Back to Ancient Times to Make Pen Pals

Chapter 180: End the Hereafter

"...Xinshi News Agency reported that recently, the construction team of the Liyu Metro Line 6 project dug up a large ancient burial tomb during the construction of the Fengtuo section. According to investigations, this tomb dates back to the Dayan period and is just a cemetery. The host is still studying. For this, we also interviewed—"

The light and shadow went dark, and the three-dimensional projection news hanging in the air stopped abruptly.

"Hey!" The round-faced man in a white coat sitting in front of the stage jumped up, "Why are you turning off my screen?"

Another middle-aged man in a white coat pushed his glasses and said, "It's time to work."

"Tsk." The round-faced man regretted, "Next is the interview with me, and I won't let me finish it."

The man with glasses pressed the palm of his hand on the stage, and the table was separated, revealing a black glass-like interface: "When you are finished, you just watch it hundreds of times a day, and no one cares about you." He poked a few times, and the interface lit up-- It was an operation panel.

The round-faced man sighed, "This time the cemetery was buried so deep, it is estimated that it was experiencing crustal movement at that time. Otherwise, such a large cemetery would really not survive today... So many studies have been repaired. Busy till the year of the monkey."

"Aren't you always interested in Dayan's history? This opportunity doesn't suit you." The glasses man didn't care."

The round-faced man followed and opened the control interface next to it: "I am interested in history, not work!"

The glasses man gave him a white look: "Pretend you, you are the most active when you return to work overtime. Quickly find out the owner of the tomb, others are still waiting for the result."

"Hehehe." The round-faced man was a little embarrassed. He turned away from the chair and said to the back of his body, "Xiaogu, is the panoramic restoration done?" Xiaogu is the code name of the archaeological brain in their laboratory.

With a beep, the ice-cold mechanical audio sounded: "Panorama restoration has been completed. Do you need to transmit?"


Before the voice fell, a three-dimensional projection screen appeared again in mid-air.

Unlike just the news broadcast screen, this time the screen is a graveyard with darker light and shadow.

The two went to work in an instant.

"The front hall, the nave, the side hall, and the back hall are all available, just like what we saw on the spot. The nave has the throne of the emperor, the five colored glaze offerings, and the ever-bright lamp. It's not wrong, it's the tomb of the emperor."

"The side hall is empty." The round-faced man looked solemn, "Xiaogu, please confirm whether there are traces of tomb robbery on the scene."

The mechanical sound sounded again: "Xiaogu has confirmed that the cemetery is intact and there are no artificial traces."

"Either the burial system has been cancelled at this time, or the emperor did not let his concubine be buried with him." The spectacle man guessed.

"There is another possibility. The owner of this tomb has no concubines."

The glasses man's eyes lit up: "You mean..."

The round-faced man nodded: "I remember that Dayan Dynasty, Emperor Jingming, and his sons had only queens and no concubines." He looked at the spectacle man, "And Zhao Rui's cemetery was dug out in the last century. "

The man with glasses was a little excited: "So, this cemetery, might it belong to Emperor Jingming?"

"I look like it." The round-faced man slid on the control panel a few times, and the projection in mid-air slowly turned its angle and direction. "Let's look at the apse master's tomb chamber, first determine the tomb owner."

In addition to the coffin, the main tomb usually has funeral objects.

The funerary items are either the most precious and best things in the present time, or the beloved things before the Lord’s life. No matter which one, there is always a glimpse of the elegance of the times.

The projection angle moved to the apse coffin.

The round-faced man walked around the coffin F and frowned, "There is only one coffin F?" The emperor and the queen were buried together. Shouldn't it be two? He suddenly thought of a possibility—is it really a joint burial, buried in a coffin?

Before he could ask, the spectacle man pushed his spectacles and wondered: "How can the funeral be kept in a stone box?"

"Huh?" The round-faced man looked intently, "Really."

The two looked at each other. The round-faced man groaned for a moment, pointed to the front of the coffin, and said: "Let's take a look at the things here first." In this position, it is customary to place gold treasures and gold books.

"It's too long. Maybe it's weathered." The glasses man sighed.

The round-faced man said optimistically: "Dayan technology is the starting point of our country's science and technology. Maybe the craftsmen at that time can invent good things that are anti-corrosive and anti-weathering."


"Xiaogu, bring the box number 118 here." The round-faced man ordered, and at the same time he got up and walked to the wall. All the things in the tomb have been compiled, and you need to check what is called the number directly.

The glasses man kept up at the same time.

"Received, start transmitting the object at position 118." The mechanical sound rang.

There was a slight noise.

The two people standing by the wall have already begun to put on anti-bacterial clothing, hoods and gloves.

After being fully armed, a hole was opened on the left wall, and a stone box covered by an oxygen-free glass was brought over by a conveyor belt.

This is what they just said, guessing that there will be a funerary box with Jinbao and Jinbao.

With the development of science and technology, the excavation of ancient tombs no longer requires manual intervention, and is fully machined and intelligent.

Once a historical cemetery is excavated, various chemical reactions will occur when the contents are exposed to oxygen, and many things will become corrupted and weathered.

Technology can improve this process.

The cemetery with only a few holes can be put into mechanical equipment, and everything will be put away by the non-oxidizing equipment at the first time and transported to the archaeological laboratory for protective research and development.

Just as they are doing now.

