a bit of an impatient personality. Please forgive me, please forgive me..."

Dean Li felt so bitter...

He found that his only role here was to help Xiao Chenguang clean up his mess.


He was the director of Shengli Hospital, managing thousands of people, but he had to clean up his people all the time.

How could this be justified...

However, Secretary Hao's next words shocked him.

"Dean Li, your hospital has produced talents!"

The secretary was filled with emotion, and his favorability towards Xiao Chenguang was rising sharply.

"At a young age, he is calm and steady, and most importantly, at this age, his medical skills are admirable."

"Thanks to the patient being sent to Shengli Hospital tonight, and thanks to meeting Dr. Xiao, I can only say that meeting Dr. Xiao is the luck of all of us present."

Although Secretary Hao did not say it explicitly, everyone present was smart.

This matter is of great importance. If it goes wrong, everyone will be skinned.

But now, it is precisely because of Dr. Xiao's treatment that they are spared from punishment.

Therefore, Secretary Hao personally explained his "presumptuous" behavior of turning around and leaving just now.

In an instant, everyone understood what the secretary meant.

The slight dissatisfaction in their hearts disappeared.

In fact, some people are smarter.

"Dean Li, can I ask what Dr. Xiao's position is now in Shengli Hospital?"

One of the middle-aged men came over.

Dean Li took a closer look.


The person who came was actually the head of the Yingcheng Health Bureau.

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