The palace, the imperial residence.

Xie Zheng was slowly stacking movable type in the study, while An Fu was waiting beside him holding the printing frame and other objects.

The room is very quiet.

The sound of An Rui pushing the door in was particularly obvious.

He glanced around the room, bowed his body and walked quietly and quickly behind Xie Zheng, and said in a low voice: "Master, the fish is on the bait."

"Oh?" Xie Zheng didn't look up, "Which line?"

An Rui's voice lowered: "Jiangnan."

Xie Zheng paused and put down the movable type, "Which one got the bait?"

"Liu Changzhou, deputy envoy Liu." An Rui chuckled, "The master really has a clever plan. This servant is really a gentleman and a gentleman. After more than half a year, he finally hooked this guy."

Xie Zheng took the handkerchief handed by An Fu Zhiqu and wiped his hands, and asked faintly: "What do I want? Have you got it out?"

An Rui said in a hurry: "It's done. It's a big deal, so stay in the Zhuangzi to guard it."

"Yeah." Xie Zheng threw the veil, "It's time to take the next step."

An Rui puzzled: "You mean...?"

"Where are the people who settled down before?"

An Rui's eyes lit up: "They are all here, just waiting for your instructions."

"Find someone to leak the news to them, and do it more obscurely."

An Rui reacted quickly and lowered his voice: "The master wants to... kill someone with a knife?"

"This is a good deed, how can it be called a murder?" Xie Zheng curled his lips, "Big brother has been eating meat for so many years, so it's time to slow down and change his taste."

"Exactly, in the future, it's time for us to eat meat!"

An Fu on the side was also very excited: "If we win this series, we will be more relaxed!"

Xie Zheng shook his head, walked slowly to the desk, and looked around on the booklet and paper: "This kind of meat, I don't like it." He glanced at them sideways, "Staring at Zhuangzi to make good business, earning money is not better than these bad meat. Is it incense?"

An Fu An Rui shrank her neck at the same time.

"Are all the lines in the capital buried?" Xie Zheng turned over the paper, and An Fu helped to unroll it.

An Rui was anxious: "There are still a few shortcomings." He added immediately after finishing, "We must make up all of them within this year."

"Don't worry, it's safer." Xie Zheng watched An Fu start to rub his ink, pulled the wolf stand and began to pick pens.


"Also, stare at the north side, if something is disturbing, come back and report me immediately."


Xie Zheng picked up the wolf and stared at the paper on the table for a moment.

"Master?" An Fu whispered.

Xie Zheng regained his senses, pressed the wolf hair into the inkstone, dipped it, and dropped the pen on the paper: "I will write a letter to be sent to Luzhou for the second uncle."



Today is the full moon banquet for the grandson of the Senator of the Department of General Affairs and Political Affairs.

The Secretary of General Political Affairs participated in the meeting, and the fifth grade was being discussed, and Zhu Xiuqi was just a seventh grade magistrate.

Officials crush people to death, let alone Beijing officials.

It happened that Wang Yuxin was also anxious to get angry recently. Zhu Yue's marriage has been twists and turns, and there is still nowhere to come. She couldn't wait to **** all the banquet stickers from officials' houses of Grade 5 and above.

The post of the senator is what she got her hands on. People who are waiting to marry their daughter will always have such a meeting before they are completely determined. Everyone understands.

So Zhang Jingshu cheekily rubbed Wang Yuxin's poo and led Zhu Yuan over.

Unlike Wang Yuxin, she was in favor of Qiu Zhiyun, the nephew of Lord Qiu, who was attending the banquet.

In other words, Qiu Zhiyun's father had no official position, and he himself had no fame. Fortunately, Qiu Zhiyun himself was sixteen years old. It was just when he was looking at each other. His mother followed Mrs. Qiu, who was a soldier of the Five Cities, to attend banquets everywhere.

For this kind of banquet, it is customary to greet a few words, and then enter the banquet process, after which it is a formal tea and chat.

The old ladies of the senator and the wife of the main house gathered in the room to chat with the ladies of the same level, while the other women who looked at each other and made contacts walked around and communicated in the corridor, the garden, and the resting flower hall.

Zhang Jingshu was also not polite. After the celebration process was over, she sat down for a while, and took Zhu Yuanxun to the few women who were talking in low voices.

When she was born, several women looked at her with doubts, and then looked at Zhu Yuan at the back, and suddenly realized-I don't know which Erlang is coming.

After the greeting, Zhang Jingshu introduced herself first, and then said in a soft voice: "I have a son, but this year is only sixteen. I only read books all day long, and I feel in the way even going out of a room. He is a weak scholar with the Eight Classics. But if you continue like this, your body will definitely not work. Don’t go back to the imperial examination and fail your exam, and you will break your body. I heard that the Qiu family is good at martial arts, and I want to ask Mrs. Qiu to introduce a reliable master. Practice for my unbelievable one."

There were two Madam Qiu in front of her, who were still concubines. She was talking about Madam Qiu, and she looked at Qiu Zhiyun's mother naturally.

Qiu Zhiyun's father was the younger brother of the Qiu family, and everyone used to call his wife Mrs. Xiao Qiu.

Seeing Zhang Jingshu's gaze passed, and adding this paragraph, everyone immediately understood who his target was.

Mrs. Xiaoqiu was also a little flattered, and humbled: "The martial arts in our family are all rough men who can't get on the table, and I'm afraid they can't teach the noble son." Can't help but glance at the bowed eyebrows again. Yuan, this time carefully looked at her appearance, her eyes flashed with surprise, and then she frowned slightly.

Zhang Jingshu smiled and said, "Isn't all studying literature and martial arts, why can't I get on the stage? As long as the masters don't dislike our children who are like wood."

