"Xiao He, if you really plan to do business and have chosen the machinery, I can help you find out. Although your brother-in-law can't bring it back, I think it should be possible! Xiao Hua and I are also very compatible. If you need it, I will definitely help you find a way."

Tao Xiufang said it with true feelings.

He Qiang just planned to make preparations in advance. In fact, he didn't have a penny in his pocket.

But if Tao Xiufang could really get it, he could agree.

Of course, with his current strength, he certainly couldn't buy it with his own money.

But if you want to get something for nothing, you have to ask for more.

Thinking of this, He Qiang continued to test:"Sister, if you can really help me order the machine, then I can take a few hundred thousand goods without saying much, but can you go through the customs and bring the normal customs clearance procedures?"

Tao Xiufang was shocked when she heard this.

Customs clearance procedures?!

Did this kid see it! ?

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through Tao Xiufang's mind.

In the end, He Qiang's next words made her regain her composure.

"Sister, you said before that your brother-in-law doesn’t have to pay taxes when he brings back some small commodities, which is a small benefit. But I plan to use my relationship with the bank to directly loan the machinery. Without the customs clearance procedures, the loan cannot be approved!"

He Qiang also felt that this was actually embarrassing, because he felt that it might be unrealistic to let Tao Xiufang's superior go through the customs clearance process.

After all, this matter is more or less a little bit difficult to point out. How can you go to customs in the end?

Even if you want to do it, you need a big relationship to cover it up. Tao Xiufang's superior has this ability, and most of them don't want to bother.

But he just wanted to find a high-sounding reason to delay the other party. After all, he needs to turn over funds recently. When the brick factory really starts, he will naturally have money to buy equipment.

Moreover, if Tao Xiufang's If the upper limit can really accomplish this, then He Qiang will not suffer any loss.

Because what he just said is also true.

At present, those machines from abroad, those state-owned enterprises want to import, not only have to spend a lot of money, but also the price is much more expensive.

Let Tao Xiufang's online purchase, the price will be much cheaper. The bank can find out the value of the goods by sending someone to inquire. At that time, even if He Qiang can't pay back the loan in the end, the bank will make a lot of money by taking away those machines and reselling them. This kind of order, even if there is no relationship, the bank will agree.

"Brother, wait for my news on this matter. If there is no problem, I will make sure to arrange it for you!"

Tao Xiufang took a deep breath, suppressed her inner excitement, and planned to contact her online salesperson right away.

She was not afraid that He Qiang was stinging her. She knew her online salesperson's strength very well. Why did she dare to contact the buyer in the soft sleeper car on the train?

Isn't it because she has a strong idea and deep roots?

After smoking and exchanging contact information, the two returned to the car tacitly.

The next morning, the four of them got together for breakfast again.

Liu Hong got her wish and treated everyone to a meal of beef noodles, but obviously no one cared about the meal.

As the train slowly moved forward, He Qiang and his wife also arrived at their destination.

After saying goodbye to Tao Xiufang and the others, the couple saw people holding signs outside the station.

The sign read He Qiang and his wife, and the two immediately walked over.

"Hello, comrade. I am He Qiang, and this is my wife, Wu Shuhua."

The man holding the sign smiled warmly when he heard He Qiang's introduction and took out the note.

It couldn't be a coincidence that Wu Shuhua's name was not written and the answer was correct.

"Hello, Comrade He, Hello, Comrade Wu, I am Zhao Debiao, you can just call me Lao Zhao! Come with me first, it's still a few hours' drive to Zhaojiagou, let's go to the county to rest today, I will leave early tomorrow morning!"

He Qiang nodded after listening.

The long journey is not good for pregnant women. After a few hours' drive, unless you stay overnight in the village, it will be too rushed to return. If something happens to the child, there will be no place to regret.

The jeep took the two people into the city, and Zhao Debiao went to the guesthouse to open a room for the two.

After the room was ready, Zhao Debiao took the two to the restaurant for lunch.

At the table, Zhao Debiao said:"Minister Chen has already explained to me that there is no problem for you to pick up people tomorrow, but as for how to deal with the several village cadres over there, I have to listen to your opinions."

Wu Shuhua has been patient all the way until now. Now that he knows that he is finally going to see his father, his emotions are a little bit out of control. He trembled and said:"How has my father been these years?"

Zhao Debiao was silent for a moment and then said,"Comrade Wu, you also know that your father was sent to undergo labor reform. In the environment at that time, it was not easy for him to survive. If I say that he has lived well in these years, you will definitely not believe it. It is better for you and your daughter to understand the specific situation in person after you meet, but you can rest assured that he has lived well in the past year or so, at least he has been treated fairly."

When Wu Shuhua heard this, she froze.

It was obvious that she had been treated unfairly and had a hard time in the past few years.

Wu Shuhua's eyes were slightly red and she fell into silence.

She remembered that a few years ago, during the critical period of the struggle, her father was taken away by a group of people who broke down the door of the house and did not even have time to explain anything.

She still remembered the helpless crying of herself and her mother.

Over the years, she had always hoped in her heart that her father would live a good life and had been waiting for the day to meet him again.

But staying in the countryside, the more she inquired, the more desperate she felt because of the situation at the time.

She even felt at that time that she would never be able to meet her father.

Later, until the turmoil ended, she rekindled her hope.

But the news told to her by her friends and former neighbors who returned to the city made her fall into despair again.

She once thought that her father had passed away.

But fortunately, God has eyes, her father is still alive, and her man has become successful, and can even take her to pick up her father!

Along the way, she had fantasized countless times whether her father would have become a white-haired, haggard old man, whether he would have lost all hope and faith, and whether he would be full of resentment and anger towards the world.

Now that Zhao Debiao has confirmed it, she dare not imagine what her father has experienced over the years, how much suffering, fatigue, and grievances he has endured.

She only felt that her heart was as painful as being torn apart, and tears could not help but flow down.

Seeing this, He Qiang held his wife's hand under the table. Seeing her looking at him with tears in her eyes, he comforted her softly:"At least we are here to let Dad leave that country place earlier! Then we will settle the old accounts with those people. Dad's suffering cannot be in vain."

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