At the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, the chill grew stronger. Even if the sun is shining, sitting in the garden is a bit cool.

Perhaps, only she feels cold. Zhu Yuan thought secretly.

Not only does her head swell and hurt, but she also feels cold all over, fearing it will be worse.

Fortunately, the longan and red date tea is warm and makes it more comfortable to drink.

The opposite Liu Xinzhi was still talking, Zhu Yuan couldn't help holding up the tea cup and taking another sip—the tea started to cool and the bottom was bottomed out.

She frowned slightly and put down the empty tea bowl, she wanted to let someone refill a cup, but she didn't know how--

The two purple-clothed maids quietly walked into the pavilion and changed tea cups for everyone present in turn.

Madam Liu smiled and sighed: "It's really getting cold this day, and the tea is changed quickly."

Zhang Jingshu smiled and said: "It's cold when it's cold, and there are scenery at all times, and it's good when it's cold. Autumn, Guidongmei, only when it's cold can you see it."

"Yes. Drink tea and tea."

"Osmanthus fragrans in the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus, it has a special flavor~"

"There will be a sweet-scented osmanthus feast later, and today we will also have an arty~"

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Zhu Yuan glanced at the maid who left after changing tea, touched the edge of the bowl to confirm that the temperature was right, then picked it up, scraped it as usual, and took it to her mouth for a sip.

It is still longan red date tea.

Sure enough, she didn't think too much...

Zhu Yuan sighed secretly.

Is it Xie Zheng?

He only said that yesterday, and he can learn about her itinerary today...That's it, after all, Zhu Jia didn't know how many eyeliners had been stuffed.

But this is Liu's family, the home of the Master of the State Supervision Department. Also buried the eyeliner?

Even a sixth-grade official who has no real power has eyeliners in his home...what about the others? What about the other adults?

No wonder Xie Zheng was so confident yesterday morning and didn't need to rely on family officials or something...These family officials were clearly under his supervision, right?

Is this imperial power?

Zhu Yuan shuddered a little.

Moreover, Xie Zheng seems to be only seventeen this year.

Will an ordinary 17-year-old boy have such a deep city?

and many more.

Three years ago, Goudan Xie Zheng was only fourteen years old.

Zhu Yuan holding the tea cup was lost in thought.

At the age of fourteen, the calligraphy is veteran, the personality is calm, speaking and doing things without leaking, can send someone to Wuxian to give her money at the age of fifteen...

She really didn't believe that the dog egg opposite was an old man over fifty, but fourteen... was too young?

After she entered Beijing, she was frightened by her identity as a dog egg, and a series of things happened again, and she ignored the problem.

Xie Zheng, is it the same as her, who also passed through?

No, it's impossible.

Xie Zheng's knowledge of modern scientific and technological inventions is blank, and his thoughts, introduction, and even the posture of the superiors are not fake.

Then he...

"... Third sister, what do you think?"

Zhu Yuan regained consciousness in an instant, and smiled and said, "It's pretty good."

Liu Xinzhi was overjoyed: "I know you like it too!" He paused, and lowered his voice slightly, "Well, I'll give you a copy if you turn around?"

Zhu Yuan was stunned. what to give? She hadn't paid attention at all just now... her mind turned sharply, and she cautiously said: "This is not so good..."

Liu Xinzhi was a little disappointed. He was excited again in the next moment and looked at her scorchingly: "It's okay, I can give it to you later."

Zhu Yuan:...

She felt that there might be no chance.

It happened that Liu's servant came to report that the sweet-scented osmanthus feast was ready, so please move forward.

Zhu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, hurriedly put down the empty tea bowl, and got up—there was another throb in his head.

She subconsciously helped her side.

Liu Xinzhi was looking at her and found that something was wrong, so he asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Zhu Yuan hurriedly put down his hands, did not dare to shake his head, and smiled: "I thought my head was lost."

Liu Xinzhi's gaze then fell on her hair bun.

