Starting from the day of the fight, Zhu Yuan began to remind every day, morning, afternoon, and evening, turning over those few words, the degree of verbosity was comparable to that of the forgetful old lady.

On the day before the exam, she even wished to say it hundreds of times. From morning to night, she wrote "Remember to go out tomorrow", "Don't forget to not touch the pen tomorrow", "Don't even touch the book." what"……

Xie Zheng was so disturbed that he wanted to rush to Luzhou to hold him back and beat him up, even punching a few more sets.

That’s right, because Peppa said all day that it’s useless as a scholar, that a man can’t carry a hundred or eighty catties is a dish, and a man can’t do a hundred and eighty push-ups is a weak chicken-in order to explain push-ups, Peppa even drew The line man made a diagram for him.

Hearing these words too much, he began to doubt his aesthetics, and then began to examine his body.

Well, it seems really too thin.

As a result, he began to consciously increase his morning exercise time, changing from only riding and shooting to riding, running, push-ups, and also practicing martial arts.

As a prince, he would naturally not toss about martial arts by himself. If nothing else, the team leader Zhao and Zhao Kuan who went to Luzhou with him last time were still serving in the palace, and they lived together for several months together. It's no problem to ask him for advice.

Don't even think that Zhao Kuan is just a famous guard. His rank 4 guard with a sword is still played by himself. He has a bright future and has a good relationship with him. It is beneficial and harmless...

In short, Xie Zheng has never been so eagerly awaiting the arrival of the child birth test in his two lifetimes.

On the day of the exam, Xie Zheng got up early in the morning. As usual, he swept his eyes and threw the unfinished books in the room. Seeing that they were clean, he remembered that today is the day and he was relieved.

Without the lingering chatter, he happily practiced riding, shooting, fisting, and doing a hundred push-ups, and then ran a circle around the yard to relax.

Not only did he run by himself, An Fu Anrui waited for the eunuchs who followed him, and they all had to run together.

It's just a bunch of hula la la when running, it's very lively.

On the first day of the run, it was noisy, and the second child, Xie Yu, came to ask what was going on in the name of concern.

Xie Zheng replied: "Being idle and boring, keep fit."

Xie Yu:? ? ?

The remaining princes:? ? ?

Naturally, Xie Zheng wouldn't explain much. Seeing that he didn't speak any more, the others were younger brothers, and he didn't dare to ask, he turned around and ran away.

An Fu and the other eunuchs hurriedly saluted the princes, and immediately followed them, and a large dust of dust ran out.

The princes and eunuchs who stood in place and ate ashes:...

Everyone was naturally unwilling to ask anything.

In addition, Xie Zheng had just returned from Luzhou. Although there was no reward, Emperor Chengjia allowed him to go out of the palace to open a shop and gave him a thousand taels of silver... Seeing that the low-key three princes seemed to be about to get up. Naturally more.

No, there are many strange court ladies and eunuchs outside his courtyard. They probe their heads every day, wishing to take a look at his courtyard wall to see clearly.

Xie Zheng didn't care at all, and even hoped to make something, so that he could kill these people's crooked minds.

Unfortunately, there is no room for him to play.

I don’t know if it was a few months ago. An Fu Anrui was very concerned about this. Not only did he use the people sent by Emperor Chengjia smoothly, he also blocked the water in the yard, and no important news was revealed.

For example, the fact that he burns paper in the house every day, probably no one knows except for Emperor Chengjia-his mother and concubine haven't come to look for anything yet, so it can be seen that it hasn't spread out yet.

Pulled away.

Although it has entered autumn, the sky has not yet cooled down. After practicing all the projects, Xie Zheng was already sweating.

After taking a hot bath comfortably and changing into clean clothes, he led An Rui out of the palace.

Naturally, the shop does not need him to find it himself.

On the day that Emperor Chengjia responded, he thought about the location and size of the bookstore, and ordered An Rui to find it on this condition.

