After leaving the municipal government compound, Wu Guowei held on to the last glimmer of hope and dialed the landline of Liu Henian's office.

This number is semi-private.

Under normal circumstances, the call to Liu Henian would first be dialed to his secretary's office, answered by his full-time secretary, and then the message would be conveyed to Liu Henian. In

Liu Henian's office, there is another phone, which is only known to superiors who have urgent matters, or matters with a high level of confidentiality, and some close friends.

Chen Xuebing told He Qiang this number, which was actually from Liu Henian's idea.

After all, it was Liu Henian who nodded to Wu Guowei's decision to let him feel wronged for a while, and it was obvious that he was going to explain the reason to his old brother in person.

With an extremely uneasy mentality, Wu Guowei dialed his old brother Liu Henian's phone in a state of anxiety.

His fingers tightly grasped the microphone, as if he wanted to crush it, and his heartbeat was so rapid that it seemed to jump out of his throat.

He took a deep breath and tried to keep his voice calm, but he could not cover up the hoarseness and lowness in his voice, and there was a hint of trembling in his tone.

"Hello? Happy New Year!……"

His voice was full of helplessness and grievance, which made people feel sad.

He didn't know what else he could say, but he hoped that Liu Henian could hear his voice, recall the revolutionary friendship of the past, and remember the years they fought side by side.

Obviously, he was worried that Liu Henian would not remember the old friendship like Yuan Lixing.

If that was the case, he would really have to experience the scene of people leaving and tea getting cold.

Liu Henian on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, and finally spoke slowly."Guowei, I've wronged you in the past two years!"

The strong apology in that voice made Wu Guowei's uneasy mood disappear instantly. His excited lips trembled, his throat tightened, and he almost couldn't breathe.

Because he was too nervous just now!

At this moment, the stone hanging in his heart can finally be put down.

Wu Guowei took a few deep breaths, and finally adjusted his mood and said:"He Nian, you... I, I knew you didn't forget me!"

This apology rekindled hope in Wu Guowei's eyes, just like a thirsty traveler walking in the desert finally found an oasis and was finally able to drink!

Liu Henian seemed to feel Wu Guowei's mood, and he continued:"Guowei, I know you have had a hard time in the past two years, and I also miss the days when we struggled together. I also look forward to us being able to fight side by side again in the future."

Wu Guowei was filled with warmth and moved when he heard this.

This made him feel that his perseverance over the years was worthwhile and not in vain!

He knew that he was not alone, and he still had old brothers who silently cared about him and watched him.

Wu Guowei gnashed his teeth and said,"Henian, your words are enough. When I restore my reputation and organizational relationship, it will be time for us to fight side by side. I will make Huang Xing, that scum, pay him back!"

After a long silence on the other end of the phone, he said faintly,"Guowei, we are just worried that you will go to extremes because of the past, so we didn't pick you up from Shigang Village the first time. Huang Xing is not a concern, but the people behind him force us to be cautious."

As a sophisticated political creature, Wu Guowei immediately understood the complexity of the matter, so he asked,"You have been preparing for so long? Then my son-in-law coming to pick me up, won't it ruin your big plan?"

Wu Guowei still regarded Liu Henian as his life-saving straw, and now he wanted to hold on to him tightly. At this moment, he rationalized the old brother's various behaviors after a little imagination.

So at this moment, Wu Guowei frowned and turned to look at his son-in-law with a reproachful look in his eyes.

Seeing this, Wu Shuhua said unhappily:"Dad, if there is really a problem, so what? Should you stay in that village for labor reform?"

Wu Guowei frowned, not wanting to argue with his daughter, and simply turned his back.

He Qiang pursed his lips, stretched out his hand to hold Wu Shuhua, and whispered to comfort him:"Forget it, Dad just wants to save face and suffer in death. When we bring him home, he will know who is really good to him."

Wu Shuhua sighed, thinking that his father trusted those old brothers too much.

On the other side, Liu Henian listened to the movement here, and the whole person was actually a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, this interruption also allowed him to change the subject.

After simply comforting Wu Guowei, Liu Henian hinted in a roundabout way and finally hung up the phone.

