(I copied and pasted the wrong part when uploading it just now, and included part of the draft. It has been corrected now.)

He Qiang raised his eyebrows, and suddenly felt mixed emotions.

He knew that his father-in-law must be fine.

After all, he had safely survived the rehabilitation in his previous life, and even returned to a high position.

But in this life, he was going to personally rescue his father-in-law, and it would be a lie to say that he was not excited.

But it would also be a lie to say that he was not disgusted.

He Qiang became excited when he thought that he could personally rescue his father-in-law from the countryside in this life and make him owe him a huge favor.

He must cherish this hard-won opportunity!

"Zhiqiang, go ahead and talk. I'm ready, brother."

He Qiang took a deep breath and gestured to Liu Zhiqiang. Liu

Zhiqiang nodded and said,"According to the information we have found so far, your father-in-law, brother Qiang, went directly to a brigade in a mountainous area in the west to undergo labor reform after he was demoted that year. Because the person who reported your father is still holding a management position in the provincial government, the village committee there has been intercepting all of your father-in-law's letters."

He Qiang frowned slightly after hearing this.

Obviously, his father-in-law's situation might not be very good.

But He Qiang was not too worried. After all, he survived and turned over a new leaf.

"So what is the specific situation of my father-in-law? Is he still being persecuted?"

He Qiang pretended to be concerned and asked Liu Zhiqiang anxiously. He

Qiang needed to do a good job on the surface. He Qiang didn't want others to see that he didn't worry about his father-in-law at all in his heart.

Liu Zhiqiang shook his head and explained to He Qiang:"Brother Qiang, don't worry.

Your father-in-law's conditions have been very good in the past two years.

It's just that we are in a restricted state, so it seems that we have completely lost contact.

After the incident ended two years ago, the person in the city who persecuted your father-in-law was not in a good situation, so he had no time to take care of your father-in-law, so the village cadres where your father-in-law was transferred kept a watchful eye and didn't embarrass your father-in-law.


He Qiang immediately said with a sad face:"Then there was embarrassment before?"

Liu Zhiqiang didn't say anything, but a clear answer could be obtained from his silence.

Obviously, Wu Guowei had suffered a lot during his labor reform.

He Qiang's heart trembled, knowing that the time to show his filial son-in-law had come!

"Zhiqiang, as a son-in-law, I used to be incompetent and couldn't take care of my father-in-law's affairs! Now I have the ability. If I don't help him get rid of this bad feeling, then am I still a human being?"

He Qiang was possessed by the spirit of acting. Although Wu Shuhua was not at the scene, it did not affect his acting!

After all, there were many county leaders staying in the room next to them in the hotel tonight.

He Qiang's howl was so loud that anyone who was not drunk could definitely hear it.

"Brother Qiang, don't worry, the chief will definitely help you with this matter!"

Liu Zhiqiang also lowered his voice and said:"Besides anything else, the village chief of your father-in-law was demoted to that village, and his youngest son is now serving as a conscript in the army. There is a relative of mine in that company. As long as you give me a word, my brother will help me.……"

Liu Zhiqiang's meaning was very clear.

Moreover, doing such things in the army was very risky. Liu Zhiqiang was willing to stand up for He Qiang in this way, which was quite straightforward.

He Qiang patted Liu Zhiqiang on the shoulder and said with a touched face:"Zhiqiang, I appreciate your kindness. Your future is not worth spending on such things. When the time comes, I, your brother, will settle accounts with those guys myself! Zhiqiang, if you really want to help your brother, just pick up your sister-in-law tomorrow. I must take her to see her father first!"

"All right, Brother Qiang, you should go to bed early. I will pick up my sister-in-law early tomorrow morning and send you directly to the train station! I will get you a sleeper ticket by then, and someone will come to pick you up when you get there!"

Although Liu Zhiqiang is just a low-ranking orderly, he is a seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister!

Just like the secretary of a leader is even more powerful than some small leaders, Liu Zhiqiang, as Chen Xuebing's orderly, is an extension of the will of this school-level cadre.

As long as Liu Zhiqiang does not mess around, Chen Xuebing's influence is his influence.

So it is normal to arrange a sleeper ticket for He Qiang and have someone pick them up at the train station.

After saying goodbye to Liu Zhiqiang, He Qiang washed up and lay back on the bed.

But that night, he tossed and turned in the loud snoring of Chen Xuebing and suffered from insomnia.

