Not only cloth, He Qiang also brought back many daily necessities that his family had been reluctant to buy before.

Although He Yongjun felt very painful in his heart, he also felt that those things were useful. But as long as he roughly calculated the price, He Yongjun felt that the price was not simple.

How much money would it cost to bring these things back?

It doesn't make sense to think about it!

He Qiang only brought two jars of wine and a jar of honey to the county, how much could they sell for?

This piece of cloth alone would cost far more than that.

"Dad, I told you this cloth is only 30 cents per foot, do you believe me?"

He Qiang kept it a secret, with a bit of smugness in his eyes.

"How much?!"

He Yongjun's voice was distorted with shock.

Where can you buy cloth for 30 cents a foot?

Even in his dreams, he dare not dream of this!

Now a foot of dyed cotton cloth costs 1.2 yuan, and white cloth costs more than 80 cents! The

Dacron in He Qiang's hand is more expensive than cotton cloth, and it is dyed.

Only 30 cents a foot, isn't this an international joke?

He felt that his son was fooling him by thinking he was Liu Quanyou.

"What on earth did you do in the county?"

He Yongjun frowned, wondering if his son had gone astray.

Seeing that his father was suspicious of him again, He Qiang pursed his lips and said,"Dad, open it and take a close look."

Old Mrs. He also came to help, and the mother and son slowly unfolded the cloth, and then immediately found the problem.

"Defective cloth?"

He Yongjun looked at the cloth with different shades of dark and light, and immediately understood something.

The color of this cloth is not evenly distributed, and there are even some spots of mixed colors.

It is unknown what happened during the production.

When Mr. He was alive, He Qiang's family also bought such cloth.

Except for the defects in appearance, it does not affect wearing at all.

This kind of cloth is not only cheap, but also has a greater advantage that it does not require cloth coupons.

"Even if it's 30 cents a foot, you don't have enough money, right? Didn't you only bring 5 yuan this time when you went to the city?"

He Yongjun looked suspicious and felt more and more confused.

It was like solving a puzzle, and a new question puzzled him again.

"Dad, this is what you don’t understand! All the money earned from selling honey this time is from buying things! And Director Chen raised the price himself."

He Qiang smiled so brightly.

Old Mrs. He couldn't help asking,"How can honey be sold for so much? This piece of cloth must be at least twenty or thirty yuan."

He Yongjun's eyelids twitched when he heard it.

Gosh, when he said five yuan before, he thought He Qiang was selling it too expensive.

After all, doing big business with Director Chen in the fish pond is the hard truth. In He Yongjun's view, those honeys are just a short-lived gimmick after all.

But he didn't expect He Qiang to reveal this. After a careful calculation, he found that he had underestimated this honey too much.

"Fifty yuan per pound, grandma, you didn't expect that! This is the price Director Chen said himself! People also said that he bought it cheaply. After I know the value of honey, I will definitely not sell it to him. It will definitely be a loss for him to be greedy for a temporary bargain and have no honey to eat in the future."

He Qiang winked and told his family about the situation at that time.

He Yongjun resisted the urge to educate He Qiang, suppressed his confusion, and muttered in a low voice:"These big officials in the city really know how to live. They have so much money to burn!"

Grandma He said unhappily:"People give your son money to make and you say they are extravagant. Are you stupid from farming?"

He Yongjun shrank his neck and felt that his idea was indeed a bit abnormal. He changed the subject:

"From what you said, Director Chen is still planning to need honey for a long time?"

He Qiang nodded and said,"Well, Xiao Liu will come to the village to collect it in three days. I have to go to the mountain to prepare some in the next two days. Do you have any jars at home?"

He Yongjun shook his head:"The small jars have been used up a long time ago. There are still some bottles, but we'd better not use them to pack. Director Chen pays dozens of yuan per pound. How can I give those seasoning bottles to others to pack. I'll go to Xiao Sun to buy two jars for packing."

He Qiang heard it and waved his hand and said,"Then just eat the canned food and use it for packing."

He Yongjun didn't object this time.

In fact, he was thinking of buying some canned food in glass jars and using them to pack after eating.

Since his son already had it this time, why buy more?

"Niuniu wants to eat canned food!"

He Tiantian has never eaten canned food before, but that doesn't stop her from being curious about it.

He Qiang took out a can of carambola from the packing box, unscrewed the lid and picked a piece for He Tiantian.

""Hold it carefully, it's a little slippery, don't drop it on the ground."

He Qiang warned He Tiantian.

He Tiantian carefully held a piece of carambola and then took a bite.

After tasting it for a while with her eyes slightly narrowed, He Tiantian's expression gradually changed from full of expectation to indifferent.

"Hey, you little thing is so picky."

He Qiang knew what his daughter's attitude was.

After He Tiantian finished the carambola in her hand, she didn't even ask for another piece.

She ate that piece because she was fresh and didn't want to waste it...

Seeing that He Tiantian had lost interest in the canned food, the family simply divided the can among the adults.

Although Grandma He had bad teeth, the yellow peaches in the canned yellow peaches were still edible.

Grandma He was so happy eating the sweet yellow peaches.

The syrup inside was also poured into other containers. Wu Shuhua took the can and washed it consciously, while He Yongjun squatted beside the box and looked through the contents.

"This flashlight is great! It's really bright."

He Yongjun looked at the flashlight with a bright silver shell, installed the batteries, fiddled with it, and praised it highly.

As the lotus roots in the pond grew better and better, and the fish fry in the pond also began to grow, He Yongjun has started to patrol the pond at night.

With a flashlight, he can get up at night to check on the

"Dad, I also brought you a new hoe and shovel. They are made of good steel, much better than the ones we have at home. You can assemble them yourself when the time comes. They will definitely be very useful!"

He Qiang happily presented his treasures.

Farming skills are the lifeblood of life. After hearing this, He Yongjun did not scold He Qiang, but praised him:

"Good buy, good buy! Let me take a look, wow, it's really shiny, um, not bad, not bad, it's really a good product!"

He Tiantian was ignored on the side, pouting and shouting at her old father:

"Dad, Niuniu wants to eat honey candy!"

He Qiang was so excited about showing off that he had no time to pay attention to his daughter. He waved his hand and said:

"Let your mother do it for you!"

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