The family decided to go to the provincial capital to pay tribute to Wu Guowei's deceased wife. Zhao Debiao also went out to make a phone call to inquire about the ticket.

"If it's a train to the provincial capital, there will be another one with soft sleeper seats at around 8 a.m. tomorrow. I'll go and arrange tickets for you right away."

Zhao Debiao explained to He Qiang after he came back.

"Then let's take this bus! Go early and come back early."

Hearing this, He Qiang thought that this was it.

Anyway, people of this era don't have the concept of sleeping in, and there are special drivers to pick you up, so the early bus is the early bus.

Zhao Debiao nodded and said,"Okay, I'll book the tickets for you, and then report to the old leader, and when you go to the provincial capital, there will naturally be someone to pick you up."

At this time, Wu Guowei was still immersed in the memories of the past, and he had no intention of competing with He Qiang, so he did not say anything. After the family had eaten, they went back to their rooms to rest.

The next morning, they went to the train station under the escort of Zhao Debiao.

The route to the provincial capital is more direct than to Quanxing County where He Qiang is located, because there are fewer detours, so they arrived at their destination at around four o'clock in the afternoon.

The family avoided the crowd and left the train station, and soon saw someone holding a sign waiting for them.

Wu Guowei looked at the sign that said"Comrade He Qiang and his family" and secretly pursed his lips.

He planned to contact his old brothers after paying homage to his deceased wife this time. Even if he had to go back to He Qiang's house, he had to go to visit his father-in-law's family as a prominent father-in-law!

How could he go like an old man in distress, as if he was seeking refuge with his son-in-law!

He would not accept anything!

"Hello, Comrade He Qiang. This should be Comrade Wu and Ms. Wu. My name is Chen Yousheng. Please follow me!"

Under the leadership of Chen Yousheng, He Qiang and his companions quickly got on the jeep.

"Comrade He, are you planning to eat first, or do you have other arrangements?"

Chen Yousheng asked He Qiang.

He Qiang turned his head to look at Wu Shuhua, who asked his old father in the passenger seat,"Dad?"

Wu Guowei took a deep breath and asked Chen Yousheng,"Do you know Zaozi Lane?"

Chen Yousheng, who had worked before coming here, immediately remembered that this was Wu Guowei's home address in his hometown.

But when he thought of the situation over there, his expression became a little strange.

Chen Yousheng sighed helplessly, and then said to Wu Guowei,"Comrade Wu, I regret to tell you that for some reasons, the house allocated to you by your unit has been taken back."

When Wu Guowei heard this, the blood drained from his face, and he widened his eyes, looking at Chen Yousheng in disbelief, as if he was going to eat him alive.

"Bullshit! I'm not dead yet!" Wu Guowei shouted angrily, and immediately his leadership attitude came out.

But obviously, no one in the car was his subordinate, and they would not be panicked by his thunderous anger.

Even Wu Shuhua in the back seat blamed him,"Dad, what are you doing!"

Wu Guowei then realized that he had just lost his composure.

He took a deep breath, stabilized his emotions, and then said to Chen Yousheng,"Comrade Chen, I'm really sorry, I was a little excited just now."

Chen Yousheng smiled and waved his hand,"It's okay, anyone who heard such news would inevitably lose control of their emotions, I can understand."

Wu Guowei exhaled, his heart was full of bitterness and helplessness.

"People are gone and the tea is forgotten. To my surprise, the people in my company even took away my house.……"

He murmured to himself that this fact hit Wu Guowei hard.

He always thought that he still had some status and influence in the unit, but he didn't expect that once he left his post, he would be nothing.

Back then, he did such a violation for the welfare of all the employees in the factory, but in the end, it ended up like this...

Wu Guowei felt his body trembling a little. He tried to control his emotions and didn't want others to see his fragility.

He knew that he had to be strong and face this cruel reality.

The three people in the car were full of sympathy and understanding for Wu Guowei.

They all knew that Wu Guowei was a very capable person who had made a lot of contributions to the unit, and even the accident that year was not for personal gain.

However, in this society, the reality is like this. When Wu Guowei, the person in power, leaves, who can resist the magnificent trend for an old leader who has been demoted to the countryside?