The main reason was that He Qiang was worried and thinking too much at the moment.

He carefully recalled his performance tonight and felt that he could get full marks for his performance tonight.

When the time comes, wait for his father-in-law to be reinstated and run to the county Once you inquire about it and find out what his son-in-law said and did, you can tell whether he is touched or not! ?

Moreover, some things, if you want to be effective, must be passed on to the ears of a third party. If you go and brag about it yourself, the effect will be discounted!

He Qiang is a person from the future, and he has no other skills. He has seen these little tricks thousands of times and has remembered them deeply in his heart!

Father-in-law, father-in-law, even if you are old and have walked across thousands of bridges, what can you use to fight with me who has studied in the Internet age?

Lao Deng, just give me a lot of gold coins!

I don’t know when He Qiang fell asleep. Even in his dreams, he occasionally made unclear laughter.

When He Qiang was awakened by Chen Xuebing in the morning, he realized that Wu Shuhua was already waiting for him in the private room.

"What time is it?"

He Qiang asked in confusion.

"It's almost noon."

Chen Xuebing pointed out the window and said,"Look, the sun is so bright."

He Qiang's brain began to work better and he finally realized what was going on.

Even if Liu Zhiqiang went to pick someone up at daybreak, it would take him until after 10 or 11 o'clock to get back.

"Let me wash my face!"

He Qiang walked into the bathroom, wiped his face with water, and then followed Chen Xuebing downstairs and into the jeep.

"This lunch is a farewell dinner for you. When you go to your father-in-law's place, tell the person who picks you up if you have any questions. If he can't do it, ask him to call me!"

Chen Xuebing said, holding He Qiang's shoulders.

"Don't worry, brother. I will never let myself down, let Xiaohua down, and even more so, let my father-in-law down!"

He Qiang said seriously. Chen Xuebing nodded and said approvingly,"This is what a man should be like! You take the person back this time, and then we will make a long-term plan. We will take revenge if there is revenge, and we will take grievances if there are grievances!"

He Qiang thought these words were very pleasing to the ear.

Although he wanted to take revenge immediately, the person who had dealt with Wu Guowei back then was not of low rank, and it was not something that could be overthrown just because he wanted to.

When they arrived at the private room, Wu Shuhua saw Chen Xuebing and immediately stood up and greeted him,"Brother is here."

Chen Xuebing smiled and said,"Sister-in-law, please sit down."

Seeing this, He Qiang walked over and said,"Have you explained it clearly to your family?"

Wu Shuhua nodded and gave He Qiang a look to let him rest assured, then explained in a soft voice:"Grandma told you to think more before making decisions outside. My dad can't control me for the rest of my life. If something happens to you, I won't be able to live."

He Qiang knew that Wu Shuhua didn't know the situation, so he must have made the worst plan.

So he hurriedly told his wife in detail about the current condition of his father-in-law.

After all, she is a pregnant woman, and she can't suppress too many emotions in her heart.

After Wu Shuhua finished listening, Chen Xuebing also spoke up to testify for He Qiang:"Sister-in-law, don't worry! You are just going to pick someone up this time, and what Zhiqiang told you is true! Just think of it as a long trip this time, and don't worry too much."

Wu Shuhua breathed a sigh of relief, held He Qiang's hand tightly, and whispered:"It's okay, it's okay, when we get Dad back, we will live a good life and never worry about the past again."

He Qiang nodded, but did not respond.

If Wu Shuhua wanted to keep the matter quiet, how could he earn his reputation?

If he didn't let Lao Deng owe him a huge favor, how could he stand up straight in the future?

He Qiang was determined to let his future father-in-law know how powerful his son-in-law is! After dinner, accompanied by Chen Xuebing, Liu Zhiqiang drove a jeep to take the couple to the station.

The sleeper ticket departs at 3:16, and they still have plenty of time.

Chen Xuebing said to He Qiang:"If you want to buy anything, just tell the person who picks up the car. I was the one who brought him when he joined the army, so he is considered an old subordinate. Don't be polite to him." He Qiang nodded.

Chen Xuebing winked at Liu Zhiqiang again.

Seeing this, Liu Zhiqiang immediately took out a stack of tickets and handed them to He Qiang, saying:"Brother Qiang, these are some meat tickets and non-staple food tickets! This train ride will take nearly a day. If you need anything on the train, you can go to the dining car to buy it!"

