Su Wang Mansion, the front yard study.

Mr. Wu, a staff member, held the note and studied it carefully. Others also whispered and whispered.

Xie Zheng's knuckles tapped the table lightly, frowning in thought.

After a long while, Mr. Wu raised his head and said: "The prince, the old man, has a bold idea."

Xie Zheng returned to his senses, stretched out his hand, and made a request: "Sir, please speak."

"The grandfather of King Ning, the father of Concubine Xian, is the Governor of Qiu who is stationed on the border of Xining. In recent years, the cement roads of the Qin family have spread all over the river, especially the hubs leading to Xining and northern Xinjiang. Not to mention Northern Xinjiang, from Xining to Beijing, it takes as fast as ten days and as slow as fifteen days, you can..."

Soldiers approached the city.

Everyone was awe-inspiring.

Xie Zheng also sat up straight.

"Dare he?" Some of his staff stood up and did not dare to say anything. "Although King Ning has a quick temper, he won't commit such crimes of ransacking the family, coughing, and destiny?" After all, it is the prince who ransacked the family. Not to...

Mr. Wu smiled: "This is just an old bold guess. When we do things, don't we always have to prepare for the worst?"

"No." Xie Zheng said, "This king thought, this guess..." He glanced around, "There is a very high possibility."


Even the words Mr. Wu were at a loss.

Xie Zheng asked, "Do you remember the commander Qiu Yuecheng Qiu of the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses a few years ago?"

Naturally remember.

The dignified commander immediately died on Xiaoer's body. This gossip is also a big scandal in the capital city where everything is not strange, and it has been talked about for a long time.

The Qiu family finally moved out of the capital.

However, Su Wang suddenly mentioned this person, what was his intention?

Mr. Wu asked, "Although this person has bad conduct, he is a cronies of the emperor -"

"No." Xie Zheng knocked on the table, "This Master Qiu is the second child."

The commander of the five cities is the emperor’s cronies on the face, but the prince’s party in private?

Some staff were shocked and said: "If so, then this one..."

Everyone looked at each other.

Xie Zheng pondered for a moment, and said: "This is the worst possible. But we must take the worst possible to make a perfect solution."

"Yes!" Everyone shook their hands.

Mr. Wu thought for a while and stood up again: "This matter can be big or small, we must not touch it."

Xie Zheng nodded: "This king knows that if there is any trouble, this king will personally report to his father."

Mr. Wu just relaxed a little now.

Xie Zheng then ordered: "Find someone to touch the current commander of the Five Cities soldiers and horses."


"Just in case, check the commander Tian of Fengtuo camp again."


"Send someone to Xining and keep an eye on what's going on there."



Finally, Xie Zheng knocked on the table and said in a deep voice, "Several villagers have prepared some food and cloth."

Everyone understood the stakes and nodded immediately: "Yes."


Spring is bright and beautiful in March, and the grass grows with warblers flying.

It's a pity that Zhu Yuan still doesn't leave the house.

She wanted to make trouble, but Xie Zheng threw a huge thunder directly, shocking her to be stupid on the spot-after passing through, not only did she become a member of the royal family, she might even witness a major rebellion?

What's more, if this rebellion succeeds, will she and Xie Zheng, and everyone behind them, all end badly?

Zhu Yuan was very nervous and asked, "If they really call, let's not run?"

Xie Zheng patted her head: "Don't worry, it won't." He said, he left in a hurry.

He said no, but from the day of the fight, he started to leave early and return late. During the day, I was in the Ministry of Etiquette, and when I returned, I stayed in the study to discuss matters with my staff.

It happened that Zhu Yuan started to sleep during pregnancy, and went to bed every day when it was dark, and didn't get up until the sun was high.

If it weren't for obvious marks on the mattress and pillows beside her, and Xie Zheng's clothes and ornaments were all here, she would really wonder if this guy had come back to rest.

Even Xie Zheng, who has always been calm, is waiting so hard, presumably the possibility is really great.

Moreover, she was in charge of the household expenses, and suddenly a lot of rice and vegetables were spent in the house, but no one was seen. She was taken aback, and hurried to ask Xie Zheng—of course, Xie Zheng was in the Ministry of Rites, and she asked in writing.

Xie Zheng did not hide it, only told her that some of the guards who had been scattered had been pulled back to the palace. She was in the palace. He was worried and had to be guarded.

Zhu Yuan pressed the post in his heart, and said strangely: [Why don't you tell me about it]

Xie Zheng helpless: [I'm going back, you are already asleep]

……It really is. Zhu Yuan scratching her cheeks: [Well, my fault]

[No, Xie Gougou’s fault]

Zhu Yuan smiled: [You have changed, you are no longer the original Xie Goudan]

[Well, it’s the princess who adjusted the jiao properly]

Zhu Yuan:...

Secretly gave him a sip, and stopped talking.

Thanks to Zhu Yuan's interruption, Xie Zheng's mood became more relaxed, destroying the paper and continuing to be busy.