Wu Guowei was lost, and his face was quite unsatisfied.

Obviously, he wished he could fly to the capital to meet his old brothers.

"It turns out that Lixing is not unwilling to see me, but it is inconvenient to see me at the municipal government office!"

Wu Guowei felt alive again, and his whole body was full of energy.

But He Qiang's next sentence was like a needle piercing a balloon, which made Wu Guowei lose the air.

"Dad, let’s not talk about your revolutionary friendship with your old brother. You have to go back with us soon. You can’t restore your organizational relationship before their big things are done."

He Qiang reminded.

Wu Guowei's mouth twitched and he wanted to refuse, but he was an old widower without a job. If he couldn't get help from his friends, how could he live? His original unit would definitely not take him in.

After all, his organizational relationship has not been restored, and his current situation is that his household registration is"suspended".

In Shigang Village, Wu Guowei's household registration has been transferred, but there is currently no unit in the provincial capital that accepts him.

There is no other way except to go back to the county with He Qiang to settle down.

"Well, let's go back and visit my relatives.……"

Wu Guowei replied shyly.

Wu Shuhua was happy, finally he could bring his old father home.

Chen Yousheng also said,"Do you need me to book the nearest train ticket for you?"

Wu Shuhua was eager to go home and didn't want to stay in the provincial capital anymore, but she knew He Qiang had a dinner party, so she turned her head and looked at her man.

"There is no need to arrange the train tickets."

He Qiang declined Chen Yousheng's arrangement and explained to him that he would go out to dinner with Chen Xuebing later.

Chen Yousheng smiled and said,"Then congratulations to comrade on your victory! Although I am also from this military region, my chief is a close friend of Minister Chen, and they are friends for life!"

He Qiang said to Chen Yousheng,"I'll come to the provincial capital to have a drink with you next time!"

Chen Yousheng nodded,"It's a deal!"

Wu Guowei opened his mouth, but in the end said nothing.

At noon, after the family had eaten, He Qiang followed Chen Xuebing to the army.

Wu Shuhua followed his old father and wandered around the provincial capital accompanied by Chen Yousheng.

In the evening, He Qiang, as Chen Xuebing's assistant, once again dominated the wine table and showed an amazing alcohol tolerance.

He Qiang's performance amazed the masters in the military region. His alcohol tolerance seemed to be endless.

He drank one glass after another, but his face did not change at all, but became more and more energetic.

Facing opponents who took turns to compete in drinking, He Qiang easily drank bottle after bottle of wine without a trace of drunkenness.

His body was like iron, and he would not feel any discomfort no matter how much he drank.

His face always remained sober, and his eyes were firm and bright.

His opponents were all drunk, but he was still as steady as ever. He Qiang was standing on the mountain, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

The army is a place that worships the strong. He Qiang's performance made people forget his identity and status. With his drinking capacity, he won the respect of the officers and even the elites of the army.

Chen Xuebing also earned enough face because of this, and the atmosphere was very good for a while.

A group of defeated generals who were docile by drinking, based on the idea of praising their opponents more to raise their own strength when they couldn't beat them, gave He Qiang the title of God of Wine.

Their admiration for He Qiang was beyond words, and they all worshiped him as an idol.

There was no way, He Qiang could drink too much. He vomited in the round-robin battles, but he still fought with the non-drunk ones until dawn without changing his face!

Except for a few high-ranking and powerful people who didn't drink, the rest all fell down.

He Qiang didn't know that after this time, his name would be praised in the army and become a legend.……

""Huh! ? Brother, you're still awake?"

Chen Xuebing rubbed his head and staggered to He Qiang's side. Seeing the mess in front of him, his eyes widened.

"You knocked them all down?"

Chen Xuebing was almost dumbfounded.

You drank white wine as water, right?

He Qiang shook his head and sighed:"If you hadn't urinated fast enough, it wouldn't have dragged on until now!"

Chen Xuebing couldn't help but said:"You'd better come with me to the hospital to have a look, I'm really worried that something will happen to you. You actually drank with these guys all night and knocked them all down?"

Chen Xuebing was at least quite knowledgeable and knew that drinking too much water could lead to water poisoning. How much alcohol must He Qiang have drunk to knock down a room full of people in one night?