Mrs. Xiaoqiu showed her teeth: "If the noble son is only for physical fitness, there is no need to look for those masters."

Zhang Jingshu pretended to be surprised: "Then...what advice does Mrs. Xiaoqiu have?"

Mrs. Qiu glanced at Zhu Yuan again and smiled: "It just so happens that my son is also sixteen this year, and the same age as the noble son. If Mrs. Zhu is not disgusted, let them play with young people." She pursed her lips, some Said swiftly, "But my son is not very knowledgeable about studying, I hope Madam will not dislike it."

Zhang Jingshu hurriedly shook her head: "How can I dislike it? I'm too late to be happy. Whatever is learned is to learn, where there is a high and low level."

"That's right, I heard that your son will have the martial arts exam next year, maybe it will be done." Everyone else reacted and began to help with a smile.

"Furthermore, for those of us, it doesn't matter whether it's a school or not. Anyway, there is enough food and drink in the family, and life is not bad.

Zhang Jingshu also smiled and nodded: "This is the reason."


Zhu Yuan stood by and listened to the scene. Under the drooping eyelids are eyeballs dribbling around.

Mrs. Xiao Qiu who was chatting with Zhang Jingshu was also secretly looked at. As a junior, it is difficult for her to look up at the elders, because the pearl hairpin above her head is invisible.

You can see the clothes on your body.

Since it was a banquet, Mrs. Qiu's clothes were naturally not bad.

However, the fabrics of this year are all handmade and original ecological materials, and the dyeing process is not good. Mrs. Xiaoqiu's body is new and bright at first glance. If you look closely, you can still see a few times.

The shoes slightly exposed under the skirt are also a bit old.

It seems that Qiu Zhiyun's family is not so rich.

Moreover, she has eaten more than a dozen banquets in the past two months, and only the son of Mrs. Qiu's family is the only one who is not a scholar.

It’s not how she likes eight-pack abs, muscular guys, etc. It’s just that, one or two of the people I saw a few days ago were all very gentle, and they all looked like dogs... but several had shared rooms. Or, there is no general room, but it is not clear to the maid.

Although it is not 100%, ten eights or nines are already eye-catching.

Most negative minds are scholars.

Just take a look at Wu Xi.

Fortunately, Zhang Jingshu also followed her wishes and fought to get this post, and finally confronted this lady Xiaoqiu.

I wish Yuan secretly. Not to mention anything else, this woman speaks more directly than other people's...

Suddenly hearing Zhang Jingshu mention her name, she hurriedly listened.

"...Last year I gave birth to a child in confinement, and my daughter was all inside and outside the house to help. From housekeeping to confinement, to take care of the whole family. People say that my daughter is a caring little quilted jacket. I will be Really understand it."

Mrs. Xiaoqiu was really surprised: "Last year, wasn't he only thirteen years old?"

"Yes. The housekeeper is wise. In the past, I needed most of the time to take care of the housework. She had one hour in the morning and half an hour in the afternoon, and things went smoothly. Then I took over and came back and learned to play around. It was really simple... If it weren't for me, I still have a little one, I'm afraid I would spend a daze at home every day."

"Or you teach well." Mrs. Xiaoqiu glanced at Zhu Yuan with admiration, thought for a while, and asked tentatively, "Will I send a post later, please come and give me some advice? My house is called a Chaos, every day from morning to night, it’s okay to be idle, it’s crazy to be busy when it comes to festivals."

Zhang Jingshu's eyes lit up: "Naturally, it's okay. You will be free someday. Even if you send me a post, I will take my girl with me. If we don't understand, we can let her take care of it."

"Okay, it's a deal!"


After the banquet was over, Zhang Jingshu, who was sitting in her carriage, closed her eyes for a long time and let out a long sigh of relief.

Zhu Yuan squeezed her arm quickly: "Aren't you tired? I'll squeeze it for you~~~"

Zhang Jingshu patted her arm, and said, "This Qiu family wants to come to a small problem... The point is, they are not scholars. Can you really accept it?"

"You haven't seen this before, don't worry."

Zhang Jingshu glared at her: "Don't you see who you hired? Can I not worry?"

Zhu Yuan shrank her neck, weak and weak: "It is probably on a whim, you see, this is not all silent..."

"What sound do you want?" Zhang Jingshu poked her forehead, "If there is any noise outside, you can only marry him!"

Zhuyuan looked at her grievously.

Zhang Jingshu didn't get angry and withdrew her hand, and looked at her: "Take a good rest these two days. When I went to Qiu's house, I was more energetic. I don't know why you went at night. These days, it's wilting, just like Shuang's hit. "

Zhu Yuan insisted: "Where is there~"

"I'm your mother, I know what you are doing when you push up your ass, you can't lie to me!"

Zhu Yuan pouted her lips. Just about to talk, the carriage stopped.

Zhu’s home is here.

Zhang Jingshu finally glared at Zhu Yuan and warned in a low voice: "You are not allowed to accept any dim sum jewelry in the future. If you encounter it, you will pass it to me."


Get off one by one.

Before Zhu Yuan could stand firm, he heard Lu Chang who was staying in the yard whispering to Zhang Jingshu: "Madam, the third prince sent someone to send the post."

Zhang Jingshu's expression changed, she immediately stared at Zhu Yuan, and then asked in a low voice, "What's the situation?"

Lu Chang found that she was frightened, and rushed to sue her: "It was the slave and the maidservant who did not speak clearly-it was the third highness who sent a post to introduce the young master to Dongyang Academy in the western suburbs of Beijing."

Zhu Yuan was stunned.

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