It was mainly because of what Old Lady He said that He Qiang felt that he had really brought honor to his ancestors.

After all, after the founding of the country, He Qiang's family had been declining since his ancestor, Old Man He's father.

Although the He family has always been a top family in Gunziwan, compared to the past, it can really be said that Wang Xiaoer's New Year is getting worse year by year.

"You are trying to revive your family! Your ancestors were much more powerful than you are now. You will be honored when you surpass them."

Wu Shuhua teased her husband with a smile.

After all, he is a city girl who graduated from high school and has a lot of knowledge. He Qiang not only did not feel embarrassed, but felt that his wife was really educated!

"Xiaohua! Don't worry, your man is just starting out, there is still a long way to go, just wait and see, by that time, our ancestors in heaven will definitely be proud of me!"

He Qiang licked his face, not embarrassed at all, because he really didn't think he was bragging. No matter how powerful the gentry is, he is just a local rich man in this mountain valley. No matter how he performs in the future, he can become the richest man in Sichuan Province, right?

Wu Shuhua smiled and looked at her man, her eyes full of tenderness and affection:"I don't know what our ancestors think, but Niuniu and I are proud of you."

Her smile was full of happiness and satisfaction, as if she saw a beautiful life in the future.

Now He Qiang has turned over a new leaf and taken good care of her and the children. The talents he had wasted in the past have now been picked up and his life is booming.

Wu Shuhua believes that as long as her man works hard, he will be able to realize his dream of bringing honor to his ancestors.

"Xiaohua, except for my grandmother, there is no other woman in our village who is as virtuous as you!"

He Qiang looked at Wu Shuhua, his heart filled with emotion and happiness.

Wu Shuhua blushed, rolled his eyes at He Qiang and whispered:"You are the sweetest. I fell for your broken mouth back then. You only know how to coax people!"

He Qiang said confidently:"How can I teach you to coax people! I am obviously telling the truth! Grandma, do you think I am right?"

He knew that he had a good wife and a good family.

He also knew that he had the responsibility and mission to create better living conditions for his family.

This also made him more determined about the meaning of his struggle. He must work hard in this life and live up to the expectations of his wife and daughter. In order for them to smile happily every day, he must never let the mistakes of his previous life repeat themselves!

Old Mrs. He also smiled and said:"Okay, if you have ambition, just let go and do it. Our whole family supports you! Your uncle, second uncle and cousins are all your helpers!"

He Yongjun always felt that there was something strange about his mother's words, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

He Yongjun pondered for a moment and finally realized it. What about him?

"" Mom, what you said means that I am not considered Qiangwaer's helper?"

He Yongjun looked dissatisfied.

Old lady He scolded him:"Amitabha if you don't make trouble, you are the only one who has too many troubles!"

He Yongjun groaned aggrievedly:"Without me, where would he be? If the family is really honored, then I have a share!"

Old lady He said unhappily:"Without Qiangwaer, the He family would have been defeated by your generation!"

He Yongjun was dissatisfied and said:"I have also worked hard to farm, why did the He family fail at the hands of my generation!"

Old lady He said dissatisfiedly:"Is there any one of you three brothers who has a promising future? You only know how to work in the soil. Your father's generation was at least a broken ship with three nails. What about your generation? Do you have your own connections?"

He Yongjun was speechless.

If He Qiang hadn't appeared out of nowhere like a comet, the He family would have really been more and more like real farmers. In the past, when Grandpa He was around, the He family was not just making a living from the fields. The good life of the family was not due to the income from farming.

But after the death of their grandfather, the generation of He Yongjun and his two brothers basically only relied on the land to make a living.

Even the youngest daughter of He Jianguo married into the Liu family because of Grandpa He's face back then.

To put it bluntly, the generation of He Yongjun and his two brothers really had no achievements at all.

He Yongjun looked at his son who was watching the show with a smile on his face, and recalled his mother's words. The more he thought about it, the more embarrassed he felt. Finally, he couldn't help muttering,"At worst, I'll lease out the land. If farming doesn't work, it won't be bad for me to sell meat then, right?" Grandma He was about to speak, but He Qiang winked at the old lady.

"Dad, if you ask me, we can just keep a few acres of vegetable plots, or even not keep any. It's not impossible to spend some money to buy some from my uncle and uncle's house. It's good to keep the money in the family! You know how much you can harvest from farming. If you really want to make money, farming is definitely a dead end. We only have a few acres of land! It's not like the landlords have hundreds or thousands of acres of land connected together!"

He Qiang actually wanted to free his father from the land and do real work a long time ago.

The meat rabbits and bamboo rats at home that are raised on"irrigation" green feed grow like balloons, and reproduce quickly. Wouldn't selling meat make more money than farming?

Moreover, because they eat"irrigation" green feed, these meat animals have a good physique and have never been sick.

If they don't get sick, the biggest risk of breeding is gone.

This is equivalent to making money by selling the animals. If you don't raise them and continue to farm, wouldn't you lose a lot?

"Third brother, I think what the youngest brother said is right.

Even if we rent out the land, it is still ours.

We can get a minimum amount of grain every year from the rent.

Besides, we have money at home now.

At most, we can just buy more grain and store it in the granary.

How much money do you make from working so hard all year long farming? Last time, Sun Jifa came to get a rabbit and bought a rabbit by the way.

It was 70 cents per pound.

A rabbit weighs more than four pounds.

How long have you raised it? How many pounds of grain do you have to grow to make two dollars?"

Old Lady He also followed He Qiang to persuade He Yongjun.

After all, Old Lady He also knew the glory of the He family in the past.

Which landlord didn't have tenants?

""Mom, I got it! I will take care of those little things in the backyard. I don't believe it anymore. The father is worse than the son!"

He Yongjun was stimulated today and finally made up his mind.

In the past, he was used to being an honest farmer in the soil. He always thought about the problem of food rations and only had rice in his eyes.

Now that the family is getting better and better, the problem of poor returns from farming has become more and more prominent.

The rabbits and bamboo rats at home are growing well. Although the reason cannot be found, because of the good meat quality, even the whole rabbit with bones and hair is sold at 70 cents per pound.

Especially after Sun Jifa had eaten it once, he thought about it for a long time. If it were not for keeping the big rabbit to continue to give birth, He Yongjun wanted to sell it all at that time.

"Dad, our breeding farm will be handed over to you from now on. As a son, I don’t have any other expectations except that I hope my husband will become successful. Can you satisfy me? When the time comes, when you marry Miss Zhao, others won’t say that you only got a wife thanks to your son!"

Seeing his father's look, He Qiang simply stepped up his efforts to stimulate his father's self-esteem at the moment!

He will have a lot of things to do in the future, so how can he have the time to take care of everything?

Since the father is finally going to give it a try, he must help his father no matter what!

As a son, this is the only way to help!

"You are my own son, so even if I choose to marry you, it is because of my own ability!"

He Yongjun cursed.

At this point, He Yongjun suddenly thought of his deceased wife, and his mood suddenly became depressed again.

""I haven't visited your mother for a while, why don't you go and see her when you have time?"

He Yongjun suddenly asked.

He Qiang frowned.

It's not that he is an unfilial son.

It's that his grandfather's family thinks that he is a jinx who killed his daughter, so he has a very bad impression since he was a child.

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