He Yongjun's family was supportive of his marriage.

He Aiguo encouraged his brother,"Third brother, with our current conditions, let alone finding a second-married wife, even if you want to find a first-married wife, it is not impossible! Who can look down on a family that can eat meat every meal?"

Not to mention being able to eat meat every meal in the countryside.

In the city, a family that can eat meat every meal can also make a lot of young wives fight for it.

The quota for one person is only four taels of meat per month, and with the current living standard of He Qiang's family, it is only enough to cook a dish.

With such conditions, how can anyone find fault with He Yongjun?

"Third brother, as long as you ask, Linghua will definitely agree! Even if she disagrees, her family will send her to our He family! You are different now. You still care about it, otherwise how can you manage your wife?"He

Jianguo gave advice to He Yongjun.

At this time, all the women at the table were silent.

This involves the interests of the entire He family. Even if the women are uncomfortable, they will not make trouble.

After all, Zhao Linghua is He Qiang's nominal mother after she marries in. If He Yongjun doesn't take care of her, how can their two families rise with He Qiang?

There are only so many resources. If Zhao Linghua controls He Yongjun and tilts the extra resources to her natal family, wouldn't they get less?

Even Yu Li can figure this out, so even if she is unhappy with He Jianguo's male chauvinism, she agrees with his point of view at this moment.

Even Old Lady He couldn't help but remind her:"Third brother, Mom doesn't object to your relationship with Linghua! But after all, she has been in the city for so many years, it is hard to say what her personality is like. If things really turn out to be good, you as a man must take good care of your wife in the future, and don't embarrass me as a mother!"

""Mom, we haven't even started the marriage yet! If we don't get it done, it will be a joke!"

He Yongjun felt that it was a bit far-fetched for the family to talk about how to control their daughter-in-law now.

But no one thought that this matter would not be negotiated.

He Qiang knew best that there was no such thing as free love these days, and the primary consideration in marriage was whether they could live a good life.

Men had to be down-to-earth and hardworking, and women had to be virtuous and housekeeping, otherwise they could forget about living a good life.

Those women in later generations who shouted about gender equality but actually never supported their families and only thought about enjoying a carefree life, if they were born in this era, they would be desperate to go to pick pig grass for a few days and help with farm work for a few days.

So as long as the He family was willing to say it, this marriage would be impossible to fail!

It was because He Yongjun had been an honest farmer for too long that he had such an unconfident idea.

"Okay, it's not as complicated as you think. Now that Qiangwaer is back, let him take Xiaohua to test the waters first. If it's suitable, let mom come forward to propose marriage!"He Aiguo was also happy for his brother. He had been single for more than 20 years. Now his son is doing well and can find a wife for the second time. All the hard work before has finally paid off!

"Third brother, you have finally made it! I wonder when Xiaoyong will be able to let me enjoy the good life!"

Although He Jianguo was talking about He Yongjun, he was clearly referring to He Qiang.

Everyone in the village knows who this family relies on.

Who in the surrounding area doesn't envy their family's current living conditions?

It can be said bluntly that with He Qiang's ability to make money, he can surpass a bunch of cadres.

Only leaders who really hold certain powerful positions can keep up with this in terms of food and clothing. When it comes to disposable funds, He Qiang is undoubtedly the best one at the moment.

"Second uncle, won't Third Brother let you enjoy life soon? When the brick factory is up and running, even officials won't be able to compare to Third Brother, won't you enjoy life every day?"

He Qiang said to Second Uncle with a smile.

These days, even officials have nowhere to make money, at most they can only make some supplies.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have promoted the"ten thousand yuan households" in the 1980s.

So after the green brick factory is opened, the income of the He family will surely rise sharply.

He Qiang still remembers the care his two uncles have given his family. When the time comes, they will send people as shares, and each family will get 20%. This can be regarded as He Qiang's explanation for all the kindness in the past.

"That's all thanks to your talent! If Xiaoyong had to fight for it on his own, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to count on him in this life!"

He Jianguo smiled from ear to ear, saying nice things like they were free, and he didn't care if his son was jealous.

If he didn't worship such a big Buddha at home, would he have to give him a hard time?

"Dad, what you said, does being able to reincarnate mean that it is not a skill? As long as I am Qiangwaer's brother, can I not follow Qiangwaer even if I don't have any skills? Qiangwaer, are you happy?" He

Yong was not angry that his father used him as a foil. He and He Qiang were originally the closest among the brothers, and it was too late to be happy now.

He Qiang smiled and raised the porcelain bowl of wine and said to He Yong:"Brothers fight tigers together, and fathers and sons fight in battle. I will have to ask you to take good care of the brick factory in the future, so you have to support it for me!"

He Yong couldn't help but tremble in his heart when he heard He Qiang's reply.

Although he knew that the relationship between brothers was good, He Yong was still very moved by He Qiang's trust!

He Yong raised the wine bowl and gestured to He Qiang across the air:"Don't say anything, it's all in the wine! You can do whatever you want, I'll drink it!"

Although the wine bowls they used today were not large bowls, a bowl of wine must have at least three or four taels!

He Yong is not like He Qiang who has the supernatural power to drink a thousand cups without getting drunk. After finishing this bowl, he breathed a sigh of relief and his whole face began to turn red.

He Qiang followed suit and finished the wine in the bowl.

Old Mrs. He said with a smile:"Xiaoyong, don't compete with Qiangwaer like this. He can drink more than you. We are happy today, so everyone should drink slowly!"

Seeing this, He Yongjun picked up the bowl and said:"Come on, let's wish for a better life in the future!"

Immediately, everyone raised their bowls to show their respect, even the women, raised their glasses with mulberry wine! The children on the side followed suit, and clinked their glasses with local soda. After drinking, they imitated the adults and took a long"ha"

"You also toasted Qiangwaer! Even He Yong has let Qiangwaer manage the factory, but you are still not settled. They said you can drive the car, where will the money come from? When the time comes, they will use horses and mules to transport the goods, so you will be dispensable, right?"

Yu Li was also anxious at this time, and regardless of the fact that He Liang had lost face before, she leaned over and whispered in her ear.

He Liang frowned and didn't want to pay attention to Yu Li.

But Yu Li was relentless, not wanting to ruin the atmosphere of the family dinner and make Old Lady He unhappy again. Finally, He Liang had to bite the bullet and said:

"Qiangwaer, as your brother, you have helped me a lot recently. I will drink this cup first! I want to say thank you to you!"

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