Zhu Yuan was simply speechless: [Whether he married or not has anything to do with me——] After a brush, she couldn't believe it, [Are you jealous? 】

Xie Zheng was relieved and began to turn to the topic: [Are you going to rectify the Liao Zhai first? 】

Is this embarrassing? Zhu Yuan smiled and replied decisively: [Not available]

Xie Zheng:...

[Then why did you find Lao Wan them? 】

Didn't this guy pay attention to what she wrote just now? Zhu Yuan hummed: [I said, go to them to learn from]

【? 】

Zhu Yuan announced his plan to run a women's monthly magazine.

["Women's Monthly"? 】

[I haven't decided on the name yet, but the people that this publication faces are women, who can read it from eight to eighty years old! 】

[...] Xie Zheng didn't know what to say.

Zhu Yuan gave a light cough: [Also, I requisitioned your yard]

【? 】

I wish Yuan a guilty conscience: [Who told you not to keep some money, I have no money to rent a shop, of course I want to use a free place! 】She writes more and more confidently, 【Besides, my house is just that little, you have moved a dozen boxes of account books, I almost have no place to stay, can’t I find an office for myself? 】

Xie Zheng:...

He was slightly angry: [I wish you are so harsh? 】How can there not even be a study room?

Zhu Yuan was speechless: [Big Brother, my house is just that big, and there are so many people. It's not bad to have a spacious big house! 】

Her room is not too small if it includes a small hall and a room, but there is no independent study room. There is a part of the room to put desks and bookshelves. It should have been enough, but now that there are more than a dozen boxes, it seems a little bit cramped.

Xie Zheng released his eyebrows: [If you don’t be harsh, it’s fine]

[Hey, don’t worry~~~] Although it’s a misunderstanding, I know that this person is caring about himself, Zhu Yuan is in a much better mood, [That’s OK, the yard is for me~~]


Zhu Yuan is not at ease: [I will use it in the future~~ After you return to Beijing, live in the palace by yourself! 】

[Well, you can use it]

Zhu Yuan laughed: [Thank you buddy! 】

Xie Zheng:...

[Called Third Brother]

Third brother? Third brother? I wish Yuanle to be unsupportable: [Farewell, you are not dark enough, I can't call it out]

Xie Zheng: [Black? 】

Naturally, Zhu Yuan couldn't explain the so-called Indian Asan's stalk to him. It happened that it was time for dinner, so she paused and ran away.

Set the direction, life is full of energy.

I wish you a good night's sleep and woke up and started packing things up.

When she was in the Changfuyuan, she asked Wang Yuxin for a few women and two cars, and then took her back to the house with her majesty, put all the boxes in the house on the car, and pulled them to the small courtyard.

Although it is called a small courtyard, it has four entries. It’s just that every time you enter the yard, it’s a little smaller.

After all, this is where Xie Yu often rests, and there are many of his things left here. Zhu Yuan asked An Qing to tidy up his things and throw them into the main room of the main courtyard.

This yard was not good for others. She simply moved the account books into the main yard, and dignifiedly occupied the two rooms in the East Wing. The large room was used as an office and the small room was used as a lounge.

The West Wing is cleared out as a reference room, and there will be more materials to be put in the future.

Xia Zhi and the others were packing things up, and Zhu Yuan simply ran to the small hall of the main house to discuss with An Qing how to change the yard.

When the details were finalized, An Qing went out to find a craftsman to work, and Mother Xu brought people to deliver meals.

Zhu Yuan stretched her waist and asked casually, "Mother Xu, can you cook?"

Mother Xu suddenly smiled: "You have to learn when you are a girl."

Zhu Yuan pondered for a moment and asked: "Where are the mothers in the mother's family?"

"Does the girl want to ask if the slave and maid are married?"

I wish round nod.

Madam Xu smiled kindly, with nostalgia on her face: "The slave maid used to have a good friend in the palace, who was very good to the slave maid... but unfortunately the life was not good, and she met the slave maid. At the time the slave maid was young and committed a crime. He committed the crime in order to save the slave and the maidservant, and was..." She smiled bitterly, "The slave and maid later regarded herself as a survivor."

There is such a time in the past... Zhu Yuan couldn't help but sigh and comfort her: "Maybe we can meet in the next life."

