People who booked the "Shining" publication in advance received the freshly published "Shining" publication early in the morning, and they served home with thoughtful service.

However, the focus of everyone's attention is on the group of young men delivering the paper.

What is the...the one they are sitting on?

With a kick, the thing will slid out for a long time, and it will jingle when you encounter people, and your head will twist and turn somehow.

Good guy, it looks amazing~

After the newspaper boy delivered the publication, the day was bright, and more people went out.

Some newsboys who delivered magazines to the bookstore were blocked in the busy street. They had no choice but to stop and walk slowly with their cars.

Immediately there was a good thing and asked: "Brother, what are you?"

The people around immediately pricked their ears to listen, and several others moved a few steps here.

The little brother chuckled and said with pride: "This is a bicycle. This is the latest means of transportation we bought in Liao Zhai!"

The crowd was in an uproar. Transportation! It sounds extraordinarily tall!

"Bicycle~ I think you just pedal and pedal like this, the bike will leave, isn't it hard to learn?"

"No. Look at it a few times, and you will just fall twice!" The little brother raised his foot and motioned him to look at his tight trousers. "But you have to wear bunting, and the trousers must be tied up, otherwise the hem will be rolled into the wheel. , Will fall!"

"Oh oh!" The interrogating man looked at the car with admiration, stretched out his hand, wanting to touch it but didn't dare to touch it, "It's so good, it's fast, and you don't need to buy a beast to pull a cart!"

The little brother has a good temper and patted the seat: "Yes, it's strong!"

"Is it expensive? It must be expensive?"

The younger brother scratched his head: "I don't know very well either. I listened to the manager, and it would cost you two or two dollars!"

Two two! Everyone exclaimed.

"Almost catching up with a cow!"

"It's not~"

"Hey, but I just watched, the speed is really slow~ You said, if we have this bicycle, can we ride home every day without living in the city?"

"...That's right! We live in a shop in the city and have dozens of articles every month!"


Newsboys returned to Liao Zhai one after another.

Shopkeeper Wan stood in the yard, watching the steward count the number of people and check the delivery of the newsboys, and began to sigh.

Jiang Chengzheng looked at these bicycles with admiration, heard him sigh, and asked casually: "What's wrong?"

The shopkeeper Wan sighed: "You said so well, why should we buy this batch of bicycles? We send reports twice a month. Isn't this a big loss?"

Jiang Cheng blinked, smiled, and patted his shoulder sympathetically: "It's all the owner's business, so you have to take care of one or two." Besides, there are two or two bicycles for a total of 30, and the total is only sixty two. Small meaning~~

Harm, he is really different now, he even looks down on sixty taels of silver!

Shopkeeper Wan is still bitter: "With so many cars, it takes up land everywhere..."

Jiang Cheng was surprised: "What a waste of display, didn't the three girls say it? For the staff of our study to travel."

The shopkeeper Wan is heartbroken: "This is two taels of silver, riding so far to Zhuangzi, what if it breaks?"

Jiang Cheng:...

"Uncle Wan, the third girl said, that is a benefit for the employees of Liao Zhai, you can't hold it down without using it!"

Wan shopkeeper suffocated.

I really have this plan. Jiang Cheng was speechless, raised his hand and bumped him, and pointed around: "Look, you see, those who have to go out to do errands every other time, which one is not waiting to ride a bike? If you say it's not useful, tut..."

Wan shopkeeper looked around for a week.

The Propaganda Department, the Cooperation Department, the Printing Department... are all spinning around the vehicle, and even the reviewing department, which doesn't have to go out every day, is gearing up, wishing to get in the car twice.

Shopkeeper Wan laughed: "How can it be, use it, use it all, whoever wants to use it can apply for the material department!"

Jiang Cheng relaxed now, and said happily, "Then I will apply later. It's the end of the month. I should go out to send papers for payment. It is convenient to ride!"

Shopkeeper Wan:...

Seeing his dark face, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but smile, and then calmed him: "Don't think too much, anyway, there is an emperor in Liao Zhai who is behind him, no one can move!"

In the past two months, the three girls of Zhu’s family opened "Burning" and moved and demolished the store. The former seemed to be fighting with their "Dayan Monthly", while the latter made everyone even more frightened for fear that they would be demolished someday. Back to the "Dayan Monthly" to advertise, and caught them talking about the wool... That's why he said this.

"Am I afraid of this?" The shopkeeper was angry, "One yard goes to one yard. I want the three girls to come a few more times!"

