rubber! ! It's rubber! !

There are things like rubber trees in Dayan? !

Zhu Yuan was pleasantly surprised: "I didn't find out just now-you really made tires? Do you add sulfur to remove sulfur?"

She also tried to lean over to see, but the big palm on her waist was like an iron arm, pressing her tightly to her side.

Xie Zheng frowned and said: "Don't move around."

"I'll just take a look--"

"Then stop."

Zhu Yuan was anxious: "Well, I'll talk about it later." The excitement was restored again in the next moment, "Tell me, how did you vacate it?"

Guan Shi has already seen something at this moment. About these things, the princess is more interested.

He smiled and said: "The original suggestion that the princess gave was to add sulfur and burn it together, so the little ones searched for gum and added sulfur to burn it. After a few years, it was burned out. In a few days, the person responsible for this piece Guanshi Liu should write a report to you and the prince."

"it is good."

With the effort of speaking, the sightseeing car has already passed through the forest outside Zhuangzi, leaving the courtyard of the Zhuangzi all the way from the left and into the factory area.

Guan Shi turned back to the topic: "Next, you will continue to introduce the situation of Zhuangzi to the prince and princess." He stretched out his hand and pointed to the row of houses on the left front. "This is the office area, and the young people usually work here. To deal with matters, foreign businessmen negotiate and cooperate, and they are at the front. There is a special office in the dormitory area..."

Zhu Yuan listened attentively, and followed his explanation carefully to look at the houses and layout.

Xie Zheng beside her was lazy, with one hand wrapped around her waist and playing with her slender fingers.

Guan Shi looked at him secretly twice, and found that he didn't care about it. Naturally, he was more jealous of the princess in his heart, and he became more respectful when he spoke.

Zhu Yuan didn't notice anything and kept listening to Guan Shi's introduction.

"...The current orders of the glass factory have been full, and there will be no worries about sales in the short term." Guan Shi looked in front of him and continued, "Next is the blast furnace experimental area..."

"Blast furnace?" Zhu Yuan heard the word, and said hurriedly, "Can you go in and have a look?"

Lin Guan got stuck and looked at Xie Zheng.

Zhu Yuan blinked and turned to look at Xie Zheng.

Xie Zheng raised his eyebrows: "Do you want to go in and see?"

"Yeah." Zhu Yuan nodded again and again, "This blast furnace test area was only tossed out last year. I saw how they did it, and I heard that they made something harder than iron—"

Xie Zheng sat up straight: "It's harder than iron? Why don't I know?"

Zhu Yuan squinted at him: "I'm sure Anqing reported it to you." Who knows if this person has seen it.

Xie Zheng coughed slightly: "Really? I'll look back."

Zhu Yuan squeezed his palm, lowered her voice and acted like a baby: "Then I can go and see now~~"

Xie Zheng had agreed to her, so naturally he did not object. He looked at Director Lin: "Let them prepare, let's enter the factory and have a look."

"Yes." Director Lin naturally responded.

Thinking of the characteristics of high-temperature stoves, Zhu Yuan reminded: "If you are operating the stove and cannot get out of your forehead, please don't worry, it will be fine if you are not polite later."

"Huh!" Guan Shi is really grateful now.

When he arrived at the factory gate, Guan Shi salutes, jumps down before the frame is stable, and rushes into the factory-harm, that is the high-temperature stove area, and there are people in it. Most of the craftsmen are shirtless, so you dare not give it to the princess. Empress saw it.

Xie Zheng and Zhu Yuan got off in turn.

Mother Xu also stepped forward to help Zhu Yuan tidy up her skirts.

As soon as he walked to the door, he saw Guanshi Lin hurriedly leading out a man with similar clothes.

"The prince, the princess, this is the person in charge of the blast furnace test area, Lao Zhang."

Zhu Yuan looked at this black-red-faced man with his head down and dare not say anything. In February, this man was sweating profusely. If he was not nervous, it would be hot inside...

Xie Zheng squeezed her palm like a warning, and said solemnly, "Lead the way."

"Yes." Guanshi Lin walked slightly in front of them, leading them inside.

As Zhu Yuan expected, as soon as he walked in, the heat wave hit his face.

Xie Zheng frowned, stopped, and asked her, "Really go in?"

Zhu Yuan's attention had long been placed on the tall stove hanging in the air, the fiery red liquid in the stove, and the flaming bellows stove below.

Among other things, she marveled at the fiery red liquid: "Oh my God, is that molten iron?"

The ignored Xie Zheng:...

Guan Shi gave Lao Zhang a crutch.

Lao Zhang wiped his forehead and replied nervously, "I'm sorry for the princess, yes."

Zhu Yuan took two steps forward and looked at the semi-circular stove that was more than half a meter taller than the other person: "I just drew it at will, and you all made it... The shelf above is that you said it is stronger and stronger than iron. s things?"


Zhu Yuan nodded: "Then you use it? Are you not afraid to melt it when you burn it?" After all, it is a fired thing.

Lao Zhang chuckled: "We tried several times and made sure that there was no problem before we ran into it. Moreover, this stove is specially made, with several layers of things, layer by layer, and when the heat reaches the outer layer, it becomes cold. "

Isn't this similar to modern boilers? Zhu Yuan praised: "It's really amazing." Modern people can use scientific methods to measure the melting point, and these craftsmen are afraid that they will experiment one by one.

