When Beijing was messy, Zhu Yuan was copying scriptures in Ci'en Temple.

Life in the temple is quiet and boring.

Get up early to recite the scriptures for a while at the pagoda where the grandfather's ever-bright lamp is offered, burn a few scriptures copied at home, and then go to vegetarian food together.

After eating the vegetarian meal, I wish the old lady will go to rest and recite the Buddha in the afternoon, accompanied by Wang Yuxin and his daughter-in-law, while the grandchildren are free to move around.

Therefore, Zhu Yuan was empty all afternoon.

After being assassinated, she didn't dare to wander around and simply stayed in the house to copy the scriptures.

Occasionally, I met Xie Zheng and didn't dare to speak-she was in the same room as Zhu Ying, but she didn't dare to disclose a little bit.

Fortunately, Xie Zheng should have guessed this situation and didn't talk to her.

He just said something on the second day of the incident while she was copying the scriptures: [The matter has been resolved, and another hidden guard is hidden near you, peace of mind]

How can this be at ease?

Who is behind the scenes? How was the matter resolved?

I don't know anything, just one sentence... She is relieved to have ghosts!

Zhu Yuan had something to ask, but Zhu Ying was sitting face to face with her, she didn't dare to mess around at all.

However, the worst plan is only to die... She has earned it all her life, so why bother to be upset about these obscure things.

So she should eat, drink, and see little Lolita, but she is not merciless when she teases.

Oh no, to be precise, it is a small village baby.

The second day they arrived at Ci'en Temple, they were eating vegetarian food, and they saw a thin boy slowly moving in with a basket of cabbage on his back.

There were some elderly monks in the lobby of the vegetarian restaurant. When he saw him coming in, one of the old monks immediately greeted him with a smile, and helped unload the cabbage in the basket, and then put a bun in his hand to let him He sat in a warmer place in the house and ate slowly.

It happened to be next to Zhuyuan.

Zhu Yuan couldn't help but look at him.

It looked like he was seven or eight years old, and his coarse cloth was covered with patches, but he was well washed. Even sitting there, the clothes on his body felt empty, as if the clothes underneath were just a shelf of bones, and it was distressingly thin.

His face is even thinner and barely fleshy, his nose and mouth are small, and he looks quite delicate.

It is dry yellow that is a little malnourished.

Zhu Yuan watched him nibble the buns, and after nibbling about a third, he wrapped most of the rest in a small cloth towel.

The old monk who had left Shicai turned back again, handed him a copper plate, and whispered a few more words.

The little boy nodded, wiped his hands, turned out a whitish money bag, and asked the old monk to put the copper plate in.

The old monk touched his head.

The little boy put the steamed buns and the money bag into his clothes, folded his hands and gave a Buddhist ceremony to the old monk, grabbed the empty basket, and left.

The old monk watched him leave and sighed.

After watching the whole process, Zhu Yuan was curious: "Master, who is this kid? Did you come out to work at such a young age?" It looks like a village doll living nearby, but when she thinks of the basket of cabbage just now, she thinks Shoulder hurt, let alone such a small baby.

The old monk seemed to have misunderstood what she meant, and turned around hurriedly, clasping his hands together: "Don't worry, the female donor, that's just a little girl."

Zhu Yuan said "Ah" and quickly asked: "How old are you?"

The old monk recalled: "It seems that he is eight years old, and he should be nine years old after the Chinese New Year."

Zhu Yuan was shocked: "Oh my god... the little girl can even carry that basket of cabbage? Where is her father and mother? Are there no sisters or brothers?"

The old monk sighed: "She is the eldest sister, and there are two younger brothers in the family. One is less than two years old this year. The parents have to take care of the younger brother and the fields, and the family is poor, so she went out to work early. "

"Do you deliver food like this every day?"

"Yes, it started last year."

Last year...that is, he was only seven years old. Zhu Yuan was silent. At the age of seven or eight, in her cognition, she is only a primary school student...

The old monk still introduced in a low voice: "She brings up the food every day, and will ask us what we need, and then go to the surrounding villages to collect it, and then deliver it the next day. Maybe you can earn two or three wen after a trip." He sighed. "What can I do in the future..."

Shocked and frustrated, he hurriedly joined together again and said to the Buddha.

In fact, there is no need for him to say much, Zhu Yuan already understands the meaning of his words.

At the age of seven or eight, wearing a men's suit and a small bun, no one can tell whether it is a man or a woman. In another two years, the facial features will grow longer, and if you pretend, you won’t look like it anymore.

When the time comes, this little girl will not be able to pick up vegetables and bring them up again.

If you don't make money, you must stay at home and follow your parents to go to the ground, cook, sew, and take care of your younger brother.

When I grow up, my parents find a villager who seems to be able to live by, or even randomly find someone with a better family, to marry in, and then work, have children...

I've seen the head in a lifetime.

This is the girl from the home of ordinary people...

She was fortunate again that she was in Zhu's house, and she was also the prince to marry in the future.