Wouldn't something happen?

He Qiang waved his hand and said:"It's okay, this is where my talent lies. If there is really a problem, can I still talk to you?"

He Qiang knew that he was fine now, mostly because of his supernatural powers, so he would definitely not go to the hospital. Otherwise, if something was really found out, wouldn't he be exposed?

Chen Xuebing asked suspiciously:"Are you really okay?"

"It's okay, just rest assured!"

He Qiang patted his chest and promised.

Chen Xuebing looked around, pulled He Qiang and said:"It's okay, come with me first, I'm afraid those guys will wake up and come to fight you again! If anything happens to you, how can I explain to my sister-in-law!"

After that, Chen Xuebing took He Qiang all the way back to the hotel where Wu Guowei and the others were.

At this time, Wu Shuhua, who had not slept well because He Qiang did not come back all night, woke up early.

Seeing her man coming back, Wu Shuhua immediately came over with concern and asked:"Why are you back so late? Let's have some breakfast?"

He Qiang touched his stomach and felt that his stomach was indeed empty.

""It smells so alcoholic. How much did you drink yesterday?"

Wu Shuhua asked, covering his nose.

He Qiang sniffed his shoulder. Just like a smoker who cannot smell the cigarette smoke on himself, he did not feel that he smelled of alcohol.

""Sister-in-law, this is all my fault as a brother. If you want to blame someone, blame me."

Chen Xuebing stood up to defend He Qiang.

Wu Shuhua couldn't blame Chen Xuebing, so she had to signal He Qiang to go with her for breakfast.

The hotel's breakfast was not bad. He Qiang felt his stomach warm up quickly while eating the hot noodles.

""Brother, do you have any plans here? How about we go back together?"

Chen Xuebing asked He Qiang after breakfast.

Wu Shuhua replied:"There is nothing else to do anyway, why don't we go back? I haven't seen Niuniu for several days."

"Let's go back then."

He Qiang nodded, since he had nothing else to do anyway.

Chen Xuebing said happily:"Okay, it's just right for us two brothers to brag along the way."

After the whole family had breakfast, they caught the train that was scheduled to depart after 9 a.m.

Because the distance from the provincial capital to the county was shorter, they did not choose a soft sleeper.

However, the resourceful Chen Xuebing took He Qiang and the others directly to the dining car to sit on the soft seats.

Compared to the crowded hard seat car, the environment in the dining car was quiet and comfortable.

The conductor even took the time to show up and say hello to Chen Xuebing.

When it was almost noon, the cook came over and reported the menu for everyone to order.

Compared to the extra service He Qiang had received because of his handsomeness before, this time with Chen Xuebing, It's not VIP treatment, it's VVVIP.

For example, a plate of twice-cooked pork, all of which is made of selected fatty pork belly, the slices are cut in the right thickness, and the portion is especially large!

The conductor even took out his own collection!

Their train runs between Yunnan Province and Qin Province, so the conductor often brings some local specialties.

Many of the top foreign delicacies in later generations are produced in Yunnan Province.

For example, the top foreign delicacy - Matsutake.

And the ham, a delicacy that is very popular abroad, is also a specialty of Yunnan Province.

"Brother, you are so lucky that you can even eat the hidden menu."

He Qiang ate the ham and felt that the flavor was indeed very unique.

He had gained a lot of knowledge from watching short videos in his previous life, but he had never enjoyed it.

Now, for the first time, he ate one of the most famous hams in the country. Now he felt that it was crispy, oily but not greasy, very fragrant, and with a hint of sweetness. It can be said to be very unique.

If there were no poultry raised by"irrigation" feed at home, He Qiang would have given this ham a full score.

However, in the future, in the market, the top pork ingredients must be pork produced by his alpine ranch.

Chen Xuebing ate a chopstick of matsutake and said happily:"Brother, I can be regarded as a person who has eaten all over the north and south. If I really want to talk about the top, it is still the top products you brought to me, your brother."He

Qiang smiled and said,"The local water and soil nurture the local people."

Chen Xuebing said with expectation:"Tell your brother honestly, what other treasures are hidden in your family."

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