Who is An Rui? It will be frightening in the future—cough cough, smiling tiger, these trivial matters were handed over to him, and within five days, he found a few qualified places.

Xie Zheng went out today to see two of them. If he was satisfied, he decided to buy it.

Well, anyway, since he should not interrupt Zhu Tingzhou's exam, he will not break his promise.

Xie Zheng first went to the place he was most satisfied with. This was not a house, with more than 20 courtyards. These courtyards are located at the junction of the east and west urban areas, and the downtown area is separated by a street from the east and west. They are quiet and not remote, and are suitable for bookstores.

It's just that the yards of these few households are small, and when they are combined, they can meet people.

If you want to buy it, you have to demolish these houses and build a new one according to your own ideas.

But it needs to be changed elsewhere...

Xie Zheng rode his horse around for a while, and felt that it was really good. He didn't even bother to run again, so he decided to ask for it.

Then it was handed over to An Rui.

Xie Zheng took people to the lively East Street, found a pleasing restaurant, went in for a meal, and waited for An Rui to finish processing and come over to join him.

It's just the meal, the noise everywhere in the restaurant, it sets off the quiet and leisure in the wing.

After eating, Xie Zheng took the tea cup and sipped slowly.

It’s always rare to calm down. When I can be quiet, I can meet Peppa on the paper. Now it is a rare quiet time.

He began to ponder about Page.

Last time with Peppa-no, after chatting with Zhu Tingzhou, he still appreciated Zhu Tingzhou.

Although this guy is a little jumpy inside, he actually has strange ideas in his belly, and has rules for doing things, and there are many practical points in his speech. Although his knowledge is still a bit shallow, he is better than he is still young. Given time, he will definitely shine. If it is good Cultivation will also be a talent in the future.

It stands to reason that he has such a talent at this age, and he will not be unknown in his previous life.

Xie Zheng carefully recalled the official surnamed Zhu in the court. A few years later, there was an official surnamed Zhu in the Ritual Ministry. It seemed that there was nothing else worthy of attention, let alone Zhu Tingzhou...

Xie Zheng thought. Is that ritual doctor called Jinlai? Wish... Zhu Xiuyuan or Xiuda? I don't remember clearly.

The father of Zhu Tingzhou, the magistrate of Wuxian County, was called Zhu Xiuqi.

Zhu Tingzhou also said that they had moved to Beijing to settle down in the grandfather's generation, and Zhu Moumou, who will be promoted to a doctor in the future, must be their home.

And Zhu Xiu is not well known, has been an expatriate?

Zhu Tingzhou had never heard that the road to imperial examination was not smooth?

Isn't this time the child birth test...

"Master." An Rui whispered, as if afraid to scare him.

Xie Zheng returned to his mind: "How?"

"It's done." An Rui held several pieces of tissue paper in both hands and reported in a low voice, "The house is now in your name. Here is the deed paper, and the craftsman has drawn several houses together. Layout, you have a look."

"You have seen that there is no problem." Xie Zheng motioned to him to put on the table and asked, "They only need money? No other requirements?"

Buying and selling is called buying and selling if you love me. It is not beautiful to buy and sell strongly. At the time when the time was immature, he was a good boy with a glorious outlook.

An Rui pouted: "Dare they?"

Xie Zheng glanced at him neither seriously nor seriously: "Yes or not?"

An Rui was excited and hurriedly said: "No, there is no more. These yards are neither street-oriented, but small and dilapidated. The price we gave is enough for them to buy a better set in other neighborhoods, and they get it. Money is too happy to find North, there are other requirements!"

Nothing is fine. Xie Zheng retracted his gaze: "Did the craftsman find it?"

"If you find it, just wait for your master's instructions." As long as he gives an order, the yard can start construction. "However, master, this courtyard is turned into a bookstore... I always feel awkward."

Xie Zheng waved his hand: "I know it in my heart."


Seeing Xie Zheng picking up the tissue paper on the table, An Fu started to turn it slowly, hissed at An Rui, and snorted outside—at this point, An Rui hadn't eaten yet.

