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Chapter 6

Chapter VI Shengshi Group

Wang Feng, the owner of this figure, naturally knew him, and he had accompanied him to spend a happy time and gave him the deepest blow.

It is Wang Feng's ex-girlfriend "Zheng Zhiyao".

"Are you looking for me?" Wang Feng looked at Zheng Zhiyao and asked lightly.

"Looking for you? Stop being narcissistic. This is a new car my boyfriend just bought. Let me drive in school. I just happened to see a licking dog sitting here in the sun, so I came over and took a look. No."

Zheng Zhiyao's mouth was as harsh as ever.

This is how she is. When you are good with you, you have all kinds of sweet talks, dear, but when she hates you, she feels insulted even when she looks at you more.

But she didn't offend her, on the contrary, she dumped herself, but why did she have to have trouble with herself?

show off?

Show off?

Deliberately mad at yourself?

But what does my life have to do with you?

Wang Feng gave him a white look and was about to get up and leave.

He was really not interested in taking care of this kind of kid's tricks.

If he used to be sad and dying, but he who had already looked down on this relationship, how could he still care.


Wang Feng was not angry, but Zheng Zhiyao was so angry.

Shouldn't he beg me a little?

Shouldn't he have an inferiority complex and dare not look directly at me?

What is this attitude? Ignore myself completely indifferently, without even saying a word, get up and leave, what a thing!

Seeing Wang Feng turned to leave without paying attention to herself, Zheng Zhiyao hurriedly stopped.

Holding up the bag in his hand, he continued to show off to Wang Feng, "Is it from LV? My boyfriend bought me for several thousand. He loves me very much, and he has the ability to love me. But with you, I can only buy some cheap A goods, which is utterly embarrassing. I looked at you because I was blind. Fortunately, I followed him early.

"There is this car, it costs more than two hundred thousand! Have you ever touched it, you—"

"Ha ha--"

Wang Feng smiled, and was noncommittal about Zheng Zhiyao's words.

He didn't refute, or said that he just relied on it.

Funny? I now have 1.5 billion, and I can't afford anything I want to buy. How can I care about this bag and car?

"Huh!? What is your attitude."

Realizing Wang Feng's disdainful look, Zheng Zhiyao felt that she had been greatly insulted.

It's like showing off to others with a beloved gift, but people don't care at all, you say you are out of breath.

"Okay, it's good. But be careful when you encounter a liar"

Wang Feng said something not salty or indifferent. As for how much the other party can understand, it all depends on her.

It can be considered the last bit of affection, which puts an end to this relationship.

"A liar? You dare to say that my boyfriend is a liar! Even a liar is better than you, a waste of mud that can't support the wall for a lifetime."

Zheng Zhiyao wanted to say something, but the phone rang at this moment.

It was the Samsung Omnia that Wang Feng had worked so hard to buy for her for three months. At that time, it cost more than 7,000 yuan, but Wang Feng himself used an old-fashioned Nokia phone that could not be broken.

Even after breaking up now, Wang Feng never thought of coming back. After all, this was a gift from him.

"Okay, husband. I'll be there soon, love you."

Zheng Zhiyao hung up the phone in a huff, and yelled "Diaosi" to Wang Feng in anger, and then drove away with a crowd of more than 200,000 people.

"I hope you don't cry in the future."

Looking at the shadow in the distance of the car, Wang Feng gave a wry smile.

With the red sunset, the refreshing autumn breeze, the falling leaves and the students after class, everything on the campus is so beautiful and quiet.

Wang Feng wanted to take a good time at university, but his mobile phone suddenly rang. It was He Yanhong of Hualian Bank.

"It hasn't been three hours since he left the bank. What can he ask for himself?"

Wang Feng answered the phone in doubt.

"Hey, is it Mr. Wang? I'm Xiao He from Hualian Bank." He Yanhong said humbly on the phone.

"Hello Manager He, what's the matter?"

After he left for a while, the bank called, and Wang Feng couldn't figure it out.