Seeing Chen Xuebing's thoughtfulness, He Qiang was very touched. He took the ticket and thanked Chen Xuebing. After exchanging pleasantries with Chen Xuebing, he took Wu Shuhua into the station. When they arrived at the platform, Wu Shuhua took the tickets and stuffed them into the inner pocket of his clothes.

In this era, no matter how skilled a thief is, if he dares to attack a pregnant woman, he has to rely on his luck.

Although thieves these days are all ruthless, the difference between stealing men and stealing pregnant women is too big.

In the former, many people may think that it is better to have less trouble than more and are too lazy to help.

If they steal a pregnant woman, the whole carriage may be full of men, women, young and old. Everyone has to come to help.

The green train Kuangke Kuangke slowly pulled into the platform. He Qiang and Wu Shuhua, holding the sleeper tickets in their hands, asked the conductor for the car number and came to the soft sleeper car.

In this era, passengers who can get sleeper tickets, and soft sleeper tickets at that, must be of extraordinary status, and basically have to be people of a certain level.

After all, just having money alone is not enough for the railway authorities to issue tickets. You have to have a certain level to use it.

So after He Qiang took Wu Shuhua onto the car, he immediately felt that the atmosphere was different.

Unlike the crowded ordinary cars, the sleeper car was even like a paradise.

There was no noisy situation of fighting for the car in this car. On the contrary, the passengers here were not They walked at a moderate pace, and even nodded and smiled at each other when they passed by.

They were dressed decently and neatly, and their every move revealed a kind of confidence that was unique to people of this era. Their mental outlook was very different from that of rural people, or even some city people.

After entering the carriage, they looked for their own berths.

The berths in the soft sleeper car were spacious and comfortable. Each berth was equipped with a soft mattress and a clean quilt, and it was a double bed in a private room, which was significantly different from the six-bed hard sleeper car, with much more space!

And because He Qiang and Wu Shuhua were so young, many of the sleeper passengers would take the initiative to greet them when they passed by.

He Qiang pulled Wu Shuhua He Qiang held Wu Shuhua's hand and found his bed all the way, and walked into the compartment.

The soft sleeper compartment was very spacious. There were only two of them in their compartment, and each of them had a bed, just to take care of Wu Shuhua, the pregnant woman, so that she would not be squeezed. After all, the hard sleeper beds were really small, and even the lower berth was very crowded for pregnant women.

However, before the two had time to tidy up, someone came to visit.

Obviously, the people in the soft sleeper compartment had a clear understanding. For such a young passenger, they were sure that he had a deep background, and naturally there was no shortage of people who wanted to make friends.

Just as He Qiang found his compartment, a middle-aged woman next to him came over and asked Wu Shuhua in a familiar manner,"Sister, are you pregnant?"

Wu Shuhua politely responded,"Sister is right, I'm just pregnant and I'm not showing it yet."

The middle-aged woman naturally reminded He Qiang,"You two look so young, is this your first child? Pregnant women are precious, you have to take good care of them. I still have some motion sickness medicine. If you feel uncomfortable, come to berth 4 to get it from me."

After the woman finished speaking, she left tactfully.

Obviously, she was very clear-headed and knew what it meant to stop when enough was enough.

He Qiang looked at this enthusiastic elder sister and felt quite emotional.

He Qiang could only sigh that what a certain celebrity said in later generations was indeed true. When you succeed, you will find that there are good people all around you.

Look at this elder sister's communication skills. Do you dare to say that you would not like someone who wants to make friends with you like this?

Their sense of propriety and kindness are just right, making people feel like a spring breeze.

Even if you know the other party's intentions, you will not feel disgusted, and you will even be happy to make friends with such a person.

Wu Shuhua couldn't help but sigh,"The elder sister is a very nice person."

He Qiang touched Wu Shuhua's shiny long hair affectionately and said,"It's mainly because my wife is beautiful and attractive."

Wu Shuhua's pretty face turned red when she heard this, but the curtain of the box had just been closed by the eldest sister when she left. There were only two young couples in the private space. At this moment, she was not shy anymore. She stretched out her hand to hold her man's waist and hummed:

"You can coax people every day!"

He Qiang smiled and stopped his wife from sitting on the berth and said,"Then are you willing to be coaxed by you? If you are willing, just give me a kiss"


A crisp sound rang out in the private room, followed by Wu Shuhua's mosquito-like whisper:"Hold tight.""

"Cover the child!"

"It's okay, my belly is not touching you, just hug my shoulders……"

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