Lao Zhang scratched his head and said, "It's Manager Lin who is good at them. They pointed out what materials we should use, and it came out after a few burns."

Guan Shi was taken aback, and hurriedly explained: "These are the ways the princess can be sent here, so don't talk nonsense!"

Lao Zhang scratched his head: "This turned out to be a gift from the princess - oh." He was elbowed by Guan Shi, and he kept shutting up, changing his words, "I don't know who can be so powerful."

Zhu Yuan: ...that's her! !

She understands Lin Guan.

After all, she is a woman and a little girl a few years ago. Guanshi Lin and others are probably afraid that these craftsmen will not accept the management, so let's not say it vaguely.

As long as they talked, Xie Zheng had been looking at the stove. At this moment, he stepped on the pedals on the other side of the stove and asked, "What are those people doing?"

"Lord, they are sending air into the fire pit." Guan Shi pointed to the square fire pit below the stove. "If the wind is not enough and the firepower is not enough, then this iron can't melt into water."

Xie Zheng twisted his eyebrows: "What's the principle?"

Guan Shi was dumb for a while, and scratched his head: "This...the result of the experiment, why is it so, even the younger ones don't know."

Xie Zheng:...

Zhu Yuan almost laughed out loud, but fortunately, she was still sane and suppressed.

Seeing that Xie Zheng stopped asking questions, Guan Shi thought for a while, and took the initiative to introduce: "The other side is the casting mold. After the iron turns into water, we pull this iron cable through the upper slide rail to drag the furnace over. Pour it into the mold and cool it down, then it can be shaped."

Zhu Yuan asked: "What are the new materials that have been smelted?"

"For the time being, I only made the racks and slides on the blast furnace side," Guan Shi lowered his voice. "Old Liu also tried several long wooden warehouses."

Xie Zheng's eyes narrowed: "Where is it?"

I wish Yuan a surprise. No one will report to her.

Before Manager Lin could answer, An Rui stood up behind him: "Master, it was sent to the mansion a few days ago. I will show it to you in the future because of the happy events in the mansion these few days."

Xie Zheng gave up: "Well, let's go on."

Zhu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. No wonder she didn't know. After the new year, she didn't care much anymore, and she was busy preparing for marriage.

"The experimental area has not yet accurately grasped the situation of this new type of material, which seems to be related to the purity of the iron ore, but according to the current products, they are much harder than iron, and where they can be used -"

Zhu Yuan interrupted him: "You don't need to worry about the purpose. You only need to experiment with the accuracy of the materials to ensure that the finished products are almost the same."

Old Liu Zi didn't need to say, Guan Shi followed the road, knowing the weight of the princess's words, and he was busy responding, "Yes."


The progress of the research and development of steel is gratifying. Zhu Yuan is in a good mood. He drags Xie Zheng to the rubber experimental area to see the various research and development products of rubber.

Finally, he ran to the steam heating experiment area as he wished.

As a result, it was discovered that the steam heating side was still at the level of steam lifting water, but the steam container was made larger and stronger.

Xie Zheng was still watching the craftsmen demonstrate the steam lifting of water, and listened to Lao Liu, the person in charge of this experiment, boasting that this method has been applied in the coal mountain, which can draw several meters of underground water.

Zhu Yuan was immediately angry: "I have only tossed out this stuff after two or three years?"

The bragging old Liu spoke with a bit of dissatisfaction: "These are the things that the little ones have worked hard to develop. The princess doesn't understand these, so you can't wrong the little ones."

Guan Shi's face changed suddenly, and he hurried to peek at the expressions of Xie Zheng.

Xie Zheng didn't even get angry, he only curled his lips to look at Zhu Yuan: "Wang Hao, you are underestimated."

Zhu Yuan:...

She was really furious. She pointed to the huge steam can full of roof beams and directly reprimanded the old Liu: "What **** are you talking about? I told you about this stuff three years ago. Three years, you guys Just give me an enlarged version and come to this conclusion?"

She gave it? Old Liu shook his heart and looked at Director Lin hurriedly.

The latter was probably not pleasing to him in the past, and he didn't excuse him. He just said with a bitter face: "This... mainly because everyone doesn't understand the truth of this thing, and don't know where it can be used—"

"I said, I asked you to study steam engines in order to replace manpower, or even to do things that manpower cannot do! So many people step on the bellows in the blast furnace area, are they tired? Get the stuff over, let the steam pull the wind box and send air into the cellar?"

"...Huh?" Guan Shi was dumbfounded, "Isn't he just drawing water?"

Zhu Yuanqi didn't hit a spot: "Who told you that you can only draw water?"

Crackling is a reprimand.

Xie Zheng carried his hands on his back and watched her anger without stopping, with deep black eyes intently.


Zhu Yuan was furious in the experimental area and abolished the supervisor surnamed Liu on the spot. After that, it was announced:

In the future, a training meeting will be held in the steam experiment area.

Participants in the training are selected from the whole experimental area and factory area. They need to be flexible in mind, good at counting, have the spirit of research, bear hardships and stand hard work, and are not complacent.

Those who self-identify as meeting the conditions can register at the management office.

There are only 30 training places.

Before Shen, all Zhuangzi knew.

Everyone is boiling.

The princess personally guided the training? A woman's family? ?

What a joke!

Where is the lord? Does it matter?

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