""Dad, don't be sad, I'm still here, we'll get the house back sooner or later!"

He Qiang comforted his father-in-law. Wu Guowei felt even worse when he heard what He Qiang said.

After all, he was a factory director with deputy department-level treatment back then, and the factory he managed was a confidential unit. He was in a very prominent position, but now he has lost his home...

If this goes on, he might not even be as good as his son-in-law in the future!

For a moment, Wu Guowei was overwhelmed with grief, and his mood fell into a depressed state, and he looked wilted.

Wu Shuhua felt sorry for his father, so he comforted him:"It's gone, so let's go home and live with us in the future. It's good for the family to be happy together." Wu

Shuhua's comfort made Wu Guowei feel even worse.

When he thought about having to live a life of dependence on others and staying in his son-in-law's house in the future, he felt like the sky was falling.

This son-in-law is full of bad intentions, and if he really dies, he might not be able to sleep in the future.

""What does Liu Henian, who used to be the deputy secretary-general of the municipal government, do now?"

Wu Guowei named an old brother with whom he had the closest relationship back then.

This was not the highest-ranking person among his relationships, but the one he trusted the most.

Chen Yousheng looked confused and said,"Comrade Wu, I'm not familiar with the old comrades from that period of yours. How about this? You make a list for me and tell me about their specific organizational relationships back then, and I'll help you find someone?"

Wu Guowei nodded and said,"Okay, I'll give you a list, and I'll trouble you to check it for me."

Chen Yousheng said,"Then Comrade Wu, how about this? Let's have a good dinner tonight, and then you can write the list for me. You can have a good rest at night, so that I can give you a clear answer the next day."

Wu Guowei nodded after hearing this.

He didn't want to trouble Chen Yousheng too much, after all, this was because of He Qiang's relationship.

So after dinner, the family went into the hotel.

Wu Guowei wanted to go to Zaozi Lane to see his former home, but Wu Shuhua persuaded him not to.

The house had been taken back, so what was the point of going to see it?

At that time, he might be moved by the scene and have a conflict with others, which would only add to the trouble.

It would be better to consider these things after everything is settled.

On the other hand, He Qiang met with Chen Xuebing who came in the evening.

""Brother, you've made such a hard trip. I feel guilty!"

He Qiang apologized to Chen Xuebing.

Chen Xuebing said with a fierce face:"Brother, what are you talking about? Your work is not hard at all! Besides, I come to the provincial capital just in time to visit Commander Zhou. You have to support me when the time comes!"

When He Qiang heard this, he immediately understood that Chen Xuebing was going to drag him to a drinking contest again.

Last time they were at home, and this time it was someone else's home. Who knows what kind of round-robin battle they would encounter.

But He Qiang was not afraid at all. Drinking was no different from drinking water to him. As long as his stomach could still hold more, he would keep drinking.

"Don't worry, brother. No matter who the wine fairy or wine king is, as long as he dares to come, I will beat him down!"

He Qiang said arrogantly.

Chen Xuebing cheered,"You are worthy of being my good brother!"

"No, no, I am not as good as my brother, they are just some tricks."

He Qiang still needs Chen Xuebing's help, and good words are free.

After the two of them boasted about their business, they finally got to the point.

"Brother, what is your attitude towards your father-in-law's matter now? You have to tell me your thoughts, so that I can decide how much effort to put in."

Chen Xuebing and He Qiang were very open with each other.

Seeing this, He Qiang said seriously:"Let's start with the simple ones.

Aren't the higher-ups already planning to restore the reputation of the old comrades? Let's help my father-in-law get this done first while we're at it.

As for the people in Shigang Village, I see from my father-in-law's attitude that he plans to deal with those people himself.

So when the time comes, my father-in-law will be reinstated after his organizational relationship is restored, and I'll have to ask you brothers for help.


But Chen Xuebing frowned at this moment, his expression seemed a little complicated. After pondering for a while, he whispered:"Brother, I want to tell you the truth. Your father-in-law's reinstatement is a little troublesome."

