Facing He Qiang's invitation, Tian Jun was also full of excitement.

For this young man who had long been yearning for a career, he was not afraid of whether the task was difficult or not, or whether the hidden dangers were big or not!

He only cared about whether he could stand out and become successful!

So after He Qiang finished speaking, Tian Jun agreed without hesitation:

"Qiangwaer, you can leave this matter to me. Although I have never been exposed to it before, I can learn it seriously. Don't worry, I will never mess it up!"

He Qiang certainly trusted Tian Jun.

After all, his ability was proven later.

Moreover, for now, all He Qiang needs Tian Jun to do is to sign for him to hand over the goods.

Tian Jun doesn't need to worry about the links that really require using personal connections to open up channels.

For example, the most important part of this transaction is nothing more than letting the bank make a mortgage loan to buy the goods, and then find the next buyer to resell the goods.

He Qiang is not worried about the bank or the next buyer. Although the current domestic environment is that a large number of state-owned enterprises cannot start work, that is only relative.

No matter what economic difficulties there are, there are always some irreplaceable factories that can still maintain production.

He Qiang only needs to ensure that the machines he orders are from those powerful large factories, or even those that are of interest to individuals.

Their province is also an economic center in the western region, and even the military region is named after their provincial capital.

In terms of volume, there is no worry about buyers at all

"Tian Jun, let's work together as brothers. Don't worry, if we manage this business well, I guarantee it will make more money than what I'm doing now. By then, let alone the female educated youth, even if you look for a female college student, that will be no problem."

He Qiang outlined the future for Tian Jun.

Listening to He Qiang's description, Tian Jun's breathing also became quickened.

Only scholars know how powerful scholars are.

Tian Jun understood very well the value of college students in this era!

Nowadays, college students, after finishing their studies and being assigned a job, get a starting basic salary that is not comparable to that of ordinary workers. Many college students can even directly serve as cadres after graduation.

Although cadres are not leaders, they also manage people!

How can those who work with their brains be as popular as those who work with their hands?

Tian Jun himself is the son of an accountant. How could he not know that those who do accounting have more leisure time than those who work hard?

Even at this moment, Tian Jun suddenly felt that his love for the female educated youth seemed to have faded a little.

His heart was pounding, and Tian Jun suddenly felt a little strange at the moment.

With a start in his heart, Tian Jun woke up and waved his hand to He Qiang and said,"I just like Linlin. What does college students have to do with me!"

He Qiang looked at Tian Jun's eagerness to refute and showed a strange smile.

Others didn't know Tian Jun, so how could he not know?

As for the nature of his childhood friend, he could say that even Tian Han, his father, knew it better than he did.

As the love saint of Gunziwan, although he was a widower in his old age, he had a pair of sharp eyes.

During the holidays, Tian Jun came back to worship, and the young secretaries who followed him were changed frequently. They all graduated from famous universities, and they were all very beautiful. There was something wrong with the way they looked at Tian Jun.

It would be strange if there was no problem.

That kind of admiring eyes, the confusion in that look was beyond description. As a person who has been through this, how could He Qiang not know that Tian Jun's relationship with the young secretaries is not normal?

So He Qiang didn't believe what Tian Jun said about only liking the young educated youth.

Tian Jun has always thought far ahead since he was a child, and he is just satisfied with the female educated youth now.

When they officially enter the 1980s and their careers are getting bigger and bigger, they will probably not be college students by then, but graduate students or doctoral students.

However, He Qiang is not worried that Tian Jun will get into trouble because of these issues.

He knows his good brother well, and he must believe in mutual consent.

After all, if they are not married, there is no possibility of bigamy, and it is free love, and it is not against the law to change girlfriends frequently.

"Tian Jun, listen to my advice. Don't rush into marriage. Focus on your career first. When you gain more experience in the future, you may have different ideas."

He Qiang said to Tian Jun earnestly.

At this time, Wu Shuhua came out of the kitchen with beer and a plate of cold dishes. She glanced at He Qiang, put the things on the table silently, and then turned and left.

He Qiang raised his eyebrows when he saw this, and said to Tian Jun calmly:"You eat first, I'm going to the toilet."

After that, He Qiang got up and chased into the house without waiting for Tian Jun to react.

Following Wu Shuhua to the kitchen, He Qiang walked over secretly and hugged his wife from behind

""Let go! Tian Jun is still outside!"

Wu Shuhua struggled and yelled in a low voice.

Obviously, she was a little dissatisfied after hearing what He Qiang said just now.

How could He Qiang not know his wife's temper?

Although she usually looks like a good wife and a good mother, but after her recent rebirth, her life has become better and better, and her previously tense nerves have begun to relax.

Life is no longer hard, and she has the mind to think about more things.

Now she has the energy to play a little temper with He Qiang.

""Okay, okay, why are you so angry? I was talking about Tian Jun!"

He Qiang coaxed his wife in a low voice.

Wu Shuhua snorted coldly:"Who knows if you regret marrying me so early now that you have money."

When He Qiang heard this, he understood that Wu Shuhua was asking him to coax her.

This was too obvious.

It was simply saying, I'm angry, you can do whatever you want!

"How can it be the same? You and I have been through thick and thin together, and we are husband and wife who stick together through thick and thin! Tian Jun has an accountant waiting to inherit, and that young woman will never suffer with him. When Tian Jun becomes rich in the future, he will definitely have some ideas in his mind!"

He Qiang hugged Wu Shuhua tightly, and his kind words immediately calmed his wife in his arms.

Although a woman is more difficult to calm down than a pig during the Chinese New Year when she is angry, He Qiang���It was easy to do, and the family crisis was resolved in minutes.

After listening to He Qiang's words, Wu Shuhua calmed down, but still said coquettishly:

"Who knows if you think so? You only know how to say coaxing words, and you know all the nice words."

He Qiang smiled and said,"You are my good wife. Even if I am rich, I will not have any other ideas. I am different from that kid Tian Jun! He has pursuits from the beginning when he looks for a wife, and pursuits can always change! How can they be satisfied? I am different. When I was looking for a wife, I looked for you from the beginning. No matter what the future holds, you are the wife I want most!"

Wu Shuhua was coaxed into a daze, and hummed,"Really?"

He Qiang tightened his arms, then gently pushed and said,"Feel it for yourself!"

"You are so annoying, Tian Jun is still outside!"

Although he said so, Wu Shuhua did not struggle at all...

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