Xie Goudan was exhausted outside, and Zhu Yuan could not stand by. She cheered up and began to do logistics work seriously.

First, Xie Zheng and a group of staff arranged delicious food. Not to mention lunch and dinner, the meat and vegetables are complete, and the collocation is rich. In the afternoon and evening, people can prepare snacks and snacks...

The food of the guards is not fooled at all, there is meat every meal, and rice is enough.

Simply Zhu Yuan had the habit of hoarding food, so there is no need to panic. In addition, the meat and vegetables are delivered fresh every day, and the baskets are covered with a lid. No one knows that there are many more every day.

In this way, she also asked the large kitchen to make a lot of bacon and pickles, and people went to buy some rice noodles, salt and oil without a trace.

She didn't know how King Ning would plan things, but TV and history told her that all rebellions have always been turbulent. If she is lucky enough to survive, it is estimated that the capital will be martial law for a long time, and she must be prepared.

Not only did she prepare it herself, she also asked Zhang Jingshu to prepare some in the mansion—the treason was just a guess, and she naturally didn't dare to say it clearly, and only raised a few words.

But who is Zhang Jingshu? These few words are enough for her to stand ready. When she goes back, she closes the door and discusses with Zhu Xiuqi, Zhu Lao Madam and others. After that, she began to hoard items without a trace.

Even in turn, he also mentioned Zhuyuan, hoarding more sauces, seasonings, cloth, cotton, etc.

Zhu Yuan immediately followed.

She is so busy here that she can't hide Xie Zheng.

Mr. Wu and others also stroked their long beards to praise Zhuyuan for his vision and courage.

Needless to say, the busy days always go by quickly.

Soon, it came to August in the seventeenth year of Chengjia.

Zhu Yuan's belly is already big.

Doctor Liu estimated that the birth date would be around Mid-Autumn Festival, and it would be a few days away.

Xie Zheng, who had to go to the palace to attend the banquet during the Mid-Autumn Festival, was worried. Not to mention that Zhuyuan was waiting for delivery during those few days, but the second child, this guy seems to have suddenly quieted down recently.

But there is no news from the west side, it shouldn't start so soon...

After receiving the changeable note at the beginning of the year, more than half a year has passed since the beginning. The second child has moved frequently from the beginning to now is as quiet as a chicken, as if he has been persuaded-but is he someone who can be persuaded? ?

However, if Xie Yu didn't toss or be a demon, he could be relaxed. After relieving from busyness, he resumed the habit of going back to the main courtyard to eat at night.

When I have time, I will accompany Zhu Yuan to stroll around the garden.

Every day when I have a meal, I will start "XX medical technique...", and then Balabala will get rid of it, making Zhu Yuan annoying.

Of course, she did not forget to set up her delivery room early.

Cleanliness is the number one priority. The four walls of the house are covered with lime, and the floor is covered with floor tiles to ensure that there is no trace of dust in the house. All the utensils and bedding have been boiled and disinfected with boiling water, and the maids who were to be served during the childbirth, and even Doctor Liu, were all instilled in her hygiene concepts and disinfection habits.

Soon, it came to the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Of course Zhu Yuan could not enter the palace, and Xie Zheng did not want to enter.

Zhu Yuan persuaded him: "You just go to eat a meal, how long is the energy consumption? Is it possible that you think that giving birth is an order, and you will come out after a meal?" How can it be so fast?

Xie Zheng frowned: "If you enter the delivery room, who will be in charge of the house? In case you get something out of it-bah bah bah." He squeezed his nose, "or else, I'll take leave from my father."

"What are you going to tell me, I haven't even started the pain, why are you worried?"

Xie Zheng looked at Mother Xu.

The latter smiled and blessed his body: "The prince can rest assured to go, there are Fu father-in-law, there are slaves and maidservants in the house, and Dr. Liu is also in front at any time, nothing will happen."

An Fu who stayed behind also smiled and patted his chest: "Master, don't worry, if the princess loses a hair, the servant who comes back will chop off his head and give you a stool!"

"Have you heard? What is there to worry about." Zhu Yuan pushed him, "Go quickly."

Xie Zheng:...

He was worried about whether Xie Yu would make any moths. He and his staff speculated that the timing of the Mid-Autumn Festival Night Banquet was really good, and he was fully prepared for it.

May Zhuyuan...

He is bound to enter the palace this time, otherwise, if it happens, his family of three will surely die.

It is absolutely impossible to bring Zhuyuan.

Today's Zhuyuan, only staying in the house is the most stable.

Thoughts can't fly in a flash. After Xie Zheng made up his mind, he looked at Zhu Yuan deeply: "I will leave Anfu to you, plus the mansion guards, it should be safe and sound."

Zhu Yuan paused and stared at him: "...what do you mean?"

Xie Zheng avoided talking, squeezed her tenderness, and said solemnly: "Wait for me to come back." After finishing speaking, he turned his head and left without waiting for her to answer.

Zhu Yuan:...

Brother, what do you mean! She is timid and can't stand the scare

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