Zhaochun Palace.

Concubine Shu received the vegetable leaves from Suwang's Mansion, and she was in a great mood, and she ran to the front hall with great interest and looked through the draft with the maids.

Hearing that Emperor Chengjia came over for dinner, she still had some reaction: "Come over for lunch? Not dinner?"

Yu Rong smiled and said, "It's lunch, and the servant girl has confirmed it again and again."

Concubine Shu nodded: "Then let the kitchen make a few fresh ones. Didn't the round girl send some vegetable leaves over—" something flashed in her mind and stopped.

Yuan Girl’s forefoot sent people in with Caiye, and on the back, Emperor Chengjia was about to come over for dinner...Is this because Emperor Chengjia fell in love with her vegetable leaves?

Shouldn't be...

Concubine Shu shook her head, shaking off the thoughts in her mind.

"Niang?" Yu Rong shook her head when she saw her stop, and called out suspiciously.

Concubine Shu returned to her senses: "Nothing." Then, "Let the kitchen pick some vegetable leaves and make some fresh dishes. Don't make it too greasy."


Concubine Shu thought for a while, and then said: "Send someone to ask Yao'er to see if he wants to come over for a meal later, if he is not free, let someone make it and send it there."


Concubine Shu waved her hand: "Go."

Yu Rong immediately took the order, and Concubine Shu estimated the time, put down the manuscript in her hand, and led Yu Xia back to the main hall to freshen up and change her clothes.

When she was stunned, Emperor Chengjia just came over.

Concubine Shu greeted the people into the warm pavilion, first let people pass the meal, and then personally served the tea to Emperor Chengjia, and chatted with a smile: "No wonder my left eyelid jumped all morning, because I knew your Majesty was coming over."

Emperor Chengjia took his tea and sipped his mouth, and said: "During this period of time, I have been busy with officials' assessment. I have not been free to come over. I have a little less today, so I will come and take a look."

Concubine Shu pursed her lips and said, "The concubine knows, how can you not know this after having been with you for so many years?"

Emperor Chengjia's expression softened.

The two chatted a few words, and lunch was delivered.

As the lord of the first palace, Concubine Shu also manages the affairs of the harem, so Zhaochun Palace naturally has her own kitchen. So the meal is very fast and warm.

Concubine Shu first gave Emperor Chengjia a piece of chopsticks for the soup seedlings: "It just so happened that the girl from Yuanyuan sent some vegetable leaves, your majesty try it."

Emperor Chengjia glanced at the dishes on the table and snorted softly: "Is this girl too sensible? Why is it only sent to you? I haven't even seen the roots and leaves?"

Concubine Shu was stunned, and smiled: "Your Majesty, you don't lack this vegetable leaf, how can you still care about her little girl?" After that, she scooped him a piece of winter melon. "The round girl sent it to the concubine. Didn't I think that the concubine would ask you to use it together... the concubine wanted to let you come over for dinner." He just happened to come.

Emperor Chengjia curled his lips and said nothing, but still disgusted: "Both of them have earned a lot. Why don't you build a greenhouse?"

"Looking back, the concubine will let people ask questions." Concubine Shu softly persuaded a few words.

Only then did Emperor Chengjia lift up his chopsticks and start.

After a few mouthfuls, he remembered something and said: "The third child wants to go to the Ministry of Engineering, do you know about this?"

"Ministry of Engineering? The concubines don't know." Concubine Shu was surprised, and then frowned. "Didn't he go to the Ministry of Engineering a few years ago? How come?"

Emperor Chengjia glanced at her twice and nodded: "It's not a few years ago, but it's just a small fight." He pondered for a moment, and said, "He is also older, and he is still going to study these strange things. Skillful, not very attractive. I'm still holding on to this matter. When you turn around, go and talk about him."

Concubine Shu was stunned and nodded: "The concubine knows it." Although Xie Zheng may not be able to listen to her...

Emperor Chengjia said again: "Also, I wish Xiuqi well, I have suppressed him for three years, and he does not disappoint my expectations. Zhangkou has been taken care of very well."

Concubine Shu paused for a moment before remembering who Zhu Xiuqi was.

"Didn't the youngest want to go to the Ministry of Engineering to conduct various experiments? He has a good idea. I have promoted Zhu Xiuqi as the leader of the sixth grade and put it in the Ministry of Engineering. I will leave this to him in the future." Chengjia The emperor looked at Concubine Shu.

Concubine Shu was stunned by the sight, carefully pondering over what had just been said, and nodding slowly.

Only then did Emperor Chengjia retract his gaze, and in turn gave her a chopsticks dish: "Hurry up, the dishes will be cold later." Then he picked up Xie Jiao's academic problems and chatted with her.

After Emperor Chengjia left, Concubine Shu leaned on the couch thinking about something, frowning, with a troubled look.

Emperor Chengjia never talked to her about this before, why suddenly...

Xie Zheng is now twenty one, could it be...

Yuxia brought a new cup of tea, put it next to her, and asked softly: "Is there anything bothering your mother?" Her mother has been writing and reviewing manuscripts in recent years. It has been a long time since she frowned.

Concubine Shu returned to her senses, took a look at her, and said, "Go to Suwangfu to send a message, let Yuanyao—forget it, let Xie Zheng come over for dinner tomorrow."



Su Wang Mansion.

Xie Zheng is also discussing the matter with his staff.

No, to be precise, Xie Zheng was staring at the ink on the paper in a daze, and the staff were arguing.

"...The Ministry of Industry is not good, it is naturally the first choice for the household department. The world's money and food will be exhausted from this department. The land tax reform is still done by our master. If the master goes to the household department, it will be easy to get started."

"The old people are deeply aware that this is not the case. Since ancient times, the six books have been valued by the officials. The selection of literary works, examinations, seals, and honors are all training the ways of selecting and employing people, allowing the prince to exercise better."