An Rui would like to meet, smiled and nodded, silently bowed to Xie Zheng, and walked away quietly.

After Xie Zheng turned over the deed paper, he spread out the drawings of the large courtyard house and began to ponder the renovation of the bookstore.

It turned out that the drawings he looked at were the layout of the courtyards of each household. This time, An Fu directly led the craftsman to measure, remove the messy house walls, and directly combine several drawings into one.

It's natural to see it in this way.

After reading the corners of the directions, Xie Zheng had some thoughts, and said without looking up: "Anfu, prepare the pen--" The voice stopped abruptly.

Hearing the call to walk quickly, An Fu bowed: "Master?"

Xie Zheng looked at the blueprint with determination. After a long while, he asked: "What time is it now?"

An Fu looked out of his eyes, guessed it, and said, "Returning to the master, it should be the end of the day."

At the end of the time... the knuckles with distinct knuckles knocked on the table, and Xie Zheng, with a deep face, carefully recalled the time of the Xia Tong Shengsheng test, and made sure that he had remembered correctly, and immediately sneered.

be cheated.


Zhu Yuan, who was far away in Luzhou, couldn't take care of him.

The trial calculation of children was the beginning of the imperial examination. It was the first time Zhu Tingzhou stepped into this kind of examination room, Zhang Jingshu and her were extremely nervous.

They even parked the frame directly outside the examination room and waited.

Fortunately, there are many anxious candidates' families outside the examination room. They are not obtrusive among them, and they are even blocked in the distance because they are late.

The child test will not end until Shen Shimo.

At noon, Zhang Jingshu had no appetite at all.

Zhu Yuan took out the food baskets that had been prepared for getting up early, put them on the small table one by one, took out the small porcelain bottles, poured some prepared sauce on the plate, and then whispered: "Mother, I have to wait a long time, eat first. Order something."

Zhang Jingshu, who was raising the curtain and looking out to the examination room, turned her head back and glanced at the tabletop, surprised: "These are...rice balls? When did you prepare them?"

On the table are small pieces of delicate and cute rice balls, all rolled into small rolls and then cut into small pieces, with some ingredients rolled in the middle, including minced meat, pumpkin strips, and sliced ​​eggs.

Zhu Yuan didn't explain, but just smiled and said, "I'll prepare it early in the morning. The ingredients are prepared in advance by the kitchen. You can taste it." He handed over the sauce dish and said, "Dip this."

Zhang Jingshu clamped a small rice ball, dipped it in the dipping sauce, took a small bite, chewed it, and nodded: "It's not a special flavor."

Zhu Yuan smiled: "Doesn't it seem like you are on a walk?"

Zhang Jingshu was startled, and laughed: "It's really alike."

"Then eat quickly, and only when you are full can you have the strength to wait for the old man-hey!"

Zhang Jingshu swallowed the food in his mouth and said, "Don't call your brother old, I have to find him a wife!"

Zhu Yuan stuck out his tongue: "I know!"

"What about the others, do you want to make someone—"

"No need." Zhu Yuan waved a big hand. "I have asked them to prepare it. Xia Zhi has already sent it."

Zhang Jingshu nodded: "That's good." After that, he looked at her with satisfaction, "Our family Yuanyuan has really grown up, and we have become more considerate in doing things."

Zhu Yuan made a grimace: "Can you raise the moon silver?"

Zhang Jingshu: "..." She was puzzled, "Why are you fighting Yinzi?"

Zhu Yuan scratched his head: "I just want to save money in my hand, in case something happens in the future, I might loosen it up." Don't panic with money in his hand.

Zhang Jingshu didn't know where she thought of going. She pondered for a moment, and said, "Your shop doesn't know what's going on now. If you make money, your mother will give you some money, and you can use it for business. If you earn it, it will be a net profit. How about you 10%?"

Big surprise! Zhu Yuan almost jumped up: "Really? Really? Mother, are you really willing to let me try?"

