Xie Zheng also thought of his father...

I subconsciously set the liveliness of Peppa on the majestic and deep emperor dad----

"Cough cough cough cough cough —"

Xie Zheng got angry and almost didn't cough himself to death.

Hearing the movement outside, An Rui hurriedly approached the door, and did not dare to peek inside. He lowered his head and asked anxiously: "Your Highness?!"

"Cough, nothing." Xie Zheng answered casually, keeping his eyes on the table.

[...So, you have to be filial, give me all the money you earn, and give me all the money you save. I will be able to——]

Xie Zheng wrote: [Nonsense]

[Son, don’t believe me, this is my reincarnation——]

[My father is still alive]

Alive? Just stay alive. Zhu Yuan snorted: [I remember you said that you are over fifty and your children and grandchildren are around your knees. With such a calculation, how can your father be 70? The old man is in good health. ] It’s up to you to install it again.

Xie Zheng did not speak anymore.

Zhu Yuan will continue to work harder: 【In this situation, we both have kept secrets soon, and our identities will be revealed one day. Why hide in hiding? Why not just face each other calmly so that we can get along well in the future. Are you right? 】

[It makes sense]

Good luck to Yuan: [That...]

Xie Zheng raised his eyebrows: [You can set an example first]

Zhu Yuan haha: [I suddenly think that hiding your identity is quite fun. 】

Xie Zeng hooked his lips: [Then, about the money]

[Keep it for me! ! ] Zhu Yuan swept the brush hard, almost didn't paste the ink words into a ball, [Even if the horse is not broken, I can let someone go to the joint! 】

[What's the solution to a blast?]

[On my side, waistcoats are usually used-oh, or waistcoats, to express a person's different identities. In other words, waistcoats are used to refer to this person with layers of leather. Bursting horses means exposing their true identity. 】

[Why people in Wu County have multiple identities]

How to explain to an old antique? Zhu Yuan scratched his head: [Not my identity in real life...] Scanning a few scripts on the table, my eyes lit up, and I was busy adding, [It is something similar to the font size, for example, some scripts do not leave the author’s real name. It's the font size, which is considered a vest. 】

Xie Zheng: ... the font size is the font size, some of them are missing.

Of course, Zhu Yuan didn't know how he complained, and then said: [Anyway, if you take the money from the concrete recipe, you have to keep it for me. The specifics depend on your conscience. 】She thought about it, but she didn’t worry, and added another sentence, 【At least five hundred taels! 】


It seems that this guy is very rich. Happy Zhu Yuan: [It’s settled, whoever regrets it, who doesn’t have a little jiji]

Xie Zheng:...

There is no psychological pressure to throw away the pen, Zhu Yuan without any psychological pressure: [Okay, I'm going to read, don't disturb. 】

Xie Zheng put aside the pen, lifted the paper that had been written on the table, crumpled it into a ball, and threw it into the brazier. He picked up the fire book and scorched it. The fire suddenly rose half a foot high and quickly spread to other paper balls.

The fire was shining.

Xie Zheng stared at the flames in awe-

"Long live the emperor!" An Rui who was guarding outside suddenly saluted, "I don't know if the emperor is coming, there is something wrong--"

"It's all right." Emperor Chengjia cursed with a smile, "This is loud and loud, it can be seen that the third child has not treated you badly."

Xie Zheng was awakened in shock, and casually pulled a few sheets of manuscript paper and threw them into the brazier. After thinking about it, he drew a few more sheets and threw them in, and then walked quickly to the door.

"Boo!" softly, the study door was pushed open from the outside, and a few people filed in.

Xie Zheng hurriedly bowed down and bowed: "Father -"

Emperor Chengjia waved his hand: "Get up." He raised his foot and continued walking in, "What is the door closed during the day?"

Xie Zheng got up to follow, and said casually: "I'm studying Chinese characters, close the door for some silence." He glanced at the window next to the table and added, "The window is open, it's very bright."

Emperor Chengjia nodded and then sniffed his nose: "What's the smell?" As soon as he turned his eyes, he saw the brazier with flames. He frowned and glanced suspiciously, "What is burning?"

"It's a waste manuscript." Xie Zheng's expression remained unchanged, and two steps forward, he took out the rice paper on the side of the brazier with only the corners of the rice paper, shook off the sparks on it, and then squeezed out the embers, and passed it over, "Last time On "Mencius", I found that there are still many unclear aspects of the children, so I simply copied it a few times."

"Oh, pretty good."

