Chen Xuebing was so greedy that he didn't even bother to enjoy the food in the private room. He just stood aside and started eating the chicken in the bowl.

He Qiang saw this and ordered a bowl of rice and started eating with the mouth-watering chicken.

Taro chicken and mouth-watering chicken are both great dishes to go with rice.

With good ingredients and the chef's great cooking skills, He Qiang enjoyed it so much.

Can this chicken be so delicious?

Master Sun, Manager Wang, and the other chefs in the kitchen all had some doubts in their eyes.

After all, when a chef reaches a certain level, stable production is a necessary basic skill.

So everyone knows what level Master Sun is at.

Reality is not a martial arts novel, where there is no such thing as sudden enlightenment and perfection.

In the cooking business, it depends on the accumulation of experience over time, as well as some flashes of inspiration.

So they would never consider that Master Sun

's cooking skills have suddenly improved. But if they doubt that Minister Chen has never eaten the delicious dishes cooked by the chef, that would be even more impossible.

For cadres at this level, not to mention a chef like Master Sun, even the top chefs of Master Sun's school can be hired.

After searching for the reason, it can only be the chicken that He Qiang brought.

What kind of chicken is this that can have such magic that Chen Xuebing, a school-level officer, is so obsessed with it?

He was seen eating the taro chicken voraciously, swallowing the chicken in his mouth like a whirlwind, and even biting the bones with a crunchy sound!

Chen Xuebing held the rice bowl and scooped a spoonful of taro chicken soup on the rice from time to time, then took a big mouthful and chewed it in his mouth. In the end, he even removed most of the soup.

He Qiang, who was standing aside, was not to be outdone. He ate a plate of saliva chicken directly, and even the chili oil in it was eaten up by the rice. The speed was amazing.

Faced with the two people eating like this, Master Sun didn't care about his face at this time.

After Chen Xuebing and He Qiang finished eating, he immediately asked the apprentice who was helping him to bring the remaining soup over.

Master Sun took a big spoon, scooped a spoonful and brought it to his mouth. After taking a sip, his eyes suddenly widened and a surprised expression appeared on his face.


This word echoed repeatedly in Master Sun's mind, feeling the unprecedented wonderful taste.

He couldn't help but scoop up another spoonful of soup and sip it, this time savoring the taste more carefully.

The deliciousness of chicken and the unique taste of taro are perfectly combined in the soup base, which makes people have endless aftertaste.

The soup also has a light spicy taste and the aroma of pepper, which stimulates the taste buds and makes people unable to stop.

As a chef, making soup stock is also one of the skills that Master Sun has mastered.

For chicken, a common material for making soup stock, Master Sun knows the characteristics of its ingredients very well.

But Master Sun has been working for so many years, but this is the first time he has tasted such a delicious chicken.

He dare not imagine how delicious the soup stock would be if He Qiang's chicken was used as the raw material.

If such ingredients could be used in the selection of state banquet dishes in the early years, how could Sichuan cuisine be eliminated?

Buy, must buy!

Master Sun was roaring in his heart.

With such ingredients, why should he worry about his boss not knowing how to eat?

With the boss's appreciation, why should he worry about his future?! ?

Master Sun suppressed his excitement and winked at Manager Wang.

"What's the matter?"

Manager Wang noticed Master Sun's look and walked over in small steps, asking in a low voice what was going on.

Master Sun's eyes were full of ecstasy, and because he was too happy, even his speech was a little distorted:"This, this chicken must be bought! You taste it!"

Master Sun ignored Manager Wang's confused face and forced him to taste the leftovers of He Qiang and the others.

Manager Wang was very resistant in his heart.

How could he be short of food and drink if he could get the position of hotel manager?

He would not be happy if he had to be the leftovers.

But Manager Wang looked at Master Sun's slightly ferocious face and his fat body, and decided to endure it for a while, otherwise he was afraid that Master Sun would do something to him.

‘Manager Wang took a sip with a look of resistance, but then the rich and delicious taste made him stunned.

Is this the soup of taro chicken?

Why is it so delicious!?

Without waiting for Master Sun to urge him, Manager Wang drank up all the remaining soup in the spoon.

"Buy! Must buy! This chicken is special!"

Manager Wang could even imagine that his store had become famous thanks to this chicken, attracting leaders from all directions to come here to buy it.

Manager Wang was so excited that he rubbed his hands like a fly, and hurried over to talk to He Qiang:

"Comrade He, to be honest, your chicken is a rare delicacy in the world! I wonder if this chicken can be supplied to our store for a long time. Don't worry, the price will definitely satisfy you!"

He Qiang and Chen Xuebing were digesting their food after eating.

The big rooster was only a few pounds, and it was easy to finish it with the appetite of people of their generation.

But because it was too delicious, they finished two large bowls of white rice!

At this moment, both of them were so full that they didn't want to talk.

But Chen Xuebing certainly couldn't sit idly by when faced with Manager Wang's meddling, so he said:

"Manager Wang, my brother's chicken is a rare thing. Let me talk to him about this first!"

When Manager Wang heard this, his smile froze, and he had to pin his last hope on He Qiang.

What if the output is too high?

"Manager Wang, I'm sorry, the production of this chicken is really limited!"

He Qiang's idea is to use high-quality ingredients to go the upper-class route, so how could he sell chicken to restaurants?

Not to mention the restaurants in the county, even if it's in the city or even in the province, He Qiang doesn't plan to supply.

Because he only plans to control this channel in his own hands.

Less but better, not only helps to maintain fame, but also can get higher recognition from these people.

In addition, He Qiang learned the hunger marketing from later generations, so he is not afraid of having bad relationships with these big shots in the future.

In He Qiang's plan, the alpine ranch will take the boutique route and win by quality, mainly to maintain He Qiang's social relations and expand high-end connections. To make money by volume, it is to set up an enterprise and build a factory, and use the connections expanded by the alpine ranch to escort the business here.

Judging from the current situation, this design is obviously quite feasible.

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