After a brief exchange of glances, He Qiang decided to ask Director Kong to take them to visit the excellent products of the furniture factory.

"Director Kong, I actually plan to replace all the furniture at home. If it is suitable, even if I don’t have enough money now, I will definitely buy it later. The main thing is to see how the masters’ craftsmanship is."

He Qiang said to Kong Demin.

This is obviously not to let Director Kong take them to the production line, but to see the masterpieces of the masters of the furniture factory.

"No problem at all, I'll take you to see the exhibits of our furniture factory!"

The furniture factory must have made preparations in this regard, so Director Kong agreed without hesitation.

Kong Demin led the way in front, and He Qiang and his family followed behind.

Wu Youhua and He Qiang walked side by side, and whispered to her husband:"Are you still planning to replace all the furniture in your home? We don't have so much space in our house."

He Qiang said nonchalantly:"Didn't we say that we would expand it first? Then there will be room to put it, and I always feel that furniture will increase in price in the future, so it's not a loss to buy it now."

These words made Wu Shuhua look suspicious.

It was mainly because the price of furniture had increased, which always felt a bit strange.

Now the furniture factory is about to go bankrupt because it can't sell furniture, so how can the price of furniture increase?

This obviously shows that the demand for furniture is low.

""Have you heard any news again?"

Wu Shuhua asked in a low voice.

That must be because I saw it from the future!

But He Qiang certainly couldn't say that, and his two biggest connections were right next to him.

So Chen Xuebing took the lead and asked,"Brother, how do you think the price of furniture will increase?"

He was walking next to He Qiang, so even though the couple spoke in a low voice, he heard it.

Now, He Qiang couldn't admit that he had heard any news.

If He Qiang admitted it, and Chen Xuebing and the others were curious and asked who leaked it, he wouldn't be able to make it up.

Thinking of this, He Qiang simply bit the bullet and gestured,"Think about it, the national policies are getting better and better, and the people's pockets will definitely get fatter. Now that you have money, how can you not tidy up your home? Then there will be more demand, and the price will naturally go up!"

It seems so reasonable that Chen Xuebing couldn't help but nodded.

In fact, the increase in grain production this year can prove He Qiang's point of view.

Since the whole country began to quietly implement the household contract system, the enthusiasm of farmers for production has indeed increased a lot, which is also the reason for the increase in production.

Chen Xuebing looked at his good brother and suddenly recalled Commander Zhou's evaluation: There are talented people in the mountains and fields!

Although Chen Xuebing has always felt that He Qiang will definitely have a great opportunity in the future, it seems that he still underestimated his rural brother.

"If he was not born in the countryside, but in a better-off family, I'm afraid his future achievements would be higher than mine, right?"

Thinking of this, Chen Xuebing's desire to become a relative of He Qiang became even stronger!

And the most important thing is that He Qiang currently has only one daughter. Even if his sister-in-law is pregnant with a second child, it is hard to say what kind of child she will have in the future.

If it is still a daughter, it would be a big deal if his son married He Tiantian.

On the side, He Qiang felt Chen Xuebing's burning gaze, and always felt that something was wrong with his good brother!

When he came to the warehouse where the exhibits were displayed, He Qiang was attracted by a chair before Kong Deming introduced it.

"Director Kong, this chair is made of rosewood, right?"

He Qiang couldn't help asking. Kong

Demin was stunned. He didn't expect He Qiang to be able to tell the material of the chair in one sentence. It seems that this person has an extraordinary family background. No wonder he can be so close to Chen Xuebing, a school-level officer.

"That's right, authentic small-leaf red sandalwood, old items from the Ming Dynasty, old items that our factory used to collect."

Kong Demin introduced while observing He Qiang's expression, and finally made up his mind and said:"Comrade He seems to like these old items very much?"

He Qiang said with a surprised face:"Why, these can still be sold?"

Kong Demin asked back:"Why can't they be sold?"

Now He Qiang suddenly realized and figured out the situation.

This is 1978!

The prices of these old items will soar after the reform and opening up.

At this point in time, even if you know it is an antique, it is not worth much.

Either you know it is a national treasure and it is expropriated by the government, or you don't realize the value and must be happy to sell it.