He Qiang was stunned. He felt that for the first time since his rebirth, things went beyond his expectations.

This feeling made his advantage as a reborn person disappear, and he was a little confused for a moment.

What's going on? It shouldn't be like this?

Since his rebirth, the course of history has not changed much. He even helped himself and the people around him to gain a lot of benefits.

However, now his father-in-law's reinstatement has unexpectedly occurred. Is history going to change?

He Qiang thought about it and asked,"Brother, what do you mean by small troubles? Is someone deliberately making things difficult? Is there a lot of resistance?"

Chen Xuebing sighed and said,"Brother, if you really think so, then I won't think it's troublesome. The main reason seems to be that this matter is a bit strange. After all, you know that I have some relationship with you. If I really want to risk my face, I can find some people to solve the problem.……"

This made He Qiang confused.

If someone was making things difficult for him and he couldn't get his job back, then what was going on?

"Brother, please tell me the reason in detail. You know, my father-in-law is thinking about getting his job back."

He Qiang pretended to be anxious and made a sincere request to Chen Xuebing, really acting like a filial son-in-law.

Anyone who saw He Qiang's behavior would find no fault with him!

Chen Xuebing said with a strange look on his face:"If you want to talk about this matter, the problem lies with your father-in-law's old friends."

He Qiang was even more confused.

Let's not talk about rescuing people, at least his father-in-law's old friends can't cause trouble. He was reinstated in his previous life, and even made further progress. Why did it become like this in this life?

"You also know that Huang Xing stepped on your father to get to the top after he reported him. Now that guy's position is not only sensitive, but also involves some leading cadres. Your father's old friends are planning to clean up these bad apples recently, so in order not to alert the enemy, they plan to wrong your father for a while."

Chen Xuebing explained the specific reasons to He Qiang with a strange look on his face.

Well, now He Qiang can be sure that in his previous life, those old brothers of his father-in-law really helped with the reinstatement and rehabilitation.

But how much of this is compensation based on guilt?

He Qiang thinks that there is a large component.

To put it bluntly, his father-in-law was lucky to survive, otherwise, if he closed his eyes and stayed in Shigang Village, those old brothers would probably just shed a few tears, help build a grave and then"write it off", right?

In order not to alert the enemy, they let their father-in-law stay in Shigang Village for a few more years, and it was thanks to these old brothers who did it!

He Qiang didn't know how to evaluate this"brotherhood", and finally he could only sigh and said,"Then my father-in-law will have to suffer. After all, his old brothers have come to say hello to you, brother, and you can't just give them face."

Chen Xuebing pursed his lips and said,"That's not much of an old brother. To put it bluntly, he's afraid that Huang Xing's gang will get wind of it and cause trouble, so he wants to make your father-in-law suffer. It's a typical example of making your brothers suffer rather than yourself."

He Qiang was also speechless, but he was still relieved.

At least this matter did not deviate from the general trajectory of the previous life.

Although this can be regarded as a butterfly effect caused by himself, in the end, his father-in-law's gang of old brothers will still continue to deal with Huang Xing's gang according to the trajectory of the previous life.

"But since they are afraid of alerting the enemy, won't Huang Xing feel threatened if we take the people away? There will probably be someone in the county over there who will inform Huang Xing, right?"

He Qiang was confused and felt that this was a bit contradictory.

Chen Xuebing shook his head and said,"You can use my connections to just take the people away. After all, we are a military unit, and there is still a layer of separation from the government. As long as there is no follow-up action, Huang Xing will not jump to the wall in desperation. They are still dreaming that they can land safely at this time, so why would they come to provoke people from our army?"

He Qiang thought about it and felt that it was true.

Many of that group of people back then even escaped the liquidation and retired safely. Even if some of them received the punishment they deserved, many of them were arrogant with the conservatives until the 1980s. It is not surprising that Huang Xing and his people were lucky.

"If that's the case, then my father-in-law will have to bear with me for a while. But it's okay. We don't have to be the bad guys. When the time comes, let his old brother tell him the truth in person."

He Qiang said, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

When he thought about seeing his father-in-law's jokes, why was He Qiang so excited in his heart...

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