One person grinds the ink and spreads the paper, the other writes, and the two discuss the direction of Zhuangzi's development.

Then Zhu Yuan began to concentrate on preparing teaching materials.

Because these craftsmen don't have any physical foundation, she doesn't remember all kinds of physical formulas, and can only introduce some basic physical principles.

Let me briefly introduce the pressure theory and tell the craftsmen that the atmosphere also has pressure.

Let me talk about the volume ratio of water and water vapor, supplemented by pressure theory, to explain the operating principle of the steam engine.

Finally, introduce the concept of energy conservation.

Xie Zheng, who was sitting next to him, only quietly read and drank tea. He occasionally raised his head, and his expression became softer when he saw her concentrating on writing.

An Rui, who came back to serve, muttered to herself. The princess is beautiful and beautiful, is it not that way? Not to mention anything else, there are also some pretty girls in the mansion...

Fortunately, Zhuyuan couldn't hear it.

She immersed herself in writing a rough teaching plan that only she could understand. She stopped writing and went to dinner until Xie Zheng stopped.

It was just getting dark when the meal was over.

Zhu Yuan wiped her mouth, threw the veil, and went to grab Xie Zheng.

Xie Zheng raised an eyebrow and smiled lowly: "Wang Hao can't wait to wait?"

"..." Zhu Yuan sipped at him, "Take away the waste of your mind, I haven't finished the training class tomorrow!"

Xie Zheng didn't care much: "Why be too nervous, raising them is not for them to eat for nothing."

"It's about research projects. Let them figure it out earlier, maybe they can get results sooner." Zhu Yuan dragged him, "I'm almost done, you listen to it first and see if you can understand it."

Xie Zheng: "..." He was helpless to keep up, "Am I so clumsy in your eyes?"

Zhu Yuan smiled and said, "It has nothing to do with being stupid, you will know after listening."

Xie Zheng naturally didn't believe it.

The two came to Nuan Pavilion again.

Putting the lesson plan written today, Zhu Yuan spread a piece of white paper, picked up the charcoal pencil, and began to explain modern physics to the noble Lord Su.


Zhuangzi's first training class started as scheduled.

Thirty young craftsmen personally selected by An Rui and An Fu were led into the steam engine experimental area.

The room has been cleared of space, and there are about ten stools, long tables, and a few rows horizontally and vertically. On each table there are charcoal pens and papers-speaking, the charcoal pens are their own. Researchers, they haven’t started to take out...

These craftsmen were all ignorant of big characters, and they were a little nervous when they saw that there were tables with pens and paper.

Looking at the opposite side, a large rectangular board was placed against the wall, with a white background, smooth and beautiful. There is a kerchief hanging on one side of the wooden frame.

A craftsman immediately whispered: "The whiteboard that was tossed out yesterday evening was made by Lao Xin."

"What is this going to do?"

"I'll find out later."

Someone pointed to the coffee table and chair on the side of the board, and asked in a low voice, "Is that the queen concubine sitting on?"

"It's estimated to be. Women are mothers—"


"What about the prince? Didn't you hear that the prince will also come?"

"You take a look, isn't the one in the middle of the front row the prince's seat?"

Everyone followed the reputation, and there was indeed a very different table in the middle of the first row of tables. It is spacious and carved with a paperweight, pen, ink, paper and inkstone. It is not equipped with a chair, but a chair with backrest and armrests.

In other words, they will sit with the prince and listen to the training class later?

Everyone immediately became more nervous.

In addition to these thirty people, the other stewards in the Zhuangzi, either out of curiosity or in order to brush their presence in front of the prince, also brazenly rushed to the door, waiting for the prince and princess to come.

Soon, the hour came.

Director Lin, the leader of the team, had already led people to wait at the door.

When the sightseeing bus stopped, Xie Zheng, who jumped down first, ignored the people who saluted, turned around, and reached out to support Zhu Yuan who was wearing a hat.

Everyone looked at it, and they couldn't help but be speechless.

It's no wonder that a womanly family can come out and show their faces, and even stab them to teach them... The co-author is a newlywed Yaner, it's a legitimate pet~

If they didn't want to take the opportunity to show their face in front of the prince, how would they sign up to hear a woman's say.

They murmured in their hearts. On the other hand, Zhu Yuan was a little surprised to see so many people, and asked Guan Shi, "Isn't it about thirty people?"

Guan Shi said with a smile: "These are the stewards in Zhuangzi. They didn't get the chance. They were eager for knowledge and wanted to come and listen. No, I didn't get the approval of both of you. Everyone stayed outside and wanted to see I can't hear a word."

The people were selected by An Rui and An Fu in accordance with Zhu Yuan's instructions, and no stewards were selected.

Guan Shi Lin said it nicely, but Zhu Yuan knew it well-maybe these Guan Shi wanted to see her jokes.

She could think that Xie Zheng could naturally too.

"If you want to listen, go in and listen." He said.

The stewards were too busy to thank you for your gratitude, and repeatedly said that the prince was generous.

Zhuyuan rolled her eyes under the curtain. Xie Zheng is magnanimous, she is stingy, right?

"However," Xie Zheng looked around for a week, his lips twitched, "As stewards, since you have to listen to the class... Minger will write a piece of experience and experience."

Experience? Everyone looked at each other.

Zhu Yuan almost laughed.

Xie Zheng squeezed her hand as a warning and led her into it.

The stewards are too busy to keep up.

With so many people, the table is not enough.