Zhu Yuan is not in time, combed a double flat bun, on each side is inserted a yellow sizing head flower with red beads, which complements today’s "dull, light luteal and soft" sweet-scented osmanthus, which is even more charming and pretty. Kind of playful and cute.

Liu Xinzhi was a little startled, subconsciously stretched out his hand to stroke her head, and whispered: " looks good..."

Zhu Yuan trembled all over, and immediately took a big step back.

Liu Xinzhi returned to his senses in an instant, and hurriedly withdrew his hand, feeling ashamed, repeatedly saying: "Sorry--"

"Nothing, let's go." Zhu Yuan saw that Madam Liu and Zhang Jingshu had already gone far, so he interrupted him and took the lead.

"Huh?" Liu Xinzhi got up and took a look, hurriedly catching up, and apologized in a low voice, "Don't blame the third sister, I, I didn't mean to..."

Zhu Yuan shook her head and said softly, "I know, Brother Liu doesn't need to mention it again."

Liu Xinzhi didn't notice it, thinking she really didn't care, and immediately became happy again.

Where he couldn't see, Zhu Yuan's expression had faded.

Liu Xinzhi is actually quite good. He has a gentle and elegant temperament, and works well. Even if he accepts a concubine in the future, he will not treat her badly if he wants to come...

She couldn't accept it.

Just now Liu Xinzhi just touched her head and her hair exploded.

Counting the time that stopped Qiu Zhiyun, she and Liu Xinzhi have only seen three sides so far. According to her mother's estimation, she will be married to Liu Xinzhi at the end of this year or early next year.

No feelings, no understanding.

The thought of having close contact with a man who only knows his name and appearance in front of him, but does not know his inner thoughts, and has to share a husband with others in the future...

She just wants to vomit.

Maybe it was just disgust, but the physical discomfort aggravated this feeling.

She originally thought that the two families are not in a hurry, one is not in time, and the other requires the imperial examination, and it will be early next year at the earliest. After such a long time, slowly coming back and forth, and getting to know a lot.

Maybe she wouldn't resist so much.

But she can't wait.

If you can cut the mess quickly, you will be able to talk about it recently. But Xie Zheng... is the biggest variable.

Furthermore, slashing the chaos with a quick knife, and falling into a stalemate of the talents-with the ears of the strange man, the mingling of fish and water-she can't accept it again.


She can no longer deceive herself.


After all, Zhu Liu’s family has not yet decided to marry him. During the meal, Zhu Yuan had a table with the two elders. After Liu Xinzhi sent them to the place, he reluctantly left.

Without that scorching gaze, and there is no need to pretend to be a lady and speak softly, Zhu Yuan is really relieved.

Shicai drank two hot bowls of longan and red jujube tea in the yard, and stayed away from the rich fragrance. Zhu Yuanjue felt better at last.

The exquisite sweet-scented osmanthus dishes were presented, and both Zhang Jingshu and Zhang Jingshu ate a lot under the kind invitation of Mrs. Liu.

Zhu Yuan guessed that she had a cold last night, and headaches and chills are all signs of a cold. If you have a cold, eat and sleep well.

Therefore, even though she had a bad appetite, she still forced herself to eat half of the bowl-not ordinary people who wanted to work. The bowls in these people's homes were exquisite and small, and half of the bowls were not half of her usual.

On weekdays, when she is a guest outside, it is difficult to add food, so she eats a lot of dishes and eats until the second half.

Zhang Jingshu just took a few mouthfuls, when she saw her holding the chopsticks, she subconsciously glanced at her.

With just three people, Mrs. Liu naturally found out, a little surprised: "But it doesn't suit your appetite?"

Zhu Yuan shook her head hurriedly and smiled: "They are all delicious, but I have eaten a lot in the morning, so I can't eat it now."

