He Qiang killed a wild goat this time, and immediately he became famous in the team.

Although goat offal is a good thing, He Qiang gave away everything except the kidneys.

It was just to thank the villagers for helping last time.

Anyway, each household only gave a little, mainly as a token of their thoughts.

Although the villagers did not get much, they felt very good emotionally.

He Qiang did not feel that he suffered a loss.

Living in the countryside, if you want the villagers to help when they have something to do, you have to do enough face-saving work.

Moreover, the past two years are the most critical time point, and there is still a final period of chaos. In order to prevent the villagers from doing bad things, He Qiang has to get along well with them.

His family has not had any problems in contracting the fish pond until now, firstly because of the strong background of the He family, and secondly because of the connections in the team.

There are many neighbors who are related to each other, and the relationship is better on weekdays. If someone is really blinded by lard and wants to sue the He family, he will be stopped in the end. It is normal for the villagers to help their relatives and not the people!

Pile in the yard���, He Qiang put the mutton on a skewer and grilled it.

One sheep was too much for the whole family, so He Qiang took part of it to Sun Jifa to exchange for some spices such as cumin and fennel, as well as cooking oil.

You can pick wild peppercorns in the mountains, but you can only buy spices.

These spices are treasures for flavoring and removing fishy smells. Without them, the taste is much worse. Whether it is for grilling or braising, a lot of them will be consumed.

""Qiang boy, you have changed!"

After Sun Jifa got the things back from He Qiang, he looked resentful.

He Qiang rolled his eyes:"I will give you the normal market price for goat meat, what else do you want? Sell it to Wu Youhua, at least double it." Sun Jifa was selectively deaf, muttering:"In the past, when you got good things, you would call us brothers to share, but now you don't even treat us!"

He Qiang was too lazy to pay attention to Sun Jifa, and turned around and left with the oil bottle and spices.

Sun Jifa shouted at He Qiang's back:"Fuck, why don't you sell me a piece of sheep tail oil!"

The meat that He Qiang brought this time was all lean parts.

People these days are willing to eat fatty meat, and even wish they could change it directly to lard!

The price of lard in later generations is not even half of that of tenderloin.

But now it's the other way around. It doesn't matter if you can't buy lard, tenderloin is definitely the worst choice for residents to buy meat.

Of course, the same goes for ribs.

Anyway, everything is for oil!

"You want to eat shit!"

How could He Qiang sell sheep tail oil?

Although sheep tail oil has a strong smell, it is fat after all. How good is it to eat it with barbecue?

When he got home, Mrs. He gave He Qiang a mysterious look.

He Qiang looked confused, but he still went over to listen to what Mrs. He had to say.

"Your wife seems to be pregnant!"

Old lady He told He Qiang the good news.


He Qiang looked up with a look of surprise.

She's pregnant?

"Really? Are you sure?"

He Qiang was very happy.

He was not biased towards boys, but for him, having more children would definitely be better.

Old Mrs. He was also very happy, and said to He Qiang with a smile:"Just now when she was cooking, she suddenly felt like vomiting. I felt a bit like her, and when I asked her, I found out that it was indeed late this month, almost certainly!" When He Qiang heard this, he felt that this was probably true.

Most likely, the hard work he put in during the period of his rebirth had paid off, and now, it was about to come to fruition!

""Where's the little Chinese girl?"

He Qiang looked up.

Old lady He nodded towards the house:"She just took a break, she should be cooking now."

Although He Qiang wanted Wu Shuhua to take a break, he didn't blame Old lady He for letting his wife work.

After all, this is a rural area, and there is no such thing as pregnant women not working.

Not to mention that she just found out she is pregnant, even if she has been pregnant for several months, she still has to work.

This is how Old Lady He got through it, and so did other women in the countryside.

In the case of insufficient labor, even children have to go to pick grass for pigs, and pregnant women can't expect to rest.

For example, women in some areas don't even have the concept of confinement, and they go to work in the fields after giving birth.

In order to let Wu Shuhua take a break, He Qiang had to find a way to get someone to do her work.

Coming to the kitchen, He Qiang looked at Wu Shuhua's busy figure and couldn't help asking:"How about I pay some money and let the third sister-in-law and the eldest sister-in-law come to help in the future, and you don't have to do these things."

After hearing this, Wu Shuhua looked up at her man and advised,"All the women in the family went through this when they were pregnant. It was the same when I was pregnant with Niuniu. What's there to help with? My eldest sister-in-law went to the fields when she was pregnant. I have it much easier than her. How can I have the nerve to ask you to ask them to help me with the work? If you tell others, I'll be laughed to death."

He Qiang was speechless after hearing this.

This problem exists in rural areas, and everyone cares about this face issue.

Wu Shuhua cares that others will call her a spoiled woman.

Originally, the work she did in the He family was the easiest, but now she even had to ask her two sisters-in-law to help. If the women in other teams heard about it, they would be jealous and gossip behind her back.

"How could I not know whether you are virtuous or not! I asked my sister-in-law and others to help because I, as a man, have the ability to allow you to not have to work and take good care of the baby. Who dares to say that you are a lazy woman?"

He Qiang walked over and stopped Wu Shuhua to comfort her.

Wu Shuhua sighed and said,"It is because you are capable that others will say that! They can't say anything about you, but they can only focus on my problems. Don't worry, it's just cooking and doing housework. There's nothing wrong with it."

Seeing that Wu Shuhua's attitude was so firm, He Qiang didn't force it anymore. At worst, he could arrange other conditions for his wife!

"You have to eat more recently, don't let our second child get hungry, the food in the cafeteria must be sufficient!"

He Qiang said while gesturing.

Wu Shuhua blushed, slapped He Qiang's mischievous hand and said angrily:"You want to die in broad daylight, you just talk nonsense all day long! If my milk is swollen in the future, you can forget about sleeping!"

Not only did He Qiang not���, but said happily:"Give me whatever the second child can't eat!"

"Bah! You are so grown up, but you are still acting like a child!"

"You don't understand, men are children all their lives!"

He Qiang argued with Wu Shuhua for a while, but did not leave the kitchen. Instead, he stayed to help his wife.

Although He Qiang mostly made things worse, Wu Shuhua, who had a sweet face, did not dislike him at all and had no intention of kicking He Qiang out.

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