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Chapter 693: When you are hungry, eat bran as sweet as honey, when you are full, eat honey that is

Here, what else is going on?

The most important thing now, of course, is to check the information on Shantun City first.

Compared with the all-out behavior over there, Sun Hua's actions are nothing more than sprinkling water.

When Sun Hui heard this, he wasn't angry, and said gently that he would make an appointment later.

"Wow, Leader Sun is really good."

"It's very touching, I like this kind of leadership."

Not only did they not care that they could not interview as scheduled, but also promised to make an appointment later when they were free.

This is too kind!

The reporters have such a good impression of Sun Hua that when writing articles, they subconsciously use words of praise.

After the news from Shantun City was completely checked out, a large number of people were shocked.

This airborne full leader came with the task of managing these lagging state-owned enterprises.

The above is to hope that he can handle it properly, it is best to turn the tide, so that these companies will not be resurrected, at least they will be able to improve a little.

It doesn't matter how much money you make, as long as you don't keep losing money.

But what he never expected was how neat and bold his actions were.

Before everyone could react, all these factories and subsidiaries were wiped out. .

Sold thoroughly, there is no room for recovery.

By the time such a huge repercussion has been evoked, and the top knows about it, it will be too late.

This result shocked everyone.

The above was shocked and asked why they didn't report earlier.

The people below are also very aggrieved, because all the leaders were airborne, and they came for this project, they thought it was a sign from above!

"..." The reply was great and left speechless.

Finally, a special review team was established, and Beifeng sent people down to conduct a profound review of the leaders of Shantun City and the whole surname.

They need to know more clearly and clearly what is going on and why it is happening.

The results of the survey surprised everyone.

Although there are some big openings and closings, the starting point of the whole leadership is really good.

And he invested these funds back into other large state-owned enterprises in Shantun City.

The beneficiaries are numerous, and they have indeed contributed to Shantun City.

In the end, the full leadership was transferred.

The vigorous reforms ended quietly.

At the same time, the top has issued a notice that from now on, such a one-size-fits-all reform and sale is prohibited.

Then someone asked: "What about the previous one?"

The leaders were silent.

This is no nonsense, since the later ones are banned, the previous ones naturally don't care.

After figuring this out, everyone's eyes turned to Anping City silently.

It seems to have been exposed before. They also sold a number of corporate factories in Nanping... Right?

Nanping was silent.

There was no sound from the newspaper, and when someone asked, they kept silent.

Anyway, the report has been submitted here, and the approval above is also very bland.

In short, one word: read.

It looked like a dangerous move by soldiers, but the accident was the right bet.

But this benefit is actually demonstrated.

Other cities still have to worry about it. Now that there are express instructions, they are not allowed to sell across the board. The practice of Shantun City cannot be used for reference.

But the indicators are still here and must be saved.

This is really a big problem, and many leaders have a headache.

In comparison, Nanping is much easier.

With money in the account, all the projects that were shelved before have all started to work.

railway? build!

highway? build!

Airport? build!

All kinds of public facilities, do what you need to do, don't make excuses!

Especially the major state-owned enterprises, because of the allocation of funds, all the equipment has been put in place one after another, and the output has exploded.

In this way, not only the loss-making enterprises are eliminated, but the strong and large enterprises are also strengthened, thus forming a positive cycle.

The entire Nanping suddenly swept away the former depression and became full of vitality.

Basically, after solving the loss-making factories and enterprises, and returning the power to the factory managers and employees, they themselves worked hard to run them.

I used to be at work, as if I was doing things for others, so I would lose money if I lost money. Anyway, the leaders will take care of it.

Even if it is a loss, they will be paid according to their wages and benefits, so why panic?

Even if it doesn't work, it's impossible to leave them alone. Orders will be transferred, and sometimes they can become designated enterprises with luck.

Earn a wave, make a little profit, there will be various commendations, and life will be comfortable.

However, it is different now.

Now the factories have become their own businesses, and if they don't make money, they lose money.

Every day you delay is a waste of money.

So many workers are waiting to eat. If they don't work hard, where will the money come from?

Not to mention that many of them borrowed debt to buy factories, not only to support the factories, but also to make more money to pay off their debts.

In particular, some of them have lost their orders, and they dare not be idle for a minute.

As a result, everyone tightened the strings in their hearts.

make money!

Work hard to make money!

Gu Xue

In the past, when we talked about business, others were begging them. Except for the salesmen, they basically asked people to come to the factory for inspection.

