As soon as Xie Zheng stopped, he was annoyed. How could the three princes and Su Wang, who had been in power, say such swear words to a weak female stream?

Seeing Zhu Yuan's scolding, he suddenly felt that the wolf in his hand weighed more than a thousand catties.

He took a deep breath: [Hug——]

[You mean Qiu Zhiyun? Zhu Yuan, who was on the opposite side, finally reacted, [Are you at Qijie Temple yesterday? 】

Seeing a dazzling name, Xie Zheng's sanity collapsed again, and the words of apology suddenly came back: [Guilty? 】

[I am guilty? What is my guilty conscience? I'm standing on the road dignified, no one can control who I see or talk to! Besides, unmarried men and unmarried women, I talk to whoever I like to talk to! 】

[No shame]

[You have a good study of etiquette, justice, integrity, and shame, coax the little girl to meet, point to the little girl and scold the waves! But you did it all! It's really good manners and shame~]

[You] Xie Zheng is angry, [Strong words]

[Just say that you did it, right? You dare not recognize it? 】

Xie Zheng was furious: [As me, I can see whoever I want to see]

[Haha, but I just started to suppress people with power~~You are awesome~~It must be because you often copy "Book of Rites", right? Worthy of being a poem-reading, open-minded gentleman~]

Obviously every sentence is a good thing, but every sentence makes Xie Zheng's liver hurt: [No matter how yin and yang you are, you can't conceal your watery nature! 】

[Oh, I'm so cute? Who am I? You? Pooh, which green onion are you? 】

The third prince’s courtyard again heard the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

An Rui outside the door bluffed and slapped the door hurriedly: "Master——"


An Rui shrank her neck and dared not speak.

The next moment, the study door was opened.

"There is no need to report to me for the three things in the future."



The door was photographed again.

An Rui:...

Ancestor, what's the matter...

The other end.

After the childlike bickering and quarrel, Zhu Yuan walked out of the door refreshedly and went straight to the main room as if he had won a battle.


"Hey, here it is." The voice came from the West Cabinet.

Zhu Yuan raised the curtain and went in: "How do I write here?"

"I'm writing a post." Zhang Jingshu seemed to be in a good mood and waved to her, "Come on, two days ago, I felt that the Qiu family was not appropriate, so I wrote a post to the Liu family and received their reply today."

"Liu's family?" Zhu Yuan walked over, sat down next to her, and looked around, "Which Liu's family?"

"Just you hesitated a few days ago, you don't like the one where the person is too old." Zhang Jingshu smiled, "Liu Siye's eldest son."

Oh, Liu Mao's family, the eldest son of his family... Zhu Yuan remembered: "Liu Xinzhi?"


"Although this child is already twenty, it was due to delays in studying a few years ago, which is not a problem. Moreover, it will hurt people when he gets older--" Zhang Jingshu paused and looked at her, "Mind?"

Zhu Yuan shook her head: "Don't mind." In terms of her inner age, she still thinks that twenty is too tender. She considered, "I'm only fourteen, don't their family mind?" Goudan seems to have said that this Liu Xinzhi likes arty and drinks flower wine all day long?

Zhang Jingshu nodded: "I was worried about this a few days ago." She smiled and raised her post. "Looking at the speed of sending the post, it can be seen that they don't mind."

I wish Yuan Huishen. Gougan had a bad heart for her, maybe this guy was deliberately speaking bad things about people...she would look at it again.

The sudden change of mind cannot be achieved in a flash. Zhu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief and nodded: "Then go and take a look."

Zhang Jingshu smiled: "Okay, let's go out as a guest tomorrow!"


"... In the past few years, I hoped that he would concentrate on studying, but he kept pressing down on not marrying a daughter-in-law, and concubine's concubine, and they are not allowed to touch. That is because he passed the hospital examination last year and won the fame as a scholar. I dare to show him this year." The wife in the main seat is a little fatter and speaks gentle and gentle.

This is the wife of Liu Siye, the Superintendent of the Imperial College. Zhang Jingshu and Zhu Yuan are visiting at their home.

After chatting a few words about Wuxian customs, Mrs. Liu slowly turned the topic to her son, explaining the reason why she was only 20 years old.

Zhang Jingshu understood very well: "Study is important. My son is sixteen this year, and his father is also suppressing him, saying that he will wait until he concentrates on taking the fame of a talented scholar." She paused for a moment, as if inadvertently, "Suppressed for a few years. , I can’t wait, I have to get married this year, right?"

Mrs. Liu smiled: "How can it be, next year will be the year of the competition, and I will have to take the test. I dare not let it be distracted this year."

Zhang Jingshu was surprised: "I will end next year? Will it not be a few more years?"

Mrs. Liu shook her head: "His father is watching and said he can go down and try."

Too. A man’s father is the superintendent of the country, and no one needs to worry about it. Zhang Jingshu smiled and said, "I forgot Lord Liu for a while."

