A good way to make money?

He Qiang had a confused expression on his face.

In this era, any way to make money must be full of risks.

Otherwise, it would not be as good as his current income.

So He Qiang really didn't have much interest.

However, for the sake of cooperation, He Qiang still pretended to be very interested and asked:

"Brother, if there is anything good, please take your brothers with you!"

Chen Xuebing didn't know that He Qiang didn't care at all, and a very mysterious expression appeared on his face. He whispered:

"Brother, it is only you and I who have this kind of relationship. Otherwise, I would not tell him even if he was my brother who wore open-crotch pants!"

After hearing this, He Qiang was not happy at all, but was shocked.

My goodness, has our relationship become so good?

The first thing He Qiang thought of at this time was that Chen Xuebing had a big plan.

He was definitely after his precious daughter!

"Hey, brother, please tell me about this. I want to buy a tractor as soon as possible."

He Qiang calmly looked at He Tiantian, as if he was hinting at something.

Chen Xuebing was delighted when he saw this, and then he said,"You and I are brothers, and Xiaobao is also Niuniu's brother. I will definitely take you to make money together!""

Chen Xuebing, you are so greedy! You are still so greedy that you want to have a baby marriage!

He Qiang has made up his mind. He accepted the sugar-coated gift and returned the cannonball.

He Tiantian's marriage is up to his daughter to decide, and he will definitely not force her.

"" Brother, please stop keeping me in suspense and tell me in detail!"

Chen Xuebing stopped keeping me in suspense and said in a low voice,"Brother, I've heard that the price of mountain products is going to rise sharply, and the restrictions will be lifted and bargaining will be implemented at that time.

So from now on, stock up more, and you will definitely make a lot of money next year.

You have enough funds now, so you can find ways to buy more from the villagers, but remember not to do it yourself, otherwise when the price goes up later, it will be troublesome for those villagers to report you because they feel they have lost money.


If it's a small amount of personal purchase, no one will care.

But if it's a large amount, that's speculation.

Even after the opening next year, this crime is not a small one.

He Qiang was disappointed when he heard the"way to wealth" revealed by Chen Xuebing.

In fact, as a reborn person, He Qiang also experienced it once. The price increase of mountain products next year was nothing more than the fact that the then senior leader said that he would vigorously develop the economy of related products.

The proportion of the price increase is not low, at least 20% to 30%.

But in terms of profit, the increase is less than 1 times, which is only a difference of 20% to 30%.

Compared with the profit of He Qiang using his supernatural powers to produce crops, it is not even a fraction. If you want to make money from this kind of hoarding and bullish operation, you have to invest a lot.

Even if He Qiang counts the income from the sale of lotus roots, it is only in the thousands.

The profit that can be earned is only in the hundreds.

It's not as valuable as what he sells for a year of honey.

It's totally meaningless.

But the work that should be done still needs to be done.

He Qiang pretended to be grateful and thanked Chen Xuebing:"Brother, you are really my brother! I'll ask my family to prepare to stock up! There are a lot of mountain products in our village!"

Chen Xuebing nodded and reminded He Qiang:"Brother, if you have the conditions, you can try to raise some black fungus, white fungus and the like yourself. If not, go to the mountains to find some and stock up until autumn. By the next year, you can make a lot of money."

Although dried black fungus and white fungus are very valuable, the quantity of these things is not large. Moreover, because they are not plants and the rotten wood they grow on is dead, He Qiang's perception cannot detect them, so he has never collected them specifically.

If he cannot rely on his supernatural powers to lock them, he can only search with the naked eye, which is too inefficient.

After all, it takes about ten pounds of fresh ones to produce one pound of dried ones.

And every time he encounters a small amount that can be collected, and he often doesn't encounter them, so He Qiang has never thought about fungi.

He Qiang has never even thought about cultivating fungi.

Because these things grow on rotten wood, He Qiang's supernatural powers strengthen living plants, and he doesn't know what the situation is with using them to cultivate fungi.

Besides, the effect of"irrigation" is so good, wouldn't it be great to use it to cultivate crops and harvest every year?

"Brother, I've got it all in mind!"

He Qiang said this vaguely.

Chen Xuebing felt that his future daughter-in-law's matter was three points closer to success.

After that, it was time to go out and play.

Although there was nothing fun in the county town, for rural people, just strolling around the county town was considered a trip.

Even the scorching sun above their heads could not stop their enthusiasm.

It was just that He Tiantian had been spoiled recently. When she was too hot, she simply refused to walk and insisted on being held.

But even if you hold her, it would make you hotter.

"Come down and walk by yourself, Daddy will buy you an ice cream!"

He Qiang said to He Tiantian.

It was mainly because he was impatient with the heat.

Fatherly love was on the verge of collapse.

In the middle of summer, hugging his daughter and feeling hot was not cute at all.……

""Dad, what is ice cream?"

He Tiantian looked up and blinked her big eyes.

He Tiantian has never eaten ice cream since she was born.

When she came to the county before, He Tiantian was not so spoiled. Just eating White Rabbit popsicles was enough to satisfy her.

It's not like now, she is really more and more like a little princess.

He Qiang looked at his daughter helplessly and said,"Ice cream is something sweet, milky, icy and delicious."

He Tiantian bit her finger and said expectantly,"Niuniu wants to eat ice cream!!"

"Then come down and walk by yourself. Dad will buy it for you when you get there!"

So He Tiantian went down to the field quickly.

A group of people were also very happy to see He Qiang coaxing the child like this.

In the end, He Tiantian got to eat the milk ice cream as she wished.

One cent and twenty cents per piece, He Yongjun frowned.

This has been used to buy salt for a long time!

Seeing his son licking the ice cream like a child, He Yongjun frowned even more.

""You're so grown up, but you're still like a kid!"

He Yongjun couldn't help but mutter.

He Qiang didn't hear clearly and asked blankly,"What?"

He Yongjun looked at He Qiang licking the ice cream happily and couldn't help but asked curiously,"Is it so delicious? So expensive!"

He Qiang said while slurping,"It smells so good, has a milky taste, is sweet and cool."

He Yongjun:"How can I know if you just tell me?"

"Well, how about I give you a taste?"

"I'm only worthy of eating what you leave, right?"

""Okay, okay, I'll buy you one!"

So, He Yongjun soon took a cream ice cream and started eating it.

He opened his mouth and put it in his mouth and took a sip. The rich milky flavor filled his taste buds, and the sweetness made He Yongjun's eyes narrowed in enjoyment.

""Well, it tastes delicious!"

He Yongjun said while looking at the ice cream.

He Qiang rolled his eyes.

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