It takes at least an hour to walk to the village.

Although Mrs. He was strong enough, He Qiang borrowed a wooden cart from the brigade to save her trouble.

He pulled the old lady on the flat ground and supported her on the slopes, so that she could walk less.

Such a filial act touched Mrs. He very much. She said that it was not in vain that she loved him.

When they arrived in the village, many people looked at He Qiang as if they had seen a ghost.

He Qiang was a notorious lazy guy in the surrounding area, but he actually dragged his old lady to the village. When the village cadres saw him, they thought He Qiang was going to cause trouble, and their faces turned black. It was not until He Qiang explained his purpose that the village cadre's face became normal.

He took the two to the office of the village committee.

The village chief Wu Youhua was busy in the office. When he heard that the two had arrived, he did not look up and was busy on his own.

Old Mrs. He was not polite. She walked over, patted the table and said,"Third brother, don't you often collect mountain products for the leaders above? Look at how much this pheasant caught by our youngest son is worth."

Wu Youhua then raised his head helplessly and said,"My old sister, please be careful with your words. It will have a bad impact if it gets out!"

Old Mrs. He pursed her lips and said,"You have been the village chief for almost ten years. If this news can get out, you might as well quit."

Wu Youhua's head hurt, and he didn't intend to discuss this issue anymore. He looked at the intact pheasant in He Qiang's hand, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

The pheasant that He Qiang was holding was not only big in size, but also looked very good.

Although it looked a little listless, Wu Youhua could tell at a glance with his years of experience that the chicken had just been tossed around a little bit, and it would recover after a little nurturing.

These days, pheasants of this size are actually rare.

"You are really good, you caught such a big one."

Wu Youhua knew that he couldn't lower the price, so he told the truth.

He Qiang said modestly:"I'm lucky, this chicken bumped into my arms."

Wu Youhua rolled his eyes.

You are really bragging without thinking!

But Wu Youhua was too lazy to expose him, and simply made an offer:"This head is quite rare, and I am too lazy to count the pounds, so I will just give it five yuan. Are you satisfied, sister?"

These days, soft-shelled turtles, which have the effect of"strengthening yang", are only a few cents per pound.

Pheasants have nothing to do with strengthening yang, and they are roosters that cannot lay eggs. To be able to get this price, it is really not low.

It must be that Wu Youhua helped the old gourmet in the county to plunder, otherwise he would not have offered this price!

""Okay, Wu Laosan, you are still honest! That's still the old rule!"

Old Mrs. He happily agreed to the offer. Wu

Youhua nodded and said helplessly:"Old sister, tell me, what do you want this time."

Old Mrs. He looked at He Qiang, and then said:"Change me some brown sugar and seasoning."

Normally, white sugar must be used to make loquat paste.

He Qiang was thinking of rock sugar at the time.

But you don't know how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt are if you don't manage the household.

After the full opening in 1982, materials gradually became abundant. Except for grain and oil, which were still supplied in limited quantities with tickets, other items no longer required tickets.

In his previous life, he only cared about eating, and didn't know that buying sugar in rural areas was still a hassle!

Rock sugar is even more expensive than white sugar.

The price of brown sugar is half cheaper.

But the problem is that sugar is a scarce commodity.

How could Old Mrs. He not know that it is not easy to buy sugar in rural areas these days.

Otherwise, she would not have come to Wu Youhua to come

"" Old sister, with the whole set of seasonings, I can also give you one and a half pounds of sugar. If you want more, you have to pay extra."

Wu Youhua said.

Old Mrs. He was surprised and asked,"Why are you so generous all of a sudden?"

Wu Youhua said frankly,"Old sister, the policy has been relaxed. Although it has not been finalized, it is already under discussion. The people want to live a good life, and we village cadres must help if we can."

Old lady He didn't understand, but He Qiang did!

The spring breeze of reform and opening up is brewing, and the authorities also want the people to live a good life.

Things that were very strict in the past will no longer be a problem in the future.

So people like Wu Youhua who have connections naturally become bolder.

Besides, what he said is so high-sounding, who in the village would not give him a thumbs up?

