"I killed you stupid girl!" Wang Yuxin slapped her on the arm twice, and cried. "You know that Yuan girl is married to His Highness No. 3, so why go to collude with Prince Ning's Mansion?!"

Zhu Yue, who was crying, was beaten and suddenly became angry. She stared at Zhu Yuan with poisoned eyes, and said bitterly: "I care about him as King Ning Jing. As long as I can knock her down, I will cooperate with someone!"

Wang Yuxin couldn't believe it: "Are you stupid?"

Zhu Yuan is even more incredible: "Where did I offend you?" Last time, she couldn't save her. This time she directly colluded with outsiders... Does she have any deep hatred with herself?

Zhu Yue gritted her teeth: "If you didn't come back, the three princes and concubines would be mine! If it weren't for you, those reputations and shops are mine! Since you returned to Beijing, you have been in the limelight everywhere, attracting bees and butterflies everywhere. Fancy a person like you?!"

Zhu Yuan: ...what kind of brain circuit is this?

No need for her to say more. Zhang Jingshu looked at Zhu Yue contemptuously: "What are you? If you don't have Yuanyuan, the third prince wouldn't pay attention to you at all." She said with disdain, "His Royal Highness has been thinking about Yuanyuan since he met Luzhou. Where is your turn?"

Zhu Yuan: ...This is a bit exaggerated, she was only eleven years old at the time!

It's a pity that Zhu Yue was so excited at the moment, he didn't hear anything wrong, and only said angrily: "Impossible! The Qin family also wants my portrait!"

Wang Yuxin looked at her blankly.

Zhang Jingshu smiled at the corner of her mouth: "Why is it impossible? Do you think that the Qin family took your portrait and it was really aimed at you? That is because the Qin family thinks our family Yuanyuan is too young and wants to put you on top." She didn't smile. In the bottom of my eyes, "His Royal Highness can't look down on it at all, I would rather wait for our family to grow up~"

"Impossible!" Zhu Yue screamed, "Impossible!" She glared at Zhu Yuan, "It must be you, it must be what you did!"

Zhu Yuan didn't hurt or itchy, watching her sloppy.

Zhu Yue hated her the most calm appearance, and screamed: "Don't think I don't know. You have tried all means to the young masters of the Qiu and Liu family to fascinate people. The third majesty is sure. It's also what you used as a means—"

"Enough!" Wang Yuxin was heartbroken.

"Mother!" As if a drowning person found driftwood, Zhu Yue grabbed Wang Yuxin and began to beg, "Mother, you have to help me, as long as you help me! Get her away and kill her, those are all mine--"


Five finger marks appeared on Zhu Yue's white cheeks.

Ever since childhood, has Zhu Yue ever been beaten? She stayed there immediately, stupidly.

Wang Yuxin was heartbroken: "Why did you become like this?! Are you devilish?!"

Zhang Jingshu frowned: "Sister-in-law should take it home and teach it well. It looks like this, marrying out will kill her!"

Wang Yuxin wiped away her tears, nodded at her, and dragged the startled Zhu Yue to the outside.

Zhu Yue sat on the ground as if stupidly, half motionless.

Zhang Jingshu shook her head and told Lu Chang: "Go and help."


Zhang Jingshu sighed after finally sending away the two mother and daughter.

Zhu Yuan asked her: "What else is there to do?"

"No need. This is a big deal. Your elder mother will take care of her." Zhang Jingshu sighed, "Really, how could a girl..." Be so stupid.

Zhu Yuan didn't take it seriously: "I have been held up since I was a child, and I will lose my balance easily when I encounter setbacks."

"Perhaps." Zhang Jingshu shook her head, "Let's go, there are a lot of things in the library, so I have to go to work quickly."

Zhu Yuan:...


Zhu Yuan worked vigorously in the capital, and Xie Zheng spent a year in a small remote county.

It's not for nothing, anyhow, it's to figure out the relationship between forces here.

This place is called Channing and it is located at the southern end of Dayan.

How about Donan, in the nine cold winter months, the soldiers he brought could sleep directly in the mountains and jungles.

Of course, the warmth protection measures are still in place. He chatted with Zhu Yuan about the item he had once heard: sleeping bag.

His research and development center has hundreds of craftsmen. Except for part of it is to develop things for sale, the rest is secretly researching various materials suitable for travel and military travel.

The zippered sleeping bag mentioned by Zhuyuan is naturally one of them.

He doesn't know anything about the zipper, but it doesn't prevent the craftsman from getting along with other ways. Sleeping bags made of cowhide, the outer layer is waterproof, the inner layer is cotton-stuffed rhomboid cotton, lying on the sleeping bag spread out, fold the cover in half, and buckle the entire row of buckles in turn, it becomes tight The ventilated bag, sleeping in it, is warm.

As a result, when I came to Channing, the sleeping bag was so hot that I couldn't sleep. I could only take off the cotton batting layer and sleep only in cowhide.

Xie Zheng who heard the report:...

He had long thought of the warmth here, so he dared to take people over and throw them into the wild with confidence, but he didn't expect it to be so warm.

The only thing left is that the water and soil are unacceptable.

Seeing that more and more people fell, Xie Zheng couldn't help feeling a little impetuous.

Fortunately, within a few days, the rice noodles, **** sugar, soybeans and dozens of pigs prepared by Zhuyuan arrived at their scheduled joint city.

With these materials, the people he brought have really been well-fed for a fat year, and the symptoms of inadequacy have disappeared without a trace.

Therefore, before the end of the year, he acted.

Channing was still filled with the festive atmosphere of the Chinese New Year. Suddenly, one day, all the people in the county who had a lot of head and face all appeared hurriedly in front of the nameless county government office in the county.

