After saying this, Zhuyuan immediately put a pen on the paper and ran away.

She is not stupid, she must be scolded for staying.

Slipped away.

Unknowingly, Xie Zheng wrote a full 800-character article with anger and quotations.

As a result, there was no reaction at all.

Xie Zheng:...

Is he being tricked?


In the next few days, Zhu Yuan became crazy and busy.

There are more and more scorching manuscripts, and the interviewers are still tepid, only one or two every day.

Zhu Yuan simply pulled out the book and painting, and began to design the layout of "Shining".

Then she also arranged with Anqing to check and transfer the goods in the grocery store. At the same time, she began to study the layout of the store. If it was not time tight, she even wanted to change it.

Then, during the inventory process, it was discovered that the bicycle was actually sold in this store. Look at it again, the sales of strollers are average, and the bicycles are simply dismal...

Her whole person is not good, and she couldn't help but troubled Zhuangzi with a series of improvement plans-for example, the safety wheel was removed and replaced with three wheels, trucks and passenger vehicles were all arranged!

Zhuangzi's production also has to be watched.

She couldn't go to Zhuangzi to check. She could only ask Zhuangzi's people to come over twice a day to report on the specific progress and whether they had kept up with the schedule.


In addition, she has to take care of Magnolia makeup.

She was too busy to hit the back of her head. Naturally, she didn't know that she had a lot of eyes staring at her when she started to clear the goods from the grocery store.

The day after the grocery store’s goods were all taken away, the rumors spread even more sensational after the store began to knock on the wall.

What kind of sin, it ruined the efforts of the third highness; what kind of prodigal wife, who started ruining the shop without entering the door, and the words were more ugly than each.

Naturally An Qing would not take the initiative to pass these words to Zhu Yuan's ears. He thought that there were so many people that someone should report to Zhu Yuan.

No matter how bad it is, the people of Zhufu will always know.

He has An Fu and An Rui in front of him, and these two goods are in front of him. He wants to go one step further, but Xie Zheng doesn't expect it.

Therefore, he set his goal on Zhu Yuan.

He just waited for something to take credit in front of Zhu Yuan, so naturally he wouldn't be foolishly clinging to such bad things.

But he didn't expect that the news of Zhu's mansion was so unclear. He waited for two or three days, and Zhu Yuan would still be me.

Seeing that the spread outside became more and more outrageous, he couldn't help it. Just about to stab the matter up, someone from the palace invited Zhuyuan in.

It just so happened that today Zhuangzi sent a few more samples, and Zhu Yuan, who was totally unknown, looked at the few things in front of him, waved his big hand, directly packed them, and picked two of them into the palace.

Why only pick two? Because she is just a little girl with no status, she can't take the maid into the palace, she can only carry these things by herself.

Still the familiar palace man.

Zhu Yuangang got good things and was in a good mood. In addition, she was already familiar with the road to Zhaochun Palace, so she didn't notice how she wanted to talk and stopped.

Walking fast all the way, finally arrived at Zhaochun Palace. Zhu Yuan, who was holding the box, felt that her arm was about to be used up-she would have been exhausted if she had known it as a gift.

As a result, as soon as he entered the house, before he had time to claim credit, he almost threw the box with a "kneeling" bluff, so I could recover at the last minute, and hugged the box and knelt down.

Still dare not look up.

The room was quiet for a moment.


It was the soft sound of the tea cup falling off the table.

"You are Zhu's?" a majestic voice came from the upper seat.

I wish Yuan a tight heart. Yes, Emperor Chengjia?

She didn't dare to think too much, her head drooping further: "Yes, the girl Zhuyuan, knock on the emperor."

The person at the head is indeed Emperor Chengjia. He frowned and looked at the girl who hadn't grown up for a moment, and finally said: "I heard that you have been making noise recently."

Zhu Yuan was at a loss. After thinking about it for a long time, he cautiously asked: "Does Your Majesty mean "Shining"?"

The profit of "Dayan Monthly" is not high, the dignified emperor, wouldn't it be the dividends of her small newspaper?

Before Emperor Chengjia could speak, a soft female voice intervened: "Look, your majesty, I just said that this girl doesn't know these rumors at all!"

Zhu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. It's Concubine Shu. Concubine Shu can help her make a round. It should be a big deal, right?

But the first Emperor Chengjia snorted: "Is this a rumor? The people all over the capital are watching it! It's not embarrassing enough, isn't it?"

"Your Majesty," Concubine Shu whispered softly, "Or listen to what she said?"

Only then did Emperor Chengjia give up.

Concubine Shu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, turned her head, and asked Zhu Yuan: "I heard that you let Xie Zheng's shop be demolished, but what happened?"

Zhu Yuan:...

"Yes, Minnu—"

"Listen, listen!" Emperor Chengjia was immediately angry, "The third child's family that has worked so hard over the past few years, she said to tear it down!"

Zhu Yuan: …Brother, listen to her finish! ! !

"Don't listen to why she dismantled the shop..." Concubine Shu said softly and soothed, "Furthermore, Xie Zheng has a lot of skills and can start a few shops in a few years, and one and a half rooms will not be a problem."

Zhu Yuan:...Listen to this... it's better not to persuade!

Fortunately, Emperor Chengjia seemed to have a common heart with her, and immediately reprimanded the past: "You mother didn't help him at all. It doesn't hurt to say that."

