Xie Zheng quickly came over and said helplessly, "What are you tossing about?"

Zhu Yuan covered her mouth with joy: "The flaming fruit you brought back." At first she thought it was a tomato, but it turned out to be a pepper.

"..." Xie Zheng looked at the plate of meat carefully, "Why isn't there?"

Zhu Yuan smiled.

Xie Zheng understands. Is this to make him unpredictable?

"Naughty." He pinched Zhuyuan's nose, and then asked, "Is this really edible?"

"Didn't you say that it is non-toxic?" Zhu Yuan pretended to be stupid. "Although the taste is choking, don't you think it is similar to cornel?"

Xie Zheng frowned: "I'm so choking, I'm afraid no one would dare to eat it. What if it's just a non-toxic, poisonous food?"

Zhu Yuan waved a big hand: "No, no, it's just a little bit choked, and there will be no poison, so you can put a hundred hearts on it!" I took a piece of myself and put it in my mouth--

"Princess!" Mother Xu and others exclaimed.

Xie Zheng also grabbed her arm immediately and curled her eyebrows and said, "Don't be capricious. If you really want to eat, let someone try it first."

Zhu Yuan was speechless: "The Communist Party is just that. I have to save the seeds and let people try. Where can I get my share?" He tried to wave his hand away, "It's okay, this is just the condiment, you can't die!"

"Yuanyuan!" Xie Zheng warned, turning his head and letting people remove the dishes.

Mother Xu, if she had received the imperial decree, rushed over to serve dishes——

"Don't move!" Zhu Yuan snapped his chopsticks and said angrily, "I want to eat something together? I'm going to eat chili today, no one says it will work!"

Mother Xu and the others won't touch them when they are in the kitchen, they can't touch them now...she's going to blow up.

Xie Zheng was a little stunned to see her playing such a trick for the first time.

Zhu Yuan has a tempered temper during this period...Is it possible that this is what Lao Liu said, pregnant women have a temperament?

With a sharp change in his mind, he softened: "After all, it is something from outside. You are not alone now, so you have to find someone to try it."

Zhu Yuan stared at him: "You said it's not poisonous!"

Xie Zheng hurriedly said, "I only said that the fruity fragrance is non-toxic, and it doesn't matter if you put it in the house."

Zhu Yuan was irritable: "Anyway, it's not poisonous. I'm more cherished than you. Would I still harm myself?"

"... Then find someone to try, let's wait and see?" Xie Zheng hurriedly coaxed her.

Zhu Yuan refused: "What should I do if the vegetables are cold?"

"It's just hot." Xie Zheng said indifferently, and then ordered the nervous An Fu, "Let me ask Lao Liu to come over, and I'm looking for someone who is bold enough to try the dishes."

"Yes!" An Fuli couldn't help but ran away.

Zhu Yuan sat angrily on the side.

Xie Zheng helplessly, glanced at the food on the table, and whispered to persuade her to use something else first, wishing Yuan had a good temper, and refused to move the chopsticks.

So and so, finally waited for Doctor Liu and An Fu, the latter also brought an old eunuch.

Zhu Yuan immediately left Xie Zheng and looked at them anxiously.

The old **** who tried the dishes held the bowl and bowed before him. After An Fu clamped the piece of meat, he immediately retreated to the door without using chopsticks, twisted the piece of meat and threw it in his mouth.

As soon as he swallowed, his face became a little weird.

Everyone looked at him nervously, and Doctor Liu directly held his pulse and listened carefully.

Zhu Yuan was not worried at all, and told Bailu: "Hurry up and pour a cup of herbal tea for the elderly, and make it cool."


The old eunuch's face had already begun to flush, and even fine sweat appeared on his forehead.

But the action is unobstructed.

He took the tea with sincerity and fear, murmured thanks, touched the cup, raised his head and poured it down.

Everyone is staring at him.

Zhu Yuan smiled and asked, "Old man, is this meat interesting?"

The old **** was a little cautious, wanted to speak but didn't dare to speak.

Mother Xu hurriedly whispered: "Doctor Liu is here too, so you can rest assured that now the princess asks you something, don't neglect."

The old **** wiped his forehead and said nervously: "Back to the princess, the taste is not bad, it is a bit choking, but it is more fragrant than pepper and cornel."