"Yeah." Madam Xu smiled, "The slaves and maids think so too." She paused and confessed, "His Royal Highness helped the slaves and maids find the dead ghost's house. Only his nephew and his nephew's family are left in his house. The honesty of the same line as him... Your Royal Highness promised to take care of the servants and servants, and the servants came to serve the girls."

Zhu Yuan's eyes widened: "What about your family?" Normally, shouldn't you help your family first?

Mother Xu sneered at her lips: "What is there to help the family sold for the son and even the daughter?"

Zhu Yuan:...

"Don't talk about these unpleasant things." Mother Xu had already laid out the dishes just now, and put the porcelain bowl with the rice in front of her, urging her, "Girl, eat, it's cold, the food is cold. Go fast, eat it and hurt you."

"Okay." Zhu Yuan took the bowl. "You guys should hurry up and eat too. Just come back and clean up later."

Mother Xu took the opportunity to stay and let the two of Xia Zhi go to eat first.

Zhu Yuan picked up the bowl and ate a few bites: "Where is the cook here?"

"It is said that His Royal Highness took it away, leaving only the second chef."

"Then let the kitchen do it in the future. I want you to take care of the beauties behind." Zhu Yuan picked up a piece of radish and put it in the bowl. "Xia Zhi Gu Yu and the others are too young to live with them. Bit."

Mother Xu also thought about it, Fushen: "The slave and maid would be more respectful than her fate." Then she asked her, "Girl, can the slave and maid use the tea room next to it?"

"Huh?" Zhu Yuan swallowed the food in his mouth, "Isn't it using it?"

Madam Xu shook her head: "It's cold now, and the two small tea stoves need to be warmed up with tea. The servant wants to add a few more stoves."

Zhu Yuan blinked: "Stew?"

"Hey, when I was in the house, the small kitchen was tightly packed with supplementary food for the young masters and girls. If the servants and maids were not good enough, they would make trouble. If they came here often, the servants would like to play tricks here and give you some conditioning."

Zhu Yuan was helpless: "You can do it if you want." After all, Gou Dan sent her here for this, and she didn't let her do it, and I don't know what Gou Dan is so careful.


After that, Mother Xu stopped talking, helping to add food and soup next to her.

After lunch, Zhuyuan strolled in the yard for a while to digest, and then asked the four beauties in the backyard to be found.

Zhu Yuan is straight to the point: "Tell me what you are good at."

"Girl, slave girl is good at piano."

"Slaves are good at chess."


Piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, each account for one item. Zhu Yuan was curious: "Did you learn all your talents by name?"

Holding the piano, that is, the Qingli beauty who answered yesterday shook his head first, and replied: "The lady will give a name after choosing a few servants."

That's it. "I have already said hello to Liao Zhai. In the past few days, you will study with the review department and the proofreading department. When this issue of "Dayan Monthly" is released, you will be busy."

Go to Liaozhai to study? The four people thought they had heard it wrong.

Zhu Yuan, however, no matter how doubtful they are: "You will know when you go." Then he looked at them, the skirts, new, bright, and the appearance of the complexion were excellent.

It's too colorful.

She frowned and asked, "Are you guys going to be popular?"

The four nodded.

"That's OK. In addition to studying in Liao Zhai these few days, you can refer to Liao Zhai's book boy costumes and design a few women's book boy clothes, and show them to me when you design them." After a pause, she emphasized, "Draw it. Realistic style."

He just stopped talking.

Zhu Yuan knows: "What is realism?"

The painter nodded quickly.

Zhu Yuan smiled: "Go to the manager of Liao Zhai and ask."

When it was over, she stopped talking, and only asked a young **** in the courtyard to take them over to chat.

She stayed in the house and started preparing for women's magazines.

First, she has to give the publication a name.

Although her goal is to target women directly, she doesn't mind men looking at it. She even hopes that men can read more... If there are so few men who show more respect for women because of this, it is success.

In this way, this journal title cannot be too feminine.

Men have always had a good face. If they are too feminine, they will be embarrassed to look at it, and they will not be embarrassed to discuss it-without discussion and attention, how can they cause a change in their thinking?

Zhuyuan bit her pen and started thinking.

Speaking of a girl, the first verse she thought of was "Tao Yao" from the Book of Songs: Tao Zhiyao, shining its beauty.

It is a verse to praise and describe the newlyweds. Marriage is a hurdle in a woman's life. Except for servants, there is absolutely no reason not to marry a girl. Burn once, but it fits the theme.