Concubine Shu stopped talking.

Emperor Chengjia seems to be in a bad mood today: "Look at the eldest and eldest child. Drinking today and drinking tea tomorrow, and traveling in poetry and hops every day. Which one is like the eldest third, and he has to do everything himself? The reward for his life. If it weren’t for the share of the Liao Zhai, he could open so many shops? You mother, without any assistance, and drag him back, how can you bear it?"

These words... Zhu Yuan was horrified at hearing, and glanced around with her head down.

There seemed to be few people in the temple.

She was relieved. Looks like this is not directed at her... She probably suffered from Wuwang disaster?

The emperor Chengjia who was sitting here still taught Concubine Shu: "How long have those things passed back then, why are you still holding on to it?"

Consort Shu naturally denied it. After receiving the criticism, she immediately reddened her eyes, and she wanted to cry: "The court concubine was wronged. Although the court concubine did not show much care for Xie Zheng, she would never hurt him, so why did she hold her back?"

Emperor Chengjia’s voice was angrily: "Is it not obvious enough that the third child left Beijing and entrusted all his business to a little girl who was not enough? Other people's mothers and concubines don’t say they do it by themselves, but they also give money to others. If you can be a little softer, the third As for handing over the shop to a little girl... Look, it's only a few days now, even the shop has been demolished!"

Zhu Yuan:...

Concubine Shu sobbed: "The concubines don't know this, even if it is given to me, what's the use!"

"You just can't—"

"Give it to the emperor and concubine Shu," Zhu Yuan interrupted them nervously. "The Minnv demolished the shop just for decoration and sold the new products of the Third Highness Zhuangzi."

The hall was quiet for a moment.

Without waiting for them to speak, Zhu Yuan directly put the boxes that he had held for a long time on the ground, opened them one by one, and said, "Minnv is going to sell these things."


Finally leaving the palace, Zhu Yuan let out a sigh of relief.

Gu Yu, who was waiting at the gate of the palace, smiled and helped her into the car, and then joked: "It seems that the lady is very satisfied with you. I have seen you three times in the past half month."

Come on, this kind of thing happened twice, and her life was only a few years short. Zhu Yuan shook his head, not wanting to discuss with her, and said directly: "Go to Ping An Lane."


"I'm going to the grocery store." The villain, who said she was ruining the store?

She still didn't believe it.

She is going to smash the signs today!

Yes, it's time for the grocery store to change its signs today.

It will take two days for the new sign to be in place, but she is out of anger now, and she decides to smash the old sign herself.

The carriage roared, but in a moment it arrived at the "Duofu Grocery Store" in Pingan Lane on North Street.

The servant in the shop happened to be unloading the signboard.

Zhu Yuan sneered, put on Qianlu, let the carriage stop at the door of the shop, and then she jumped directly down the carriage door.

There was a sharp-eyed recognizing the lantern with the word "I wish" hanging on the carriage, and immediately greeted people to come over and salute.

In the past few days, their shop's clearance and rectification have shown this master. As slaves, let alone the goods in the store, they are themselves, and the master can say no or just don't.

Now that everyone is there, they naturally hurried forward to salute.

Pretending to be like that.

Zhu Yuan sneered.

Without these broken mouths, how can others know that she made the order? Who knew Xie Zheng could give her so much power?

Zhu Yuan hummed lightly, without screaming at these people, and went straight to the big-print signboard leaning against the wall.

"Gu Yu, smashed it!"



Angrily Zhu Yuan didn't even go to the Burning Bookstore, and returned to his home after smashing the signboard.

Who does she work so hard for? Why bother to get yourself a bunch of rumors.

Humph, go home salted fish!

Xie Zheng, who was used to her writing and painting every day, was not used to it.

Finding that I haven't seen the ink characters for a long time today, he took the initiative to come to the door: [Where is the person]

Zhu Yuan rolled her eyes, pulled the booklet forward, and continued to look down.

[Yuanyuan? 】

Xie Zheng thought for a while and said: [I'm already there]

It's her business. Zhu Yuan still ignored it.

[The clans here are powerful, I am the fourth county magistrate in five years]

Zhu Yuan looked straight at the ink writing.

[I thought that no matter how arrogant it was, it would just be disobedient. Until I get to the place]

and then? Zhu Yuan stared at the ink character.

Xie Zheng didn't write: [I wanted to talk to you about customs, but you weren't there, it's a pity]

do not! Not finished yet! Zhu Yuan got up, rushed to the table, dipped the ink and dropped the pen: [Here, something happened just now] After a pause, he immediately asked, [How about the place? What happened? 】

Thousands of miles away, Xie Zheng's lips curled up: [Is something wrong? 】

Zhu Yuan is right and confident: [Don't worry about him, just hurry up if you have gossip! 】

Xie Zheng smiled and said frankly: [After I arrived, nothing happened]

Zhu Yuan: [...what do you mean? 】

[The so-called “nothing” means no county government, no master book, no official residence]

[...] Zhu Yuan understood, and then sympathized. [Poor child, remember to drink more hot water] It seems that the place is a hard stubble, and the dog's egg must be supported. Don’t let the old **** arrive, he first inverted.

Xie Zheng: ...? ? ?

Are you talking about local conditions? What does it have to do with hot water?

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