Zhu Yuan immediately looked at Xie Zheng triumphantly: "I hear it, it's more fragrant than pepper and cornel!"

Xie Zheng: "...Wait."

Zhu Yuan was angry, and simply turned to talk to the old eunuch: "Old man, are you worthy this year?"

The old **** immediately stood up and said: "Back to the princess, the old slave is sixty one this year."

In other words, at fifty-nine, would you follow Xie Zheng out of the palace?

Zhu Yuan was a little curious, and asked, "Where are you working as a errand?" Is there any special strength?

With the cruel slavery system at this time, most of them have been thrown aside at this age, right? But the old **** in front of him, even though he was called to try the poison, was dressed clean and decent, even his nails were neatly trimmed.

So she asked.

Hearing these words, the old eunuch, who had been nervous, showed a smile on his face: "Hui Niangniang, the old slave is too old to be a bad servant. Now he is only responsible for teaching the children who have entered the palace."

Zhu Yuan smiled: "This is also a errand. You have enough experience to teach the children, which is very good."

The old **** carefully glanced at Xie Zheng, and said: "With the pity of the prince, the old slave will be able to grow older and can teach newcomers in the palace."

Zhu Yuan comforted him: "How can you be regarded as pity for the prince if you teach newcomers by your ability? You earned it yourself. Are you right?" She asked Xie Zheng in the last sentence.

The latter nodded: "Of course." He nodded to the old **** again, "Thanks for your hard work today, if... this king will definitely arrange the funeral for you."

"No hard work, no hard work, the old slave is at this age. If the prince can remember, the old slave has not forgotten to bring the old slave out of the palace. The old slave is fortunate for Sansheng." The old **** red eyes, "This year Mostly in the palace, the old slaves have a good life, no less than the rich and noble master, if it is not the prince, if it is not the prince..."

"Okay, okay." An Fu quickly interrupted him in a low voice, "Don't be discouraged in front of the master."

"Eh." The old **** hurriedly raised his hand and wiped his eyes.

Zhu Yuan smiled and said, "It won't be a problem, the old man praises our prince's kindness, how can we blame it."

Xie Zheng looked at her softly.

The old **** even smiled so that the pleats came out: "It is exactly. So, I heard that the prince is looking for a taster, and the old slave came first. The old slave is this old, if he can help you and the prince Leading the way, even if you go—"

"Bah, baah," Zhu Yuan interrupted him, "Don't say such bad words, you see, Doctor Liu feels okay."

Everyone heard the reputation.

Doctor Liu didn't panic at all, he even stroked his long beard, and asked: "Wang Hao, can you let the old man taste the smell of red fruit?"

Zhu Yuan: "..." Eat again?

Her meat! !

Xie Zheng was anxious, and immediately asked Dr. Liu to have a piece of meat.

Doctor Liu took a few steps back and tasted it carefully.

Everyone, even the old **** who had just tried the dishes stared at him.

Doctor Liu swallowed the food, hissed, half-covered his mouth and asked Gu Yu: "Can the girl give the old man a cup of herbal tea?" He remembered that Zhuyuan had just given the old **** a cup.

Gu Yu hurriedly delivered.

Doctor Liu drank the tea, took a moment to relax, and said, "This flaming fruit should be just as the princess said, it should be just a condiment, and it should be non-toxic. However, from the point of view of the taste, the flaming fruit should be hot in nature, and it is rare. food."

"Look at it, I said it's okay!" Zhu Yuan was so excited, she immediately ordered Mother Xu, "Hurry up, let someone turn this plate of meat over, I'm hungry." Other dishes are all. Has been taken back to heat up.

Xie Zheng helplessly, and asked again: "The princess is pregnant now, can she eat it too?"

Doctor Liu smiled: "It's okay to have a few bites."

Zhu Yuan:...

Good guy, Lao Liu's sentence was directly translated by Xie Zheng—only two bites.

Ren Zhuyuan rolled around and couldn't eat the third bite.

Poor Zhuyuan just tasted a little spicy...

She was upset, and Xie Zheng naturally received a lot of hard work.

Needless to say, they turned around and Zhu Yuan asked the chili seeds to be taken out to the back yard, so they were carefully served, and they were planted in the greenhouse-she wants to see this fall. A large slice of chili!

