Qiu Zhiyun was only scratched at the cheek side and under the ear with a sharp tool. The scab is now crusted. Even if the scar is long, it does not affect his appearance.

Zhang Jingshu was also relieved after seeing it.

After a few conversations, Mrs. Xiao Qiu wittily let Qiu Zhiyun go down.

Naturally, the next step is to pull home routines and learn about the situation by the way.

Qiu Qiaoyun, who was sitting next to him, also muttered to Zhu Yuan, "Did you see it just now? My brother was dumbfounded."

Zhu Yuan looked down and said nothing.

Qiu Qiaoyun also seemed to realize that she was wrong, so she slapped herself lightly, "Look at me, I can't speak!" After that, she hurriedly abducted the topic, "I heard that sister Yuan, you haven't been in Beijing for many years, so I must have missed a lot. The programs in the capital, such as the Qiqiao Temple Fair that will be held a few days later, can be lively..."


After eating lunch at Qiu’s house and sitting for a while, Zhang Jingshu’s mother and daughter left.

On the way back, Zhang Jingshu discussed with Zhu Yuan as usual.

"This Qiu family doesn't look very reliable." Zhang Jingshu looked at Zhu Yuan, "If you are a man who likes martial arts, mother will show you again?"

Zhu Yuan was curious: "How to say?"

"You didn't look at that kid's wound, so a little scratch, why did you push so many geniuses to post it to us? If it weren't for the post of His Highness, you must be still hesitating."

Zhu Yuan didn't expect this to happen: "A few days later?"

"I'm counting, it's been a full twelve days. Is it true? Your father is an official no matter how bad he is, and her family will rely on his uncle to communicate with our family, how come they are pasting us. You see She spoke politely, and her posture was not low at all. How could anyone pull her son out to see the girl the first time she came to the door?" Zhang Jingshu was unhappy, "I haven't got married yet. If you get married, I don't know how to let you go. Where is it."

"...I thought you were worried that he would lose the picture."

Zhang Jingshu suffocated, and explained: "They have a prevarication of this kind, I think it is very serious, can't you see it for you?" After she finished, she hummed, "Next, let's wait. If it's not two days, we will just post. , This family doesn't care about it."


Zhang Jingshu gave her a white look: "Did you not see that kid's dull look in the morning? If you get up immediately after seeing your style, this family definitely can't ask for it." Judging people by their appearance is the most inferior.

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but began to persuade Zhu Yuan, "Yuanyuan, should we still look at the literati's house? What the literati said is better than these people's rules and etiquette. This daughter's family is most afraid of husbands. The family does not abide by the rules, not to mention fame, just a concubine and annihilation is enough to drink a pot."

Zhu Yuan is silent.

Zhang Jingshu touched her temples and sighed: "I can't guess how much you are thinking. You, I read too many books and think too much... We women, what we want to think about is how to make ourselves live. It’s more comfortable, so don’t think too much when you’re beside."

Yes, I can only find the best way within the rules...


Zhang Jingshu said it.

But after a day, they received Qiu's post. Fortunately, they also knew that to cover up one or two was not directly looking for Zhang Jingshu, but handing a post to Zhu Yuan-it was Qiu Qiaoyun who invited Zhu Yuan to attend the Qiqiao Temple Fair two days later.

Zhang Jingshu said "Ouch", "I was so busy that I forgot about it." Then asked her, "Are you going? I think you seem to get along with that little girl quite happily."

"Well, she's very lively." Zhu Yuan nodded, then shook his head, "You can see this restaurant thoroughly, so I shouldn't make an appointment."

"Your little girl has such a fun fair all year round. It would be a pity not to go."

"Mother, I can't just go with her. I'll just take Yingying there. Besides, the second elder sister must go too."

Zhang Jingshu also thought about it: "Okay, then reject it."


After rejecting the invitation of the Qiu family, Zhu Yuan left the family behind. Now that the Qiqiao Festival is approaching, she has been pulling Zhuying tossing female celebrities and needlework for two days, and occasionally beating her younger brother. She is very busy every day.

With a squeak, it's the Qiqiao Festival.

The Qiao Qiao Festival comes from the custom of begging for Qiao Qiao during the birthday of the Seven Sisters. It is rumored that Qiao Qiao is the weaving fairy in the sky, and begging for Qiao Qiao can make the girl more ingenious (yin).

The temple fair on the Qiqiao Festival is actually a match made by the girls.

Qijie Temples around the suburbs of Beijing all host various competitions on the day of Qiqiao Festival. Unmarried little girls gather to fight each other again.

If you win, you have a coincidence, and if you lose, you have to take out a small gift prepared in advance and give it to the coincidence.

Of course, just make a picture, it doesn't matter whether you win or lose.

Thanks to Zhang Jingshu's reminder, Zhu Yuan has prepared some small gifts these two days, such as beautiful paper fans, simple and elegant handkerchiefs, etc., which do not need to be expensive.

Closer to home.

Early this morning, it is customary to have breakfast and go to the old lady to talk to the old lady. Because of today’s begging for cleverness, the girls in the family are a little excited. I wish the old lady can’t help having a laugh, and it will not hinder them from going out, so I ordered a few words of attention. Safe, let them go.