To say that the inspection is a nice thing to say, in fact, they don't want to run these few steps, and the tone is very high.

Now when it comes to business, they take the initiative to come to the door.

What figure, what tone, it doesn't matter.

Even Guo Ming couldn't help but sigh: "If they had this hard work, they wouldn't be able to..."

Sun Hua laughed and shook his head: "Once a person's inertia is formed, it is difficult to change without a certain amount of stimulation."

Fortunately, this is exactly what they want.

All sides worked together, and Nanping's report suddenly looked good.

At the beginning, some people said that Sun Hua was here.

But seeing Nanping's life getting better day by day, some people gradually began to protect Sun Hua.

"Whether it's a white cat or a black cat, it's a good cat that can catch mice. Does the method matter? What we want is the result."

"That's right, it was so difficult for us before. Now that Leader Sun arrives, our life will be better. How can this be such a great joy?"

"This is clearly a real credit!"

There is no need for Sun Hua to come forward, and his reputation among the people is growing day by day.

The situation in Nanping has really made many cities envious.

Why don't they have such a bold leader?

It has been said above that what happened in the past is not to be blamed. If their leaders learned to deal with selling out from the beginning, how would they face the current situation?

Not going up or down, stuck in the air.

Sell, can't sell, save, save can't live.

Too hard.

The people in Nanping thought about it carefully, and it really happened.

As a result, some rumors gradually spread, and those who had good things changed it and turned it into a ballad.

[Nanping has a good leader, Xin'an has a good factory manager, there are still people who dislike it...

When you are hungry, eating bran is as sweet as honey, when you are full, eating honey is not sweet...]

I almost pointed my nose and scolded these people for dissatisfaction.

Can make a group of shameless people half-dead with anger, but this is just a song, and if you want to find the source, you can't find it.

Only in this way, it completely dispelled the arrogance of these people.

These negative emotions quickly disappeared in Nanping.

When someone mentions Sun Hua again, it is basically a one-sided praise.

"Indeed, the leader of Sun is somewhat capable..."

"Why do you think he is so powerful, ah? No one dares to do it, he is looking for an opportunity, eh?"

The crowd laughed.

As the beneficiaries, they naturally stand on Sun Hua's side.

As a result, Sun Hua immediately discovered that his work was much easier to do.

Although it was smooth in the past, there was always some resistance.

In the end, it can be implemented, but there are many twists and turns in the middle, which will eventually make people a little exhausted.

However, not now.

All orders are basically sent in the morning and can be responded to at noon.

If you are in a hurry, you can implement it quickly, and if you are slow, you will get progress feedback from time to time.

Railways, in particular, were built much faster.

According to this stance, Nanping may even become the city with the most accessible railways in the central region.

After all, at this time, the railways in many cities have not even been built!

These infrastructures are the most time-consuming and expensive to build.

But the effect is really real.

After a long afternoon, Sun Hua went to the villa to find Lu Huaian.

"This time, it's really thanks to you." Sun Hua was very grateful, raised his hand and took the initiative to drink a cup.

If it wasn't for Lu Huai'an, he would be very passive about this matter.

If he came forward on his own, this matter could not be done properly.

Not to mention whether these people would believe him, even if they did, they would be skeptical and try it out first.

Opportunities are fleeting, once they move slower, and when Shantun City is investigated, even if they are halfway through, they will be called to stop.

"I know very well that this is all possible."

Under that circumstance, only Lu Huai'an had the ability and appeal.

Can calmly persuade everyone to become active themselves.

After changing positions, things moved forward with little effort.

"What's the matter?" Lu Huai'an smiled and touched him lightly, "It's just a little effort."

Sun Hua's drinking now is relatively stable, and he basically doesn't drink too much outside.

At most, drink two or three glasses, which means that.

But in front of Lu Huai'an, he didn't do much control.

After drinking more, he held the cup and whispered softly, "I never dreamed that I would still be able to climb to where I am now."

At that time, his biggest dream was to live well.

He was really scared, afraid that if he didn't pretend to be stupid, he would be killed or really stupid.

Seeing that he drank too much, Lu Huai'an took down his glass: "What is this, you are just a starting point."

According to the current situation, Sun Hua may develop better than Guo Ming in the future.

After all, he is still so young!

Called the driver to come in and put the person into the car with difficulty: "Be careful on the road."

The next day, Li Peilin and his party finally came back.

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