Guan Shi hurriedly adjusted a few from the factories on both sides. The craftsman takes care of the work and sits squeezed side by side.

Because the thirty people were selected by Zhu Yuan's request, they still sat in the front row, and the stewards crowded in the back row.

At first, they didn't dare to sit, Xie Zheng spoke, and they dared to sit down with half of their **** hanging down—the princess was still standing in front.

Xie Zheng also sat at his gorgeous table.

An Rui respectfully laid out the paper and polished the ink. An Fu did not forget to give him a cup of tea.

Zhuyuan naturally also has tea over there.

However, she had no intention of drinking.

After Gu Yu handed over her lesson plan, she picked up the charcoal strips prepared in advance on the table, and first tried to paint on the edge of the board-it was a bit difficult to paint, and she needed to add gravity.

Then took off the kerchief hanging on the side and wiped it.

Wiping is simple.

If so, the required equipment is complete.

Zhu Yuanqing coughed: "I won't say much nonsense, let's go directly to the topic."

"This room is listed outside as a steam engine experiment area, right?" She looked around for a week, "I don't know who can explain it. What about steam?"

Everyone looked at each other.

No one said anything for a long time.

Zhu Yuan rolled up the booklet and knocked on the board: "I don't know?"

Xie Zheng put one hand on the desk and waited quietly.

Someone couldn't bear it anymore, and stood up cautiously: "Is it the heat from the pot?"

Zhu Yuan nodded immediately: "Yes." She stretched out her hand to make a downward pressure and motioned the person to sit down. "The steam engine we are going to make is based on this principle. Before we talk about steam, you need to understand a point of knowledge- -pressure."

"Pressure is the amount of pressure on the surface of an object. Usually, in order to facilitate measurement, we can use the pressure on a unit of surface as the standard..."

Zhu Yuan introduced the pressure, and then drew a classic overview diagram of the pressure on the whiteboard, carefully expounding the relationship between the pressure and the area of ​​force.

Everyone was stunned. What is this teaching?

Look again, Su Wang who is sitting in the center actually picked up a brush to write and paint?

Everyone dared not speak immediately.

Zhu Yuan found something wrong and knocked on the board: "Listen well, draw on paper and pen, and record according to your own ideas if you are illiterate. You will communicate with each other after class." After a pause, she smiled and looked at the crowd. A steward, "By the way, stewards, remember to submit a report tomorrow!"

Public management:...

Seeing everyone hurriedly flipping through paper and pen and starting to record, Zhu Yuan nodded with satisfaction: "Then let's continue."

"An important manifestation of pressure is atmospheric pressure. There are many invisible gases around us, which we collectively call atmosphere. We are in it, and we are under atmospheric pressure all the time..."

"Everything in nature obeys the law of conservation of energy. It will never decrease or die. In places we don't know, energy just transforms into other forms..."

"As we all know, after the water is heated to boiling, it will gradually decrease. According to the conservation of energy, this part of the missing water will not disappear. They just turn into gas, which is what we call water vapor..."

"The principle of the steam engine..."


The training session lasted more than an hour.

Zhu Yuan was tired from standing halfway, and she sat in a chair to tell them, she only stood up when she needed to draw a picture.

The room was big, with dozens of people sitting densely, but Zhu Yuan really hadn't tried to speak like this all the time, and her voice began to dry less than halfway through.

After drinking tea a few times back, Xie Zheng asked her to stop, Zhu Yuan waved her hand, and said, "Let's finish it once. I don't know when it will be the next time."

Xie Zheng frowned.

Zhu Yuan ignored him and went on.

If so, after more than an hour, her voice almost fell flat.

Finally, she added a sentence--

The courses explained today can be explained to others. If someone can toss out a steam engine based on these theoretical knowledge, then whether it is a developer or a professor, it will be greatly rewarded!


After Zhu Yuan and others left, the participants in the training were still in the room for a while.

Thinking of the report tomorrow, Guan Shi immediately began to sigh.

A young craftsman approached with a shy face: "I still don't understand this energy transformation. You are literate. I just saw you remember a lot. Can you tell me..."

Guan Shi patted the table: "It's a coincidence, I haven't figured it out. Come on, I'll say it again, you say it again, let's refer to it for details."

"Take me, take me." Another craftsman came over.

"Old Lin, take a few of us!"

The people in the steam engine experimental area gathered together again and began to exchange learning experiences.

This exchange lasted until the unitary time.

The sky began to darken outside, and they were still holding onto the paper and pen to leave.

It just so happened that the craftsmen in the major workshops got off work, and when they saw them, they immediately came to ask.

"How?" Someone joked with a craftsman he knew well, "Do you teach you how to embroider?"

A young craftsman who frowned while holding the paper in his hand looked up: "Don't talk nonsense, the princess and empress are amazing!"

"Yo? What did you say? Come and listen."

"You don't understand it."

"See what you can do, don't you say nothing?"

"Hurt, you can't understand it after all said-ah, ah, what can turn heat from this liquid to gas?" The craftsman scratched his head desperately, "Why did I forget it again?"

The gossip is a little confused. This, what have you learned?

That night, dozens of people who participated in the training, fearing that they would have forgotten, grabbed colleagues, friends, and family members and began to teach what they learned today.

And Zhuyuan?

Because of the tiring day today and even the throat became hoarse, Xie Zheng finally became kind and did not trouble her, so she had a good rest and a good sleep.

Without knowing it, under her intervention, the entire Zhuangzi fell into a nightmare dominated by physics for many days.

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