The attendant Deqing hurriedly picked it up, checked the edges of the paper and made sure that there were no sparks before handing it to Emperor Chengjia.

Emperor Cheng Jia took it, bowed his head and quickly glanced. The remaining words and sentences above are really the content of Mencius. He glanced at the brazier unintentionally, and the content of the handwriting was vaguely visible, and he was undoubtedly watching Mencius.

He squeezed the paper, looked at it again, and asked, "It's very well written, why do you burn it?"

Xie Zheng twitched the corners of his mouth: "It's just a scrapped manuscript. What's left for it. If you burn it, you don't need to be imitated by that screwdriver to make trouble."

Emperor Chengjia was dumb, and then lost his anger: "I don't think the whole harem can find anyone who is more secure than your yard. What are you worried about!" He said that Xie Zheng was furious and shot the yard a month ago. There are many people in it.

At that time, the incident was a lot of trouble, and it really shocked many people. In the short term, his yard is probably the safest in the harem.

Speaking of it, the origin of the matter is big or small, and small is not small. It was just a few eunuchs who saw that Xie Zheng was still young and didn't care much. He was greedy for money by his name, not many, and not worth a lot of money.

After changing other people, Yue Mo just had a meal or sent to Shen Xing Division. According to Xie Zheng's original temperament, Yue Mo also acted low-key and slowly changed people.

Unfortunately, Xie Zheng is no longer the original Xie Zheng.

He directly called the people from the Shen Xing Division, and in his yard, in front of all the eunuchs and palace ladies, all related personnel were killed. Even the chief **** An Fu next to him was beaten half-handicapped due to poor supervision.

The screams of pain resounded through the prince's courtyard.

In less than half a day, the front court and the harem knew that the third son of the emperor had killed a bunch of people.

Before others had expressed any opinions, Xie Zheng's biological mother Shu Concubine was so angry that she lay down for half a month without seeing him.

It turned out that the people around Xie Zheng were all arranged by the late queen mother. After the death of the queen mother, except for the two chief eunuchs An Rui and An Fu, she had slowly changed over the remaining two years. Xie Zheng's move was no less than a slap in the face.

After waiting for half a month, Xie Zheng didn't come to the door to explain a word. The concubine Shu who couldn't hold back called the person over, and was angry again. Only then did Xie Zheng copy the book ten times by punishing him. Remember "...

In short, such a big matter naturally couldn't escape the eyes of Emperor Chengjia, but in his eyes, Xie Zheng's move was regarded as vigorous and effective, and he didn't care about it at all.

Now where Xie Zheng is going, I dare not say anything else. The eunuchs and court ladies are all carefully waiting for him. There are only a few people left in his yard, and he has all listened to the tragedy that day. Where else would you dare to make trouble?

Hearing him mention this, Xie Zheng wanted to kneel: "The punishment of the child minister is too much, I hope my father will forgive me."

Emperor Chengjia waved his hand: "I didn't mean to blame you, it is necessary to shock and frighten these dog minions, so as not to know who is the master."

Xie Zheng stopped his movements and bowed his hands to obey.

"However, your temper is a little bit stronger, so all the sticks are killed...somehow there is someone your mother and concubine arranged for you."

Xie Zheng remained silent.

Emperor Chengjia glanced at him: "You are really unlovable." Although there was not much talk before, it is better than if you can't make a fart for a long time.

It happened that An Rui came in with tea. He glanced around, thinking of something, and began to look around. When he found that there was only one **** in the room, he immediately frowned, "Your yard is now half short, right? ?"

Xie Zheng was indifferent: "Enough is enough, there are too many people." Of course, this is just a scene.

He is just an underage prince, a court lady eunuch, etc., without the concubine in charge to arrange for him, how can he add manpower? Xie Zheng sneered at the thought of his mother and concubine who pretended to be deaf and dumb.

Emperor Chengjia frowned: "If something happens, you won't even be able to find errands."

Xie Zheng looked down and said nothing.

Emperor Chengjia took a look at him and thought for a while: "Okay, I'll send you some people to work later."

Naturally, Xie Zheng would not refuse, and even knelt down to thank you. With the intervention of Emperor Chengjia, at least there will be no other people's eyeliner in his yard.

As for Emperor Chengjia? Oh, the big harem, where there is no eyeliner of Emperor Chengjia, it is better to admit his people in frankly and win a good impression.

Emperor Chengjia didn't just come here for the purpose of subordinates, he came to listen to Xie Zheng's thoughts on Luzhou.