Eh? Jiang Cheng was dumbfounded and asked in a low voice, "Buy some more bicycles?"

Shopkeeper Wan stared: "Go, go, don't say anything else, this car has to be ridden by yourself, do you have that physical strength?!"

Jiang Cheng hehe: "Otherwise, why are you waiting..." He snarled in the direction of Zhuozhuo Bookstore, "Come here?"

Shopkeeper Wan hates iron but steel: "Look at you with shallow eyelids, you didn't look at the old money..." He lowered his voice, "The original Duofu grocery store, only how much money per month? Every meeting, Lao Money isn’t all shy and listen to us reporting performance... As a result, when the three girls took over, after such a tossing, less than a month after the opening, the performance covered other shops! You said you are greedy? You? Are you greedy?"

Jiang Cheng nodded honestly: "Gluttonous!"

"That's not enough. Look at you guys and look at the bicycles like what they are, and ask me to say that within two months, the old yellow iron in the north and south shops will have to float too! There is also burning, that Only a few people? They are all girls' houses... A few girls' houses, in less than two months, the second issue printed 30,000 copies with us directly! More than 10,000 copies were sent out this morning. !"

Shopkeeper Wan said directly, "You said, is this an ordinary person? Is this an ordinary person? This is the God of Wealth! Can I wait for her to come over?"

Jiang Cheng swallowed.

Shopkeeper Wan continued to sigh: "I'm advertising again, and helping to buy bicycles to deliver newspapers... You said, this man, ah, yeah, this girl...will you make money for us?"

Jiang Cheng smiled: "This... Doesn't Liao Zhai have your Majesty's shares? She is afraid it is not easy to intervene -"

"The shopkeeper."

The two followed the reputation.

The piano holding the azure half-armed shirt blessed them.

"Eh, it's early for the girl holding the piano~" Shopkeeper Wan was busy with his hands.

Wearing a azure half-armed armband holding the piano, he smiled and said, "Morning, is the shopkeeper free now? The third girl would like to ask."

Shopkeeper Wan's eyes lit up: "It's time to be free! The three girls are looking for it, and the old man must be free at any time! Go and go!" He looked more anxious than holding the piano.

Holding the piano with a smile, he nodded towards Jiangcheng, and led the shopkeeper Wan to go out: "Please."

Jiang Cheng, who was instantly abandoned behind him:...

If he can surf the Internet, he must know that Wan shopkeeper is like this, barking and licking dogs!


The shopkeeper who had gone to Zhuozhuo Bookstore is back.

As soon as I came back, I called the stewards to the conference room for a meeting.

He hadn’t spoken yet, he swept his eyes, saw Jiang Cheng, and immediately grabbed him: “Here is here! Finally here!” He shivered with excitement, “Bikes are worth buying!! Let’s not just sell them in the future! Book it!"

Jiang Cheng was stunned: "Huh? The bookstore doesn't sell books, so what?"

The other stewards were also there, listening to these words, hurriedly came over.

"Vulgar! Superficial!" The shopkeeper Wan was excited, "Are there only books for cultural people?!"

Public management:...


Zhu Yuangang has finished the development plan of Liao Zhai with the shopkeeper, and there are people in the palace again.

It's Concubine Shu, or call her into the palace to speak.

It has been almost a month since I entered the palace last time.

During the Chinese New Year, the palace, especially the few concubines who were missing the queen and had the important task of assisting the harem, were very busy.

The elders and younger generations of the emperor's relatives and relatives recounted the past, received official family members, and had to perform various rituals with the Ministry of Rites.

Zhu Yuan, who was already married to Xie Zheng, followed Mrs. Zhu and Zhang Jingshu into the palace twice.

After all, they are still unmarried, and because of the large number of people they met during the New Year, the Zhu family and the few people in the Zhu family who were in a humble position relying on this level of in-law relationship, naturally did not talk to Concubine Shu. Sentence.

Now that the Lantern Festival has just passed, Concubine Shu hasn't rested for a long time, and immediately summoned her?

Zhu Yuan is extremely helpless.

Zhang Jingshu is also working at the Burning Bookstore now, and immediately rushed out to ask questions.

But Concubine Shu didn't summon her, and she couldn't help it after chasing her out, so she could only watch Zhu Yuan be taken away.

Half an hour later, Zhu Yuan was already sitting in Zhaochun Palace, listening to Concubine Shu whispering to her.