Zhang Jingshu hurriedly helped round the scene: "I made her favorite food at home in the morning, and she was a bit greedy...the next day she knew she was hungry." This is still a guest, so just ask if you have anything to go back.

I wish you a smile begging for mercy.

Madam Liu nodded, did not ask any more, and continued to chat with Zhang Jingshu.

But Zhu Yuan was more uncomfortable as he sat down.

Today I had an osmanthus banquet, but for Chinese food, I can’t get rid of steaming, frying and mixing with osmanthus. It just sounds elegant... Well, the taste is actually quite good, but she doesn’t restrain it.

He even started to feel sick.

Zhu Yuan hurriedly took two sips of tea and pressed it down—fortunately, some people didn't change the tea she was tired after dinner.

After the two ladies finished eating and chatting for a while, Zhang Jingshu estimated that the time was almost up, and then left.

Mrs. Liu didn’t stay too much for those who come and go, she also joked with a smile: “I have to rub your light to see the flowers at Mingde College in the future. I won’t keep you today, so I won’t be bored with it. I will not take me there in the future."

Zhang Jingshu is funny: "I don't dare to do this, your fragrant slices are good, I want to drink a few more times~"

"Go, go, I just packed some back for you a few days ago, and today you are not allowed to play my fragrant slices."

Talking and laughing, the three walked to the second door.

Liu Xinzhi was already waiting there.

Zhu Yuan squeezed the tiger's mouth, whose stomach kept tumbling. Hold back, this kid can't say a few words

Unfortunately, the two ladies couldn't hear her voice, and even laughed.

Mrs. Liu asked Liu Xinzhi jokingly: "What a coincidence?"

Liu Xinzhi glanced at Zhu Yuan who bowed his head slightly, and said, "I heard that a life lawsuit has been filed outside recently, and the murderer has not been found out. Please allow Xinzhi to send the two back home just in case."

Zhang Jingshu paused, and hurriedly declined: "In broad daylight, forgive the criminals for not daring to commit crimes. Your kindness--"

Madam Liu teased: "Just let him send it off, can the young man think the same as us?"

Zhu Yuan covered her mouth. Bad...

Zhang Jingshu paused, and smiled: "Okay, then bother--"

"Three sisters!" Liu Xin exclaimed, strode over, and held Zhu Yuan in his hand.

Zhuyuan couldn't avoid avoiding his hand, bent down, vomited and vomited.

The filth vomited all over the floor, and the sour smell came on his face.

Liu Xinxia, ​​who was holding her, let go of his hand, covered his nose and took two steps back.

The summer solstice in the back held Zhu Yuan, and asked anxiously: "Girl, what's the matter with you?"

Zhang Jingshu was even more shocked. He lifted the skirt and ran back, bypassing Liu Xinzhi and supporting her: "Why did you throw up suddenly?"

Zhu Yuan took the shivering handkerchief from Xia Zhi and wiped the corners of her mouth, and said weakly, "It seems to be cold." After vomiting, the stomach feels comfortable, but the whole person seems to be hanging up, but his head twitches, like someone Take a hammer and knock inside.

"Why did Good Duan Duan suddenly catch a cold?"

Madam Liu, who was standing a few steps away, hesitated for a moment, and asked: "Why don't you leave in a hurry, I have someone to find the doctor?"

Zhu Yuan really didn't want to talk, leaning on Xia Zhi, half-closed eyes swept calmly towards Liu Xinzhi, who was tense and hesitating a few steps away, and sighed secretly.

This is the reality...

Eighteen years old, still too young...

On the other end, Zhang Jingshu calmed down a bit, and said with a strong smile: "Thanks, I'm all here, I'll take her to the hospital directly."

Mrs. Liu didn't force it: "Well, after seeing the doctor, send everyone to send me a letter to save us from worrying."

"it is good."

After being blessed, Zhang Jingshu and Xia Zhi helped the weak Zhuyuan into the carriage.

As soon as the whip sounded, the carriage hurriedly left.

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