The two chatted in the study for nearly an hour before Emperor Chengjia left.

After a short while, Xie Zheng’s courtyard received the order, and along with his co-worker Chen Zhenghao and Yuanwai Lang Zhang Huiqing went to Luzhou to repair the dam.

The four eunuchs and four court ladies who were rewarded by Funing Palace were accompanied by the will.

An Fu who happened to heal his wounds also came back.

Xie Zheng simply called him and An Rui to the front.

"You two are the ones left by the imperial grandmother. For the imperial grandmother's sake, I will take a high look at you." He leaned on the high chair, knocked on the coffee table casually, and spoke slowly.

An Fu and An Rui, who were kneeling down, listened respectfully.

"I don't need you to know how to operate, nor do you need any conspiracy and tricks. For me, loyalty is the first priority." Xie Zheng sneered, "Otherwise, as the prince, it would be easy for me to change my servant. "

An Fu and An Ruiqi fought a cold war.

"All the servants in the yard will be handed over to you in the future, and they must be well trained. Faithfulness and rules are essential. If you do anything wrong, you should be punished or punished, regardless of their origin."

An Rui followed Xie Zheng a little bit more courage these days, and bit the bullet and asked: "Sent from the emperor today..."

Xie Zheng hummed softly: "The delivery is the same everywhere. The subordinate is the subordinate. If you make a mistake, you will be punished. There is no need to take care of anyone's face."

An Rui and An Fu looked at each other and responded in unison.

After talking about the business, Xie Zheng then looked at Anfu: "I punished you, do you hold your grudge?"

An Fu squatted his head quickly: "If it weren't for the master's kindness, the slave is now afraid that he has been wrapped in straw mats and buried in a mass grave. How can he complain to the master." He sighed, "After all, the slave is negligent and is in charge of the master's yard. I never found out..."

Xie Zheng waved his hand: "You are still young and it is normal to make mistakes. You should learn your lesson in the future—"

"His Highness An!" There was a sudden movement outside.

"Where is my brother?" Xie Qi shouted loudly, "What are you doing to stop me?"

"His Royal Highness, please report to Rong Nu and maidservant--"

Xie Zheng stopped talking and waved to the two people on the ground: "Go and work, let Xie Yu come in."


After a while, the eight-year-old Xiaopang Dun Xie Yu rushed in.

"Brother!" Xie Mao gave a hasty salute and jumped to Xie Zheng, "Why haven't you been to Zhaochun Palace these days? I haven't eaten with you in a long time."

Xie Zheng said "um": "I'm busy these days."

"No matter how busy you are to eat." Xie Yu complained, "Could you be more busy than your father? Father has been to Zhaochun Palace several times."

Xie Zheng avoided talking, turned to the desk, picked up the brush, and casually asked: "What can I do?"

Xie Mao was annoyed and threw a fist at his back: "Can't I come to you if it's okay?"

Xie Zheng didn't look up: "If you are bored, come over and practice calligraphy."

"What are you still practicing!" Xie Yu Baba leaned to the desk, "Mother concubine said that you are going to go out of Beijing in two days, and you are very worried. Why don't you go and see?"

worry? Xie Zheng said slightly. Don’t worry about it early or late. After less than half an hour after the plan came down, you were worried immediately?

The pages in front of him are clean, and the pager is not sure if he is still reading.

Xie Zheng's thoughts were surging, and the impulse emerged spontaneously, and he wrote a line of words: [Who in the world does not love his son]

After waiting for a while, there was no response from the other side, Xie Wei still chattering around freely.

Xie Zheng was dumb. It's him who is stunned. Lifting the paper is about to crumple into a ball----

[Selfish people, some people love themselves more than children. 】

Xie Zheng was silent.

[What's up, buddy? Have a family conflict? Come, talk about it carefully, I will give you analysis for free today! 】The soul of raging gossip is overflowing on paper.

Xie Zheng's mood is suddenly relaxed: [Unexpectedly, Brother Peppa loves to chew his tongue like a woman]

Zhu Yuan, who was far away in Wu County, immediately became angry.

[Can't men like gossip? Pedantic! narrow! Boy, you are too young! If you live long enough, you can still see men wearing women's makeup and women! 】

Xie Zheng raised his eyebrows: [I have seen it] After thinking about it, I added, [I have seen a lot]

【what? 】

Xie Zheng scribbled two words: [Male Dan]

Zhu Yuan:...

She lost. Why did she forget the quintessence of Chinese opera?

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