Before He Qiang was reborn, he could see these related information from time to time, and he was naturally very clear about the value of old items from the Ming and Qing Dynasties made of small-leaf red sandalwood.

As long as this thing can be bought at the current market price, it must be a bloody business!

"Director Kong, let's be frank. You actually said this can be sold, so I really picked it! This small stool is just right for my child to sit on. My daughter will definitely like it!"

He Qiang tried hard to hide his inner excitement, but it was obvious that he did not manage his expression well enough.

But that's not a big deal.

Song Guoqiang chimed in,"Since you like it, then buy it. I think the low armchair is also very good. Director Kong, there are still many collections in the factory, take us to have a look, little He still has a lot of things to buy."

Kong Demin smiled and said,"No problem, Comrade He, please come this way."

He Yongjun whispered,"This small stool can only be used for a few years. How will the child sit when he grows up? You might as well buy a small single stool."

He Qiang was too lazy to pay attention to his old father.

You look down on this old Ming Dynasty item made of small-leaf red sandalwood!

My dear father, this is an antique. In later generations, it would be a treasure that could be sold to buy a new house!

Although this Ming Dynasty chair does not look well maintained and has many flaws, it is also an old item from the Ming Dynasty!

"In addition to red sandalwood, there are also old items made of golden nanmu and huanghuali, as well as finished products made by our factory masters!"

Kong Demin looked at He Qiang and gave a quote that almost made him scream:"These furniture, from large to small, range in price from ten to two hundred yuan. Although some are more expensive, they are complete sets, and the individual pieces are actually not that expensive."

He Qiang looked at these collections and felt stunned.


An old item that can reach tens of millions of dollars in the future, you tell me it only costs ten yuan!? At this moment, He Qiang felt like a mouse that fell into a rice warehouse, and was almost blinded.

My goodness, this overwhelming wealth hit him in the face.

As long as he bought these old items, even if he lost his supernatural powers now, he would definitely be a rich man in the future.

As for whether there would be fakes?

That was obviously impossible.

Based on Kong Demin's current situation, even if he had ten thousand courage, he would not dare to play tricks in front of Song Guoqiang and Chen Xuebing.

If it is an old item, it must be an old item!

"This set of Eight Immortals Table, is it the one that costs 200 yuan?"

He Qiang pointed at the set of Eight Immortals Table, his eyes widened.

Kong Demin nodded hurriedly and said happily:"Yes, yes, yes! Comrade He, although this set of Eight Immortals Table is a little worn, it is made of good wood after all. It is absolutely durable and looks beautiful. The price of 200 yuan is absolutely fair, no deception!"

He Qiang almost laughed out loud when he saw Kong Demin was afraid that he would not want it.

Let alone 200 yuan, he would buy it even if it was 2,000 yuan!

Maybe 2,000 yuan is the income that a farmer can save in 20 years, but if this set of Eight Immortals Table is placed in the future, He Qiang believes that a worker can't buy it even with 200 years of income, let alone 20 years of income!

"The table at home is fine, why did you buy this set? There is no place to put it in your small house."

He Yongjun couldn't help it. He thought that it was okay for his son to buy a mattress, but aren't the chairs the same?

The mattress is indeed softer and more comfortable to sleep on.

But the table and chairs are made of wood, what difference can there be when sitting on them?

Why buy them? It's a complete waste of money!

If you really want a new table and chairs, why not let the carpenter make it?

"Old He, you have to listen to your son this time. I have been coveting this set of Eight Immortals Table for a long time. If it weren’t for the old lady at home who forbade me to buy it, I would have bought it long ago."

Song Guoqiang smacked his lips with regret.

He Yongjun hesitated and whispered,"Is it really that good?"

Song Guoqiang nodded and said seriously,"If I couldn’t buy it back, it wouldn’t be Xiao He’s turn to choose it."

Kong Deming also fanned the flames and said,"After buying this set of Eight Immortals Table, the price of the mattress can be reduced."

Kong Deming’s mind is now full of thoughts on how to serve He Qiang to his satisfaction.