Of course, Zhu Yuan was so concerned about the flaming red fruit, Xie Zheng had to run back to the Ministry of Gifts, and asked the few foreigners who paid tribute to ask for detailed planting conditions, and Baba sent it back to her to make her happy.


After the Lantern Festival, Zhu Yuan was pregnant for three months.

Xie Zheng immediately entered the palace to confess good to Emperor Chengjia.

"What does it matter to me that your daughter-in-law is pregnant?!" Emperor Chengjia glared at him, "I already have several grandchildren and granddaughters under my knees, not bad for you!"

With a serious face, Xie Zheng said indifferently: "Father, the emperor, was quite concerned about his son's heirs before, and his son is here to calm your heart."

Last time, Emperor Chengjia directly stated that if he had an heir, he would pass on the throne to him.

Emperor Chengjia disdain: "I haven't seen the child's shadow, so you are embarrassed to come and ask? What if it's a daughter?"

Xie Zheng is extremely innocent: "Rebirth is enough. Father, your health is very good. Wait a few years to make it."

Emperor Chengjia almost died of anger. He kicked down the dragon steps and kicked his feet: "Go, don't pretend to be infatuated or infatuated with me here, I don't want to eat you, let me go!"

... The old man is angry, he has to follow it.

Xie Zheng strayed away from the imperial study room and turned to Zhaochun Palace.

"...Isn't this something that you have known for a long time?" Concubine Shu was very impatient, "How long has it been since then, how can I run to say again?"

Xie Zheng was dumb. This seems to be true, but after three months, don’t you have to announce it? Except for his parents and Qin's mansion, he can go to few places.

Concubine Shu was impatient to see him in a daze: "It's okay, I know about it, and I will send Yuanyuan some tonics in turn..." After she waved her hand, "I'm busy sorting out the manuscripts. I have no time to pay attention to you, go find Yu'er to play~"

Thanks. Dad doesn’t love his mother or his mother. Zheng:...

Ran to the prince’s court and caught Xie Liu to the martial arts field for a long time. Xie Zheng was more comfortable.

That night, he told Zhu Yuan these things like a complaint, making Zhu Yuan laugh.

"Oh!" She laughed so much that tears were about to come out, "Your parents did not say wrong about you~ Aren't you going to the palace to make trouble?"

Xie Zheng's expression was a little gloomy, and he laughed at himself a little bit: "I just didn't expect that for so many years, I still don't have a good face..."

Zhu Yuan smiled: "Huh?"

Xie Zheng looked at her, stroked her long hair behind her back, and said, "It's just that you and the child are not being treated for you..."

Zhu Yuan blinked and raised her hand to his forehead: "I don't have a fever, why are you stupid?"

Xie Zheng:...

Grabbing her catkin, he was a little helpless: "What are you talking about?"

Zhu Yuan tilted her head to look at him: "Do you think that today's son, father, mother and concubine don't take you seriously?"

Xie Zheng shook his head: "I don't care, I'm just worried about you and the child--"

Zhu Yuan squeezed his cheeks with both hands and tugged out: "You fool, father and mother love you, so they will treat you naturally. It is impossible that you want them to be polite to you. Apart from talking about important court affairs, Relatives and friends are paying gifts, nothing else?"

Xie Zheng made her shameless, and only vaguely said: "I have never heard of father and son getting along like this."

"Who told you? Ordinary people are like this." Zhu Yuan let go of his face, held his face, and said seriously, "Ordinary people's father and son, mother and son, even brothers and sisters, are all noisy. Noisy. , Stands for relaxation, closeness, and good feelings. Xie Zheng, don't worry, your father and your mother love you."

"...Really?" Xie Zheng was a little startled.

"Of course." Zhu Yuan smiled, leaned in and gnawed on his thin lips, "and me."

She loves him too.

Xie Zheng hugged her waist, his eyes darkened.

Zhu Yuan wrapped his neck around his neck and said with a smile: "Don't mess around, I still have a thank you dog in my stomach!"

Xie Gougou, what is it—oh no, it’s not a thing—it’s not right, it’s a thing—Bah!

Xie Zheng helped his head: "Why can't my son be an individual?"

"Gougdan doll, how suitable it is to call Gougou." Zhu Yuan laughed.

Xie Zheng: ...No, he is in good health, it has nothing to do with this!

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