After the two confirmed that they were properly equipped, they walked quickly to the stone box.

"Xiaogu, start." The round-faced man's voice was a little dull through the hood.

"Turn on a non-oxidizing environment and turn on a separate oxygen supply."

The glass curtain enveloped them, and their hoods began to transport oxygen.

With a soft "Wh", the stone box cover opened.

The two walked forward and carefully uncovered the lids of the stone boxes—the shape, patterns, carvings, and even weight and material of these stone boxes have been recorded on file. They had already read the information and naturally knew how to open them.

In a non-oxidizing environment, the things in the stone box are as bright as new even after the previous year.

The two asked Xiao Gu to record and scan the information inside, and then carefully took out the scroll inside.

There are three scrolls.

The two of them scanned the scroll first.

"It was waxed, no wonder it was preserved so well." The round-faced man was speechless.

He picked up a portion carefully and unfolded it slowly.

In the next instant, he was trembling with excitement.

"Yes, it's the golden book of Emperor Jingming!!! My God!! Lao Tzu was able to dig up the tomb of Emperor Jingming!!" The tomb that many people couldn't find was buried deep under their feet.

The man with glasses unfolded the second one, concentrating, and said: "This is Queen Jinghui's golden treasure." Queen Jinghui's original name was Zhu Mingyuan, and was given the posthumous title "Jinghui" only after her death.

The round-faced man still stroked the golden book excitedly: "Ahhhh, my idol Jingmingdi!!! I actually dug up my idol's tomb——"

"Let's take a look at this!" The man who opened the third glasses stared at him and hurriedly called him.

"Huh?" The round-faced man hurriedly let go of his hand, and moved over unwillingly, "What is this—the edict of Emperor Jingming?!"

On the bright yellow silk book that has not faded, the black ink characters seem to have just been written.

【Thirty-four years of my reign, I have worked hard to govern, be rich and indifferent, open up the people's wisdom, encourage people's strength, strengthen the country, science and technology, all people out of poverty, Taoism prosperity and prosperity is not an exaggeration.

Queen Jinghui has now passed away from illness, so I should also leave.

My eldest son, Hong Ye, is smart, self-disciplined, talented and able to use it well. I am a general and talented person, both civil and military, with determination, stability, and loyalty.

With these kinds of things, Dayan's prosperity is bound to continue.

I will give you the burden of Dayan.

——Jingming 34th November 3rd]

The vigorous pen, ink, iron, silver hook and excellent calligraphy, but after the words "Queen Hui", he began to tremble until it was signed.

As if to be able to see the emperor, endure the grief, tremblingly write this edict.

After a long while, the man in glasses sighed: "Queen Jinghui died on November 3, 34th year of Jingming."

The round-faced man's eyes widened, and he dared not say anything: "It's November 5th for Emperor Jingming!"

Two days after Queen Jinghui died, Emperor Jingming died with him?

It can't be this coincidence!

Therefore, history has never been able to explain the cause of the death of an emperor through the ages... unexpectedly, is it because of his death?

Looking at this edict again, both of them are a little startled.

"Forget it, I'll talk about it later, let's look at other things."

The two cleared up their moods and continued to work on.

After collecting these volumes, the two sealed them again and proceeded to the next box.

The next stone box was filled with a cement brick.

The two of them were a little surprised.

"There are scrolls."

The round-faced man quickly unfolded it.

It is still the handwriting of Emperor Jingming——

[The research and development led by Queen Jinghui: Cement]

Round-faced man:...

Next box: [Research and development led by Queen Jinghui: Rubber]

It comes with a small piece of rubber in a vacuum glass jar.

Next box: [Research and development led by Queen Jinghui: Steel]

It comes with a small piece of steel in a vacuum glass jar.

Next box: [Policy for the benefit of the people as pointed out by Queen Jinghui: sharing a lot of money]

It is accompanied by Emperor Jingming's handwriting about the things before and after the tax reform, and the benefits after the reform.

Next box: [Book written by Queen Jinghui under the pseudonym "Mr. Peggy"]

It comes with a few books in a vacuum glass jar.


All the funerals were the deeds of Emperor Jingming and Empress Jinghui. Especially for the latter, Emperor Jingming actually wrote all by himself, as if he was afraid that the world would not remember it, and as if to show it to the world.

Except for the last box.

They are all sealed manuscripts, with strong and vigorous ink characters and beautiful and sparse lower letters.

The two guessed that the latter should be the handwritten manuscript of Queen Jinghui.

There is also a scroll inside.

It is still the handwritten script of Emperor Jingming: [Talking on the pen, feeling in the paper. I met the young Wei Mo with Queen Jinghui and spent more than half a lifetime together. Jing Hui Yu Zhen...]

The rest of the content was not written, only a drop of ink stains in the blank space.

The round-faced man stroked the last drop of ink through his gloves and sighed.

"Talking on the pen, but feeling on the paper." The man in glasses also looked a little complicated, "It makes me want to have a girlfriend..."

The round-faced man returned to his senses and sneered: "Come on, where is anyone writing now..."

"...That's also true. Is it possible that we have to change to online conversations, with the brains in mind?"

"Puff, are you stupid playing online games? Still knowing your mind!"


The silk book, brightly colored as new, was steadily spread on the stage, as if waiting quietly-waiting for the present, waiting for a visit.

The story of a thousand years ago will eventually be circulated.


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