Zhang Jingshu smiled and looked at her: "You are very organized and thoughtful about things. Your father also thinks that you have some talent for economic affairs... In that case, why not let you try."

Zhu Yuan was very excited: "Haha, I'm done, don't regret it!" After that, he began to chatter, "Mother, do you think I should do a good business? Do trade or food or do? Oh, there are too many choices... …"

Zhang Jingshu shook his head, twisted a small rice ball, bit his mouth, and thought while chewing. I received a letter from Zhu Xiuqi a few days ago, in which it said that the Defu Food Store seemed like a cloud, and it seemed that business was good. I hope they will go back to check their accounts as soon as possible to see if they have made a profit or lost...

Well, it seems from the line, it should be earned.

She looked at Zhu Yuan lovingly. If her daughter has this talent, she will definitely be more handy in the future...


At the second quarter of Shenshi, the gong sounded in the examination hall for children and the gate of the examination hall opened.

The candidates came out.

Looking around, from teenagers to pale hair, or depressed or happy, or sad or passionate... all kinds of moods vary.

The child test is more than just an exam. It is clearly a gap between classes. Only after stepping through can you have a chance to become a master. If you can't step through, you will be a commoner.

It's because she came here to wish the family lady, if she really got to the common people's house, maybe she would not survive...

Zhu Yuan, who was sitting in the car, sighed.

"Master, master! Here!"

The sound of housekeeping sounded outside.

Zhu Yuan immediately gathered his thoughts, and hurriedly gathered next to Zhang Jingshu to look around.

The vigorous young Lang walked over quickly in the afterglow of the setting sun, grinning immediately at the two familiar and concerned eyes in the window of the car, and said with a smile: "Fortunately, not insulting!"

The nerd Zhu Tingzhou has always been cautious and self-respectful. He basically said it was done.

Everyone was overjoyed.

The result of the child test will have to wait for a while, and then you can go back and wait for the news.

After Zhu Tingzhou, the group returned home happily.

Start toss before dawn, everyone is very tired, Zhu Yuan is no exception. After hastily used dinner and then freshen up, I wish Yuan will lie down and rest...

Therefore, when she met Brother Goudan again the next day, she didn't realize that she had exposed anything, and greeted happily.

[Morning Goudan~ Have you finished your exercise? 】

There was a moment of silence on the other side, and then slowly replied: [Did the child test go well? 】

I wish Yuan full of confidence: [In a few days, brother will be a scholar! 】

[Happy in advance]

[Hey hey, thanks. By the way, how about your house, have you chosen it? 】

[Selected, wait for transformation]

[It's really good. Everyone has to say that you are a cultural person when dealing with books every day. 】

The other side did not say a word.

[Dogdan? 】

Vigorous ink characters slowly emerged: [I have a problem, I want to hear your opinion]

【what? Say! 】

[Someone came to pull media for my granddaughter in recent days...]

Zhu Yuan was shocked. This, this... Does this dog actually have a granddaughter? !

[...I want to tell my granddaughter to the third prince. I remember that your elders are familiar with him, can you talk about the temperament and character of these three princes? 】

what? This question... Zhu Yuan scratched his head: [I am not familiar with that elder. Moreover, this person's character and temperament, how can it be heard? 】

【Pity. Although my family is considered a scholarly family, it is difficult to see the prince in private. Ugh】

Thinking that the dog on the opposite side turned out to be Grandpa Goudan, Zhu Yuan thought for a while and couldn't help asking: [This third prince... why are all girls staring at him? The monkey is anxious for fear of not marrying a wife. Gougan, do you think he might be sick? Will the normal prince be like this? 】

Far in the capital Xie Zheng:...

He grinds his teeth: [Should not, introducing that person as a reliable relative and friend, definitely not deceiving us. 】

[Oh, defensiveness is indispensable. You said, if the unspeakable illness, how could the three princes be made public? 】

[...What kind of ulterior ill? 】

[For example, don’t lift~~~]


Xie Zheng pushed hard and broke the brush in his hand.

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