There are complex and unbearable expressions on everyone's faces, panic, nervous, angry... all of them.

Each family also brought a lot of guards, all of them with clubs and clubs.

"Old Wu, your house too—"

"You also?"

"Who is it? Which one took the courage of the bear heart and leopard?"

"Let me find me and kill him!"

"The letter is about the county magistrate. It seems that the magistrate can't escape?"

"Does the magistrate dare to come?"


Everyone got together in a mess.

Someone suddenly said, "Don't make noise, don't make noise, look!"

Even the stone lions in the dilapidated county gate were missing arms and legs, and the plaque on the hanging gate was crumbling, and the words “Lanning County Government” could hardly be recognized.

This is not the point. The point is that a few figures stood at the gate of the county office.

One tall and two short.

The tall one was dressed in a pale blue cirrus-patterned gown, standing tall and tall, standing proudly in front of the gate of the county government. Behind him stood two white-faced middle-aged people, looking like they were just lay people.

A group of them rushed in, and there was no small movement, but this person was still staring at the county office, as if there were many interesting things in it.

Everyone looked at each other.

A middle-aged man with a big belly and nearly fifty years old came out of the crowd.

"Hey, kid, do you know—"

"Presumptuous!" The thinner, white-faced middle-aged man stood up and scolded, "What kid? This is the new magistrate of Channing County, Lord Qiao."

The tone is a bit strange, but it is local.

So everyone understood. County magistrate of Channing? It's the county magistrate.

The blue-robed man turned around.

Sword eyebrows into temples, dark eyes, eagle nose and thin lips.

Junqi is handsome, that is, the whole body is cold and hard.

Looks very young.

This person is Xie Zheng.

He talked to Emperor Chengjia, regardless of whether it was a transfer document, they were all under the pseudonym of George, and he was revealed as a rich kid.

The middle-aged man with a big belly was awe-inspiring, and he arched his hands cautiously: "This, Lord Qiao, dare you to ask if you have the Beijing approval and the appointment order."

Hearing the middle-aged person’s questioning, Xie Zheng lightly swept over: “The transfer order document, Qiao Mou will only be checked by the former county magistrate or superior. Who are you?”

The middle-aged man immediately choked.

Xie Zheng didn't respond to him anymore, looking at the crowd, with a low tone that was inconsistent with his age: "As soon as Qiao took office, the folks were so enthusiastic, and they worked so hard to greet him. Qiao was deeply excited."


So shameless.

Another person stood up: "Well, Lord Qiao, Mingren doesn't talk secretly. Dare to ask how many grandchildren of my family are there?"

"And my house!"

"I'm all gone!"


The crowd became more excited as they spoke, and began to hustle forward.

Xie Zheng looked around for a week and said calmly: "In my hands."


Xie Zheng curled his lips: "Qiao has always loved children. Because of his poor health, he has yet to have one and a half daughters. When Qiao arrived here, he saw that all the children are smart and lively, so they are invited back. , Quandang will accompany Qiao's lonely wife. If it can bring blessings to her wife, Qiao will definitely return a generous gift in the future."

The tone is flat and straightforward, without showing any emotion. Not to mention the joy to the child, even half of sincerity can not be felt.

In fact, he really has no sincerity.

These people in front of them are all big clan families or wealthy gentry who have been in Yanning County for many years.

He wants to take these people down in one fell swoop, so that he can start his own plan.

But he didn't have the time to take it slowly, and it was easier to provoke troubles one by one.

Zhu Yuan from Beijing said that he would open a kindergarten, which immediately inspired him.

He came to Channing, not many others, and brought a lot of people.

As a result, before dawn today, there was an extra letter at the head of each family's bed. The above words said sincerely, the county magistrate of Channing took office, please take care of brother XX, so much.

These have been out for a few years, although the letter is still on the bedside and some bluffs, but who hasn't been threatened?

The magistrate of the imperial court of the district, come and they will fight one, come and they will do one pair.

These people just threw the letter away and prepared to call in the guards to strengthen their defense, but they did not guard against screaming and crying from the backyard.

When I asked, it turned out that all my grandchildren/sons were lost.

This is just great.

Without saying anything, he took the troops and went straight to the county office.

There is also the above scene.

The middle-aged man with a big belly held his breath and asked him in a deep voice, "Dare to ask Lord Qiao, how can we put our children back."

Xie Zheng finally looked at him this time: "How do you call it?"

The middle-aged man bowed his hand: "My name is Qian."

Xie Zheng nodded: "Qian Dahu."

Xu Shi hadn't called his name directly for many years, and the middle-aged man was stunned.

Xie Zheng already went on to say: "Look at my county office..." He casually pointed back, "Does it look like your shop?"

The middle-aged man opened his mouth and glanced at the still dilapidated county government office, only to see billowing smoke coming out of it somehow, he instantly changed his face: "You set it on fire?"

Xie Zheng said indifferently: "The county government has been in disrepair for a long time, and there are many weeds and insects. It is simply set on fire, and it saves time to clean up." He looked happy. "It just so happens that the folks are so enthusiastic. Each family donated two hundred taels of silver to repair a small county office and official residence, which is more than enough."

Who said you donated money? Who said it? !

This is obviously kidnapping and extortion!

Everyone glared at the newly appointed magistrate, itching with hatred.

"Right," Xie Zheng remembered. "Qiao's family is poor. Since the children and grandchildren of the folks are going to visit Qiao's house, the cost of food and clothing..."


Kidnapping said to be a guest, come to block people to say welcome, Shaoxian government said that they would donate money... After that, they have to pay the kidnappers for food? ? ?


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