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Chapter 156 How much did you say? (Want to subscribe please)

"Boss, I'm here to have fun, and I have to pay for it."

Hu Cong's appearance was very effective, and Zhou Anan's words were also very clear.

"Then I'll take it first."

After looking at the other person's face and then at Hu Cong, who was smiling, the middle-aged boss took the stack of money, counted five thousand, and returned the rest.

At this time, some people realized that something was wrong. Those who had not lost money quietly got up and asked the boss to refund their money.

Only four or five people lost money and didn't care about the outside world, waiting for luck to get their money back.

After all, if there is a big host-guest bet, it can leak out more or less, and just follow the opponent's counter pressure.

Gamblers, there is never a shortage of people who are not afraid of death.


After looking at the indifferent gamblers next to him, Zhou Anan sighed in his heart.

If he doesn't stop it in time, maybe his cousin will be next.

In his previous life, when he occasionally came home from college, he vaguely heard his father talk about this matter. In the end, his cousin stole more than 10,000 yuan from the family. The uncle and his wife were almost mad to death, but they couldn't bear to beat him.

After repeating this three times and two times, all the money of my uncle's family was wiped out. Zhou Anan's father even borrowed an unknown amount of money to settle his cousin's foreign debt.

From the age of sixteen to twenty-six, this cousin achieved nothing. In the end, he got a sales job in a factory, and his life gradually stabilized.

In this life, Zhou Anan is ready to correct the other party's problems in one go.

"It's also five thousand here. Sit down."

Pointing to the empty seat next to him, Zhou Anan said something to his cousin who had a slightly frightened face.

"Brother, I don't want to play anymore. I was wrong, okay? You tell my dad and let him hit me, no matter what, you don't want to get any more points."

After all, he was a sixteen-year-old boy, so Zhou Shun was shocked by such a formation.

Zhou Shun had never experienced much since he was a child, so Zhou Shun never thought that his cousin would know so many people.

And judging from how scared the game room owner is, these people are definitely not easy to mess with.

If his cousin borrowed money from the other party at a high interest rate and lost all the money, Zhou Shun couldn't imagine what would happen next.

At this moment, Zhou Shun no longer had any good wishes for repayment.

"What are you afraid of? No matter how much you lose, you have to make it back. Press boldly."

Patting his cousin on the shoulder, Zhou Anan said with a smile.

When his cousin didn't dare to press, Zhou Anan raised the bet based on his selection.

Five thousand, ten thousand, fifteen thousand...

Zhou Shun, who used to try to dissuade her from time to time, has long since become addicted.

"Come out with me."

After losing 20,000 yuan, Zhou Anan saw his cousin with red eyes and took him out of the house.

"Do you still want to earn it back?"

Arriving at a quiet corner, Zhou Anan asked.

"No, but your money..."

He no longer faced the machine, his somewhat swollen forehead became sober, and Zhou Shun shook his head repeatedly.

"You don't have to worry about my money. You just need to know that when you play with machines, you will always lose."

"I see."

"No, you don't. Come with me."

The two of them re-entered the room. All the other customers had been invited away, leaving only the boss and Hu Cong.

"Boss, please help me."

Handing over a cigarette, Zhou Anan still had a friendly smile on his face.


The situation is stronger than the person, and the boss is also a person who understands current affairs. Anyway, he will not dare to make Zhou Shun's money in the future.

No one else was there. The boss opened the machine panel, pointed at a display with red numbers and said: "This is the winning rate, 60%. That is, if the player bets 100 yuan, he will get about 60 yuan back. Some people are more ruthless than me, even 50% None. This is the amount that has been bet."

Coming out of the game hall, Zhou Shun was a little lost.

He never thought that the game room where some people made tens of thousands of dollars would be so dark and everything was designed.

Humans can never defeat machines.

"What do you want to do in the future?'

Without saying anything to comfort him, Zhou Anan asked.

"I'm going to work for my aunt. I'll pay you back as soon as possible."

Gritting his teeth, Zhou Shun revealed his only way out.

Just now, his brother lost 25,000, including his own, which was nearly 30,000.

If nothing else, he wants at least half of the money, which is fifteen thousand.

At this time, Zhou Shun also saw that his cousin was doing it for his own good.

"Zhou Xiaoke is going to open a milk tea shop. You can work for him as the store manager. You will get a monthly salary of two thousand yuan and a bonus at the end of the year. I don't care how you spend your normal monthly salary. The three thousand yuan you just lost will be returned to you when you get a dividend at the end of the year. I."