If Liu Xinzhi had to end the competition next year, it would be impossible to get married in a hurry before the Mid-Autumn Festival next year... Such a calculation would have to end next year at the earliest.

In March of next year, Zhu Yuan will be ready.

Zhang Jingshu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"I don't understand this as a womanly family. With his father watching his studies, this family chores is where we play." Mrs. Liu laughed, "When he finishes next year's competition, no matter what the result is, marriage can be done. Set it down."

Zhang Jingshu was more relieved, and chatting more easily: "It's still early, let alone there is still a year of work."

"It's not early, it's not early! If this is optimistic, the two families will have more contacts and more places, and gradually get familiar with them. When they get married, various minor tasks will not go wrong. It is better to plan early."

Zhang Jingshu was surprised, and then smiled: "Yes. It's a good habit to plan ahead."

"Right." Madam Liu turned her eyes and looked at Zhu Yuan, who was drinking tea with her head down. "Your girl is called Zhu Yuan, isn't it?"

Zhu Yuan hurriedly put down the tea cup and bowed to her slightly from the chair.

Madam Liu smiled more kindly.

"Yes, a single name has a round character."

"Consummation, what a good name." Madam Liu smiled, "Speaking of this, I have to ask you for advice."

Zhang Jingshu was puzzled.

"How did you teach your girl to be so gentle and quiet?" Mrs. Liu praised, "I have seen you at several banquets, and no matter how others babble, she is quiet. I saw her several times. Taking care of the little girls distractedly, and able to deal with things quickly...too great, I didn’t have this ability when I was young."

Zhang Jingshu's mother and daughter were shocked. This Mrs. Liu observes so carefully.

Madam Liu noticed it naturally, and smiled: "No wonder others are watching carefully." She teased, "Your daughter is beautiful, who doesn't want to look at it more."

Zhu Yuan was speechless, and humbled her head to pretend to be shy.

Zhang Jingshu was happy to hear her, and she was still modest: "Madam has a good reputation. She is still young and hasn't learned a lot of things yet."

"I don't believe this, but I heard that your house has been her housekeeper for a long time."

"Where, she..."


After coming out of Liu's house, Zhang Jingshu was relieved a lot.

"Hey, I had known it a long time ago, don't listen to you, come and have a look before you talk." She said happily, "This family is more upright. You are not allowed to take concubines before you are married, and you have to persuade your husband to study if you are married. Win the future. Hey, I’m late. Fortunately, their family didn’t like anyone else!" After patted Zhuyuan’s arm, "It’s our girl, that’s right."

Although Zhu Yuan feels that this Madam Liu is more comfortable than Madam Qiu the previous two days, is this set?

"Just because of Madam Liu?" she asked.

"You don't understand. This girl gets married, not only depends on the man, but also depends on the mother-in-law." Zhang Jingshu said earnestly, "Men spend most of the time on the go, and they really get along with the mother-in-law the most on weekdays. If the mother-in-law has a bad temper, or Be careful, this day will be sad..."

After that, she broke it up and explained to Zhu Yuan, "Look, there are two concubines in her family, and the concubines also gave birth to children, which proves that she is tolerant and elegant. She..."

Zhu Yuan heard her talk all the way, and finally got home, Zhang Jingshu still had no idea: "Next, let’s take a look at their house’s constitution. If they are interested, go to our house for a chat, then it’s almost settled-eh, no more , I have to go talk to your grandmother right away."

With a few words of effort, people run away.

Zhu Yuan:...

alright. Not the Liu family will also be the Li family and Zhang family.

Anyway, this one looks really good.

I hope that Liu Xinzhi, who is known to be good-looking, is not difficult to get along with...


Qiu Mansion.

Of course, it is the mansion of Qiu's head of the five escorts.

Mrs. Qiu took the post handed by the maid, rather disapproving, she opened the post casually, and whispered: "The post will be delivered the next day. I'm afraid this girl might have any questions like I thought--" A stagnation.

In the post, the words are elegant, to the effect that Zhu Tingzhou entrusted the blessing of the three majesty, went to Dongyang Academy to study, concentrated on the imperial examination, and had no intention of practicing martial arts, so the matter of strengthening the body was stopped.

Does this mean that Zhu Tingzhou stopped practicing martial arts? This means that the marriage between them is forgotten!

"Unreasonable!" Mrs. Xiaoqiu's face turned dark, "Cooperating here is to shabu us? I, pooh, just the evil of her daughter, who is not a troublemaker? My son has to take a martial arts test. Well, I'm also worried about being dazzled by their daughters... I don't know what to do!"

She didn't appreciate Zhu Yuan at all, so she left the matter behind after she put down the post.

Who knows, Qiu Zhiyun learned the news from nowhere, and immediately broke into the backyard to beg her.

"Mother, I like Miss Zhu's family, I want to marry her!" Qiu Zhiyun knelt under Mrs. Xiaoqiu's knee, his eyes firm.

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