Which family doesn't have some needs these days?

They all point to the omnipotent Wu Youhua!

Otherwise, let the villagers go to the county town to shop for goods themselves?

It takes three or four hours to go to the county by tractor. Who can afford it?

Old lady He thought about the various seasonings left at home, discussed it with Wu Youhua, made some adjustments, and finally finalized the deal.

"Take this note back and show it to my wife."

Wu Youhua wrote a note to Old Lady He, then waved and said,"Old sister, I won't see you off. I have things to do here."

Old Lady He didn't care, she took the note into her arms, and said to He Qiang with satisfaction.

Next, they had to take the chicken to Wu Youhua's house, and then use this note to take away the things they exchanged.

""Wu Laosan's family! Are you home?"

When Old Lady He arrived, she started shouting at the top of her lungs.

The wooden door creaked open, and Wu Youhua's wife Li Guifang came out. When she saw that it was Old Lady He, she immediately smiled and invited them in.

"Old sister, it's been a long time since you came."

Li Guifang greeted

""Here, your husband wrote a note. Get ready!"

Mrs. He took out the note, and He Qiang brought the pheasant over.

"Wow, this pheasant is really fat, it must be three or four pounds, right?"

Li Guihua was a little surprised, and then picked up the note to read it.

In fact, there were no words on the note, but some symbols that only the couple could understand.

"Old sister, let me pour you a glass of water first, and I'll have someone bring the things over right away!"

Li Guihua found a teapot, poured two bowls of water for the two of them, and then turned and went out.

He Qiang was watching with freshness, and it was his first time to experience it personally.

It was an unspoken secret in their village that the village chief Wu Youhua could exchange things at home.

The reason why he could sit firmly as the village chief for so long was because of the prestige he had accumulated from this matter.

After all, trading bills were not allowed, so the villagers had no choice but to go to the mountains to find some things to barter, right?

It was only that Wu Youhua could eat these things, otherwise it would be a fuss for the villagers to take two or three yuan of goods to the county.

Ten minutes later, Li Guifang brought back a young man in his twenties with the things and delivered them in front of He Qiang.

Among them, cooking oil, soy sauce, vinegar, and even bean paste were all in bottles and jars.

And a pound and a half of brown sugar was wrapped tightly in paper and placed in the car.

""Old sister, there is an extra ounce of brown sugar after cutting it down, and I didn't knock it down. I'll just give it to you. Come often in the future!"

Li Guifang said kindly.

Old Mrs. He felt very proud and said proudly:"My youngest son is very capable. You must prepare everything, otherwise you may not be able to exchange for the good stuff he found in the mountains!"

Li Guifang smiled and said:"That's settled. We have everything ready and are just waiting."

Old Mrs. He nodded proudly, feeling very satisfied.

He Qiang was also very satisfied.

If there is not enough seasoning, the food will have no taste. What's the point of living like this?

Now it's good. After exchanging so much and going home, I won't have to worry about running out of seasoning when cooking, right?

On the way back, Old Mrs. He sat in the wooden cart, holding the bottles and jars, and said to He Qiang:

"I bought so much candy this time, I will cook sugar-water eggs for you every day in the future."

He Qiang replied obediently:"Grandma, when we go back to the county to sell the fish, we will eat meat every day."

Grandma He was so happy that she couldn't stop smiling:"I am old and can't eat meat anymore, you eat it"

"Then I'll make you a pair of dentures!"

He Qiang said arrogantly.

When the two returned to the team, many people saw He Qiang dragging bottles and jars back home, and they all talked to him curiously.

Old Mrs. He proudly promoted He Qiang's glorious deeds all the way.

""My dear grandson went to the mountains to catch a pheasant to pay tribute to me, and it was all exchanged for these grains and oils!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

When did an idle playboy become so capable?

It was really a ghost!

Unconsciously, He Qiang's image in the team began to change slowly.

From a lazy and gluttonous man, he became a capable but filial man...

All of a sudden, the young people in the team who were idle like He Qiang suffered that night.

That night, several families were in chaos.

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