When the time comes to get in touch with Song Guoqiang, he will be able to legally take over many private jobs through the channels of the supply and marketing cooperative.

So Kong Deming is almost certain about this deal with He Qiang.���It can be said that the upper half is sold and the lower half is given away.

It is basically the real cost price.

At this time, Mrs. He made the final decision:"I think this set of eight-immortal tables is good and impressive! When your father was alive, he wanted to buy some furniture made of good wood for the family. It's a pity that he didn't have this blessing, otherwise the youngest son could also honor him now."

Well, even the deceased Mr. He was moved out, and He Yongjun didn't say anything now.

On the other hand, Wu Shuhua said to He Qiang:"Isn't there a wooden bed over there? The bed at home should really be replaced. It has been creaking recently." He Qiang laughed when he heard it.

Why is it creaking?

It's because the couple was too loving some time ago...

After all, according to the situation in the previous life, there was no second child at all.

As a result, not only is there a second child now, but Xiaohua is also becoming more and more proactive.

This is because it is not the time for settling down, otherwise He Qiang thinks Xiaohua will be even wilder!

"We just happen to have a mahogany bed that matches the mattress."

Kong Demin immediately started to promote it.

Although this mahogany bed is not an old item, it looks really good. There are carved patterns on the bedside table and the bed.

The carvings are exquisite and very realistic, and the craftsmanship is overwhelming.

He Qiang can tell from the quality of this mahogany bed that Kong Demin is not bragging, and the craftsmanship of their factory's masters is indeed very good.

He Qiang looked at Wu Shuhua and found that she was satisfied, so he said without hesitation:

"How much does this bed cost?"

Kong Demin said without hesitation:"120!"

Although Kong Demin had already made a gesture of cutting his own flesh and blood, the price of 120 yuan was really not a small amount.

In this day and age, an ordinary worker only earns 30 or 40 yuan a month, and it takes three or four months to save up this money without eating or drinking.

But the actual situation is that most workers not only cannot save money, but also often lack nutrition due to food shortages.

A bicycle, which is called a large item, costs only about 100 yuan.

"Comrade He, please don't think it's expensive. Although this mahogany is not as precious as red sandalwood, golden nanmu, and huanghuali, it is not inferior. This mahogany for a whole bed is really not expensive. It can also be used as a bedside table for you two!"

Kong Demin was afraid that He Qiang would not be satisfied with the price, so he hurriedly began to explain.

If it was any lower, it would really break through the cost price, and he would have a hard time explaining it!

"The price is not unacceptable."

He Qiang looked at Kong Demin's anxious expression and said,"But I may have to buy them separately."

After all, the family's savings are only a few hundred yuan.

Although the expected income this year is still several thousand yuan, it has not yet arrived.

"Xiao He, just choose. I will come to the furniture factory to purchase in the name of the supply and marketing cooperative. The goods will be stored in the supply and marketing cooperative. You can buy them home slowly later. Don't worry about others snatching them from you."

Song Guoqiang directly solved He Qiang's problem.

And Kong Demin was even more excited. This is the channel he wants!

As long as Song Guoqiang is the middleman, he can expand his business boldly!

"All right then, thank you Uncle Song!"

He Qiang decided to go all out and just started buying!

Huanghuali small table, buy!

Golden nanmu wardrobe, buy!

After selecting several old items in one go, He Qiang ended today's shopping trip with satisfaction.

It's not that He Qiang didn't want to buy everything, but mainly because several items were picked up by Chen Xuebing.

But He Qiang didn't plan to eat alone.

He still has many opportunities to make money, and there is no reason not to give face to Chen Xuebing.

Both parties felt that they had made a lot of money.

Everyone has a bright future!

On the way home, He Yongjun complained:"Can't you let your kid buy things! You said you were going to buy a mattress, but you almost replaced the whole house! I don't think you can stop renovating the house this time, I'm afraid you have to tear it down and rebuild it!"

Old Mrs. He immediately scolded:"Okay, didn't the youngest say that the price of those furniture will definitely increase in the future! They will have to renovate the house in the future anyway, so it's better to buy now than to buy it then!"

He Yongjun:"……"

Even a spendthrift can be praised for his foresight. Is there any law left?

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