"...This kind of food is too simple, how can it be in the eyes of others? Isn't it a drag on the reputation of the publication when it is placed on the paper?"

"Why don't you use the manuscript that I gave last time for this beauty formula? Don't dare to introduce the formula given by those messy people."

"And this, what kind of shirt is this? Bat sleeves? The sleeves are short, but they are strangely shaped. Isn't it a bit unsightly?"

Sentence by sentence, listening gentle and gentle, but every sentence is provoking.

"It's Mr. Page's manuscript, although it is a bit absurd, but the heroine Wenrui is extremely resilient and admirable."

...Mr. Page was the biggest winner? ! I wish Yuan Ran. Although she appeared to be richer in content for the publication, she had two consecutive issues, twice each issue, but she didn't expect Concubine Shu to see the truth at a glance.

Concubine Shu didn't care what she thought. After finishing "Shining", she turned the topic elsewhere: "The situation in the Liuli shop looks pretty good." During the Chinese New Year, she was expressed a lot of envy by the female relatives, which was natural. Blameless.

Zhu Yuan mentioned it again in her heart.

"I heard that you are still changing the Burning Bookstore and seem to be tossing on other business?" Concubine Shu asked casually.

"Don't dare to deceive your mother, yes."

Concubine Shu frowned: "You are now in charge of "Zhaozhuo" and Liulizhai, and you have to toss these things..."

Zhu Yuan laughed dryly: "It's all--"

"I think you are too greedy to chew. If one thing is not done well, why do you bother to get the next one?" Shu Fei sighed, "I think you are too busy. I will let you Yuping will go out with you, you pick two shops and keep them, and give me the account books of the other shops."

She will take care of the implication.

Is Zhu Yuan that kind of obedient person. After hearing Concubine Shu’s words, she didn’t panic and even pretended to breathe a sigh of relief: “Oh, I’m really too busy here. Give me five or two months of silver."

Concubine Shu smiled.

"Oh. If it weren't for your majesty's personal letter, how dare you pull all the family members over to help... Since the lady is willing to intercede with your majesty, she is still willing to help, you are really grateful!"

Concubine Shu's smile choked. Yes, your Majesty ordered that even if she wanted to take it, Zhu Yuan would not dare to give it...

Zhu Yuan seemed to realize that something was wrong. He whispered and asked her: "Have you ever asked your majesty?"

Concubine Shu twitched her lips: "I'll talk to him when I look back."

Zhu Yuan nodded obediently: "Okay, the Minnv waits for the news of the empress." I guess I can't wait.

Concubine Shu wanted to swear and was at a loss. After looking at her twice, she held her breath and took two sips of tea.

Yuping, who was standing next to her, was a little worried, but Concubine Shu took the court ladies' rules very seriously, so she didn't dare to say anything.

Zhu Yuan was sitting on the left hand of Concubine Shu. The moment she lowered her head and drank tea, she just saw her expression, and her heart suddenly moved...

She put down the tea cup and said with a smile: "Don't worry about anything else. It just happened that the Liao Zhai side took a plan to find the girl today. Can the girl ask her for advice?"

Concubine Shu's face suddenly looked much better. Look, she really is a little girl, she needs to ask her elders for help~

She took a sip of her tea rather reservedly, and said softly, "Tell me."

Zhu Yuan hung out twice, and threw the question out: "That’s it. Shopkeeper Wan said that Liao Zhai’s performance has not risen in March. Minnv didn’t know much about bookstore operations, so she asked him to organize a project operation team for Liao Zhai. After sampling and analyzing the user group, after obtaining the user analysis data, different cultural and creative products are designed according to different user needs, as a derivative of the Liao Zhai culture and the "Dayan Monthly"..." Balabala asked a lot, finally, "Manny, do you think I am doing this right?"

Concubine Shu:...

What operation?

What project?

What are the sampling points?

What are cultural and creative products?

What is a derivative?

Concubine Shu was confused on the spot when Zhu Yuan threw out a bunch of modern operational terms.

Facing the blinking apricot eyes and waiting for her to answer, Zhu Yuan looked thirsty for knowledge, the face-saving Concubine Shu stiffly smiled a few prevarications, then held her head and said that she had a headache, and asked her to go back first.

Zhu Yuan felt better.

Hey hey, Xie Zheng, who was a son, would have to lose even if he quarreled with her. How could the concubine Shu, who has been the lord of the first house for many years, pull down to quarrel with her~~

Hey, how lonely is Invincible~~

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