Now that his cousin is willing to work, Zhou Anan expressed his thoughts.

There is no need to save people who are lazy and lazy.


When he heard that as long as he paid back three thousand yuan, he could still be a store manager, Zhou Shun's eyes slowly gained a little more color.

After letting his cousin take the car home and prepare to go to Hangzhou to learn milk tea making in two days, Zhou Anan waited for Hu Cong and his party outside the game room.

"Young Master Zhou, I got all the money back. This is the 3,500 yuan your brother lost, and the 10,000 yuan compensation from the boss."

Hu Cong came out with a handbag and greeted him with a smile, and also showed what the owner of the game room meant.

"I'll take the three thousand and five thousand, and I'll give you the ten thousand for tea."

After taking over the three thousand and five, Zhou Anan didn't take ten thousand.

It's better not to touch some money, since he doesn't need that little money anyway.

"Then thank you, Mr. Zhou. You guys, why don't you thank Mr. Zhou soon."

Knowing the other party's net worth, Hu Cong didn't show any pretense and shouted to the younger brothers around him.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhou."

The rest of the people didn't expect to get some money for the walk, so they all happily thanked the young man in front of them.

"How are the preparations for your bathhouse going?"

Now that they have met, Zhou Anan is also concerned about his previous proposal to Zhou Xiaoke.

Some boys felt that delivering food was embarrassing and not in line with their position. In addition, Zhou Xiaoke had many idle boys in the Lizhou area who came to seek refuge. Zhou Anan gave him an idea to open a full-service bathhouse. .

This idea is not new. According to the trajectory of time, a large bathhouse will be opened by the end of this year, integrating bathing, dining, leisure, chess and card rooms, and hotels. The business has been booming for at least ten years.

After listening to the suggestions from his elementary school classmates, Zhou Xiaoke felt that there was much to be done, so he asked Hu Cong to return to Lizhou to preside over the project, and conducted a large-scale fund-raising campaign, raising nearly one million dollars.

For this reason, Zhou Xiaoke sold all the houses he bought just before the Chinese New Year and took half of the shares.

The location of the bathhouse, which had been popular for more than ten years, was naturally occupied by Zhou Xiaoke first.

"Half of it has been renovated and it will be open in July."

Speaking of this, Hu Cong, who has been promoted to the general manager of a business hotel, is even more grateful. Who would have thought that he would one day become a successful person after living a bloody life on the streets.

In those days when people were collecting protection fees to live their lives, no matter what they thought, they were so vulgar.

"Don't do some things randomly, so as not to cause trouble to your boss."

Regarding this point, Zhou Anan didn't know whether his proposal was right or wrong. At least for now, he was making suggestions for the stability and harmony of Lizhou society.

"I know, I know, I will keep my little brothers in check. If any bastard dares to do something bad, I will break his legs."

At this point, Hu Cong is definitely more concerned than anyone else.

How could you let others ruin your career after finally clearing your name?

Anyone who dares to cause sabotage is his sworn enemy, General Manager Hu.

"By the way, do you have a real estate agent you are familiar with? I want to rent a shop."

Not wanting to interfere in the other party's affairs, Zhou Anan asked Hu Cong.

"Yes, I'll call someone over now. What store do you want to rent?"

"Let's go to the pedestrian street and take a look first."

Standing at the intersection of the pedestrian street, Zhou Anan saw the agent coming over and asked Hu Cong to leave first.

The pedestrian street was originally a commercial street built by the Lizhou government. It is modeled after the wooden structure of the early Republic of China. It has a total of two floors and occupies the most prosperous land in the center of Lizhou.

Unfortunately, due to policy and planning errors, the pedestrian street, which was built just two years ago, has become deserted. Hundreds of shops inside are deserted, while only the surrounding street shops are still bustling.

"There are a total of thirty-five stores on this street, and five of them are ready for sale or sublease."

I don’t know what the relationship between the other party and Hu Cong is, so the young man working as an intermediary said cautiously.

"How much is the rent approximately?"

After wandering around the small streets that have been called "pedestrian streets" in the past few years, Zhou Anan found that there is not yet the polarization that it will be in the future.

"This one occupies an area of ​​8 square meters, and the rent is 4,000 per year. This one occupies an area of ​​15 square meters, and the rent is 6,500 per year, and the price is 95,000..."

"Wait a minute, how much do you think the price of that one is?"

Pointing to the shop near the intersection of Victory Street, Zhou Anan asked in disbelief.

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