"King Ning is already in the staff department, and his father-in-law is also there. If the prince goes again, won't he be suppressed? No way! According to me, you have to go to the Ministry of War!"

"No, the Ministry of War..."


The ink characters appearing on the paper stopped.

Xie Zheng raised his head, knocked on the table, and said, "You discuss the results, and then report to me."

Everyone should say: "Yes."

Xie Zheng got up and left.

An Rui followed him for a few steps, and realized where he wanted to go. She was immediately stunned and warned herself again to respect Mian Yunju, but she couldn't be stupid like An Fu.

Naturally, Xie Zheng didn't know what he was thinking, so he went straight to Mian Yunju in a slow manner.

Zhu Yuan had just finished a busy period and was walking around in the yard. He suddenly heard the salute, turned around and saw him, and was immediately astonished: "Why are you here-cough cough, prince blessing." Then he greeted him and asked carefully. , "Aren't you busy at this point?"

Xie Zheng looked at her: "Well, they quarreled so much in the study, I came to avoid it."

He is a prince, how could he be quarreled? Moreover, if you want to avoid it, you won't come to her Mianyunju specially.

Although she thought so in her heart, Zhu Yuan didn't show any difference on the noodles. He only smiled and said, "That's right, mother boiled the bamboo cane barley water today. You will drink a bowl of moisturizing later."

"Okay." Xie Zheng followed the kindness and took advantage of the trend to hold her to walk indoors.

Zhu Yuan stood still: "I just came out of the house, walk with me first."

Xie Zheng paused, then turned back: "Okay."

Zhu Yuan’s eyebrows were crooked, and he took him to the side: "I just asked someone to make a grape trellis two days ago, and I will show you it. When the leaves grow in spring, we can rest and read down below, thinking Feeling comfortable."

No mention of why I am here, let alone why I want to decorate this yard.

Xie Zheng's eyes were dark, and silently followed her around this strange yard.

The two walked quietly for a while, Zhu Yuan looked at him a few times, and saw that his eyebrows were always tight, she thought about it, and simply began to introduce the layout of Mian Yunju.

"I'm going to let someone plant a big tree on the Westinghouse side. When the weather gets hot, the house will be cooler."

"When the yard was built, I had people leave a ditch at the root of the wall, let the running water pass, and blocked the net on both sides. When the weather is warmer, I will raise a few more small fish, and I can feed the fish when I am free."

"Looking back, I asked Zhuangzi to burn a few iron levers for me and stand in the backyard. I will not worry about losing ground when I exercise in the future~"


As everyone knows, the more vivid she introduces, the worse Xie Zheng's mood will be.

After Zhu Yuan talked about a certain corner, he stopped.

"Come in, didn't you say that you made sweet soup?" His tone was light, and he couldn't hear the emotions.

Naturally, Zhu Yuan had no objection, and immediately followed him back to the house happily-he was almost shopping anyway.

As soon as the two of them entered the room, Mother Xu came over with sweet soup, and Zhu Yuan simply took Xie Zheng and sat down in the hall.

There was no need for someone to wait, the little pot was placed directly on the table, and she took the bowl and spoon and began to serve it.

"Bamboo cane is sweet, and there is no sugar in the soup. It tastes like sugar cane. It tastes delicious!" Zhu Yuan first served Xie Zheng a bowl and recommended, "The spring is very humid, so drink it occasionally. This can clear away heat and dampness and is good for the body."

"Yeah." Xie Zheng took it, squeezed a little to test the temperature, raised his head, and ate it.

Zhu Yuan:...

"Why are you drinking so eagerly? It's a shame that Mother has already let go of the cold, what if it's hot?"

"Nothing, I tried it." Xie Zheng put down the bowl.

Zhu Yuan took it over: "I'll serve some more, you can drink it slowly."


Zhu Yuan added more than half of the bowl to him, and only after watching him slowly drink it with a small porcelain soup, he filled himself with a bowl.

Xie Zheng stopped when she watched her start drinking.


Zhu Yuan threw him a puzzled look.

"Why are you..." Xie Zheng smiled at her with crooked eyebrows. After all, he changed the subject and looked at her with a gentle expression, "Shen Sitang, too."

Zhu Yuan blinked, pretending that he hadn't heard what he had just swallowed, and just followed down: "You said, grape racks and banyan trees?"


"Okay~" It was just a small matter of arrangement, Zhu Yuanxin agreed, "But it can't be the same, your yard is more serious, and I will think of a way to see how to make it look good."

"Yeah." Xie Zheng frowned slightly and asked her back, "Seriously?"

Zhu Yuan immediately covered her mouth and smiled: "It's not serious. Even the name of the yard sounds like Xingtang and Punishment Hall."

... No wonder she stood at the gate of the yard and smiled. Xie Zheng helplessly: "The Book of Rites has a cloud, it is learned, interrogated, deliberate, discerning, and committed. I just took one of them."

Of course Zhu Yuan knew: "That's too serious."

Xie Zheng thought for a while and said, "Then you want one."

"Huh?" Zhu Yuan was dumbfounded, "You want to change it?"

Xie Zheng said, "Yes," "I want to change my name."


"What do you want to call?" Xie Zheng asked her again.

Zhu Yuan scratched her cheeks: "This depends on what you like."

Xie Zheng looked at her: "Call, Ju Riju, how about?"

If you have a different room, you will die at the same point. Saying whether you believe it or not is like a day. It is a classic sentence of the Book of Songs.

Zhu Yuan has been studying Chinese characters for many years, and the "Book of Songs" and "Book of Rites" are almost back-to-back. Naturally, I don't know this.

She was taken aback by Xie Zheng's dark eyes like a deep pool.

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