Worry-free, noble status.

She should be thankful.

But she still held back her heart.

She chose to agree to Xie Zheng's marriage, didn't she also consider this? Ordinary people are like ants in front of the Qipin County magistrate.

She wants freedom, but the prerequisite is worry-free food and dignity.

Jiang Cheng of Liao Zhai is not bad, but he has no identity.

Liu Xinzhi is not bad, but there are also wives and concubines at home, and there are several concubines and concubines.

Since she has to face these problems, why not find someone in a high position?

Besides, she still has some feelings with Googdan, and she is better than others...

Xie Zheng's forced marriage only made her pay for her selfishness.

But is she willing?

In fact, she was still unwilling.

Xie Zheng said that she allowed her to do what she wanted to do.

The question is, what does she want to do?

What can she do?


After returning from the restaurant, Zhu Yuan kept copying the scriptures in the house, and the ledger he brought over was even more unintentional.

Zhu Ying took a break at noon and found that she was still writing, rubbed her eyes, and walked over: "Sister, you copy so much, can you finish it tomorrow?"

Zhu Yuan returned to her senses and smiled: "Silly girl, no matter how many pages of paper, the fire will be gone."

"Yes." Zhu Ying yawned and rolled up her sleeves. "Then I will come too!"

"Well, I can still practice calligraphy. You have improved a lot with this handwriting. When Dad comes back to read it, I must praise you."

"When will Dad come back?" Zhu Yingbian asked while spreading paper.

"It should be New Year's Eve."

"Oh..." Zhu Ying cheered up again in the next instant, "Then I will copy more and practice the handwriting. If I run out of money in the future, I can still write letters to people on the street!"

Zhu Yuan laughed and laughed: "Do you know someone writes letters and sells characters on the street?"

"Of course. I read the monthly magazine of Liao Zhai this month. There is an article about the story of a scholar who sells calligraphy." Zhu Ying was a little proud. "When I finish my calligraphy, a letter can't sell for ten cents. Sell ​​a piece of text?"

Zhu Yuan was funny, she couldn't help but touch her little head, hit her and said: "That's not good, how can a girl go out to sell words on the street——"

Girl's selling characters?

They are all literate, men can go out and sell, what can the girl's... do?

Zhu Yuan was lost in thought.


Next, apart from reading Buddhist scriptures, she spent the rest of the time thinking about this issue.

When eating vegetarian food at noon every day, you can still see the little girl who is delivering food.

She couldn't bear it, so she bought some steamed buns from the old monk in the temple and stuffed them in the pant of the frightened little girl-she didn't even dare to give money or anything else.

After the steamed buns are put out soon, they can always be divided into one or two when they are taken home.

Besides, she dare not do anything else.

Be guilty of his crime.

She can't harm people.

It only took two days. On the third day, that is, the fifth day in Ci'en Temple, the Zhu family packed up and saluted and returned to the capital.

Back to Zhu's house, everyone went back to each hospital.

Gu Yu and others packed their luggage, Zhu Yuan drilled to the desk and started writing.

Because Xia Zhi didn't have her own study room, Xia Zhi was afraid that the cleaning up would disturb her too much, so she pulled the screen aside to isolate her a quiet place.

Zhu Yuanhun didn't care, and wrote with all his attention what he had considered in the past two days——

[Think of a new idea again? ] Familiar vigorous ink characters slowly emerged.

Zhu Yuan was taken aback and returned to her senses in an instant. He glanced at the things on the pages of his book and answered honestly: [Well, is it feasible? 】

[As if not making money] The opposite Xie Zheng hit the nail on the head.

Zhu Yuan pursed her lips and started writing: [No, not only doesn’t make money, but may even lose money]

[...] Xie Zheng was speechless, and then asked, [Why do you do it then? 】

Zhu Yuan thought for a while: [I just want to do it. 】She wrote quickly, 【Don’t you allow me to do what I want? 】

[That being said]

Therefore, there is a "but". Zhu Yuan frowned. She knew there was a trick, dog man!

The vigorous ink characters slowly emerged one by one: [This money, are you going to pay for it yourself? 】

Oh, it’s not that I don’t want her to do it... Zhu Yuan's mood is instantly overwhelming: [Who and who are we? Since you have handed over your books and shops to me... Don't worry! I will calculate the accounts and allocate investment for you, and I will never let you lose this amazing investment opportunity! 】

Xie Zheng:...

Zhu Yuan chuckled: [Old rules, you buy 80% of shares, I pay 20%, and we make money, let’s split the accounts for 82%! ] Implications, even if you lose money, you can split the account.

Xie Zheng:...

Looking at the opposite side for a long time, there was no response, Zhu Yuan smiled staggeringly.

Oh, let him throw everything over, and even cause her to be assassinated—

[Did I forget one thing? 】The ink characters on the opposite side slowly emerged.

Zhu Yuan:?

[Poor home and rich road. Before going out, I took away all the surplus on my account]

Zhu Yuan:...

Dogecoin! ! !

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