At noon, He Qiang got to eat the braised bamboo rat as he wished.

This female rat weighed at least four pounds, and had quite a bit of meat on her body.

Eating it with potatoes made He Qiang very happy.

"It is worthwhile to keep these little creatures, or should we sell them?"

He Yongjun ate bamboo rat meat happily, but he refused to sell his son's account.

He Qiang despised his father's behavior of crossing the river and destroying the bridge.

"If we want to eat meat at home, we must raise it ourselves. Dad, just tell me whether bamboo rats are delicious or not!" He Qiang said this directly, and He Yongjun had no way to refute it.

Maybe other people would lose money if they raised bamboo rats, but He Qiang was very clear about his special ability.

He could use his special ability to induce the birth of these guys' food. After all, chickens and ducks are raised, and bamboo rats are raised.

Besides, bamboo rats can be bred all year round, and they are easy to eat, so there is no reason not to raise them!

The main thing is that there is no problem in raising bamboo rats now. You can eat them yourself or sell them at the market. If the quantity is not large, it is completely fine to catch them by hunting.

Pigs can only be sold to the government, and individuals can only get a small part.

Isn't it obvious who has the biggest profit?

In another two years, when the policy is more open, He Qiang will definitely raise pigs.

But now, anyway, he doesn't raise them.

"Then you have to take care of the feed for these little guys yourself, I don't have time to prepare it for them anyway."

He Yongjun's eyes turned, and he suddenly felt that this was not bad.

At least he found a regular job for his son!

You said you wanted to raise them, so you have to find food for them yourself, right?

He Qiang rolled his eyes.

His old father's face and mouth made him very sad.

I, He Laoyao, bring things home every day, and he still thinks about my past!

"What can four little bamboo rats eat! Xiaohua just needs to take care of it first, I will catch more when the time comes, so that we can have more."

He, the youngest, is going to do big things, so don't bother him to deal with these small things. He

Yongjun's eyelids jumped when he heard this, and he was about to rant against He Qiang, but the old lady He on the side started to praise him:

"Catch as many as you can, it's better to catch more! It will be nice to sell them later."

He Qiang immediately took Grandma He's hand and said,"With me here, grandma can eat greasy food every day!"

Grandma He smiled from ear to ear:"I'm old, I should eat light food, you young people should eat more!"

He Yongjun was a little depressed again.

Young people eat more, so can't middle-aged people eat more?

At this time, there was a noise at the door.

""Qiang boy! Come out quickly!"

Hearing the familiar voice, He Qiang immediately knew that it was the group of friends who came to see him.

Seeing the unhappy look on He Yongjun's face, He Qiang explained:"I have been working hard to support my family these days."

Old Mrs. He scolded He Yongjun:"Who doesn't have a few friends? They didn't do anything bad, they just had fun together, why do you care so much?"

Is this called having fun?

Not going home all day after having fun, and not helping with housework, what a mess!

But He Yongjun was embarrassed to say anything to those young people.

One was from the captain's family, one was the son of a scorekeeper, and the other was a relative of a salesperson in the supply and marketing cooperative.

Each of them had an ordinary background, and the key was that they were related to their He family.……

"Xiaohua, I'm going out for a while, remember to save me dinner tonight!"

He Qiang said and ran away.

He didn't really plan to go out to fool around.

But they were friends after all. Even if he was in trouble in his previous life, these people helped him a lot.

How could he break such a relationship?

Wu Shuhua sighed as she watched her husband leave.

It's only been two days since he recovered. I hope he won't become like before...

He Qiang and his four friends met in victory, so they ran away.

When they got to a place where there was no one, the brothers started to curse.

""Fuck, Qiangwaer, what's wrong with you? How can you be a brother like this?" Sun Jifa

, the youngest son of the salesman's relative, cursed angrily.

Tian Jun, the grandson of the scorekeeper, also echoed:"That's right, we agreed to spend our lives together, why did you work hard alone in secret! Damn it, my dad came home yesterday and chased me to beat me and asked me to go to the fields!"

Liu Quanyou, the youngest son of the team leader, yelled with a fierce face:"Qiangwaer, you are betraying the revolution!" As soon as these words came out, the air suddenly became quiet.

Seeing this, Tian Jun looked around and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that no one was there.

Sun Jifa was almost scared to death, and cursed at Liu Quanyou:"Fuck, you can't say this nonsense, you are going to kill people if you do this."

If this had happened a few years ago, if others had heard it, He Qiang might have been killed directly.

Even now, many people are still scared.

Tian Jun touched his chest and said calmly:"Quanyou, remember not to talk about revolution in the future. Seeing the three brothers so scared, Liu

Quanyou scratched his head and said,"Oh, well, I won't say anything.……"

He Qiang knew that Liu Quanyou didn't mean it.

After all, Liu Quanyou had a nickname called Liu Shazi...

This guy was the captain's late-born son, and he was spoiled. So the four lazy and gluttonous kids became the F4 of Gunziwan since they were young.

They enjoyed the sweetest sweet potatoes in the village and ran rampant in the paddy fields of the mountain village.

Each of them came from a well-off family. They grew up together and hung out together.

Liu Quanyou was not born stupid, but because he ate poisonous wild fruits.

When He Qiang and the others found Liu Quanyou, he was already hard.

But this kid was strong, and he was sent to the village and rescued by a barefoot doctor.

But since then, this kid's brain has had problems.

His intelligence has been affected, and his brain is sometimes sharp and sometimes not.

Most of the time, his brain is in a state of IQ deficit.

So it is normal for him to say something shocking just now.

After all, his brain is not enough, so he can't think clearly when he speaks.……

"All right, come to my house this afternoon to eat loquats, we haven't seen each other for a few days."

He Qiang invited his three good brothers.

What happened just now was not enough to make He Qiang angry. They were all brothers who grew up together. They were childhood friends, best friends, and close buddies!

But Tian Jun still looked frightened.

There was no way. Two old cadres who were sent down to the countryside had lived in his house, and they died in his house. How could he not know how scary this was?

These were brothers who grew up together and had a friendship of twenty years. If it came to feelings, even the brothers in the family couldn't compare.

Although Liu Quanyou's brain was underutilized, he still had basic emotional cognition.

Seeing his brothers so depressed because of him, he felt guilty.

"It's all my fault for being so stupid."

Liu Quanyou blamed himself for his IQ.

He Qiang comforted him,"It's okay, the higher-ups don't do this anymore, there won't be any more of that in the future, let's go to my house!"

In this era, there's no need to be afraid of being bullied.

He Qiang actually knew it very well, but other people in this era just didn't know what the future would look like.

""Fuck, I won't go to your house, let's go to my house, my aunt brought back some dried shrimps, they are so fresh, they are delicious with wine."

Sun Jifa said, and put his arm around He Qiang's shoulders to drag him away.

How embarrassing it would be to go to He Qiang's house at this time!

This mentality is probably similar to being afraid that your brother will suffer, but also afraid that your brother will drive a Land Rover.

You are all second-rate guys who hang out together, but you suddenly secretly make money to support your family. Are you worthy of your brothers and the organization!

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