They were going to the Seventh Sister Temple, the largest in the western suburbs of Beijing, and it took half an hour to go out by car. In addition to the large number of people going there, it would be bad for them to get stuck on the road, so they should not go out early.

The Qiqiao Temple Fair is an event that has been held in Beijing for many years. Almost all unmarried girls in Beijing will come out to play, including high-ranking officials and nobles. In recent years, the princesses have grown up, and Yomo will follow.

Security issues are naturally the top priority. Not only Jing Zhaoyin will send soldiers to patrol around, the emperor will also send soldiers from Jingwei Camp to guard the Qijie Temple everywhere.

In addition, the girls can only bring maids and servants into the house, and all the men can only stop in front of the temple.

Even so, a lot of things happen every year. Naturally, every family dare not take it lightly. For example, in the Zhu family, each girl is equipped with a maid and a strong maid, even if they are separated.

Fortunately, they went out early and the road was smooth. Only when they were out of the city, they were delayed in the queue. When they arrived at their destination, it was almost too late.

Most of the Douqiao activities were at noon, and they had already eaten something on the road ahead of time, and waited to go back to eat lunch next night.

Therefore, they did not delay at all when they got to the place. As the sister Zhu Yue asked all the safety issues, they all went inside and began to pay homage to the seventh sister and play.

The Qijie Temple here occupies a vast area. The statue of the Seven Sisters is enshrined in the main courtyard, and the girls who enter the house need to put on a stick of incense before going around to the back courtyard to participate in the Qiao Qiao meeting.

It was the first time for Zhu Yuan to participate in this kind of folklore activity. His excitement was not lost to others. After burning the incense, he immediately pulled Zhu Ying to the backyard.

Begging for cleverness, begging for cleverness, begging for skill, begging for appearance; begging for heart, begging for face; begging for my parents for thousands of years; begging for my sisters for thousands of years. (Cited 2)

Needle piercing for cleverness, needle injection for cleverness, water purification and shadow... Zhu Yuan, a young mental age, almost couldn't see her eyes, and soon participated in it enthusiastically.

After she had played most of all the items with great enthusiasm, she realized that only Xia Zhi and the servant wife Zhang Sao were left behind, who was sweating profusely.

"Where is Yingying?!" She was shocked and hurriedly looked around. It's a pity that just after noon, people attending the temple fair were full of dazzling pearl hairpins. How to find people?

Xia Zhi wiped the sweat on her forehead, and smiled: "Girl, you forgot, just now you let her play by herself."

Zhu Yuan is annoyed: "Let's get it back quickly. She is still young, and it will be bad if she runs around."

Xia Zhi smiled: "There is a maid and a servant woman following, I can't lose it." Then he asked, "Does the girl have anything else to play with?"

Zhu Yuan looked at the sky, estimated the time, and shook his head: "Forget it, it's almost time to play, let's go to the door and wait, maybe they will go there and wait in advance."

The two of them naturally followed her during the summer solstice.

So the three squeezed out of the Seven Sister Temple.

It was a lively time, and there was a rush of people everywhere, people who came only after this meeting, some who were going to leave for a whole morning, and those who were looking for people, the crowd at the gate of Qijie Temple was simply untenable.

Zhu Yuan couldn't help but took the Xia Zhi Zhang's wife out.

After this walk, he gave way directly to the side of the road.

This section of the road has also been cemented, and the opposite is a clearing. The original lush grass has been filled with carriages and people.

Groups of guards holding Nagakura patrolled back and forth.

At the end of the road, there seemed to be a team of horses and horses riding in, looking at the direction they had just come out of the city, and I don't know which horses and horses came late.

The noon sun is very sunny, Zhu Yuan looks around, looking for a place to avoid——

"Wish girl!" An excited greeting suddenly sounded not far away.

The strange male voice made Zhu Yuan frown, and immediately wanted to return to the temple.

It's a pity that the person is not at all fascinated, and he came to him a few steps.

"Wish, girl wish, meet again!" The tall boy jumped happily to the road and walked around in front of her. His wheatish face was blushing, and he didn't know if it was sun-dried or excited. His bright eyes went straight. Gou stared at her face.

It turned out to be Qiu Zhiyun...I can't just leave behind. Zhu Yuan could not, but only blessed her body: "Mr Qiu."

"You, why shouldn't you make an appointment? I originally, my sister likes you very much, so I want to beg for a coincidence with you."

Zhu Yuan smiled politely: "I made an appointment with my sisters at home, it's not convenient."

Qiu Zhiyun's "Wish girl" was not too small, and the team riding on the road just listened to it.

The lead, tall, cold and solemn young man who was a bit out of age cast his gaze, and immediately stopped by the reins, and the team behind him stopped.

Then a group of people watched a young man about sixteen seventy-seven excitedly running across the road and chasing a girl in front of him.

Just looking at the girl's side face, you know that her face is comparable to the peach of three springs.

The young man on horseback fell on her face and frowned. Not wearing Qianlu when going out, frivolous!

Not knowing what the guy said, the girl immediately smiled, curled up and looked like she was in a good mood.

The young man's face turned dark.

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