In addition to describing appearance, the word "scorching" can also describe talent. "Master Yingying, brilliant." It means handsome and talented.

Finally, there is a classic verse in "Zhuzhuo"-"Jiaojiaoming moonlight, shining the sun."

The women of this era are too humble. She sincerely hopes that the women of this era can become like the modern women she has ever seen, such as the bright moon and the scorching sun, emitting their own light and illuminating the people behind them.

"Shining", couldn't be more appropriate.

Zhu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and solemnly wrote on the cover of the booklet: "Shining" Monthly

Then there is content planning.

There is no one before women's publications, and she is the only one who has some ideas about this, and these planning contents can only be made by herself.

Poetry, poetry and melody is one item, this is her weakness, it is bound to be solicited. Later, she has to write a copy of the solicitation information and publish it in the "Dayan Monthly".

In addition to poetry, poetry and music, she also listed several items: beauty, beauty, local cuisine, parenting, storytelling serialization, and news.

The last one is her scheming.

She had discovered long ago that, except for those who want to make a living, most of the women do not go out of the door, and receive information only by word of mouth at the banquet.

This is too blocked.

With her power, she couldn't bring together the world affairs, but she wanted to try first, to bring together the capital affairs, once a month, in front of ladies, girls, and even concubines in the palace.

These people stand at the feet of the emperor, and their power is unlimited.

What kind of power will be produced in the future, she has no way of knowing, she can only fumble and move forward step by step.

Cough, pull it far.

Zhu Yuan listed all the projects and started to think about the solicitation of papers.

Except for poetry, music and fu, and local cuisine, she found that other categories were unable to solicit contributions.

It's not that the ancients didn't know how to make up and raise their children...Who would vote for a weird theme of an unknown publication?

Zhu Yuan scratched her head for a long time, and finally gritted her teeth and turned out the paper——

Fuck yourself!

For beauty, let’s first introduce the classification of skin types, talk about how to maintain various skin types daily, and finally introduce a classic egg white mask for oily skin types. From preparation to use, I will introduce it again-that's it!

Beauty conditioning. Zhu Yuan turned her head and asked Mother Xu for a dietary prescription: Guiqi Red Date and Egg Soup, nourishing Qi and nourishing blood, moisturizing the skin-perfect!

Parenting articles. This is even simpler. She has been helping her mother to take care of her younger siblings for more than a year, and she has some opinions on the feeding of dolls in this era. She simply wrote an introduction to supplementary food for one-year-old dolls. First, she introduced a few vaguely balanced theories of nutrition, and then recommended various applicable vegetable paste, meat paste, fruit paste, and most importantly, eggs-the famous sentence must be placed here. An egg a day keeps the doctor away from me"! -Get it!


Zhu Yuan turned over the finished manuscript. I have written so much...Why would she do it herself?

Among other things, the reading material suitable for women in this era is either three observing the four virtues, or love. She's really afraid that the manuscripts returned are of this type.

…Yes, it seems that in the next few days she will have to draw up an outline and write a manuscript, and she will never finish writing today.

Zhu Yuan sighed, and wrote some lines as a remark: [An amazing and brilliant textbook]

【you write? ] Familiar ink characters slowly emerged.

Zhu Yuan blinked and was pleasantly surprised: [Dogdan! ] She looked outside, [This time? 】

Xie Zheng explained: [Heavy rain outside, rest at the station today]

[Oh oh]

Xie Zheng asked again: [Are you going to write a storybook? 】

Zhu Yuan sighed: [I can't do anything, it's hard work for the able...]

[Counting the three manuscripts you wrote just now, you have already packaged four editions] Xie Zheng hesitated, [I think you also wrote poetry, lyrics and tunes. Do you plan to write this part yourself? 】

What do you mean? What do you mean? Do you look down on her? ! Zhu Yuan is angry: [Can I come? ! 】

Across the distance, Xie Zheng seemed to be able to feel the anger on the other side. He is very kind: [Yes] As long as she dares to publish.

He was subdued, but Zhu Yuan was stunned in a second, and he didn't forget to pull a cowhide: [Forget it, if my amazing and stunning poems are printed, it would not be good to attract jealousy. Be low-key, low-key~~~】

Xie Zheng:...

He always knew that this girl had a thick face, but he didn't expect to be so thick.

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