With Yu Li's personality, it was not surprising that she would do such a thing.

This woman has always been like this.

In a family, everything cannot be perfect and equal. If one lives better, another or even several people will suffer.

If you have to be fussy about everything, you can't live like this.

But Yu Li is a person who is unwilling to suffer losses, and even wants to take advantage.

Mrs. He's family all knew that this matter was basically true, so they glanced coldly at Yu Li who was sitting on the ground and said:

"Then why did you call me here? As a mother, can't you control your daughter-in-law? Do you still need me to teach you what to do?"

Liu Juan also said in a low voice with a face full of resentment:"Mom, the two children are now clamoring to separate the family. Aiguo can't persuade them anymore, so just say that the family should be separated."

Grandma He finally understood why the eldest son called her here.

It seemed that it was because of this incident that he had the idea of agreeing to separate the family.

Thinking of this, Grandma He felt sorry for her son again.

It is said that the eldest brother is like a father.

Grandpa He died early, and He Aiguo has helped the whole big family a lot.

He Yongjun raised He Qiang, a child, and without the help of He Aiguo, the eldest brother, it would be impossible to raise He Qiang tall and big.

He Qiang, a handsome young man from ten miles around, did not grow up just by genes. How could it be possible without nutritional support?

He Qiang whispered at this time:"Grandma, if you want to separate the family, just separate the family. It has been said for several years, and everyone is unhappy after a long time. Recently, our family happened to be repairing a pigpen and building a horse shed, so we just did it together, which can save a lot of food."

Mrs. He looked pleased, patted He Qiang's hand and said with emotion:"Your second brother lived a few years longer than you, but he is not as sensible as you. Your uncle loved you in vain."

He Qiang changed the subject obediently and said:"Whoever is good to me, I must remember it in my heart? Now that I have grown up, I must repay it if I can. Don't be angry, grandma, your grandson will respect you in the future."

""Okay, okay, I know you are the most filial."

Old Mrs. He held He Qiang's hand, her eyes red.

He Yongjun, who was holding her granddaughter, was very dissatisfied. You said all the good things, as if everyone was not filial! Didn't

I, He Lao San, also respect my biological mother?

How come He Qiang, that bastard, is the most filial!

Hmm, something seems to be wrong?

He Yongjun felt a little confused.

"Mom, Aiguo doesn't plan to interfere in the division of the family this time, because I'm afraid the two little ones will not be satisfied with you being the boss at home, so you decide how to divide it."

Liu Juan looked tired, obviously exhausted by her youngest son's troubles.

After raising him for so many years, how could a mother feel good about it when the daughter-in-law made such a fuss?

"" Okay, stop arguing, and all of you come back to the house with me. It's embarrassing!"

Old Lady He scolded everyone, and then returned to the house with the help of He Qiang.

He Aiguo looked at his youngest son and said expressionlessly:"Let's go, let your grandmother decide how to divide it. I, as a father, will not be partial to anyone."

He Liang's heart was pierced by his father's expression, and finally he gritted his teeth and pulled his wife, who was sitting on the ground and making a fuss, into the house.

Seeing this, a group of villagers knew that there was no more gossip, so they went home in twos and threes chatting.

In the house, Old Lady He sat in the first seat, He Qiang stood behind her, and He Aiguo and his three brothers also sat down.

He Qiang's cousins all stood aside waiting for Old Lady He to speak.

"Are you sure you want to separate and live on your own?"

Old Mrs. He asked He Ming and his brother.

He Ming didn't say anything, obviously still sad.

He Liang was very determined and said,"Grandma, I'm already thirty years old, it's time to separate, this is good for both of us."

The youngest son's eagerness to fly solo completely made He Aiguo and his wife lose their temper.

They simply accepted the fact.

"After the family is separated, you will be responsible for how to live by yourself. Don't expect your family to help you when you suffer in the future. Have you thought about it?"

Mrs. He continued to ask.

This made He Liang, who had always been protected by his family, a little shaken.

But Yu Li secretly pinched her man's waist.

Hinted by his wife, He Liang gritted his teeth and said,"Grandma, I'm so old, can't I support myself with the fields? If there is not enough food and I can't fight, I will go to reclaim another piece of land. Can the captain not give us face?"

Mrs. He said indifferently,"Face belongs to the family, and the matter is yours. There is no such logic after the family is separated."

He Liang looked a little unhappy after hearing these words.

If we calculate based on the current acreage of the eldest wife's family, it is actually enough for the family to be divided.

But the problem is that the quality of life will decline. Once the grain harvest is poor, people will have more than enough to eat, but where will the money come from to buy oil, salt, sauce and vinegar?

When there is not enough oil and water, and the taste is a little bland, life will be even more difficult.

Seeing He Liang like this, Grandma He became even more disappointed in him.

Among the brothers, although He Qiang looks the most mischievous, He Liang is indeed the one who is overambitious.

Grandma He knows very well that this kid still thinks he can live a good life by taking advantage.

This child was like this when he got married, and now he is still thinking this way after the family is divided.

Grandma He sighed and said,"Xiaoliang, it was your father who arranged the bride price for you when you got married. You know how much your eldest brother has suffered in this matter."

Yu Li was unhappy to hear this.

Her family is well-off, so she deserves the price. Her sister-in-law's family is poor and has to rely on her father-in-law for support all year round. Isn't it reasonable that the bride price is cheaper?

She has been helping He Liang from her parents' side for many years, otherwise how could her two children be raised so well?

But Mrs. He is in her seventies, and she has experienced all kinds of hardships.

She saw through Yu Li's little thoughts at a glance.

But she was too lazy to talk about these things, and just said indifferently:"We have not separated to live a small life. The family speaks the same language. We are in the same family, so we all have to contribute. Xiaoliang, your elder brother has worked a few more years than you. It can be said that part of the money you earned to marry your wife was earned by your elder brother. This matter needs to be calculated clearly."

He Liang had no way to refute this.

He Ming got married early and started working even earlier, and he and his wife helped their father with work a lot.

Because he had high standards, he delayed getting married until very late, and during this period he enjoyed the fruits of his eldest brother and his wife's labor a lot.

He Ming sighed and said,"Grandma, forget it, let's divide it equally. We are brothers, and I don't want people to say that I, as the eldest brother, am arguing with my younger brother." Liu Juan's nose was sore when she heard this. As a mother, she feels sorry for her eldest son now.

It is said that the youngest son is favored, but as a mother, she knows how diligent and down-to-earth her eldest son has been over the years.

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