"That's right, isn't Mr. Wang looking for investment projects? A major bank customer wants to meet you and talk about cooperation by the way. I don't know if you are free."

He Yanhong said cautiously. After all, he had just met this morning, and he went to talk to someone about the project in the afternoon. It was indeed unreasonable. But this friend is also a big customer. He was really afraid of losing this customer, so he bit the bullet and made this call.

I only hope that Wang Feng can give himself some face, no matter whether things are done or not, he can be considered as helpful, so he can explain to the other party.

"Who? What kind of project probably."

Wang Feng's expression inevitably cooled down. He is not a fledgling boy. Anyway, he has been in the business world for more than ten years, so he won't be that easy to deceive.

Hearing Wang Feng's tone became colder, He Yanhong suddenly got a cold sweat.

If this doesn't help, and offends another big customer, then it would really be a business that lost her wife and lost her arms.

"It's Mr. Zhang Tianyang from Shengshi Group. He wants to talk to you about a bridge project because of the company's temporary shortage of funds."

Knowing that Wang Feng is not easy to fool, He Yanhong dare not conceal a little bit, and all of the 15 to 10 are said, "The capital is 200 million yuan, the monthly interest is 5 cents, there is collateral guarantee, and it is absolutely safe to repay it within 3 months."

"If Mr. Wang finds it inconvenient, I will reject him."

He Yanhong then cried and said, “Mr. Wang, don’t be angry. I know it’s not right to disturb you so presumptuously. But today at noon, the incident in the hall reached Mr. Zhang’s ears for some reason. He came to me. And it’s a big customer of the company, and I can’t help it.”

"Crossing the bridge", this Wang Feng knew.

It's nothing more than using your own money to make up for others the hole in the bank loan, and then pay back the money after the new loan is down. It is mostly popular in the mutual guarantee between banks or between various companies and financial institutions, and it is very rare to find personal loans.

It's okay if the new loan comes down, but if it doesn't come, it will be troublesome.

Another point is that the interest is usually between 1.25% and 5%. And the other party's interest rate is so high, and they are looking for individuals. It seems that the capital chain of Shengshi Group is already very tense, and it can't find a new source, otherwise it won't trust someone to find itself.

"F*ck, He Yanhong is clearly pitting himself."

However, if it is for other companies, Wang Feng is afraid that it will immediately refuse, but this Shengshi Group is different, as far as he knows, the development of the next few years is limitless.

At the beginning, Wang Feng's master's thesis was the company that he studied, so he understood its development relatively clearly, and it was time to talk about it.

"Well, you make an appointment, and I will meet Mr. Zhang." Wang Feng said.

"You see if it will work right now, Mr. Zhang is indeed very anxious." He Yanhong said quickly when he saw that there was a play.

"Well, I'll wait for you at the gate of Changyuan University of Finance and Economics. Find a car to pick me up."

As soon as the phone was hung up here, Zhang Tianyang made an anxious call over there, "How about Manager He, did he agree?"

"Mr. Wang is only willing to see the last one first. As for the final result, only Mr. Zhang you have talked with him in person."

He Yanhong answered truthfully.

"All right."

Zhang Tianyang is not in a hurry now. His 200 million yuan loan is about to expire in the next few days. He has already agreed with the major banks, and they have mutual insurance and a new loan just to make this hole. Fill.

But I don't know what happened, when the final lending link was reached, it was suddenly stopped by the head office. I thought to myself that someone must be making trouble, but now the loan hole is the biggest trouble, and he doesn't have time to investigate it for the time being.

What he fears most is that the loan is overdue. If this spreads out, the company's reputation will be over, and it will be even more difficult to borrow from the bank.

And those suppliers are afraid that they will collect the bills in advance. When that happens, even their own partners will inevitably think about it when doing business. After a series of reactions, it is not a matter of 200 million yuan.

In addition, rumours have begun to spread outside. If the money is not found early to suppress it, the consequences will be really unimaginable.

He couldn't help being in a hurry!

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